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FireRed hack: Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

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I'm going to postpone the date to the 10th. Sorry, I'm just busy with University right now. After the 5th. I'm on a 3 weeks break, so I can fix things up quickly.

Oh I forgot about that feature in 9, lol. Been a long time since I played 9. I cant wait to see how that works in game. Speaking of games I'd love to beta test Blue if the list for blue isn't filled. Anyway I'm happy to see all the great progress on the 4 chapters.

Yeah sure, I'll sign you up.
I know you aren't copying c067912881 because if people don't realize it the next manga volumes 4-7 in the Pokemon Adventures it is called Yellow chapter (Adventures) so you don't have to tell me Aethestode and I know c067912881 have their way of doing their game that I'm sure will also be good and different just as your game will be good and different also. So just ignore the people who don't know the order of the manga series and think you should change the title or say you're copying, as always I will be following your games and keep them coming to me so I can play them
I know you aren't copying c067912881 because if people don't realize it the next manga volumes 4-7 in the Pokemon Adventures it is called Yellow chapter (Adventures) so you don't have to tell me Aethestode and I know c067912881 have their way of doing their game that I'm sure will also be good and different just as your game will be good and different also. So just ignore the people who don't know the order of the manga series and think you should change the title or say you're copying, as always I will be following your games and keep them coming to me so I can play them

Yeah, you think that but you'll be surprise. It doesn't happen anymore, but I remember the first few weeks there were pm saying I took the idea, or that I stole the sprites... Like how dumb and blind can someone be, and not read? Heck C07 gave credit that he/she used my sprite, and people still sent me pm claiming I stole the sprite (dumb people, e.g. herp derp). but yeah, after putting it on the FAQ, I stop receiving those type of pm or email. Thanks for the motivation, very sweet.
About beta tester i might have time to be a beta tester for Red.
Finished Decoy Chapter
Finished Ice Queen Chapter

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]

[PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter [Aethestode]
Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter Beta 1 is avaiable for download.

Available for download:
Pokemon Adventure Red Chapter 9
Pokemon Adventure Blue Chapter Beta 1(waiting for thread approval)
Pokemon Adventure Green Chapter Beta 3
Pokemon Adventure Yellow Chapter Beta 1 (Beta 1 in Progressing Hack)
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I finished beta 1, obviously it was awesome :D u're a top haker

1. u should block the access to the sea route south to pallet town (i reached cinnibar and seaform islands with my super-fuc**ng pika, then my team lost again a lv32 seel xD)
1bis. if u re-enter the cave in viridian forest u're not in a cave, but in the challenge/trade room of pkmn center
2. when u battle seadra in viridian forest: u battle a dewgong instead of a seadra
3. when u battle lorelei in viridian foest: it says "pkmn seadra would like to battle" or something similar, i don't see the spirte of lorelei
[in other words 2. and 3. have the same battle]

Pokemon Blue Chapter:
4. when u enter in the pokemon center of pallet the screen become black :/ (i had to restore my pkmn in my bed, if you what i mean xD)

Pokemon Red Chapter:
5. when i enter in the house-gate (how do u call this thing? xD) after the forest i'm no more able to move, open the menu, etc.
6. there is a person in the pension that freeze the game :/

if someone has already reported this bugs i'm sorry, my mistake

congratulations for your hack series ;)
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I finished beta 1, obviously it was awesome :D u're a top haker

1. u should block the access to the sea route south to pallet town (i reached cinnibar and seaform islands with my super-fuc**ng pika, then my team lost again a lv32 seel xD)
1bis. if u re-enter the cave in viridian forest u're not in a cave, but in the challenge/trade room of pkmn center
2. when u battle seadra in viridian forest: u battle a dewgong instead of a seadra
3. when u battle lorelei in viridian foest: it says "pkmn seadra would like to battle" or something similar, i don't see the spirte of lorelei
[in other words 2. and 3. have the same battle]

Pokemon Blue Chapter:
4. when u enter in the pokemon center of pallet the screen become black :/ (i had to restore my pkmn in my bed, if you what i mean xD)

Pokemon Red Chapter:
5. when i enter in the house-gate (how do u call this thing? xD) after the forest i'm no more able to move, open the menu, etc.
6. there is a person in the pension that freeze the game :/

if someone has already reported this bugs i'm sorry, my mistake

congratulations for your hack series ;)

Thanks, I'll fix those glitches right away.
What character do I name, when I name Blue in the intro?

That doesn't matter, I just named him Silver but I didn't see anything that used the given name. Silver was already coded in as is blue thus I don't think it has any influence
Mega Pikachu/Raichu?! Oh duuuude, I'm with it. I'm hip. Aethestode, I'm sure you heard this enough from me but you're very impressive and the Pokemon chosen for Mega Evolution definitely could use them. I always loved the way that Golem looked even though he seems like a step back from Graveler who had four arms. :P
I like how there is two people making hacks about the same thing, it would be like two artists drawing a portrait of the same person, I will look the subtle Nuances and hope that both will be very enjoyable,
Will you make Diamond/Pearl/Platinum chapters in the distant future
Mega Pikachu/Raichu?! Oh duuuude, I'm with it. I'm hip. Aethestode, I'm sure you heard this enough from me but you're very impressive and the Pokemon chosen for Mega Evolution definitely could use them. I always loved the way that Golem looked even though he seems like a step back from Graveler who had four arms. :P

Yeah, back then (like years and years ago), I thought Gravellar was the last stage of the Geodude evolution line.

What character do I name, when I name Blue in the intro?
No one.
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