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FireRed hack: Pokemon Orange Islands

  • 760
    • Seen today
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands


    You will play as Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town! Just after Ash conquered the Indigo League he got back to his mom in his hometown where Professor Oak has a new objective for him. He wants Ash to go to Valencia Island to pick up a strange kind of Pokeball for him, since Professor Ivy is unable to send it to him through the PC system. Of course Ash is eager to take this easy objective. What happens after this is, of course, already known to you because we all saw the anime. Nearly all episodes on the Orange Islands are covered, but not all events are necessarily very prominent. Some episodes are implemented as an important part of the storyline, while some are just miniquests.​


    • The Orange Archipelago
    • 4 Gym Leaders & Badges
    • New Sprites
    • New Tiles
    • New Maps
    • Pikachu as starter and the possibility to get Ash's other Pokemon early in-game
    • All Pokemon from Generation I (plus Tracey's Marill from Generation II)
    • Physical/Special/Status Split
    • No Pokeball taken upon failed capture
    • Items to use Dive, Whirpool, Rock Smash & Rock Climb


    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands


    • The surfing Lapras sprite occasionally overlaps some other overworld sprites and sometimes doesn't appear.
    • Occasionally, a supereffective Thunderbolt causes an annoying sound loop. For now restarting the game fixes it.


    The current Beta version (5.7) is completely finished, including the Movie 2000 Event on Shamouti Island.​




    How do I get on the cliffs of Pinkan Island?
    Talk to the old lady in Sunburst Island's Pokemon Center, she will give you a hint. In general, talk to NPC's. They often tell useful information.

    How do I get past the whirlpools to Fairchild Island?
    Someone on Trovita Island will give you the Whirlpuller after you beat Rudy. In general, talk to NPC's. They occasionally give away items.

    How can I get to New Island?
    Talk to Tracey in Pallet Town after the Shamouti Island Event, he will help you further.

    Why are Pokémon in Valencia Park Shiny?
    Because they are a different color in the Anime as well.

    Why am I not able to climb up a Waterfall?
    Waterfall is solely an attacking move in this game. The field effect has been removed on purpose.

    How can I get the Crystal Onix?
    It's catchable after you beat the Orange League.

    Why did you replace the gym challenges from the Anime for regular Pokémon Battles?
    First, the story for this game is based on the Anime and not truthful to the Anime. Therefore, I chose to make gym battles instead of the Anime challenges (Wave race, Sled race, etc), because those fit in better within a Pokémon hack based on Fire Red. After all, the whole game is based on battling with Pokémon, not racing with them.

    Why don't my Pokémon evolve through trading?
    Despite the fact that trading is working in Orange Islands, I want to make the Pokedex fully completable without the need to trade. Therefore I made Kadabra, Graveler, Haunter and Machoke evolve at level 40 instead.

    Do I need to take Ash's Pokemon from the Anime with me to make certain events happen?

    On what generation are a Pokemon's moves based in this game?
    Generation III, except for some Pokemon that Ash originally obtained in the Anime. Some of those Pokemon will have slightly altered movesets, like Charizard learning Seismic Toss by leveling up and Butterfree learning Gust at an earlier level.

    Are you going to include Pokémon from other Generations?
    No, they're not in the Anime and they don't have my interest. Lugia, Slowking and Marill will be included, however, because they make an appearance in the story.


    • Alcanthite Team - Tiles
    • Alucus - Tiles
    • Avara - Tiles
    • Chacha Dinosaur - Light Ball Routine
    • Daman - Sprites, Support
    • Diegoisawesome - Triple-Layer Blocks
    • DoesntKnowHowToPlay - Physical/Special/Status Split
    • FamiliaWerneck - Pokeball Routine
    • FBI - Various Tweaks
    • Fire Red Overworld Sprite Resource - Sprites
    • Ghoulslash - Surfing Lapras Routine
    • Jiangzhengwenjz - Titlescreen Transition
    • JPAN - Hacked Engine
    • Kensuyjin33 - Sprites
    • Kyledove - Tiles
    • MrDollSteak - The DS-style 64x64 Pokémon Sprite Resource (Sugimori Palettes)
    • Navenatox - Dynamic Overworld Sprites
    • Spherical Ice - Various Tweaks, Dive ASM Routine
    • TaniJ - Sprites
    • Wesley FG - Tiles
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    This looks so polished! The cutscenes look amazing, especially! Good luck with this! :)

