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ROM Hacking Resources

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Ok, so i've made a backsprite for Hilbert, the male character in B/W.
Here it is: [PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources Give credit to me if used.
Calis Project ROM Base

A ROM Base I created... Credit:
Destiny Demon/Soul - ROM Base
Minorthreat - Tiles
Calis Projet - Tiles

A screenshot:
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources


  • Calis Project.ips
    12.5 KB · Views: 100


  • Spriters 1°, 2°, 3°, 4° and 5° Generation
  • Spriters Front/ Back
  • Spriters Indexed
  • Spriters Resize 64x64, all in format gba
  • Aprox. 800 Spriters


Give Credit for ME (WesleyFG)
So! I recently posted a list of movements, animations, pokemon, items, specials, etc. on another forum from lists I've compiled around the net/from my own research. To make things easier, I made a few XSE std files. While XSE's ordinary std file has some specials, stdspecial.rbh includes a lot more, and stdani is completely new in that it has a handful of animations for you to use.

link491's ds rom base (like a boss!)

Current version: v1.5

I WOULD use more B/W tiles but a lot of them dont appeal to me, im too lazy to make my own in that style, i suck at ripping and i cant seem to find any anyway! if ya want this to change, you can pm me here or at PHO!

Woah! unexpected update! it now features an HG/SS like text box, LOTS of ds graphics from the various games, including some indoor tiles, and an improved charizard sprite for the title screen! If there are any ideas you guys have for me to make it better for the final release, please, by all means tell me with a reply to this thread or a pm!

Ok, so recently, i have gotten pretty skilled at inserting tiles, so i put together a ROM Base for FIRE RED... i like it a lot so i figured id release it to the public... so i give you...

link491's DS ROM Base

Basically what it is, is a rom base for fire red that is full of tiles from d/p/pt, hg/ss, b/w (eventually), and any other tiles that i thought would fit nicely! it's free to use but i would like credits for making it and credit given to the tiles creators if you use it in a hack...

im going to be updating these whenever there is a new release...

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

I'm the king of the hill!
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

Hello HG/SS Text Boxes!
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

Dont worry, the NES wasn't replaced. Both tiles are there for your use!
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

What? you want to download this fabulous bit of hacking material?
well then, im flattered! here is the download link:

current version: 1.5: https://www.mediafire.com/?tdmis6bwscwfa7j

Credit Goes To...
Nintendo for the HH/SS text box!
shinylugia249 for the HG/SS style mountain tiles and the mailbox!
Green Charizard for the D/P tile rips (trees, sign, grass)
Nitro12345 for the indoor blue carpet tile
kyledove and speed for the indoor tiles
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Yea new rombase haha dont we see enough of these anyways here it is new well everything (i have only done the first town)

i used alot more B/W style tiles and did a complete revamp so yea sorry but no animations :(

lol credits go to calis project
(if i missed someone please tell me)
me.(i did alot pf edits aswell)

how does it look


  • rom base.ips
    26.7 KB · Views: 199
I suspect that it will be easier to find this resource here than where I originally posted it.

The following ASM code, when called from a FireRed script using callasm, will allow you to generate what I call a "secondary box". A secondary box is the alternate message box used by the showcoins and showmoney commands -- a box that accepts two strings, and that can be displayed at any position on-screen with any size. It can be displayed right alongside a standard scriptable message box, without either box overwriting or forcibly closing the other.

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

I shall provide a basic XSE script to demonstrate how you would call it, along with the ASM code that you will need to compile and then insert into your ROM.


And the assembly code:

- - - - - - - - - -​

Complex numberpicker

This script will generate an improvised numberpicker using JPAN's FireRed Hacked Engine, a signbox, and a wonderfully-convenient little special that Nintendo put into the game. The numberpicker will accept any value between 0 and 65535, inclusive, and when the script completes that value will be stored in 0x800D.

The script code for the numberpicker is as follows. Note that I actually hacked it into the game as a new callstd function (info) when I tested it, rather than calling it directly. I don't know if a simple call statement will work.


- - - - - - - - - -​

New resource: modified AdvanceMap 1.95 language file

The most notable edit here is that this file contains correct names for most of the FR/LG behavior and background bytes. I also changed and reworded other GUI strings, mostly out of boredom.

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Here's a patch for FireRed that changes all the Pokemon sprites to the ones used in Ruby/Sapphire. Just thought it would be mildly interesting...

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

Also Teddiursa and Deoxys are the only non-Kanto Pokemon that got new sprites in FR/LG. I did not change those and I'm too lazy to :PPPPP
Here I have Hilbert (the hero of Black/White)'s full backsprite in Ruby format.
Tested and working.
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

I can't believe it took a half hour to make this.

No credit needed.
Note: This is incomplete.

Attached to this post is a comprehensive reference that I am writing for FireRed scripting commands. (Well, it's not comprehensive yet, but it will be when it's complete.)

I have found present reference material to be quite lacking, and explanations that people have provided for certain commands are outright false (if my testing is of any indication). Ergo I decided to make my own documentation based on both my own tests, miscellaneous discoveries scattered across the forum, and the usage of the commands in Game Freak's own scripts.

