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Should SV have another villainous team or organization?

  • 41,842
    Villainous teams have been a staple in the main series games since the beginning. We've had Team Rocket, Team Magma and Aqua, Team Galactic, Team Plasma, Team Flare, Team Skull (and the Aether Foundation), Team Rainbow Rocket, and Team Yell (and Macro Cosmos) - it's a pretty long list!

    Do you want to see this trend continue, or do you want the story to take a different path away from evil teams and organizations? If we do get a new villainous team, do you have any ideas for the new team name and focus?
    Prefers a new direction. Hammered evil organizations to death. Wants a more ambiguous antagonist, as well as actual decisions.

    Example: Harped on "not enough energy eventually" or "not enough resources eventually" in past games. Why not make it "not enough resources now" for certain people?

    Leads to more questions: How will these people act? How do they feel about other people with those valuable resources? Why don't they have these resources? How can you help? Will you give them your Pokedollars? How about your starter? Perhaps your service instead? Or do you refuse?

    Edit: Also accepts the Nugget Bridge decision, but for real. Would love to go with Team Mayhem on another playthrough. Imagines it as doing bad things (such as stealing Pokemon or disrupting the social order). Ultimately feels bad. Undermines Team Mayhem for a while. Leads to the inevitable confrontation after the seventh gym.
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    They're going to keep it, and they should. To veterans it feels like old hat, but to new players and kids it will be their first time fighting against the forces of evil and saving the day. It is an easy to use formula that works and helps give an easy to modify structure to the games. A basic framework that is easily adapted to whatever story they need to tell as they have a ready to go type of antagonist. Plus they do play around with the ideas so it's not all Team Rocket or Rocket Clones but each villain group actually feels distinct with their own goal and methods. But we've done two teams in a row where they aren't the main bad guys (or in the case of Yell really bad guys at all) so a return to a more straightforward villain might be called for.
    Idc about the 'evil' teams, never did. I pay zero attention to whatever nonsense they spout. Feels like they've been progressively getting worse/sillier too.
    I wouldn't mind if they omitted an evil team completely.

    Like Deval mentioned, I would love to have the actual choice for once on whether my own character is a good or bad person.
    Time to start the eeveelution mafia.
    Considering they just keep getting dumber each gen (with a few exceptions) I wouldn't mind if these games didn't include any. I mean, Gen 8 villain team isn't even a villain team, they're just a bunch of trainers from the Dark gym whose objective is to block roads and sabotage other trainers to hinder their leader's sister's competition... 10/10 writing.

    Adding things just for tradition isn't a good idea. If they can actually make something good with it, then yeah, go ahead. But if not, better just try something different.
    They'd never do it, but I'd love to see a villainous team based on the Spanish Inquisition - nobody would suspect it.

    Regardless of what they do, if they are going down this route again - and it's a fair bet that they will - I hope we see something a little more serious than Team Skull and Team Yell were. "Darker" does not necessarily equal more mature or better-written, but I found both of those "teams" underwhelming and extremely irritating, and I'd prefer it if they made the evil team a little more than an idle distraction this time around.
    Yeah, I wouldn't complain if there were a departure from this formula. The "bad guys" hardly register as being bad anyway nowadays. It would be nice to see something new that actually had a goal and moved the plot along.
    Well, there's a difference between hopes and probabilities.

    I think it's really likely an evil team is gonna be there in SV, because they are part of the "pokemon game scheme", so we'll probably never get rid of those.

    Hopefully, i might be wrong. I think that evil teams kinda became quite monotonous in the series because of the fact they all have the same kind of "final aim" and their philosophy is often very similar. In later games, bosses of these evil teams also lost their big personality, that imo was a big part of the story as well (at least when it comes to deep interpretation). Team Yell was quite different, so I appreciated it, but Rose wasn't such a great villain. This is personal tho, i guess...

    Anyway, I think it's NECESSARY in the pokemon game to have a main antagonist. That's how the story "spices up". However, if they found an alternative to the usual "evil team", I would be really happy.
    The way villain teams are handled is another sign of how Game Freak thinks kids are dumb and wouldn't understand what a villain is unless you put a team of easily identifiable goons dressed in some obvious villain uniform that tells everyone "We're the bad guys!"

    I wouldn't mind seeing a more undercover evil team, or a conflict between opposing factions/ideologies without making it overly complicated, because yeah, it's still a Pokémon game so no need to exaggerate either. They could even make some of the gym leaders and other important characters part of the antagonist faction to give them a more active role in the plot.
    I would like one, but actually a more serious and less comedic team. I am getting over the whole "XD comedy" stuff for teams. Give me a serious villain and/or team again, please.