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FireRed hack: Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

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Finished Reckless Student chapter.

Okay people... Lets get something straight here before I get more barrage of annoying emails.

a) I did not steal
C067912881's Yellow sprites! The sprites (both with the hat and without the hat) were made by me. He ask me for it, and I gave it to him. Look at his thread, and you'll see that he already gave full credit to me. So before you send anymore angry emails, open your freaking eyes and read. Seriously, I don't mind helping other hackers but things like this really makes me regret helping others!

b) Yes, I am Aethestode. The one who created Pokemon Adventure Red and Pokemon Adventure Green... Please... My username is just below the thread...

c) I did not steal
C067912881's hack title, and no! I would not change the name of the hack. I've already made it clear in my other hack that I was gonna do Yellow chapter and name it Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter. The banners for Yellow were made a year ago which is proof that I was gonna name my Yellow hack with that title. In addition, I was working on this hack in the beginning of the year, I just rarely focus on it.

d) Yes! I would be working on Pokemon ADventure Blue Chapter. I already created a thread for it. I just don't know why the admin hasn't approved it yet.

e) How am I a jerk for creating Yellow Adventure? It's no secret that I was going to do it soon. I mean it's not my fault that Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter's thread isn't approved yet. If I am a jerk I wouldn't have gave
C067912881 my Yellow sprites, or promote his/her hack in my other threads.

Reckless Student Chapter
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
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The game looks intersting :D
by the way did you think about doing the Gold Chapter, Silver Chapter versions ?
Hashtag, I don't think you have the right to delete my post that answers to other people's question. I mean the 2 games are linked, no even reported on the post. Okay, ban me then for replying to a post.

Okay, I'm going to reply again. I've already created a thread for Blue Chapter, and blue chapter is already being made, but it wasn't approved yet as there was only 4 screenshots eventhough I update the thread regularly.

I'm going by the english name.

I'm so sorry, I thought Thufizer was the english name
I'm so sorry, I thought Thufizer was the english name

Nope, it's just translated.

Okay, I've decided to quit making Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter. Why? Yesterday I notice the comments I've posted in my thread were deleted by the mod because according to him it was off topic. I was even told that in my thread, I cannot talk about my other hacks (even though they're linked together).

I'm going to move my hack into another forum or another community where there is a lot more freedom. If I can't find any, then I'll just quit. Bye.
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That's pretty messed up on the mod's part. Why not let him answer peoples questions and such? Well good luck in whatever your gonna do aethesode.
So, the mod deleted My post asking why they'd delete posts that were on-topic. Well this makes little sense.
I was really looking forward to Aethestode's Yellow Chapter *sniff* and I had high hopes for this too! This is so not fair! I might play the other rip off Yellow Chapter (let's admit it, this was all Aethestode's idea) but now I won't! I've never seen someone in quite a while being frequently updating with the public about hacks, and for it to go down like that... This is shameful of hashtag to do this. We need Aethestode back! Sure there's Mirage of Tales but this was my favorite by far. Now thanks to Aethestode, everyone wants to make hacks of the magna series. Bring him back!
So, the mod deleted My post asking why they'd delete posts that were on-topic. Well this makes little sense.

Notice how it's by the same mod? This is what happened in my situation

1) A person praised my hack and asked whether Adventure Blue was in the making as well in the Yellow Hack.
2) I said yes but my Blue thead wasn't approved because it only had 4 screens. The admin deleted that post.
3) I repost it again as I feel like the post needed to be post since it would explain why the Blue chapter thread hasn't be up yet, and to tell other people that I am working on it.
4) Hashtag deleted it again. I repost it again and wrote I don't think you have the right to delete my post as I was answering another person's post in my own thread.
5) Hashtag then deleted the other person's post and my post again and gave an excuse saying the other person were off topic and that I was replying to the deleted post (notice how he didn't delete the other person's post until I said he doesn't have the right to delete my post as I was replying to another person's question).
6) I pm him about the situation saying you shouldn't delete my post as the 4 hacks are related and linked so it is related to the thread. I then said in my thread people and I talk about the other hacks as well. He then said I either put the 4 hacks together or keep them separate in the thread (and not talking about the other hacks at all).
7) Not to mention I got warnings apparently.

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
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I know plenty of mods who are awesome but hashtag ain't one of them. The most active hacker on PC quits because of some lousy attitude by #. This is injustice! We need to overthrow hashtag for being a hater...
Back in the days before Hashtag came here, the community was a lot better. So much freedom, Karatekid was awesome... I don't know where Hashtag comes from but all these restrictions just resembles a dictator trying to show his power of deleting post. Notice how Rago, Sceptile and my posts were deleted eventhough they ARE related to the thread.
How the heck is Pokemon ADVENTURE Red, Pokemon ADVENTURE Green, and Pokemon [/ADVENTURE YellowB] hacks not related?? Is he 4 real?
How the heck is Pokemon ADVENTURE Red, Pokemon ADVENTURE Green, and Pokemon [/ADVENTURE YellowB] hacks not related?? Is he 4 real?

The most ridiculous part is that the creator of the 4 hacks (ME) are restricted from talking about my own hack. Seriously, even in tv interviews with a director, the director would talk about his other movies AND NOT JUST THE ONE THAT IS CURRENTLY BEING INTERVIEWED ABOUT.
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