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Sword Art Online: Infinity Edition [OOC+SU][Rated: T]

Thanks Machomuu :3 I'll check it out.

Fester and Krissu have now been accepted too!
Thanks! I'm really eager to start.

SwiftSign, do you have some kind of story arc that can bring us players together? Since we're quite different kind of persons and have different professions. Or are we sandbox-y enough that we should make up our own plots?

If anyone wants to, they can have some kind of relatively rare potion they are interested in obtaining (say, a potion that momentarily heightens the skill of Hiding) and they can come to Krissu about it. And then they can go on an adventure on whatever floor to get the right ingredients?
I was wondering how player interaction would be orchestrated also. I figured it was going to be something like Red suggested, people needing stuff, or just "randomly" bumping into each other on the same floor.

I would be interested in lending my forging abilities to anybody. :)
SwiftSign, do you have some kind of story arc that can bring us players together? Since we're quite different kind of persons and have different professions. Or are we sandbox-y enough that we should make up our own plots??

I was wondering how player interaction would be orchestrated also. I figured it was going to be something like Red suggested, people needing stuff, or just "randomly" bumping into each other on the same floor.

There will be no story arc near the beginning, since you're limited to floors though bumping into each other should work well :).

As time goes by there will also be dungeon bosses, and the occasional 'random' event where something will happen for the players to fix - but the events are always optional.

So yeah, feel free to think up your players friends, acquaintances, etc. outside of just the RP players :)
So I don't think I'll be able to join... hardly have time for the one RP that I'm in. Sorry... (Can't believe I'm missing a SAO RP...)
I would be interested in lending my forging abilities to anybody. :)

So we could go on adventure to get some ingredients for a potion for Elise AND some kind of special ore or gem for a new sword for Krissu? :)
Updated SU

Name: Neddard Connerly. His in-game avatar is called "Golden Bear"
Age: 18

Appearance: Neddard is about 6'5 and weighs 190 pounds. He usually wears a bright yellow t-shirt and dark blue jeans. He has long, dark, ashy charcoal grey hair that hangs down to his shoulders and gets in his eyes when he doesn't blow it out of them. His face is generally serious. He always has a grim expression, even when he is extatic, and his grey, sad eyes and hooked nose don't do anything to help. He has the scrubble of a beard that he shaves weekly that covers his square-set jaw and a light mustache that covers his flat lipped mouth. Ned has a scar that leads down the length of both arms. When people see him, they either steer clear or ask him what he's depressed about because of his sad expression, which he responds too, "I'm not depressed. I'm serious." in his dark, serious voice.

His character in game avatar is just as large as Neddard is, but more muscular. He wears a scaled bronze breastplate with his emblem displayed on the front: An elephant's head painted in grey and white tusks with two black greatswords crossed behind it. The armor has pauldrons that cover his shoulders and biceps, and a skirt type thing that hangs down to his upper calves. His greaves are plain bronze and go all the way up to his calves. They have a break at the knee joint that's covered with a padded cloth to promote flexibility in his joint. His gauntlets cover right up to his elbow, allowing it to move freely, and they are also made of bronze but are scaled at the hands. Neddard's helm is...unusual. It is made of bronze like the rest of his armor, but it has no ordinary shape. It's in the shape of a bear's head, from which he gets his nickname.


Life before SAO:

Current Level: 10
Weapon: Greatsword
Non-Combat Skills: Alchemy and Speed
Summary of first month in Aincrad: <Bullet points/Single Paragraph>

Roleplay Sample: <First week in Aincrad, not including the lock-in>

So I don't think I'll be able to join... hardly have time for the one RP that I'm in. Sorry... (Can't believe I'm missing a SAO RP...)

That's ok Desponency!

