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Tool: [Release] AdvanceMap 1.95 Open Beta


Author of AdvanceMap
  • 243
    Hi everybody

    It's finally here, AdvanceMap 1.95 (Open Beta).

    It's now about 3 Years since last release.
    I'm not longer a student, so i haven't as much time as for last versions.

    As I say multiple times since last release, I don't simply update AdvanceMap with new functions, I rewrite the whole Program.
    AdvanceMap is not longer based on "Delphi 6" it's now based on "Lazarus (0.9.29)".

    Attention: AdvanceMap 1.95 is currently only a BETA-Release, and there are not all functions in, that should be there.
    So be careful and make regular Backups!!!

    But now the the Facts.

    New important features:
    - 7digit / Extended Rom Support
    - Connection window with preview & move Connection in preview
    - Insert new Tilesets
    - All text fields as "HexEdit", you can change between Hex and Dez view with the $ sign.
    - The "ConnectionList" will shown in MapList.

    All adjustments:
    New functions:
    - 7digit / Extended Rom Support
    - All text fields as "HexEdit", you can change between Hex and Dez view with the $ sign.
    - Connection window with preview & move Connection in preview
    - Connection window: Map Names as tool tips over the arrow Buttons.
    - The "ConnectionList" will shown in MapList.
    - Mapfiles with MapHeader, MapScripts and Connections.
    - Insert Map with MapHeader, MapScripts and Connections.
    - Insert new Tilesets
    - Toolbars for special edit functions, without using Shortcuts
    - Multi select for Events
    - copy Events (on same Map)
    - People view in correct direction
    - Expert Header, Original Header as HEX-Editor-View
    - Emerald PattlePyramid problem fix (manual fix not longer needed)
    - The Option "Create Backup on opening" now automatically create a dated Backup each 14 days.
    - inserted Season System from prime (Preview of Season, and Change functionality) -> The DNS-Program from prime you can get there: https://www.memoryresources.de/DNS.php
    - preview D&N colors.
    - Open Rom by dragging a file on AdvanceMap.
    - GreatBlock without size limit

    Other adjustments:
    - Blockeditor small redesign
    - All ini files as UTF-8
    - Write an ErrorLogs on each error

    Changed behavior:
    - don't save changes any time, only save changes on special action / situations
    -- On Press den Save Button in Toolbar / Menü
    -- On change Map
    -- On close Blockeditors

    not yet build in:
    - The Worldmap Editor is not yet compatible with new AdvanceMap, I have to do major changes on it until it's compatible again.
    - "Pic color" in PaletteEditor. I haven't found out yet how this work in Lazarus.

    no more build in:
    - The comboboxen view, is not available any more.
    - The "Header" functions under Tools->change MapBank aren't there anymore. They aren't often used, so I don't do this work again for new version.
    - "Change palette definition of block data" in Blockeditor.

    Download AM 1.95
    A PSA from karatekid552-
    As has been noted in this thread, 1.95 is an open beta. This means that it is unfinished and has bugs. As time goes on, more and more people are losing work to these bugs. Look, you can still download it, but don't say I didn't warn you. This is unfinished and unless you know exactly what you are doing, I would advise not using it.

    As like on all Versions, it is NOT allowed to upload AdvanceMap on any Webspace or FileHoster (Fileuplaod/Megadownload....).
    Please use the Link https://amneu.no-ip.info on your websites.

    Using AM 1.95 together with AM 1.92:
    Attention: if u use extended/32Mb sized Roms, you shouldn't use AdvanceMap 1.92 anymore.
    AdvanceMap 1.92 create Errors if you try to save data in extended ROM area (from Offset 1234567 it make 234567).
    If you use AdvanceMap 1.95 and want to change Worldmap with AM 1.92, be very careful so you don't damage your Rom...

    Using ConnectionList:
    The "ConnectionList" is a list where all Maps are listen in a simple list. ^^
    There are only linked the MapFooters in this list. So there are no Evnts, MapSettings, Map Scripts, Connections...
    In the MapHeaders from MapBankHeader there is an Index to this List, so I could linked most entry with Bank.Map.
    The unknown entrys will be used to "change" the Map by SetMapFooter- Script command.
    ATTENTION: in this list there are also many rubbish / Buggy Maps / invalid entrys (from Nintendo). These ones shouldn't be "deleted", because this could perhaps create error in ROM.
    AdvanceMap insert automatically a new Entry in this List, all time you insert a new Map into the ROM (already since version 1.50).

