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FireRed hack: Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

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  • 1,700
    • Seen Aug 14, 2023
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    Hack Name: Pokemon Adventure - Yellow Chapter
    Hack of:
    Pokemon FireRed US Version 1.0 Rom

    This game is based on the Pokemon Adventure Manga. The game follows the manga closely with nearly all the events inside. However, some events were changed to make it longer. The fact that the game follows the manga closely, you don't get to chose your own starter Pokemon. However, you'll be able to get them all later in the game. Despite the game following the Manga's storyline, some events were changed or alter to make it longer. Yellow Chapter is part of the Pokemon Adventure series I am making.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    2 years have passed since the horrific battle in Saffron City. Red, the champion of Kanto disappeared after the battle with a mysterious trainer. Now it's up to Yellow and Red's Pikachu to find the whereabouts of Red. Unknown to her is that the foe she's facing is more dangerous than she ever expected.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    • Story follows the Manga exactly with few extra events.
    • Only girl is playable.
    • Not all Pokemon are catch-able eventually.
    • Doduo and Rattata are the starter Pokemon (Base stats increased)
    • Blue and Green makes more appearance.
    • New tiles, maps, textures, items, trainer class and pokemon sprites.
    • Game would have OPTIONAL events that would change the storyline.
    • The main character speaks in color text.
    • No HM FLY yet.
    • Several reference to the anime.
    • Some trainers have special Pokemon.
    • 3 new Pokemon types: Fairy, Shadow and Glitch.
    • Optional events that would affect the game's outcome.
    • Day and night system.
    • Able to travel back to the past.
    • Gen VI attacks and abilities are in the game.
    • New map design
    • Mega Evolutions (Pikachu/Raichu, Raticate, Golem, Eevee, Crobat)
    • Yellow will be able to ride on Doduo

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    The hack follows the story of the manga (extended a little). Most of the story elements are canon to the manga storyline. The storyline implemented so far are categorized in "chapters" format. Those are:

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    The Past saga would bridge the game to Gold and Silver chapter by introducing Celebi time traveling (which played a huge role in the GSC chapter). In this saga, Yellow would be warped back to the past by Celebi. This saga contain several chapters and would be as big as the main saga. However, this saga can only be played after completing the Main Saga. It should be noted that this saga is non-canon.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    These are some bonus chapters that doesn't exist in the manga but serve as a side story for the players. Most of the bonus chapters offer prizes for the player. Some offer merely an Easter egg or give character development for some minor characters.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    Green - Fixed currently or for next beta

    Orange - Non-fatal Glitch
    Red - Fatal Glitches[FONT=&quot]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    Q: Help! How do you patch the game?

    A: You'll need Lunar IPS, the beta patch (later version) and a clean Pokemon FireRed 1.0 Rom. You'll need to patch onto a clean rom.

    Q: The file I've downloaded doesn't work! You suck!
    A: Did you patch onto a clean FireRed 1.0 rom?

    QL How to set Day and Night system on?
    Set RTC on.

    Q: I can't save!
    A: Set your save setting as 128.

    Q: When you release a new patch, can I simply resume from my previous savefile?
    A: Yes! Only if you were playing a recent beta file.

    Q: Why did you come back?
    A: People constantly sending me emails and pm asking where is my hack located now. In addition, whenever I log in here, I see people asking where my hack is now. So i thought it'll be easier to just keep my thread alive here, but still focus on Pokemon Hacker Online. Anymore other questions, please send a pm.

    Q: Is this C067912881's game?
    Nope. We're not working together either.

    Q: Should I play your Yellow Version or C067912881's version?
    Just play both, it's a different game anyway.

    Q: You copied C067912881's game title!
    Actually, I did not. I've already came up the name for Yellow Chapter since a year ago when I was creating Red Chapter.

    Q: You stole C067912881's game sprite!
    Actually, I gave those sprites to him/her. I gave her the Yellow OW sprite (with hat and without hat). I also gave her the running sprite of Yellow, and the sprites of Green.

    Q: You stole C067912881's game idea!
    What!? How the F### did you come into that conclusion when Red Adventure, Green Adventure and Blue Adventure are made by me? Open your eyes.

    Q: I think you should change your game's name to avoid confusion with C067's game.
    Please don't ask me that again. Why should I change my game name when I had that idea first.

    Q: Do you hate C067? Why is your FAQ mostly about him?
    I don't hate him, I only hate the people who sends me pm/emails saying I stole stuff off him (e.g. Yellow Sprites) when I created those sprites.