I should have my sample in by tomorrow, sorry I can't finish it today


I'm working on the specifics of the IC thread now, I'll submit it once there are a few more accepted characters and then people can get on with it :]
Since it usually takes a day or two for a submitted thread to show up, a few more players will probably finish their SUs before the IC becomes visible if you submit it soon :3 /excited
I know there aren't any reservations but I am here to express my absolute interest in this! SU should be up by tonight if not tomorrow depending on the amount of free time i have! I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! :D
Ahh, very excited for this, it's exactly what I've been looking for. Count me in :D

Basic Details - Finished

Name: Kappei Yamaguchi
In-Game Username: Rapp
Age: 19
Country: Japan
Gender: Male

Character Description - Finished

Appearance: Kappei has a childish face usually spouting a large grin with a single sharp tooth protruding from his top lip, accompanied by his hazelnut hair which is commonly spiked up and held in place by a deep red head band stretching across his forehead. He has a scarlet red 'x'-shaped scar on his forehead as a result of his rough childhood having fended for himself since a young age, perched in the center between his larger-than-average relatively perky ears. His eyes are dark brown and wide, making him appear young and vulnerable to those that don't know him. His eyebrows are thin yet defined making his facial expressions very easy to read, even for a complete novice. He has a thin build but his sizeable muscles spanning across his arms and chest still make him appear as a forced to be reckoned with, especially coupled with his above-average height and long toned legs. He commonly wears green wrist bands on both arms and a pale sack-like vest accompanied by dark brown trousers and pointed pale green shoes; this is all he's been able to afford so he treasures even the most beaten up of his rags. His right arm is branded with a deep red helical tattoo from a gang that he was part of in his earlier years on the streets which serves as a constant reminder of his early life, alongside a metal chime necklace once worn by his father that he keeps with him at all times.

Similar to this, minus the incredibly pointy ears, green coif and face paint:

Personality: Kappei is a tough boy that is very accustomed to not trusting people. Due to his life on the streets in gangs and foraging for himself all his life, he's never had the chance to trust others and therefore assumes the worst about them. He has no gauge on technology or modern happenings but instead dreams of living in olden times alongside blacksmiths and knights, all working together to protect the town as opposed to everyone fending for themselves using blackmail and betrayal to get what they want in modern life. He loves to have fun when he gets the chance but having only had a very limited supply of friends in his life, Kappei isn't adept in talking to others and has little idea on how to hold himself in a proper conversation; however, this isn't a problem for him as he has no inclination of talking to others anyway unless he requires something from them. He's always wanted to be able to provide a service to the world and help it shape up into something better than what he's always known, but without a yen to his name and no one to turn to for support he's never had the option to make something of himself. He knows he has untapped potential and he's yearning to unleash it upon the world, but with his current living situation the best chance he has to do good is to craft clothes and tools out of nearby trash for the other street walkers to use, and this makes him angry. Kappei does also possess an innocent and vulnerable side which he'll only show to those closest to him, but once he trusts someone enough to show them this second personality he will be loyal to them for life; however the chance of seeing this vulnerable side is practically zero as the streets don't allow for children, and that's what he's determined not to be, despite his self-betraying appearance to others.

Life before SAO: Kappei was an only child, born and raised in the poorest areas of Japan. His mother died during childbirth and his father was murdered in a gang affair when he was still a young boy at age six, leading Kappei to live a life of anger and confusion as he prowled the streets alone looking to survive. At first he was furious and sought to take revenge on those that had taken his father away from him, but after countless fights and scars he finally decided that revenge wasn't the right path to take. Instead, he took to helping the less-fortunate street walkers around him in hopes that they would rise up and help him turn the streets of Japan into a safer place for everyone to live. He began life as a craftsman, making as many tools and instruments as he could from the random junk he found lying around on the streets, before sharing his newly made supplies with the community that he had been slowly gathering. However, as more and more people came to him, events took a turn for the worst. People began to take advantage of Kappei's deeds and hoarded his goods so that others couldn't access them and even began stealing them from right under his nose as they knew a weedy boy like him wouldn't be able to protect himself. This made him furious, but remembering his previous experiences with revenge he decided instead to begin building himself up in hopes of fending off future thieves and looked into methods of insuring his goods were being given to those that needed them. He became strong from his training with the local kids nearby and began to craft his goods and tools once again, but this time requesting goods in return. He still supplied free goods to the neediest and weakest of the street walkers, but requested that the others gave him materials which he'd be able to use in future to create even more merchandise to distribute; it was this idea that helped him to discover his real passion for the art he'd undertaken. He defended himself from thieves using a small blade that he'd crafted from broken shards of metal which he had become skilled at using and his service took off, eventually reaching the point where he could begin charging the regular public for his goods and began saving up enough money to get off the streets for good. However his dream still remained and as he heard about the famous new 'Nerve Gear' that was able to take you to far away places like Aincrad where you could be free to live however you want, he made it his goal to save up enough money to purchase his own copy and join in with that magical world. He achieved his goal just two days before the release of Sword Art: Online and ensured he was at the shop in time to buy his own copy, which he hastily calibrated in an abandoned workshop where he had be staying and began the full dive.

