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FireRed hack: Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

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I just want to say one more stuff before going to work.

I've been a member of this community since 2008 (under the name as rockmanmegaman). From last year, I've been active member ever since. I've dedicated most of my times working on hack for people even though I'm not getting anything in return.

In addition, unlike some hackers back in that time, I never once asked for donation, etc. Even when my friend died and some insensitive people said how it doesn't matter and stuff, I still continued to work on my hack. This year, I almost failed 2 of my subjects and yet I still continue dedicating time to the hack. All these stuffs should've made me quit but nope it didn't.

When new hackers ask me for help, I do everything I can to help them (such as c06's hack). What I get in return is a crappy mod like Hashtag deleting my post about my other hacks.

And on the side note. Why should I create 1 big thread when it's 4 different games? They're not 4 games in 1. They all have a different narrative and story that links with each other. We have hackers creating different thread for their hacks, but I have to restrict my 4 games in 1 thread?
When Hashtag said that, I felt that he was mocking you, and therefore abusing power. If the Ruby Destiny Series weren't all in one big thread, why does Aethestode's magna hacks have to be in one? This is just so crazy and illogical... And hashtag is nowhere to be seen.
I do believe a riot is forming and hashtag is the target. I'll be surprised if i don't get fussed at for that statement. Anyway I've noticed that oyher than him most of the mods are either not around much or are mingling with us hackers and hack fans (im in the latter at the moment). That being said ut is a real tragedy when one mod causes problems. This bothers me because i joined for these wonderful hacks and gogo's platinum demakes. Uh-oh i mentioned another hack that is unrelated. The makes a massive thread is bs because youll have way more than 4 hacks when everything is done and one threaf for them all would be a mess. That aside i hope ya keep working and if it comes down to it i'll make a site for you to host your hacks.
Thank you people, I'm going to report him now. Other hackers get to have 1 thread for each of their hack, and he restrict me into having 1 thread for all my hacks, otherwise I'm not allowed to talk about my other hacks. Btw, when I was arguing with him, he was constantly threatening me about giving me a warning and stuff until I told him to simply just ban me. Seriously, I'm not a person who just stand by and let others push me around.

In addition, if you look in the few posts I posted before in Pokemon ADventrue Red chapter thread, he gave me warning for posting updates on my own hack. What the hell...?

In addition, when I was posting about me quitting, he felt the need (out of spite) to edit my post.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

I do believe a riot is forming and hashtag is the target. I'll be surprised if i don't get fussed at for that statement. Anyway I've noticed that oyher than him most of the mods are either not around much or are mingling with us hackers and hack fans (im in the latter at the moment). That being said ut is a real tragedy when one mod causes problems. This bothers me because i joined for these wonderful hacks and gogo's platinum demakes. Uh-oh i mentioned another hack that is unrelated. The makes a massive thread is bs because youll have way more than 4 hacks when everything is done and one threaf for them all would be a mess. That aside i hope ya keep working and if it comes down to it i'll make a site for you to host your hacks.

Same. The reason why I upload my hack in this community only is because I really liked most of the mods here. However, Hashtag is clearly abusing his powers.

According to Hashtag's logic. Putting an update for my game is considered as spamming. Wow...
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Aethestode is bar far my favorite hacker and its sad to see a mod thirsty for power ruin what so many users, including myself, were looking forward too.
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

^Wow... The guy refuses to offer an apology and this is what he said. So apparently he didn't say I should get 1 thread for all my hack (Even though he deleted all my recent posts about my other hacks in my Yellow Adventure thread, which basically trying to force me to merge my hack. And his response from our argument where he basically told me to just merge my hack if I want to post an update about my other hacks in my other hack thread. Talk about dense).

According to him, apparently he didn't edit my posts and he only merged it (even though, he deleted my post, or deleted sections from my posts, etc).

This just made me more mad, and the smiley face afterwards made it worst.
Yes, I have moved back, but before asking why, read the FAQ. Anyway, here's what's new with the hack.

New Main Chapter
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

New Bonus Chapter
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

New Features
New mega evolution
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

- You'll be able to play as Pikachu (When playing as Pikachu, you'll be able to reach places and do stuff that Yellow can't)
- You'll ride Doduo instead of a Bike (see video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8rEdgwCDkQ&feature=youtu.be)

- Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter Alpha 1 is playable https://www.mediafire.com/download/dukyj9h4j57kgbf/YELLOW+HACK.ips

New textbox colours to match the game's respective character
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

New title screen
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

New Other Things
New thread layout.

Release date for Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter Beta 1
31 August 2014

Welcome back, time to show PC what awesomeness they nearly missed :D Seeing those screenshots ... it's a lot of awesomeness :)
I'll be looking for beta testers for Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter, Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter, Pokemon Adventure Green Chapter and Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter.
Some new screenshots on the Doduo Ride.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

Can I be a beta tester for Yellow Chapter!

I've got enough beta tester for Yellow Chapter.

Beta tester? I can be one any time! You can make me beta test any hack, but I would really like to test out Green and Blue.

Yep,Okay, I'll sign you up for Green and Blue Chapter.
I'll be looking for beta testers for Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter, Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter, Pokemon Adventure Green Chapter and Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter.

I'd be happy to beta test any of your hacks Aethestode, if the positions are still available. :)
Doduo whistle eh I've seen something similar in a Final Fantasy game (8 I think) and that was a chocobo whistle.

The idea was from Final Fantasy 9 lol! How you whistle and then the moogle runs from across the map.
I'll be looking for beta testers for Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter, Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter, Pokemon Adventure Green Chapter and Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter.

Dibs on Adventure Red's Beta Testing,(if there's a spot Available) i'll Do my Best at Spoting any Problems
The idea was from Final Fantasy 9 lol! How you whistle and then the moogle runs from across the map.

Oh I forgot about that feature in 9, lol. Been a long time since I played 9. I cant wait to see how that works in game. Speaking of games I'd love to beta test Blue if the list for blue isn't filled. Anyway I'm happy to see all the great progress on the 4 chapters.
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