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FireRed hack: Pokémon Thunder Emblem


  • 237

    <:..:Hack name:..:>
    Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    <:..:Hack of:..:>
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    -Do not spam!
    -Don't keep asking questions that already have been posted or answerd (like bug's)
    -DON'T ASK FOR BETA'S just be patient

    Hack of the month (PHO)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Hack of the month April (AWF)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    7.8\10 from the RHN
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    HOTM May pokecommunity
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Hack of the month May (AWF)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Annual Hack of the Year 2008! (AWF)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Hack of the week 37# (PC)
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Hello my name is Mitchel1 you may also know me as the maker of Pokemon Dark Cry and Pokemon Gengar's revenge. And now I'm presenting My new hack, Pokémon Thunder Emblem.
    With surprising new events,maps and scripts.I have more time to hack because I have spring break :) And the homework from my school has been decreased so I have even more time to work on my hack!.. ENJOY MY NEW HACK ;)

    After you have beaten the E4 you'd enough of POKéMON and you promised yourself to never take a step in the world of POKéMON again.
    But then you heard on the news that they found new POKéMONs outside the Sinnoh Region!

    But in the mean time the three emblem were active, the Fire Emblem the Aura Emblem and the Thunder Emblem. Because of this the three ledgendary dogs: Entei, Suicune and Raikou
    has awaked. Team Rocket are hunting the three emblems to control the three dogs. But the haven't had much sucess because the only emblem the have found was the Thunder Emblem. So Prof. Oak asked you to start your journey again,
    to stop Team Rocket and to retrive the thunder emblem and the other two emblems. before Team Rocket control the powerful POKéMON: RAIKOU!

    So you decided to start a new journey with another POKéMON. Not Bulbasaur or Charmander or Squirtle.You start with a Pikachu! And you start your journey with new Gymleaders, New POKéMON and new Maps!

    -Catch Munchlax in the beginning it will help you further in the game.
    -Stuck in Willsum city? Defeat first the team rocket grunts in Regran Valley after that you're able to defeat the team rocket grunt at Willsum City.
    -How to beat rotom? It's not that easy I know that. To defeat Rotom, you must train your pikachu to lvl.14-15 and buy a lot of potions and always use ThunderShock. it doesn't have alot of effect but it's one of the ways to defeat it, another way is to catch a Delibird in IcyWind cave.
    -How do i get my pokeballs?!, well it's easy, just go to reborn plains and there prof. oak will handel over the pokedex and pokeballs.

    <:..:one off Pokemon/Legendary Pokemon:..:>

    *New hero/heroine: (Ash/Dawn)
    *New and beter scripts
    *Fake town's
    *Fake routes
    *Harder then Fire Red
    *Other story
    *New tiles
    *New palletes
    *New gymleaders
    *New pokemon from Sinnoh (4th grade)
    *Back to the past
    *Poke ride
    *And a lot more ^^

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    <:..:Hacking Team:..:>
    Mitchel1 (me):Leader,Mapping,scripting,Overworld maker,Sprite maker, Tile inserter, tile maker etc.
    Zeikku SSJ7 and Metagross: Tilemap inserter/maker (example: New textbox, Dawn intro sprite, world map, titelscreen ect.)
    Zuaro: OW maker
    ¿TB Pro™: Grammar fixer
    JvG: Helps me sometimes out, when I need help with something in my hack
    Mac_Mini Scripting

    Green Charizard and PHO: For the rom base
    moebius: for the Ash OW
    WAH/Xiros: for the new D/P tree
    Elitemap: for that Dr.willy sprite (battle)
    WAH/Cloud: for the new heroine
    Sergio--:for the jesse OW + sprite (battle)(recoluored by me) + for the palmtree tile
    WAH/Pey: For the D/p traps/waterrock and other tiles
    kyledove: For the new D/P house (Big and small)\ Wooden house, Battle grounds and other tiles and the new pallet
    Don Patch: Water plants tiles, and other tiles
    Gary93: For the D/P gym tile
    Drevilg: For the jessie and james battle sprite (dubbel) + Celebi statue OW
    The people of Pokémon Platinum (G/S/C): for the Falkner OW + Unown tomb tiles
    Zel: for the blue sign tile/devamp world map tiles and some other tiles
    Alexmad: Some tiles/some pallets
    Thethethethe: For the titelscreen BG
    Balladofwindfishes: for the new Hero backsprite.
    NeoS: For the silver path tile
    Buizel 9: css layout

