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Feedback so what do you want to see in art studio?

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 1,460
    henlo, the previous thread got hard deleted so im rebooting this oop
    this is the general art studio feedback thread :) (note: this is NOT feedback for the artists themselves but rather the section) there's gonna be four questions that i would like u all (yes, even u random lurker!) to answer and i'll do my best to answer them and we can have a nice discussion about it? all answers from anyone, especially the ones who are interested in checking out art studio but haven't yet due to reasons and the ones who are active rn-

    what went well
    what do u like in art studio so far? it can be anything from the showcase threads (like janna's art thread's p gorgeous) to your experience in art studio

    what went wrong
    what do u not like in art studio? again, can be anything from how posts are easier to do from the discord counterpart to the internet not loading images properly, etc

    what needs to be improved
    is there anything that exists in art studio currently that can be done better? if so, whats it? suggestions on improving it would also be welcome!

    what do u want to see
    is there anything that doesn't exist yet in art studio (or has existed before that somehow died) that u want to see? if so, whats it? suggestions on implementation also welcome ;)

    theres also some plans in the making that i do want ur opinions on but thats gonna be in a different post?
    like art challenges, prompts, what would make u wanna post more? aside from seeing more of jannas art rly
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    What went well?
    For me, I think Art Studio is a good enough venue for posting my works because everything is sorted out in threads, so I don't have to worry too much about my stuff being overlooked. Plus, having threads for showcases, resources, and general discussion is really helpful.

    What went wrong?
    It's become apparent that Art Studio is far from the most active forum on PC. Sometimes it gets one new post a day.

    What needs to be improved?
    I'm not sure I can provide a good answer to this yet other than the overall activity of the forum.

    What do you want to see?
    Art contests would be fun!
    What went well?
    The last update done to the rules was good and I like how you have everything set out. Combining showcases and shops into a single prefix was also a really nice organisational move.

    What went wrong?
    I can't really pinpoint anything specific that was done poorly here. I think the unfortunate truth here is that you just haven't stumbled upon a consistent way to compete with the ease of just posting to Discord or the wider audiences available on places like DA.

    What needs to be improved?
    It would be nice to see more artists posting in each others threads and giving encouragement and feedback. I think more effort could be put into generating discussions too.

    What do u want to see?
    Events! The one big advantage that you guys have over the Discord channel is the ease and flexibility with which you can run events. I think you should capitalise on this more and use it as a way to promote artists and generate activity. The above suggestion of art contests is a good one and there's a lot of different ways you could do that.
    what went well
    users here are very friendly and supportive compared to other places i upload art. most of the other places i frequent have this sort of "competitive" feel to them, but here it's very calm and relaxing.

    what went wrong
    when i first joined many years ago, there was a big emphasis on community and it genuinely felt like there was some sort of family thing developing. but now i don't really see that anymore. it just feels like i post art and make a comment or two on another person's thread and be done with it. it's probably my fault for feeding into this mentality, but it's just generally hard to feel engaged since i dont even get a response most of the time to the things i comment on anyway.

    what needs to be improved
    i think it would be nice to separate tutorials/guides/resources into their own subforum/section. i mentioned this before in another similar thread, but i think doing it like that would help organize the threads better into what a viewer is looking for. having it all clumped together feels really awkward since most people here use it to host a gallery, which falls behind faster than people asking questions or more active collaborative project threads. having it split would help emphasize the art aspect better, imo.

    what do u want to see
    id like a revival on games and projects to just insert myself into. smogon does such a good job maintaining their art section simply through having constant events and games going on there, which is something to look into for ideas for this forum.

    also, i dont know if any of yall remember the fakemon project thing we did a long time ago, but that was really fun and brought a lot of people together to work on something. id like something like that to happen again, even if it's not fakemon related. just something to just casually enter and enjoy.
    what needs to be improved
    i think it would be nice to separate tutorials/guides/resources into their own subforum/section. i mentioned this before in another similar thread, but i think doing it like that would help organize the threads better into what a viewer is looking for. having it all clumped together feels really awkward since most people here use it to host a gallery, which falls behind faster than people asking questions or more active collaborative project threads. having it split would help emphasize the art aspect better, imo.

    Have you tried clicking to sort by prefix?
    Have you tried clicking to sort by prefix?

    yeah, but ideally i wouldn't want to. a lot of the forums i frequent normally split these into seperate areas, so it feels kind of weird that this is one of the few places that doesn't. it's probably a me thing though, and probably a selfish desire
    re: separation of tutorials/guides/resources into their own subforum
    it would be a nice way to organize things yeah, but note that subsections dont get much attention
    what do people think on this though? (like the general public)

    re: art contests, events, games/projects
    these are actually great suggestions and i do have something in the works! one of my problem though is that when people would be available enough to participate. do you guys prefer shorter events (done at your available times) or longer ones (so your availability would be stretched out longer)?

    re specifically: fakemon thing
    oooo i remember that! it's definitely something to think about :D

    reminder that anyone can create smol art games at their pleasure though! not just showcase threads. i'll update the rules to make that clear. speaking of rules, i might update that hmm.
    1. I think the reason why it works better separated is because it isn't something people tend to just "explore" unless they specifically look for it, yknow? Like when I visit a forum's art page, I'm most likely going to casually click threads to look for art. In the event I'd like to look at resources/tutorials on the other hand, that's when I'd personally go out and find these threads. Being a subsection definitely makes it lose a bit of attention, but I think resource/tutorial threads are like that already since it only appeals to a specific range of viewers, (people looking for resources/tutorials). That's my two cents though, and is personally just how I see this. There's probably reasons why keeping them all in one giant section is better, but I won't really contend with those reasons because it's not something that bothers me too much.

