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[Ruby] Inserting Cries

OK,so I tried this,replacing Mewtwo's cry with Dialga's.I tested it in game.Buuut,it was a glitchy sound.I got everything right.Could somebody tell me what happened?
OK,so I tried this,replacing Mewtwo's cry with Dialga's.I tested it in game.Buuut,it was a glitchy sound.I got everything right.Could somebody tell me what happened?

Because PokeCryGUI need cry in .wav with 8 bit (audio sample size) and 11 kHz (audio sample rate).
Djg will post the link to download the cries.
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Hi. I have a problem ...
I'm working on a FireRed ROM (E) and used the offset table 48C914 (Thanks Hackmew), but when i replace the Mankey's cry (56) for the Starly's Cry, sounds good on Mankey, but the cry of Primeape (57 ) is ruined. One after of i inserted. What can I do?

(Sorry if my english is too bad xD)
Hi. I have a problem ...
I'm working on a FireRed ROM (E) and used the offset table 48C914 (Thanks Hackmew), but when i replace the Mankey's cry (56) for the Starly's Cry, sounds good on Mankey, but the cry of Primeape (57 ) is ruined. One after of i inserted. What can I do?

(Sorry if my english is too bad xD)

Tutorial Notes...
* The 'Sample ROM'(number 4) should be bigger than the 'Samples WAV'(number 5)...​

Learn to read though...
It'll be helpful.
Repoint the cries, maybe? That shouldn't be too hard...
I know, i know... repoint the offset... the question is how... because if i use the option "Repointed" of PokecryGUI, the rom broke down.
The 'Sample ROM'(number 4) should be bigger than the 'Samples WAV'(number 5)...while inserting cries using Pokecry

What if i want to insert a cry which is smaller in size at compared to sample wav
( i replaced weedle with starly in my game)

Is there no way I can insert the cry?
(may be some repointing)

Found the solution
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So it works with FireRed as well? I never knew, though I shouldn't never know about that since I only hack Ruby. :P
A-Cry? So you are making a cry tool? =3

I forgot where the 'death cries' starts though... :\
Also, yeah, it uses their PokéDex numbers, however, the Hoenn ones, like HackMew said, doesn't follow the numberings anymore.
And as HackMew suggested, you can look at their numbers in HM's XSE's stdpoke.rbh file. Though you should convert it to decimal, k? =3

Repoint the cries, maybe? That shouldn't be too hard...

Okay people, the fact that no-one else has pointed this out bugs me.
To repoint ur cries.
1) Find the offset of the cry to be repointed
2) Insert the cry into a clean fr rom at 0x800000 and see how many bytes it takes
3) Open fsf with the rom that u originally intended to insert the cry for
4) Search for however many bytes you need (you got this from step2)
5) In a hex editor, search your ROM for a pointer to the cries current offset.
6) Repoint it to the offset given from FSF
7) Open the ROM in pokecry
8) Paste the table
9) Load your pokemon number, and WAV file
10) Encode
There, you successfully repointed and inserted ur cry.
Please note: You only need to repoint if the amount of samples in your WAV is more than the samples of the current cry. Also, the "death cry" is just the "(living?) cry" of the pokemon only the ROM does something to it run time. As in, there's only one wav for each pokemon, the rest is done for you.
Hi, I tried replacing Bulbasaur's cry (1) and it becomes ruined. I'm using an English Version of Firered. What's the problem?

Umm . . Let's see, it could be because:

A. Your WAV File is bigger than the original cry. (I doubt that.)
B. Your WAV File is not encoded in 88Kbps (11025Khz).
-> So the outcome becomes a beep or something like static.
C. It's your ROM acting up. (Not likely but hey!)

Idk, but if its A, just repoint it.

And what do you mean by "ruined", exactly?
Yes, I am reviving this old thread o'mine.
I am the thread owner, so I guess reviving this is fine, plus, it's a tutorial anyway.

I updated the first post of this thread.
This time, you can now insert cries without corrupting the other existing cries!
Check it out.
I inserted Victini's cry over Jirachi's and I only hear silence. I'm pretty sure I did everything according to the tutorial, and I'm doing this on FR.
I changed Victini's cry to 8bit and 11025 before I inserted it. And I use XVI32, if it helps.

Here are the offsets I used:
Table Offset: 48C914
Sample Offset: 69B278
Reverse Sample: 78B269
Free Space: A48DAB
Reverse Free: AB8DA4

Help would be appreciated.
I inserted Victini's cry over Jirachi's and I only hear silence. I'm pretty sure I did everything according to the tutorial, and I'm doing this on FR.
I changed Victini's cry to 8bit and 11025 before I inserted it. And I use XVI32, if it helps.

Here are the offsets I used:
Table Offset: 48C914
Sample Offset: 69B278
Reverse Sample: 78B269
Free Space: A48DAB
Reverse Free: AB8DA4

Help would be appreciated.

This has happened to me before. I'm not sure why, but the cry has to be under ~1.36 seconds.