I've made some good progress. Extract all of the files in the attached ZIP archive to the same folder, and then open the HTML document. You can filter the table of contents to browse through commands by category; commands that I have not documented at all are shown in red in the ToC. You may also find interest in some of the information presented in the Appendix at the bottom of the document (it's listed in the ToC below the filterable list of commands).

EDIT: Updated version uploaded. (167/227 commands documented)


  • Reference as of 11-39pm 09-16-11.zip
    124.7 KB · Views: 85
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These are not complete.

Map of FireRed's RAM

Map of DMA-protected RAM:

Updated script command reference:
[attached] 114 complete out of 175 documented out of 214
Last updated 09/24/2011.


  • Reference as of 06-03pm 09-24-11.zip
    139.5 KB · Views: 269
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I posted this a few posts back. But it had to go under major editing as I basically gave out a bunch of private stuff and credited no-one for everything. It should all be legit now, but if anyone finds anything wrong, please let me know (and be specific.)


Hey... yeah I'm not gonna be ROM hacking anymore so here's a little goodbye gift. I had this ROM base for a while which was going to be used for my hack, but meh, since I'm not hacking anymore I won't have it be wasted. So yeah, if you use it the give credits to Destiny Demon for the ROM base and Wesley FG for the tiles. It's a FireRed patch, yeah, and sorry, I felt lazy to add animations. Here's a glimpse of what I have inserted:
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

Don't expect me to finish with the other tiles, because this is it. Hope you all enjoy and all, yeah. Give credits! 'Kay bye.


  • BW Patch.ips
    14 KB · Views: 757
here the first font rombase. The patch is for Feuerrot (D) (->Firered German)

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

I am to lazy to edit the m, the w and ä, ö, ü, etc.
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I don't know if this is a "resource" exactly, as not many people may need it, but...

This is a font patch for Emerald, as Emerald only has one font table to replace. If this is actually a legal post, then I will post FR/LG.

This patch replaces the following characters:


I have made sure that only these languages can be used fully. If you want to use another language, you have to make sure first.

Also at 0xF00000 there's a test, and an OW in Littleroot is linked to it.

This doesn't affect the place names, so I'll try to work on that. Meanwhile, just try to use alternatives (e.g. Ä -> AE).

Also, is there a thread revival limit here? It doesn't seem like it, just want to make sure.

Hm, braille.


  • Font Nordic.ips
    1.1 KB · Views: 28
  • Braille.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 17
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I think it´s a time ago since I posted a font rombase. Here is the next one. I hope there are some people who like this base. It´s not a rombase who everybody would like.
I changed a font from Alistair and Hayden (make it smaller and used shadow)

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources
[PokeCommunity.com] ROM Hacking Resources

- Hayden for font
- Alistair for font
- Hackrex for rombase and fixing the font

Feuerrot/Firered German: hier
Firered comming soon

You have to give credits and I hope you like the rombase. I know that there are people who don´t like it.
The english version is comming soon.
Pkmn Ruby ini

Hi im Lynch I started making pkmn ruby ini file suince there is no such thing at all yet.
Its ini for A-Text,since its easier to use than hex editor.
Its done to Dewford Town,Il update every time i finish town,route or anything
Its quite detailed i did stuff like Trainer before and after battle,books,maps and such.
If someone doesnt know how to use this pm me :D

Well, may as well post this, not like I'm going to use it for my other project...

Introducing my ROM Base... Again, but this time much better.

Patches to: 0907 - Pokemon Ruby (U) v1.0

You want pics too? Go here, easier than uploading each seperately and making sure they all work for everyone: Link

And that concludes that. Oh yes...

You MUST credit these people:

Nintendo (Minish Cap (Tiles), and original ROM, and Pokemon Emerald (Meteor Falls, a few house tiles, and the small tree. These are used as Placeholders until I find better tiles (apart from Meteor Falls, better in Purple!))
Sega (Casino Tiles from Sonic 2 Beta)
Bomberman Tournament (Safari Zone Tree Tiles)
The various Tool Makers (Lu-Ho for Advance Map, ZodiacDaMaster for Door Manager, Microsoft for Paint)
Pokemon-Diamond of DeviantART - The Pont Water Edge thing Tiles.
Darkdragonn - Especially for the mountains, which I modified a bit
Pokemon-Diamond (All these from DeviantART - Tiles)
C.N.C - The mart.
Teh Panda
SabfromPC - Underwater mountain tiles
Femok - Secret Base Tree
Accolade - It's a secret to everybody

Most of all, me, Banjora Marxvile.

And that concludes that.
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Hello one and all.
I would like to add this in the resource.
This is what I call an N Package.
It contains an indexed N sprite, OW for N, his encounter and battle themes (already looped, but you need to change the voices if you're planning on inserting them onto FireRed), and a ready-to-insert encounter and battle music of N for Ruby.

Here's the download link.
You can give me credit if you want.
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