    This also makes me feel more motivated to work on my own hack, hehe

    looks really nice for your first try... i'll be posting one soon, let me know when this is finished!
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    Wow.. This looks gorgeous as hell man. I really cannot wait to see how far this hack will progress. The orange islands has always piqued my interest. Naranja was the closest we ever got towards having a working, full fledged orange island hack. The maps look polished as well. Keep up the good work and I'm sure that once a lengthier beta comes out, this hack will gain more attention.
    Hi all,

    I'm happy to announce that I just released the first Beta version of Pokemon Orange Islands. I think/hope that it will be a solid base to build further on.

    I started over from scratch, so it's possible that there are bugs/glitches that weren't there before.
    As said before, I'm very perfectionistic. So even if you find the tiniest bugs/glitches not mentioned in the Bugs section, please let me know:)

    The first beta will end at the cliffs of Pinkan Island, just so you know.

    So I just finished beta 1..and wow, it was superb.😊
    Simply loved the level of perfection, that too in a beta...that being said will the beta file be compatible for further releases?
    Really liked the mapping of the islands too, level curve seems fine tho some of the trainers ,after we defeat them , have repetitive dialogues( something like 'not good enough')
    I did encounter 1 or 2 bugs but for a beta, this was gold(or orange)😅
    1. Ivysaur sprite in menu is fully blue
    2. In tangelo island, 3 people block your path towards the pc if we approach from the south right?(during the wounded Lapras arc). but if we walk into any house and come out they disperse.(dunno if they're even needed)
    3. This is just my opinion but prof ivy walks out of the water with her coat on, ie, only a single sprite. It would be slightly more natural if there was a swimsuit sprite.
    4. There's a body of water just before crystal cave right? After I encountered a wild poke there, and finished the battle, I couldn't get out of the water. The prob being this only happened when I finished traceys battle( and the rest of the trainers) and waded straight into the water. When I finished traceys battle, went to the pc and surfed in the water there wasn't any problem and I could reach the cave.
    ( also the machop of the battle girl in that route learns feather dance for some reason)
    5. There seems to be a map mismatch, ie, the water of route E(problem with the rocks), just before we encounter Jesse and James in the floating magi kara
    It becomes progressively worse as we move to and fro through that area

    You had mentioned that even the tiniest bugs should be mentioned, that's why. But I really liked this hack and hope u complete it😁
    So I just finished beta 1..and wow, it was superb.??????
    Simply loved the level of perfection, that too in a beta...that being said will the beta file be compatible for further releases?
    Really liked the mapping of the islands too, level curve seems fine tho some of the trainers ,after we defeat them , have repetitive dialogues( something like 'not good enough')
    I did encounter 1 or 2 bugs but for a beta, this was gold(or orange)??????
    1. Ivysaur sprite in menu is fully blue
    2. In tangelo island, 3 people block your path towards the pc if we approach from the south right?(during the wounded Lapras arc). but if we walk into any house and come out they disperse.(dunno if they're even needed)
    3. This is just my opinion but prof ivy walks out of the water with her coat on, ie, only a single sprite. It would be slightly more natural if there was a swimsuit sprite.
    4. There's a body of water just before crystal cave right? After I encountered a wild poke there, and finished the battle, I couldn't get out of the water. The prob being this only happened when I finished traceys battle( and the rest of the trainers) and waded straight into the water. When I finished traceys battle, went to the pc and surfed in the water there wasn't any problem and I could reach the cave.
    ( also the machop of the battle girl in that route learns feather dance for some reason)
    5. There seems to be a map mismatch, ie, the water of route E(problem with the rocks), just before we encounter Jesse and James in the floating magi kara
    It becomes progressively worse as we move to and fro through that area

    You had mentioned that even the tiniest bugs should be mentioned, that's why. But I really liked this hack and hope u complete it??????

