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Tales of this thread

Granted, I'm only a few hours in so most of my opinions aren't worth much, but so far it's been okay. Not really feeling the story, and haven't warmed up to any of the characters yet but it's early. Won't say anything on combat yet, but it's definitely reminiscent of Graces so far; battle theme is catchy though. :)
It's out in North America so I finally got my copy! I'm enjoying it so far, but...

Did you already download Best Girl The DLC? :D
Did you already download Best Girl The DLC? :D

I haven't added the DLC I got with my preorder yet, if it's in that. Haven't gotten anything else aside from that either. /too lazy to fix internet settings on ps3 atm
I went and ordered Zesteria today so that should come in.....sometime.

What exactly is the DLC for it though?
but I'm annoyed I can't rewatch skits and it doesn't seem like they come around as often either.
[PokeCommunity.com] Tales of this thread
You'll get the ability to rewatch skits at the Katz Village.

Skits are viewed exclusively at savepoints, resting at inns, and points of discovery. There are a fair amount of them, it's just doesn't seem that much since you don't get bombarded with two - three skits after an event, like past Tales games. Plus, it's really easy to miss a lot of the inn ones.

I went and ordered Zesteria today so that should come in.....sometime.

What exactly is the DLC for it though?
Pre-order DLC is the classic Tales costumes and weapons. edit: Forgot about the DLC Mystic Artes.

Free DLC that's available to everyone at here, is the Alisha story. It's just a short side-story that takes place after Zestiria's ending, where Alisha is the main character.
I have to admit, I'm a tad annoyed that I've plugged away about thirty hours into Tales of Zestiria now and I'm only just beginning to see signs that there might be an actual plot to it. I might not like the story to certain Tales games, but at least it keeps me in the thick of it. Zestiria is a lot of pointless (restricted) wandering across the continent being firmly steered away from anything plot-related by Lailah's ramblings.

Much as I'm loving Edna's snark - and I am; she's quickly on the way to becoming my favourite character of any Tales game - it'd be nice if the plot was a little more present and intricate and a little less secretive and blatantly obvious in all the "hints" its dropping. It reveals things in snippers, then when something major comes along and Lailah refuses to speak about it, it's pretty much confirmation that what you're probably thinking is actually how things are, so it's a totally ineffective strategy.

Unless this game is pulling a Magna Carta II and is going to drown me in story cliches so I can't see which one is going to be followed through with (I'm still hoping for this) I'm going to rank this one pretty low on that little list I keep in my head of best to worst Tales game. It's about on-par with Vesperia at the moment in the story department, in my opinion.

But but but I'm getting the hang of the battle system now...well, except for when I'm forced to battle in corridors with corners. Then the camera goes INSANE and I can't see a thing. Usually I just switch to a Seraph and spam artes, though. I forsee a lot of weapon grinding in my future. Should be fun.


Just me about to get grumpy, you can ignore me if you want. n___n But it is a major spoiler, so don't click it unless you're at least...I'd say 30ish hours in?


I'm closer to fifty hours in now and I think I'm near the end...although rather than progress, I'm going to follow the game's advice and looking for the remaining Earthen Historia; I don't think I have many left. Because hey, why not make me work for my backstory, rather than feed it to be and weave it into the main narrative so I actually give a damn? =/

Also, Intense is intense. I hate werewolves, boars need to **** OFF AND DIE, and I can't get the trial themes out of my head. And scary loli girls are scary. Also, YOU SHALL NOT PASS. He even SOUNDS like bloody Gandalf to my ears now. A weird mix of Gandalf and Darth Vader, done in the style of Sonic Unleashed's werehog. Hail, ye mighty villain.
One thing I will give this game credit over the other Tales games I've played (and I guess it only technically counts as two because the Xillias use mainly the same music) is that the music is fantastic and way above the others. I wasn't overly impressed with a lot of tracks in Xillia sans Battle For A Future to Believe In and The World Sinking Into Darkness. And in Abyss, like...I couldn't tell you much of anything I really liked in that game. But Zestiria? I could tell you like 10 songs off the top of my head that I adore. Take this with a grain of salt though, since I've only played Abyss and both Xillias. So that's all I have to go by here.

Zaveid the Exile = best song imo. All the trial temple songs are amazing as well, especially the earth one.

The Tales series usually has some fairly good music. There's other games/series that have better pieces or better soundtracks overall, but the music's never really a letdown in Tales.

My copy of Zesteria came in today, so whenever my sister's got the time we're gonna start playing it.
I'm so jealous most people I know got ToZ. I probably wont get it until Xmas. Due to having a child, and bills now, game money...is very very limited. Just glad my daughter loves watching me play games, HOPEFULLY she gets into Tales, and my other favorite game series.

If I get ToZ its gonna be the PS4 version, not teh reason I hear most people got the ToZ version to brag they got the better version. (i dont know, if it is or isnt. its not the reason for me, people can get any version if there are minor differences as in Framerates and how it is...I dont care) Im getting the ps4 frankly cause I want more Ps4 games. haha
tbh, I'm glad I have the PS3 version because I can put Mini-Ludgers on everyone. :) Totally logical and practical reason, yup.
The only Tales fix i have been having lately is playing the First ToX (I never finished the english version i have Milla's side to do). I have beaten ToX in japanese. After I beat ToX on Milla's side, I am gonna replay ToX2. ToX2 is probably one of my favorite tales. Abyss is always my number one favorite.

also, My favorite character isnt from my favorite game. Her name is Sophie. :) When I first played Graces F (I played in Japanese first, Graces F is my first Tales) I fell in love with the character. Also her in the Miku outfit and her singing the main theme of Graces F.

also...speaking ToX2. I remember when I first played it in Japanese, It was like 1 in the morning, and I went to the temple, and I didnt know what really was going on, I knew you collected cats, but i didnt realize THIS was a cat meow I was freaking out I thought it was like a GAME GHOST or something. It freaked me out! In the english version I recorded it cause im like "What the hell is that!?". here is the footage. I also turn the music off and kept the SFX on soo... ahha

.....the ****

it's not hard to get generic cat sounds how did they screw that up
OK, somewhat major spoilers below...and a rant. Because. You'll know why when you get there.

In case you're curious, you're safe to read this story-wise once you've watched a long sequence of flashbacks. You'll know what I mean when you see them.

I'm gonna have to force myself to get all of the Earthen Historia.

So, it turns out that Aizen...


So finally started playing Zesteria today with my sister. Not like we got very far or anything, but hey it's a start.

......gonna take a while to understand and get used to some of this new **** with the artes and skills and equipment and all that.
I got the guidebook today...cause I actually need it, lol.

In non-toz news though, my boyfriend ordered the Xillia 2 CE for me!! Should be here next week. :) And I wanna get the DLC for Ludger's school uniform, but my PS3 doesn't wanna connect to the store lol. But when I run the internet test, it's fine. Clearly someone just doesn't want me getting that DLC.
Well, I have to say...


In other news...I might start Hearts R soon. I've been putting it off for, like, a year now, and it can't be any worse than Zestiria was.