Avatar Details - Finished

Current Level: 6
Weapon: Dagger, no shield. (Ideally with the option to use daggers as thrown weapons too, perhaps as a Knife Throwing skill or something? If not I'll stick with just using daggers without shields.)
Non-Combat Skills: Forgery and Alchemy
Summary of first month in Aincrad:
  • Quickly fled from the Town of Beginnings to escape the mass of people and began collecting resources he found scattered around the terrain as habit for use in future endeavours.
  • Took to slaughtering any enemies that came near him through impulse, mimicking his defensive nature in the real world.
  • Instantly began trying combinations of materials in order to make tools or weapons that he could use to defend himself against the wild enemies.
  • Learnt how to cook at a basic level through experimenting on his own with various drops from the first floor monsters.
  • Stayed clear of any player-player contact for the first few weeks to avoid getting attacked or robbed before noticing the majority of players helping each other out rather than fighting and began to let people approach him.
  • Became friends with a couple of passing-by players from time to time but remained a solo player for the most part.
  • As dungeons began getting cleared he took to collecting the rarer resources within and crafting them into useful items for the more pronounced fighters to use, for a small fee of course.
  • Became a decent blacksmith being able to craft many different tools, weapons and pieces of armour from even basic materials, but developed a large desire to find and use some rarer and more special materials in his work.
  • Trained for a while on the first floor monsters whilst other warriors were clearing the important parts of the game so that eventually he'd be able to join in and help them once he'd reached their level. Didn't get far though as most of his time was focussed on gaining and supplying new materials and equipment for the more important fighters.
  • Made a home in a hollow on the first floor whilst saving up to rent better accommodation on later floors.
  • Began practising low-level alchemy using ingredients from the field to make a basic array of potions.
  • Relatively unphased by the inability to log out (I assume the first month covers that event?) - Aincrad symbolises everything he has always wanted from life. A fresh start where he can do whatever he wants with no limitations.

Roleplay Sample - Finished

"Wh... What..." As Rapp's avatar materialised in the Town of Beginnings, he peered around groggily for a few seconds before flailing his arms around wildly having realised that his brain now controls this virtual character instead of his own physical body. "Woah, I can... This is... Am I dreaming...?" Looking around, he noticed the huge number of people surrounding him, everyone so close to him that he could be attacked at any time given the right opportunity. He ran out of the central spawn point out into the outskirts of town to avoid being followed and glanced around wildly to see if anyone had been chasing him. As far as he could tell, he was safe. For now.

Woah, so this is Aincrad... It feels so... real... What am I supposed to do here? I guess I could- "-Oh look, some scrap metal on the floor!" He rushed over to pick up the hunk of metal that had been left lying around and instantly began thinking of what it could be used for. He had no idea if the game would let him use it or even if this virtual world was capable of crafting tools, but he decided to give it a try and attempted to mould the soft metal in his hands. Suddenly it vanished in a shattering of blue shards before a small metal dagger materialised in his hands. "Woah, that was so cool... Again, again, again!"

Whilst looking around for more materials to use for his new-found hobby, Rapp suddenly stopped and jerked up at the sound of voices. He wasn't accustomed to strangers being friendly and so instantly wielded his new dagger and attempted to hide in the shadows behind the town's gate. The duo consisting of two large men passed by, but they seemed happy - almost as if they had somehow became friends after having known each other for only a matter of hours. How could this be? Surely one of them was just being lead out of town to his death, that must be it, there's no way people could trust each other that quickly. Just wait till the scream, I warned ya...