    The Lazarus Development Team, for this genial OpenSource Development Environment.
    Kairyon for extensions on FR/LG Music list.
    prime for his SeasonSystem.
    Dragonflye, Aeonos, haefele, prime, Tutti, skyfall, pokemontutorialTV for the Beta tests on AM 1.95.

    All new Texts only exists in German and English.
    I would be happy, if there are someone who translate the new texts.
    -> Send me the new/changed Languagefiles -> [email protected]

    Greetings, LU-HO

    Not working links:(Update 30.01.2014)
    if the download links doesn't work, you can open my webpage with mirror links also on:
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    Well, we're one step or two away from 1.95! I'm looking forward to this! I won't participate in the beta though because others have keener eyes on program flaws and errors than I do.
    A-map lives! I'm testing it right now, and everything looks good!
    Some of the new features on this are completely amazing. I'm really glad that the overworlds face the right direction, and the map connections editor is so much better now - no more tedious testing for me 8D.

    It's pretty cool that you can resize the block tileset sidebar thing, though I'm too well-adjusted to it being eight blocks wide so I wont be using it. BigBlock is a helpful tool, as is the multiselect event thing. Most of the features are awesome - I look forward to the bugtested version.

    As a sidenote, the select tool - the eyedropper icon looks out of place in comparison to the rest of the icons. Another issue I noticed I think is down to translation - the message when you move to another map without saving your current one's title is "Frage", which I think is German or something. It's definitely not English though, aha.

    Anyway, this will certainly make mapping an easier job. It's a great update from 1.92, and, athough I won't be using it on my main ROM for now to avoid any bugs screwing up my ROM, I'm sure I'll use the bugfixed version. Thanks Lu-Ho, you're a great asset to PC's hacking community. :D

    edit: Another bug: The sidebar where the map lists are - if you scroll up on the scroll wheel, the list moves down, and if you scroll down on the scroll wheel, the list moves up. While I'm on the subject of the map lists, the ConnectionList is quite a nice addition though it seems really messy to me with all those uneeded maps etc., so I'mma stick with the Header list. :D

    e2: Also, the fact that the save/don't save message prompts you every time regardless of whether or not you've made a change to the map is very annoying, I'd change that too.
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    This is really cool.
    The paint bucket tool and similar additions you've made are great. :D

    I did find one bug:
    The block editor "blocks" tile set is one pixel to wide,
    resulting in a horizontal scroll bar and some blurring.

    Great work so far, can't wait for the final version.
    Found a few bugs:

    Sometimes when using the connection editor and going to an adjacent map, the new map looks the same as the one that was just left. Unchecking and rechecking "Show preview" fixes it.

    You can't right click on the AdvanceMap icon in the taskbar (on Windows 7) to pin it or quick-load a file.
    That was always handy in 1.92.

    Also: AdvanceMap is back in production! Sweet!
    Will you release the code for compilation on Mac? Or at all?
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    Awesome, now all we need is animations to play. xD

    Some bugs:
    • The "Open previous map" button is labeled "Show sprites".
    • The "Show sprites" button is labeled "Map connections".
    • The "Map connections" button is labeled "Find free space".
    • The "World map editor" button is labeled "About".
    • The "Find free space" button is labeled "World map editor".
    • The "About" button is labeled "Open previous map".
    found bug

    when you click movement permissions all the letters/numbers are muddled up
    Yay! 1.95 is almost here! I'll let you know if there is anything wrong.

    I can say Islands 4-5 is the Azalea Town theme. Also, the Magnifying Glass for finding Free space reads "World Map Editor" and opens the Free Space finder. The arrows for the connection editor (I LOVE THIS) has the "Find Free Space" tag. And, the player head says "Map Connections", and the Open previous map button says "Show Sprites".
    @"I can say Islands 4-5 is the Azalea Town theme."
    what do you mean with this, is this not in the musik list, or is that a error in musik list? ???
    @Toolbar: I changed the Entrynumber of Languagefile it use to show, but English was the only Language I forget to fix this in the file... (Synchronice Languagefile is not as easy...) fixed

    Some of the new features on this are completely amazing. I'm really glad that the overworlds face the right direction, and the map connections editor is so much better now - no more tedious testing for me 8D.