    First Jesse&James meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJifIDt_qrE
    First Prof. Zeno meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPQSq8lq3fc
    The return to the past event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KAtiqS49o0
    Unown tomb: https://es.youtube.com/watch?v=zBM3P1dAGS4
    Team Rocket script + shiny magikarp battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THdnJG5t_pc

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    made by Ryantjaa

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    made by DarkCharizard257

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    made by Zuaro

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Made by vinniej

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    Made by ZapMolCuno

    <:..:Bug's/glitches list:..:>
    Beta 1.0
    If you leave Willsum city you'll see that a man/woman/thing... waiting for you by the water... DON'T TALK TO IT!!!! it'll freeze your game.
    -Don't fall trough the ice in the Icy Wind cave You'll come in a Glitch World...
    -In Kiioro city pokecentre do not speak with the woman who asks for your profile. if you gave her the answer the one that's there already (I'm a pokemon friend) if you do this on any questions, you'll lost control of your character. you coud only control the camera not the player.
    -Do not open your trainer card or any other options in start if you're in the lab of prof. oak, if you can't move your character any longer.
    -no bug's further.
    New glitch has been spotted in beta 1.0, you could try it out but i'm not responsible that you can't leave!
    [spoiler][u][b]The glitch[/b][/u]
    You must begin here. You don't have to go to the past first!
    Walk now 1 step down
    Open now your trainer card.
    Close your trainer card. Do nothing further. 
    Now you can look down, left and right. If you done with that, 'scroll' back to your sprite ,and walk up.
    And you're in! Have fun in Tropical Zone (Beware, there is possible no way back! and the map got many map bugs and the pokemons are at a high lvl. so just try this if you're done with beta 1.0, or not :P)[/spoiler]
    [color=royalblue]Still have to make:[/color]
    -The OW from the hero/heroine are not done jet (and then I meen the set in pokémon OW) if the use exemple Flash.
    -Sometimes some little type mistakes. (almost never)
    -The backsprite of dawn
    -The new badges are not added yet i've already tried to add it but the my whole trainer card was on that moment a glitch.... :S
    -The keyitem icons still must be change.
    -The reflection of the hero in water/ice still has his old colors :S
    -The inner tiles (old for the PC) in the past still must be added so you can't enter it so only what i can say... buy a lot of potions. before you challenge FALKNER
    ((Those things will be added/fixed in beta 2.0 (i hope))
    [color=royalblue]Info (City/routes/cave/towns) who are availble:[/color]
    Glow Shire Village
    Regran Valley
    Orginal Cave
    Willsum City
    Reborn Plains
    Cold Valley
    Black forest
    Icywind Cave
    Kiioro City
    Rocket Warehouse
    Tropical Valley
    Fossil cave
    Violet city (past)
    tropical zone (unavaible.. reason I don't have the time to script the scipts there if i did script it the beta 1.0 will never be released before summervacation...so it's avaible in beta 2.0)
    Black rock cave entery (End of beta)
    [color=red]DON'T DO THIS!:[/color]
    Hello people now short information.....
    Do not steal the OW's + sprites (battle) from my hack!
    the same is by the tiles, Do not steal the tiles (tileset(s)) + pallets!
    So for your safety and all people around you
    Do not steal the tiles(tileset(s)) + pallets!!!!
    hallo mensen ff ten korte informatie....
    Steels niet ongevraagt OW's + sprites (gevecht) van me hack!
    het zelfde geld voor de tiles.. steel niet de tiles (tileset(s)) + de pallets
    dus voor je veiligheid en alle mensen om je heen
    steel niet de tiles (tileset(s)) + pallets!!!!!