Wanting to avoid any more potential threats in passing by people exiting the town and coming his way, Rapp decided to head out into the first floor's fields to scout for a good hideout and some basic materials to test out crafting with. He came across a sizeable burrow in a tree near the entrance to what appeared to be a small dungeon and decided to make camp here. He stored a collection of twigs and scraps that he'd found in the field in a small chest he'd crafted out of twigs and covered it with a pile of nearby leaves before heading out to scout his surroundings. He certainly didn't trust any other players with his treasures so he'd definitely need something more formidable to keep them in until they were crafted and could be added to his inventory.

He began thinking to himself as a boar began charging at him head first whilst he nimbly dodged the oncoming attack. "What the- Ahhh!" He quickly bared his dagger which shone a bright green hue as he sliced straight through the boar's side, leaving it nursing it's wound and running back to his hideout. "Am I supposed to be able to kill something like that!? Maybe I'm in over my head... Or perhaps I just need some better equipment. Let's see..." He rummaged around through what he had collected thus far and tried combining various resources to create something that would be passable as combat-worthy, and eventually after many attempts succeeded. As he equipped his newly made wooden chest plate, he returned to where he had found the boar and began his attack again. Swerving to the left to avoid it's attack and then ripping into it's throat with his now-red metal dagger, the boar fell to the ground with a loud sequel and a menu appeared in front of Rapp awarding him experience and some items including boar meat and leather. "Well I'm sure I can make something out of these!"

Many days had passed since Rapp's first encounter with a wild enemy and since then many more had been slain and a sizeable amount of resources had been collected, as well as his hideout having become something of a home with all the personal touches he had added and items he had forged. He had seen countless players walking past at various points, some of which stopped to say hello, others of which simply ignored his presence, but none of them seemed to be wanting to hurt him. At first he prepared to strike down any passer-by with his handmade weapons just in case they attacked him first, but they all just laughed assuming it was a joke. That's not something an enemy would do, is it? He'd grown rapidly more comfortable around these people now to the point where he'd even leave his weapon fully sheathed with no worry of having to fight anyone; perhaps it was time to venture back to the town and see what's around?

Rapp quickly came across a group of craftsmen who all decided to pool their materials and share their knowledge, but after seeing Rapp's work so far they were astounded and readily named him an honorary member of the group after he'd made it clear he had no intention of staying. He helped them to make their forging more efficient and give tips on how to get better quality items, and in return gained use of their anvils and hammers which he was then able to take away with him back to his own den. He was beginning to grow tired of the life lived by a solo player and contemplated branching out by joining up with a guild, but he wasn't quite ready for such interaction just yet. Joining a guild requires a large amount of trust; something which Rapp does not possess. Instead he continued to forge the materials that he could gather and kill the occasional boar to test out what he'd made, but fighting wasn't really his thing, he was much more of a support kind of guy given the choice. His favourite was a sleek dagger made from iron ingot and sharpened boar bones that he named "Wishbone" due to the boar's final attack leaving him with only 1% health remaining; coming that close to death was not a feeling he wanted to relive any time soon and thus he vowed to keep making stronger and stronger equipment to keep him and everyone around him alive.
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[SIZE="+4"]The Player[/SIZE]

General Details - Finished

Name: (Sentthar) Akila Forth
Age: 19
Country: Egypt

In-Depth Details - Incomplete

Appearance: With a thin complexion and an average height. Akila has a longue, purple hair that extends all the way to her waist. It is not naturally of this color, of course, it is in fact of a deep blck, but was dyed of this color... just because.

Personality: A rather calm person that considers everyone's points of view as valid and has no problems accepting her mistakes. She's often considered an oddball by her friends because of her not talking as much as her brother does.

Life before SAO:

Current Level: 3
Weapon: Hammer
Non-Combat Skills: Forgery & Speed

Miscellaneous - Incomplete

Summary of first month in Aincrad: <Bullet points/Single Paragraph>

Roleplay Sample:



"Allrighty then, let's do this!"

