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So uh...
I've been wanting to play a tales game but I've never actually got around to it. x:
I've been wanting to play a tales game but I've never actually got around to it. x:
Besides the first and last battles in the Advanced level, it's actually not that bad with Raine. You just gotta have that one EX Skill that saves your magic charge progress, and her standing A attack can actually keep the enemy stunlocked till it dies (it just takes forever since her physical attack power is terrible). Doing it with Genis is awful though. I think I only managed to do it once with him on a run with 10x exp on.....The Colosseum with no free run is not fun, though. Raine was my second favorite character after Lloyd. Raine is the medic with only 2 possible magic attacks which take a bit to cast. She's not like Tear/Natalia in Abyss who have a few more attacks and can actually, you know, attack if need be. I decided I reaaaaally wanted that Colosseum title on her, though, so I was insane enough to do it.
Experiencing the joys of playing as a nerfed (rip brain dead version of snap pivot) Jude as he bashes people's face in and traversing through the multitudes of alternate realities, instead of researching spyrite like the responsible doctor he's supposed to be.Let's all take a moment to appreciate that in Xillia 2, Jude is apparently 16 and is already a certified doctor. What am I doing with my life
Experiencing the joys of playing as a nerfed (rip brain dead version of snap pivot) Jude as he bashes people's face in and traversing through the multitudes of alternate realities, instead of researching spyrite like the responsible doctor he's supposed to be.
If you ever wanna feel even worse about your progress in life... he went off to med school at age 12. :')Let's all take a moment to appreciate that in Xillia 2, Jude is apparently 16 and is already a certified doctor. What am I doing with my life
I'm curious on what problems they encountered with it. I know with Dark Souls PC, unlocking the frame rate will lead to collision being non-existent when sliding down ladders. Well, I'll find out when Zestiria PC comes out since I'll probably prod around the ini files to find where the FPS settings are. Worst case scenario is the game probably won't even start when I unlock it. Best case scenario is that animations are janky. To be totally honest, what I'm actually expecting and most likeliest to happen, is that the game will break and funny shit will happen.https://blog.talesofgame.com/en/tales-of-zestiria-reveals-its-pc-specs-ps4-info/
The game will be locked at 30fps because apparently it doesn't perform well if they unlock it.
I can understand the complaints to some degree. I don't want the entire game to be 60 FPS, I just want battles to have it. PS3 version wasn't that bad. It was still running on 30 FPS or near it most of the time, yeah, it can drop into the mid-10s when shits hits the fan, but that's not all that common.I'm already seeing a lot of people complaining about that but honestly...? Coming from the PS3 version all I can think is "goddamn I WISH 30fps had been the norm on PS3... that sounds godlike" because seriously, framerate was just so, so, SO awful on PS3.
Okay, this one I'll agree with, because there were a couple scenes I distinctly remember doing this. I know one of them seemed like it was loading the environment for when the scene ends.And further, I remember this one cutscene where there was a voiceover and no one on-screen was even moving--just a slow camera pan--and the game had a slow/choppy framerate for it so... 30fps, if they can keep it static, sounds great to me, lol.
my first tales has to be Tales of Graces F, I imported it on my PS3, this was before ToGf was announced to be released outside of Japan. That game got me into the series. I then bought Tales of the Abyss on the Ps2 for a steal! 20 dollars perfect condition on amazon! Abyss became my top favorite game of the series, still is til this day! ToV is behind Abyss for me. I own the ToV PS3 version, I dont have an xbox, and i dont plan to, Im not gonna get an xbox for just one game. So I imported it for a small price. My top 3 tales is Abyss, Vesperia (PS3), and Xillia 2. my thought on Symphonia (this is my personal opinion) I dont think its that hype worthy but I do understand that people love it cause it was their first, but I felt like it was let down (Opinion), but I dont think its a terrible game at all. But I do love the series. I also Imported Hearts R, Innocence R, I also imported Hearts on the DS the anime version. I imported Xillia, and Xillia 2 (also got the NA version). I'm sad to say cause of BILLS BILLS AND MORE BILLS, I cant get ToZ :/ Plus since Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue got announced and it is 60 dollars, that is on top of my list. :/