    Beta 1.0: https://www.sendspace.com/file/119yt9
    Beta 2.0: Don't know at the moment

    Q: How far does beta 1.0 go?
    A: It's going to Black rock cave entery, or to say it different it has 2 gyms in it.

    Q: None of those screens are in beta 1.0! You're fakeing!
    A: No I'n not fakeing, those screens are for beta 2.0, if you want to know what kind of things beta 1.0 has, look in this topic from page 1 t/m the last page.

    Q: When beta 2.0 come's out?
    A: I'll not answer that.

    Nothing for now ;)

    Attention: Sorry if I speak not so good engels
    I'm dutch you see ;)

    Translated by Satoshi Sugimori! Fixed up by Mac_Mini ;)
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    @Kai.,driger369,lanjiao123456789: Thnx ^^

    @LiquidR: thnx and you can help me with that ;) just PM your msn and you're in to help with that ;)

    And there are new screens of the new city: Willsum City.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    And tommorow there are new screens of the new titelscreen (I hope then that D_P it has finished then) and new wildbattle screens with 4e grade
    It looks good, but why not continue from Gengar's Revenge?
    Anyway, looks great, but I do see a problem with the trees: your player's OW goes infront of the sides instead of behind the sides. It's very easy to fix though, I could even do it for you if you want.

    The tiles look nice also. I remember you were a good scripter from Gengar's Revenge, so I have no doubt the events will be good.

    I spotted a few tile errors on your maps, make sure you look them over, I can point them out if you want!

    ~Good Luck!~
    Looking pretty good!
    Just be sure to fix those tile errors you got there ;)
    The edges of the trees for example, and the roof of the house in the 2nd screenshot.
    The story was a bit short... Short and hanging... :\
    Are we gonna be in Sinnoh, or partly in Sinnoh..?
    The tiles are nice, and the plans are great. I wish you good luck with this hack. ;)
    @AntiRellik and Keyrin: about that second screen with that roof hears this way it's for a little event where the guy say (by the door) ''Sorry kid we're building'' and kick your away ;) and about the other tiles yes i know i want really the d/p Pokecenter/pokemarkt and the d/p gym building tiles but there is then 1 problem (i can't inport/make that tiles so i want to ask someon for help with inport that tiles i've fond the tiles on internet and i'm give that persone credits who maked that tiles ;) and for the one who inport them for me he comes in the Hacking Team ;)

    @destinedjagold: It's a little shinnou region and a howl new region (parts) ;) and thnx ^^

    Btw. ~Deleted~
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    story sounds cool i like how your going to put the 4th generation pokemon in it, around how many will be in it? and will the be rare or easy to find?
    @mcrc: ty and there is now 25 new sinnou pokemons in the game ^^ and the are even rare and easy to find ^^

    The new intro is done :) Thnx to JvG for making the new intro
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokémon Thunder Emblem

    and the event with snorlax is now a munchlax event with a new munchlax OW and new battles with team rocket....ENJOY the new video with the new battle style vs the d/p pkmn MUNCHLAX!
    I hope you like it ^^
    Good Job Mitchel (again) I am looking forward to see more of your hack. Maybe it's a good Idea to make up a better story, because this one is kinda boring...
    it looks good mitchel ;)
    I like your hacks!
    Don't let your hack die
    Cool, Green Charizard's base looks pretty good now that we get to see it in maps (arrgh... I hate the brightness of the green... I hate you D/P for that!!! >.<)

    So, I guess the graphical part is covered fine, now that will mean that you'll have to spend a good ammount of time scripting then ;P

    Hey, just take a look at the screen with the trees and the lake... On the right side of the lake the trees (its left sides) are not complete.
    It would be good playing a game that has actual differences in it. Decent story as well, good luck!
    Well, it's very nice to see this being used. I like your ideas and it has great potential. Along side what Zel said over the tree-water overlap (which I think you may have to create in block editor - ...I don't remember making that) I have noticed, however that your not always using the overlap tiles, for example: https://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1812/pokemonthunderemblemyx8.png

    You really should do this for consistency. If you get your maps perfect, it'll be great. Good luck