The next few seconds are hard to explain. The extrange sensation running across her body, the excitement of the adventures that awaited her, all the new friends she could make... if only Victor wasn't with her, it would be the perfect day for her.

Without realizing it, she was already inside the game. In a huge city where people sprinted, played and did lots of things at once. The feeling of her feet in the ground. The scents, the breeze of wind running across her hair. It was amazing, all of it.

And she could enjoy it as much as she wanted.

For a while she didn't seem to regret being convinced by her brother to play the game. But as soon as she heeard his brothers voice, she just remembered why she didn't want to enter in the first place.

"Snap out of it! You won't last a day if you stare at everyone like that!"

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Finished on the sign-up unless you'd like any changes made, hope it's okay for you! Getting excited about this now :D
Here's a female version of Krissu. I'm contemplating changing genders, mostly because when I read this version through it actually feels more solid than the male version xD Almost everything else in the SU is the same, apart from Christina practicing dancing while Christopher were practicing kendo.

Name: Krissu (Christina Ikara)
Age: 16
[PokeCommunity.com] Sword Art Online: Infinity Edition [OOC+SU][Rated: T]
Country: Japan
Current Level: 9
Weapon: Greatsword
Non-Combat Skills: Alchemy, Hiding

Krissu is of fairly normal length for being 16 years old, and wouldn't be called thin nor fat. She hasn't got much female curvature either, though. Her hair is very long, reaching down almost all over the length of her back with just the slightest hint of curls, and it has a brightly red color to it. Her face is pretty thin and usually a friendly and carefree one, unless she is alone and begins pondering her deep thoughts about this world; then she suddenly looks intimidatingly mature. Her brightly green eyes are as wide and alert as they come, as good as always. She often makes different grimaces or expressions, so it's fairly easy to read what she's feeling at a given time.

When she is in safe areas like towns, she usually wears japanese inspired clothing like kimonos. In the field, though, her preferred attire is a black leather vest over a blue shirt. The vest was a drop from a dungeon monster and has a higher defense level than it seems. On her feet, dark leather boots are worn. The boots are crafted by an in-game friend of Krissu's. She wears slim black pants with no special qualities and always carries around a waist satchel for crystals and other things that won't need to be taken out via the inventory menu. Her weapon of choice at the moment is a broad sword that is of a bright metal that seems to gleam in a coral shade. But it's just a two handed Broadsword with a flashy design, even though it cost Krissu a lot to buy.​

Real life Christina Ikara used to struggle to live up to her family's expectations but didn't really think much about what other people thought of her, even if they found out that she worked hard. In SAO, things have changed somewhat. Now, nobody expects her to do anything anymore, because they are all in the same situation. Krissu realized that she missed having people relying on her and wanting her to work, so in lieu of that, she now set in her mind to be better than others at something. To show her worth. But she quickly realized that a majority of players focused on fighting and become really strong during the first month. She would have to work twice as hard as in the real life to stand out in that crowd. So instead, she chose to be different.

The Alchemy skill wasn't as popular as Forging or Speed or some other weapon or battle oriented skill. So even if it sounded a bit complicated and even boring, Krissu took Alchemy up with the intent of becoming unsuspectingly good at it eventually. She wanted to surprise people. And it turned out that she did have a knack for it. When her mind floods with troubled thoughts about SAO and life, performing Alchemy calms her down. It has become a way for her to escape from herself and immense herself in dealing with details, letting her escape the worries of the virtual world around her for a while. Another great thing with Alchemy is that it gives her a reason to venture away from the city now and then to gather ingredients. Many alchemists buy their ingredients and sell their products expensively; Krissu gathers her own ingredients most of the time and annoys her rivals with lower prices and exotic wares. But there's a downside to this style as well: since he's doing fieldwork now and then, customers never really know when she's available for making purchases and when she's away.

The Hiding skill is something she picked up a bit later, this time to stray from the popular choice of becoming a "tamer" with the Taming skill that had risen recently. She was a bit afraid that people would label her as sneaky if she picked Hiding for a major skill, since it could be associated with bandits and thievery. But it was really nifty when she was racing fields to gather common ingredients and wanted to avoid annoying low level monsters. She'd just leap from shadow to shadow and go by unnoticed.