    Thanks for the detailed list of bugs/glitches!
    1: It's supposed to be that way, there is a limited amount of colors for the pokemon menu sprites
    2: They're supposed to be there, since you should run into the Lapras event before you reach the rest of Tangelo Island.
    3: In the anime the professor gets her lab coat thrown to her by one of her assistants when she jumps out of the water. That she's directly in full clothing is indeed a little weird. But I think it would be a lot of work for a small difference to make a entirely new overworld sprite (You're right though)
    4: Will look into this problem, think it has something to do with the kind of trainerbattle I use for Tracey
    5: You're totally right, small mistake from my side in the map connection.

    You're also right about the simple dialogue trainers say after they're defeated, but it's difficult to come up with original dialogue for every NPC-.-

    I'm not planning to change any of the flags/variables/maps I used to this point. So I guess your savefile would be compatible with future releases;) Be sure to always make your last save in a pokemon center.
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    Thanks for the detailed list of bugs/glitches!
    1: It's supposed to be that way, there is a limited amount of colors for the pokemon menu sprites
    2: They're supposed to be there, since you should run into the Lapras event before you reach the rest of Tangelo Island.
    3: In the anime the professor gets her lab coat thrown to her by one of her assistants when she jumps out of the water. That she's directly in full clothing is indeed a little weird. But I think it would be a lot of work for a small difference to make a entirely new overworld sprite (You're right though)
    4: Will look into this problem, think it has something to do with the kind of trainerbattle I use for Tracey
    5: You're totally right, small mistake from my side in the map connection.

    You're also right about the simple dialogue trainers say after they're defeated, but it's difficult to come up with original dialogue for every NPC-.-

    I'm not planning to change any of the flags/variables/maps I used to this point. So I guess your savefile would be compatible with future releases;) Be sure to always make your last save in a pokemon center.

    1. Not sure about this..coz I was just playing another fr hack, and had an Ivysaur in that too..that's why the blue colouring caught my eye..usually it's got the green colouring with the red(I think) bulb colouring even for the menu sprite..strictly speaking it doesn't mattr much anyway������
    2. They are, but if I accidently go into a house(or in my case the mart) before the event is completed they disperse. Shouldn't the 3 man wall be there throughout the event?
    3. Oh ok..and you're right...it's unnecessary work
    The save file..course, that's standard procedure
    Glad my response was of some use������ and keep up the good work!
    Ps: Thanks for the prompt response

    Edit:There's a wrong movement permission for the bush near the trainer just to the right of sunburst island town(I can step on it)
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    They should just be there untill you encounter Lapras on the beach, after that they're not necessary anymore. You're right about the movement permission, it's fixed now.

    Just uploaded the new version which should have bugfixes for everything mentioned above;)
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    They should just be there untill you encounter Lapras on the beach, after that they're not necessary anymore. You're right about the movement permission, it's fixed now.

    Just uploaded the new version which should have bugfixes for everything mentioned above;)

    Yeah..guess it doesn't matter now since the new one will have it like how it's stated above
    Oh ok..I'll check it out

    Edit: Yeah...i checked it out and NOICE....those bugs are all squashed
    One thing tho(sorry about this coz i found these out only during the 2nd run) wrong movement permissions(small stuff) while entering sunburst island and in pallet town.
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands
    [PokeCommunity.com] Pokemon Orange Islands

    A few doubts too:
    1.For the crystal onix event, the event gets activated without speaking to the brother or the sister. The brother is no problem but the sister..well, if we talk to her after the event, shes pretty grateful and calls us by name, and so on..but the dialogue sounds weird without having spoken to her in the first place.
    2. Is the crystal onix event an optional one? I could move on to the magi-karp event without finishing this one.
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    Thanks for the movement permissions;) They will be fixed in the next version. I'll think about changing the Crystal onix event a little. so perhaps I'll change something. But I'll focus on continuing the storyline first.

    And the crystal onix event is indeed optional;)
    Thanks for the movement permissions;) They will be fixed in the next version. I'll think about changing the Crystal onix event a little. so perhaps I'll change something. But I'll focus on continuing the storyline first.

    And the crystal onix event is indeed optional;)

    No prob :)
    Sounds good..thanks for clarifying