    It's pretty cool that you can resize the block tileset sidebar thing, though I'm too well-adjusted to it being eight blocks wide so I wont be using it. BigBlock is a helpful tool, as is the multiselect event thing. Most of the features are awesome - I look forward to the bugtested version.

    As a sidenote, the select tool - the eyedropper icon looks out of place in comparison to the rest of the icons. Another issue I noticed I think is down to translation - the message when you move to another map without saving your current one's title is "Frage", which I think is German or something. It's definitely not English though, aha.

    Anyway, this will certainly make mapping an easier job. It's a great update from 1.92, and, athough I won't be using it on my main ROM for now to avoid any bugs screwing up my ROM, I'm sure I'll use the bugfixed version. Thanks Lu-Ho, you're a great asset to PC's hacking community. :D

    edit: Another bug: The sidebar where the map lists are - if you scroll up on the scroll wheel, the list moves down, and if you scroll down on the scroll wheel, the list moves up. While I'm on the subject of the map lists, the ConnectionList is quite a nice addition though it seems really messy to me with all those uneeded maps etc., so I'mma stick with the Header list. :D

    e2: Also, the fact that the save/don't save message prompts you every time regardless of whether or not you've made a change to the map is very annoying, I'd change that too.
    @eyedropper: it's a symbol I made my own, I moved 1 pixel to right. fixed
    oh sh** I forgot credits to famfamfam... fixed
    @Frage: Yes it's German, my native language. I forgot to read it from languagefile (all Info/Error/Question) fixed
    @MapList-Scrollbar: This is the same in Explorer, scrolling down No Error
    @ConnectionList: yes, Nintendo had to have my tool on creating there Games, than there wouldn't be as much error in it (also at Event Positioning[Warps], and Movement Permission data are many errors of them...)
    The only idea of this list is to find the Maps used with setmapfooter command. (was recommended from different users... No Error
    @save message prompts: it only pops up if you change some thing. Also moving Events (and than moving back to previous position) is a change.
    if you think you really don't change some thing, say what you do, and I try to fix it. ;-) No Error

    It looks really cool! =D
    But maybe you could do a Undo Button^^ ? =)
    @undo: an undo & redo function is planed in on of the next versions. todo

    This is really cool.
    The paint bucket tool and similar additions you've made are great. :D

    I did find one bug:
    The block editor "blocks" tile set is one pixel to wide,
    resulting in a horizontal scroll bar and some blurring.

    Great work so far, can't wait for the final version.
    @blockeditor width: hm... not for me, seams because of Windows style, I made it 2 pixels wider anyways fixed

    Found a few bugs:

    Sometimes when using the connection editor and going to an adjacent map, the new map looks the same as the one that was just left. Unchecking and rechecking "Show preview" fixes it.

    You can't right click on the AdvanceMap icon in the taskbar (on Windows 7) to pin it or quick-load a file.
    That was always handy in 1.92.

    Also: AdvanceMap is back in production! Sweet!
    Will you release the code for compilation on Mac? Or at all?
    @connection editor: are you sure? You will always see the connection to the map you was before. the Picture with the current map is the on with red borders not confirmed
    @Windows 7: I don't use win7, and there (have it at business) I don't use the "quick-load" option. But I try to found out what I have to do, so this will work. todo
    @Mac: I will Releas a Mac-Binary (now with lazarus, this is not as complicated as with Delphi) todo

    Awesome, now all we need is animations to play. xD

    Some bugs:
    • The "Open previous map" button is labeled "Show sprites".
    • The "Show sprites" button is labeled "Map connections".
    • The "Map connections" button is labeled "Find free space".
    • The "World map editor" button is labeled "About".
    • The "Find free space" button is labeled "World map editor".
    • The "About" button is labeled "Open previous map".
    already reported and fixed

    I found some of those. It kinda confused me for a minute. I'd say that it is purely cosmetic and could be corrected easily with the language INI file.
    yes, it's an error in Laugauge file and is fixed
    correct is:
    10=Open ROM
    12=Create new map
    13=Insert map
    14=Open previous map
    15=Show sprites
    16=Block editor
    17=Map connections
    18=World map editor
    19=Find free space