These skills wouldn't help her become a strong player who could do battle at the front lines to try and save everyone from SAO, Krissu realized this. But as a month passed by, she started to get used to life here and thoughts of the old, real world felt more and more surreal. It was fine. It was a good thing that she got used to this life, because who knows if they would ever really escape? But at the same time, her whole being hurts when she realizes that she's starting to let go of her past self. Whenever she thinks too much about this, he easily becomes frustrated and that's when she feels the need to escape the confines of the safe city and venture out into the nature - to feel alive. Krissu is torn between what guts and reason tell her.

Why would a girl like her choose to wield a large greatsword for weapon class, by the way? Well, her brothers used to practice kendo diligently but she never got to participate. Now was her chance to do something she couldn't do in real life. To make a choice for herself. Plus, it might help clearing her of being labeled as sneaky. I mean, what thief goes around wielding a huge weapon?​

Christina Ikara was a hard studying girl with top grades. She also practiced a traditional form of Japanese dancing almost every day with her grandmother as tutor. She had never really loved dancing; her family forced her to practice it since it was a family tradition that they did not intend to lose in this modern age. The Ikara family had a long history of being advisers and servants to the old leaders in feudal Japan and they still lived their everyday life in a very traditional way, even though Christina's parents and older brothers embraced modernities more willingly. The reason that she is fair haired is that her mother is British and her genes seem to have fallen upon her almost entirely, apart from the shape of her face and her body build. Her older brothers look more Japanese and are very ambitious and popular. Christina always had to work hard to follow in their footsteps in the female way, while she kept up the charade of it not being a problem at all.

Christina's time was divided into three parts. One was for studying. The other was for training. And the last part was for gaming. She would not strike you as a nerd when you first met her, but her favorite thing next to receiving top grades or getting a break in the middle of a tough dancing exercise was to roam a vast and beautiful fantasy world, playing as the adventurer she knew she could never be for real. She used to play as both female and male characters - it didn't matter much what her avatar looked like, actually. She liked to play in first person just to make it feel like she was really there. In online games, she often teamed up with others and tried to show off her skills and strengths... and whenever someone turned out to be better or stronger, Christina got upset. She did not like to be odd and choose difficult classes, though; just like with school and dancing, she struggled within the lines of normality and what she was expected to be and do, and tried to come out on top no matter what. That totally changed when she found herself stuck in Aincrad, though...

The Nerve Gear was the ultimate invention, to Christina. Once she got her hands on the hardware, she started to have trouble keeping her focus up in school and during training. Sure, the games available weren't exciting at all, other than that they actually let it feel like you were in a completely different place, but she kept hoping that something some day would come that would radically change everything. And then Sword Art Online came. Christina didn't manage to become a Beta Tester, but she did manage to get her hands on an online copy of the game when the real thing finally released.​

- Panicked when it was revealed that everyone could die for real and were unable to log out. Hid for a while, until she found likeminded people and bonded together out of necessity.

- 1st week after revelation: made some friends in Starter City and partied up to go out and train on the fields. Still shaken and not really in her usual mood of trying to be the very best. She was more afraid of getting herself or someone else killed and was protecting her party members with almost annoying diligence.

- 2nd week: realized that this wasn't something that would be over soon. They would likely be stuck in Aincrad for a long time. Couldn't stand being stuck in Starter City any longer and took with her the people who dared to follow to the second floor. They were not the ones to beat the boss and advance the front lines, though; they merely teleported and started leveling there instead.

- Start of 3rd week: Krissu was starting to get back into her old self, no longer protecting her party members at all costs but rather trying to be up front and in the spotlight even more than she had when this was just a game. Eventually continued to the third floor on her own since none of her friends thought there was a point to putting themselves in danger when there were people who actually wanted to do that. Krissu soloed in Floor 3 for a while and could only think about wanting to get back to the real world and end SAO.