    Q: Is the Ponyta chapter in the game?
    No because that's going to be the ending of Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter

    Q: What is the Rat Attack Bonus Chapter?
    It's a chapter where Yellow will remember how she first caught Rattata (will be able to play as young Yellow).

    Q: Will Red be playable?
    No. This game focuses on Yellow. Red got Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter and Pokemon Adventure FireRed Chapter to be in the spotlight.

    Q: Will the FireRed and LeafGreen chapter be playable?
    Not in this game. There'll be a ThunderYellow game for Yellow which focuses on her in the Sevii Island.

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [FONT=&quot]Beta 1 ;)
    Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter Beta 1

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    Show your support for the hacks with these banners.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    Last edited:
    Good to know you're gonna start Adventure Yellow
    I just hope you finish Adventure Green first, that way people might give a chance to a smaller hacker like C067912881
    As for the game itself, I'm really not sold on the idea of Shadow and Glitch type, but I dunno
    Are there gonna be Fakemons to fit those two types? If not, would be cool if you gave a list of at least some Pokemon that would have those types
    Good to know you're gonna start Adventure Yellow
    I just hope you finish Adventure Green first, that way people might give a chance to a smaller hacker like C067912881
    As for the game itself, I'm really not sold on the idea of Shadow and Glitch type, but I dunno
    Are there gonna be Fakemons to fit those two types? If not, would be cool if you gave a list of at least some Pokemon that would have those types

    You know the Zapmulcuno from Pokemon Adventure Red CHapter? That was a Glitch type.
    Yeah, don't worry. I'm going to focus mainly on Red, Green and Blue.
    bro now u made red and green.now making yellow but why no blue??
    Okay so I'm a bit confused, there are two of these games in development at the same time, both following a similar story? Why not work together? I see you're working on other games right now anyways??
    Last edited:
    Okay so I'm a bit confused, there are two of these games in development at the same time, both following a similar story? Why not work together? I see you're working on other games right now anyways??

    a) I don't like working in teams
    b) I have my own ideas
    c) Just ebcause it follows the same character and plot, but the gameplay can be rly different.
    Oh yeah, This is Sweet two Hacks of Pokemon Adventures : Yellow, I wished both your version & C067912881's Version of Yellow... Good Luck^^
    Nice to see this starting! Now i have a couple of questions about this hack:

    - So in the Yellow chapter Yellow gets her own Pikachu (Chuchu) at the end right? So story wise she gives Red's Pikachu (Pika) back. Game play wise however will they be same or different Pokemon? What i mean is will Chuchu have the same level and stats as Pika when yellow gets Chuchu just with a different gender? (seeing as we will raise Pika until that point) OR will it be programmed with average level of Pokemon of that point in the game?
    - Since Red's Venasaur got a Mega Evolution and assuming Blue's charizard and Green's Blastoise will get one too, will Yellow's Pikachu(or Raichu) get a Mega Evolution? It would be amazing if it was based off this artwork:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    You probably haven't thought that far ahead but i was just wondering if you could answer these questions.
    Love your hacks Aethestode, so count on me to try out your hack of Yellow! Red Chapter was totally awesome, and Green Chapter is coming out well! Can't wait for Blue Chapter and your future projects on hacks!
    Nice to see this starting! Now i have a couple of questions about this hack:

    - So in the Yellow chapter Yellow gets her own Pikachu (Chuchu) at the end right? So story wise she gives Red's Pikachu (Pika) back. Game play wise however will they be same or different Pokemon? What i mean is will Chuchu have the same level and stats as Pika when yellow gets Chuchu just with a different gender? (seeing as we will raise Pika until that point) OR will it be programmed with average level of Pokemon of that point in the game?
    - Since Red's Venasaur got a Mega Evolution and assuming Blue's charizard and Green's Blastoise will get one too, will Yellow's Pikachu(or Raichu) get a Mega Evolution? It would be amazing if it was based off this artwork:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

    You probably haven't thought that far ahead but i was just wondering if you could answer these questions.

    Chuchu would be a unique Pikachu, it would be female gender. Chuchu would get her own mega evo.

    Love your hacks Aethestode, so count on me to try out your hack of Yellow! Red Chapter was totally awesome, and Green Chapter is coming out well! Can't wait for Blue Chapter and your future projects on hacks!


    Are you going to make separate stories in the GSC Chapter?

    For GSC chapter, there would be chapter that focuses on Gold, Silver and Crystal respectively.
    great job man. cant wait for the new projects u r working on. good luck with all of them.
    I'm really looking forward to this and your future releases. I never post here but keep up the great work!
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