    2. From experience hosting events on smogon/showdown, longer ones tend to be the safer option for more people to participate. I don't think there's actually a pro to doing a short event unless it's within the span of a few days or less. Anything around a week or two is just kind of risky for having rushed art and no-shows. Plus, longer times allow the word to get out.
    i feel like having more collaborative, long-term esque events would do a lot of good here. artists love exposure of their work, so i dont see the harm in a friendly art competition and the winner gets to be featured in a section splash (whether this section or another section, idk). but yeah, im much more for the long-term stuff than the short term.
    > artists love exposure
    i think this is a mixed bag that isn't always true haha, but definitely worth a shot!

    re: subsection
    def good points though. ill see what i can do about it :o

    re: collaborative, long-term esque events
    i hear u all and agree with u guys (especially in forum style, idt short term events would work at all hahaha). for reference, how long would long term be for you guys? from research (and prev experiences) what i see is a month? else it's too long.

    le: may

    also late responses but thats work :<
    new questions added:
    1. how do you guys feel of potentially adding some points into the mix? :)
    2. any games/events you guys want to happen?
    2.1. fwiw anyone can host a game uwu
    new questions added:
    1. how do you guys feel of potentially adding some points into the mix? :)
    2. any games/events you guys want to happen?
    2.1. fwiw anyone can host a game uwu

    I think points can be really interesting, as long as they don't end up overshadowing the purpose of sharing art simply because it's a cool community. I feel like it could also help with some events and such.
    Which by the way I think could be really cool as special "holiday"(?) stuff. From the top of my head, I imagine for example on Halloween we could have some sort of event / game to either change an existing Pokémon's type to Ghost or to draw non-Ghost Pokémon dressed as Ghost-type Pokémon.
    I think points can be really interesting, as long as they don't end up overshadowing the purpose of sharing art simply because it's a cool community. I feel like it could also help with some events and such.
    Which by the way I think could be really cool as special "holiday"(?) stuff. From the top of my head, I imagine for example on Halloween we could have some sort of event / game to either change an existing Pokémon's type to Ghost or to draw non-Ghost Pokémon dressed as Ghost-type Pokémon.

    yeee ofc, sharing art is always the plan! the points would act only like a rewards system for participating in games and the like :) and maybe potentially for shops? i'm not sure yet, i'm spitballing with u guys let's shape this community hahahah

    and oooo yes! in fact, there may be something for easter too ;3 that's a really neat idea though, and would be cute to see in october :D
    1. how do you guys feel of potentially adding some points into the mix? :)
    how would a point system for Art Studio look like if ever? it might inspire someone like me to be more active with contributing stuff hehe. there's something about numbers going up that always gets me going~
    2. any games/events you guys want to happen?
    some suggestions
    - draw with your non-dominant hand challenge
    - blind folded art challenge
    - draw Pokemon from memory challenge
    2.1. fwiw anyone can host a game uwu
    too shy to do this 3:
    how would a point system for Art Studio look like if ever? it might inspire someone like me to be more active with contributing stuff hehe. there's something about numbers going up that always gets me going~

    some suggestions
    - draw with your non-dominant hand challenge
    - blind folded art challenge
    - draw Pokemon from memory challenge

    too shy to do this 3:

    Those are awesome suggestions! I've always wanted to try the Pokémon from memory challenge thingy!

    Also, I feel you :/
    A little off topic but don't mind me. I just want to throw in here as a former mod that Art Studio be JUMPIN' with fun lately. Faf and Kitty, you guys are seriously rocking it and I'm super proud of you guys. (´∀`)♡

    Anyway, idea: bringing back the one line pixel challenge. I know there's a thread buried deep in the section (Nina made the latest version and Logiedan invented it iirc) but that was super fun to see what everyone came up with. I'll post the link if I find it but I'm on mobile and it's a pain. Y'all know what I'm talking about tho.

    Points would be a cool thing to see if we can implement some easy, low pressure weekly challenges (bringing back iContest, change the type of a Pokémon, create a themed pixel piece no bigger than 50 x 50px, etc). People could casually accumulate points and at the end of the month someone wins or something??
    how would a point system for Art Studio look like if ever? it might inspire someone like me to be more active with contributing stuff hehe. thhttps://www.pokecommunity.com/dashboard/notificationsere's something about numbers going up that always gets me going~

    some suggestions
    - draw with your non-dominant hand challenge
    - blind folded art challenge
    - draw Pokemon from memory challenge

    too shy to do this 3:

    points wise - it wouldn't be as competitive as you think and you would be able to get it by participating in art studio (games mostly, maybe even showcases to inspire people to push up some things? but not as big pointed as well, the weekly/bi-weekly challenges like what fairy said). i was thinking that you would be able to redeem these points for some form of rewards (e.g. implementing it. in the shop if you want to accept said points) and you could complete a collection (e.g. redeeming a random x at y points) or something :')

    if you guys feel like monthly winners would be better though lmk!! that could also work, we just have to organize the things B)

    noted on those ideas, might do some of those today! ;v; or even two hahaha--
    It would be nice if there was some separation of art resources that are free for everyone to use / creative commons, particularly hack sprites for certain generations, and normal art galleries. I profess looking for sprites that are hack-compatible is the only reason I ever come on to this section, and most of those are for 3rd gen which I don't hack, so being able to search by generation would be really nice.

    edit: I know there are graphics in the 'hack resources', but people often post sprites here too. It would be nice to search for sprites specifically.
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