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FireRed hack: Pokemon Orange Islands

just curious are the base stats and other game mechanics up to 6th or 7th gen standards? I put pikachu into a 5th gen IV calculator and it says the defense stats are wrong for level ten so I wanna see if you changed any base stat totals. You should probobly list any changes in your first post.
just curious are the base stats and other game mechanics up to 6th or 7th gen standards? I put pikachu into a 5th gen IV calculator and it says the defense stats are wrong for level ten so I wanna see if you changed any base stat totals. You should probobly list any changes in your first post.

I only want to clarify that nothing has been changed to resemble one particular generation. There have been made a few small changes in learned movesets/evolution methods/moves/pokemon's base stats to match to anime more, or to improve some otherwise almost worthless moves (like fire spin, fury cutter, etc)

I prefer to not put up a list of changes, I think it'll be more fun to just find it out yourself. If you're too curious you can always use some hacking tools to explore the rom yourself:)
hey is there any chance of getting pidgiot back. that be cool and we get another mega pokemon. kind of sucks how ash kind of just let him go
@Teanz Gamer
When it's finished I would be interested in something like that to make everyone able to play this game. But I will only allow it if it's done with the same level of perfection I have in mind for the English version.

No, Ash's Pidgeot is not in the anime in the Orange Islands, so I won't make it obtainable in a similar way like Bulbasaur, etc. There are plenty of Pidgey's and Pidgeotto's to be found around the Orange Islands though, so don't hesitate to train your own;) (check the pokedex if you want to know where you can catch them)

Hi all,

I just finished the game up to Navel Island/Grapefruit Islands (Roughly comparable to 4 gyms in a regular Pokemon Game) and decided to release it up to this point as Beta 2. I don't expect to have a lot of time to work on it in the coming months and I don't want to keep you guys waiting too long for something new!

Even if you find the tiniest bugs/glitches not mentioned in the BUGS section I would encourage you to react in this thread or send me a message.

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I found a bug that wasn't listed, during the first team rocket battle, since it's a double battle and I only had Pikachu, it duplicated my Pikachu for the battle.

A simple solution to this would be to give Lapras before the rocket battle.

Was there a particular reason for replacing the best part of the orange islands (trials) with regular gym battles btw?
Yea, I heard about that one, it'll be fixed in the next bugfixed version;)
Might make it a single battle instead of double.

The reason for not doing the trials is because the base rom (Fire Red) is not made for making such a challenge. So I would either had to implement it in some way like Ash Gray did (with a wave race and sled race) , following the anime. But in Ash Gray it was just implemented to exactly follow the anime and not to have an enjoyable gameplay (in my view). So I decided not to do that and have a regular gymbattle instead.
Some suggestions:

  • Add events from Movie 2, which is also set in OI...
  • Add more water-types from other generations...
  • Add the Alolan forms, Rotom, the Weather Trio, Mega Evolution and Ultra Beasts for post-game quests...
  • Add the returning of GS Ball to Kurt of Azalea Town in Johto...

- Movie 2 event is planned after beating the Orange League, although a part of Shamouti Island will be available before that.

- No pokemon from other generations will be added

- GS Ball to Kurt? No, that would be featured if I would ever make a Johto hack of the Anime, but I have no plans for that yet.
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Just uploaded a bugfixed version (Beta 2.1) of Orange Islands. This version contains fixed/improved overworld sprites and a few reported bugfixes;)

Edit: I actually forgot to import the new overworlds-.-, I'll upload the correct version tomorrow.
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No I'm not planning to, a gym battle is supposed to be a little hard and you shouldn't necessarily be able to beat Cissy easily. And I don't think she's that hard to beat, there's plenty of trainers available before you fight her...
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Great work! I really hope you finish this game and FINALLY we can all play a definite Orange Islands game!

I just have these questions and insights:


- How are you doing for the gyms which you have to do something before battling the leader? (Cissy = Water Gun target test + Surfing race; Danny = Climb mountain + Freeze a geyser race + Build a Toboggan + Toboggan race; Rudy = Target test; Same-type Pokémon battle) (see scripts made in pokémon naranja by Danny. Maybe they can help you ;) )
- Is it possible to put all the existent pokéballs in the game (not only the ruby/saphire/emerald, but the other ones (for example, the apricot ones)?
- Will the Crystal Onix be catchable and have a specific type?
- Will you put alolan forms in your game?
- Are you going to put gen 2 pokémon in the game? If so, who are you going to put?
- Are you going to put the Mewtwo island in the game?

Suggestions and insights:

- In order to make this game as closest as an "official Pokémon game", Prof. Ivy could give you as starters the elemental monkeys (Pansage, Pansear and Panpour)
- Maybe in a post-game, you could also add Decolore islands as well
- In order to make possible the only-by-trading evolutions using only this game, you could make a script for a "trading machine" that automatIcally trades and evolves the pokémon, making it an official evolution.
- Instead of changing the colors of the pokémon, they could be shiny. That way, you could trade pokémon and they won't lose the color when transfering it to another nintendo game.

Keep up the great work!

Best regards,
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Thanks! I can't promise anything but finishing it eventually is the plan;)

Question answers:
1: I guess you're asking why I have regular gym battles instead of the challenges from the Anime, right? In that case I recommend reading the comments in this thread;)
2: Crystal Onix? Same as above, but can be answered with just one word: no.
3: Alolan Forms? Same as above, and can also be answered with one word, no.
4: Gen 2 Pokemon? I was kind of planning to originally because I falsely remembered some of the Gen 2 Pokemon were in the Anime as well. It turned out Tracey's Marill was the only one in the series. And Slowking and Lugia appeared in a Movie. Since None of them will be catchable I think I'll eventually only include Gen 1 Pokemon.
5: Mewtwo: Probably, I want Mewtwo to be catchable eventually. I haven't thought about how and where though, but I could do it with that Mewtwo Island. If it will be included it will be after the main storyline.

1: Ivy's Starter Pokemon: No, only Gen 1.
2: I have no idea what the decolore islands are
3: I always hated that some Pokemon evolved by trading them, so that will not be included
4: I think I did exactly what you said:P Some pokemon with a different (Orange Archipelago specific) color will appear as shiny.

One thing I also want to note: Although I made the second floor of the Pokemon Center available, I heard that trading is probably not working correctly. So I will eventually look into that to try and fix it (If possible).

Hope this clarifies;)
I have a quicksell question. Are there Evolutions from later games like steelix, Magmortar or tyrogue?