- End of 3rd week: after frantically having roamed Floor 3 for a while and partying up with random people, Krissu watched another player die in front of herand finally collapsed, mentally and physically. She was found and brought to Blues Village. There, she was forced to rest for a while, under the care of an unusually old player who was an alchemist. Krissu did a lot of thinking and decided that it was pointless to try and be the best player in the usual sense here. It wasn't a game anymore. It was a life. She had to find her own way through it all. When she felt ready, she returned to Celedona on Floor 2.

- 4th week: adopted Alchemy for a major skill and quickly grew good at it. She and some of her acquaintances from Starter City and Celedona formed a base camp in Celedona, without yet forming a real guild. They all decided to focus on different profession skills rather than battling. Eventually, Krissu picked Hiding as another major skill.
It was unreal.

The earth was solid underneath my feet and straws of high grass brushed against my legs as I ran. A wind rustled my blonde curls, which looked exactly the same here as they did in real life, and a sunlight from a source I couldn't define shone into my eyes, forcing me to squint. But it was alright. The field was vast and open and I could run and run for hours without stopping. This world was huge, and I was free to go wherever I wanted to. That alone was a thing unreal!

Rushing towards me in opposite direction was a dark blue boar with eyes gleaming red at her. We were only a few meters apart now and closing in fast. The boar looked angry, but I suspected that it held no emotion at all. It was just programmed to angrily attack any player that went within its range. Just as we were supposed to defeat it and grow in levels. Everything was governed by rules here. Even my motions.

I raised my large sword over my head as I ran, feeling the strange sensation rush through my arms and make the blade glow faintly red. I'll probably never get used to the feeling experienced as a Swort Art activates. It sure had taken me not a few swings to learn how to pose to activate them correctly. This was an easy one, [Swing Down]. Probably the simplest thing you could do with a Greatsword.

The boar leaped, letting out an angry squeal. I let out a battleshout; not because it actually could power up my attack at this low level, but because it made me feel stronger. Mentally, at least. In the exact right time, I twisted my body to the side and swung the greatsword down at my foe, letting the game system direct me. The boar soared past me but had a large cleavage in the middle of its body now. Instead of blood, a red, glowing and strangely striped substance poured out for a moment as the creature's image froze in midair. Then the boar's body sprung into a thousand glittering pieces of data, or whatever it really was. It was defeated and I was still standing.

A screen popped up in the air in front of me, showing how much experience I got from the fight. Not enough to get up to level 3, but still good. Soon, I would be too strong for these small creatures and would need to advance to the next Floor of Aincrad to keep getting stronger before I got bored. I couldn't stay here for too long if I wanted to be in the top! I knew other players had already went into the dungeon and tried to find the boss room. I wouldn't try yet. Several players had died doing that and had to face the awkwardness of respawning in the Starter Plaza. I wouldn't do that! When I went into the dungeon I wouldn't come out again until I had visited Floor 2.

"Oi!" the player who had been watching me fight called out. I turned around with a content gleam in my eyes and was greeted with a thumbs up. "At this rate, it won't be long until we have to go into the dungeon or find some hidden ruins or something here, in order to grow stronger!" he said, mirroring my recent thoughts.

"I know!" I said. "I just want to hit Level 3 before we go."

"That's right!" the other player laughed heartily. I took at moment to watch him more closely. He was a tall, strong guy, aged 20 in the real world and with skin black as the night. We had partied up at random in the Starting Plaza today, because both of us just wanted to go out into the wilderness and grind for experience for a while. After this day, I doubted that I would see him again. With ten thousand players, and probably more to come as soon as more copies of SAO were distributed, I could change partners every day for a long time without having to face the same person twice. It was a relief and a bit sad at the same time.

He was the first person I added to my friends list. I'm not sure why I did it. In the real world, I wasn't too eager to get and keep close friends. My life was busy enough as it was, with my family and all. But as it would turn out, having friends in this world would be crucial for survival. At least for me.​
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Welcome Alex! :) Accepted.

RHCP - I'll give Krissu a quick sex change in the first post for you.

Everyone that's still working on a character, including myself, you have plenty of time - however the IC thread has been submitted so some people will be able to start soon.
Yes, I think I'll go with the female version :3 thank you.