    New bug:
    Sometimes when I open (or close) a ROM, it says something about a write error to AdvanceMap.ini.
    @AdvanceMap.ini write error: Always you open a Rom, it write last open file to the Ini to "quick load" it in the File-Menü.
    Is there a special thing you do? I don't have this problem...
    do you open AdvanceMap multiple times? not confirmed

    when you click movement permissions all the letters/numbers are muddled up
    what do you mean with this, I don't understand it. ???
    Awesome, I just opened up FR ROM with it. This update is nice, and the GUI layout alone is so much better. Also, is it just me or has their been a *major* speed increase?
    Yay, it's here! :)

    The problem for me is, when I open it, there is no languages in the drop-down box..
    Awesome, I just opened up FR ROM with it. This update is nice, and the GUI layout alone is so much better. Also, is it just me or has their been a *major* speed increase?
    I hope so, that was also a reason for rewriting it, I do speed increase at all position i have a idea for.^^

    Yay, it's here! :)

    The problem for me is, when I open it, there is no languages in the drop-down box..
    @no language: Than you haven't exctract the zip files correct!
    the ini files have to be in the ini directory, language files in subdirectory ini/sprachen. No Error

    What I mean is the song "0150 Islands 4-5 Music No. $0150" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm7HjS747mM) is the Azalea Town theme from GSC (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLOrX_Bi2ms&feature=watch_response).

    Just something to add. Also, in the English version, it still has "Wahle Datei-> Laden... um das Rom zu Laden" on the bottom.
    @sounds: information added fixed
    @"Wähle Datei" fixed
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    @connection editor: are you sure? You will always see the connection to the map you was before. the Picture with the current map is the on with red borders not confirmed
    @Windows 7: I don't use win7, and there (have it at business) I don't use the "quick-load" option. But I try to found out what I have to do, so this will work. todo
    @Mac: I will Releas a Mac-Binary (now with lazarus, this is not as complicated as with Delphi) todo
    Well, one time I went from one map to another and for some reason, the old map was duplicated as the 'current' map. I refreshed it and it appeared normally.

    Also, will you be releasing the source code for A-Map publicly, in case somebody wants to contribute/make their own build with other features? Or f you stop making A-Map and somebody else wants to continue it?
    @AdvanceMap.ini write error: Always you open a Rom, it write last open file to the Ini to "quick load" it in the File-Menü.
    Is there a special thing you do? I don't have this problem...
    do you open AdvanceMap multiple times? not confirmed
    It was probably because I had it open in Notepad to apply my hack for the extended Emerald primary tileset. Not a bug.

    By the way, the Islands 6-7 theme is also the Violet City theme, like the person above said about Azalea.
    Also, could you perhaps add support for the displaying/adding of the tri-layered blocks hack that colcolstyles and I made (although separately)?
    If you'd like, I'll give you a PM with info on this new addition.
    @Musik Theme:
    "Violet City" is already in the musik_en.ini file:
    0151=Islands 6-7 (AKA Violet City Theme from GSC)
    already in

    @Source code:
    No I will NOT Release the code (as I say all who ask this before).
    If I decide to don't do Romhacking anymore, I will perhaps make it opensource under a licence of my desire.

    @tri-layered blocks
    A "Alpha"-tester also ask me this question.
    so, I say this to all:

    If you have created a new Function (ASM-Fixes), and share this with the whole World.
    I would also add special Change function for it in AdvanceMap.

    BUT: you should make it usable for All Rom Version, or in minimum for all Language off the same Version.

    Also if you want to share this funktion (and also the "extended Worldmap") i would add special functions for it in AdvanceMap.
    You have to say me, how I found out the system is build in, and how I have to save the data, so it works together. wait for details

    greetz LU-HO
    new update uisnt letting me insert my maps. I insert and save, but it doesnt save than deletes map completely. Now i have 2do everything from scratch, again! thnx dude. send me 1.92 plz, thnx.
    new update uisnt letting me insert my maps. I insert and save, but it doesnt save than deletes map completely. Now i have 2do everything from scratch, again! thnx dude. send me 1.92 plz, thnx.

    LU-HO said:
    Attention: AdvanceMap 1.95 is currently only a BETA-Release, and there are not all functions in, that should be there.
    So be careful and make regular Backups!!!

    There is your answer. And going to his site automaticly downloads 1.95, I don't think you will be able to get 1.92 unless LU-HO sends it to you.