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    Let's talk about teachers for a little bit. They help pave the path in our lives, helping us grow and learn what we need to be successful. Who is your favorite teacher that you have had? Have a least favorite?
    Least favorite, mmm. I can't really recall any teacher that I've really had many problems with - well, maybe my third grade teacher, I almost wonder if she had something against me or was just really strict because I remember her making me cry one time because she forced me to call my parents one day because my desk was dirty. That was it. Wasn't even that bad, just happened to have papers and books shoved a bit haphazardly into it and I guess she had a problem with that. And this was right after she was praising me for finishing my work so quickly (it was a "work day" where the whole class did nothing but work, used as punishment for anybody acting out of line), so yeah. She also basically threatened in-school suspension for me one time for not turning in a few worksheets when I should have because I'd been sick. I was eight years old, the thought of that scared the crap out of me.

    Okay I take that back, I guess I definitely do have a least favorite teacher. :D I don't really have too many fond memories of that year.

    Favorite teacher was definitely the french and latin teacher I had in high school. She was so relatively laid-back, so easy to talk to, and a good teacher overall - oh I loved her. She would tell us stories about her childhood in foreign countries at times during lulls in class periods (like when we were doing an easier assignment or something), and she also ended up teaching me a curse word in french. ;D Totally on accident though, she was talking to me personally and she was looking at the book list I had for my english class the next year and that word just kind of slipped out lmao. Although I didn't understand why she was apologizing for saying it until a few years later, when I found out what it meant...well then!

    But yeah, I actually had her for two years and three classes in high school - one semester I had her twice, once for french, once for latin, it's just how the school scheduled me. Her comment to me on that first day was "Are you sadistic or masochistic?" bahahaha. I seriously missed having her as a teacher after I graduated. :( She was just so awesome.
    My favorite teacher was my AP Government teacher in high school. He was very nice and able to explain the subject very well. There was also one time he taught us how to do taxes as he knew some of his students were working part-time jobs after school (yay teaching real life skills, haha). He sometimes told us stories of his time as professor in a couple colleges and he mentioned how he actually preferred to teach high school, which was pretty interesting.

    My least favorite was probably my high school Spanish teacher sophomore year. Sometimes she would say "beep-beep" to get our attention, but that annoyed more of us haha. I actually don't remember much else about her, but I think she also tends to be off-topic at times. Much of the whole class actually did a petition to get rid of her, but apparently before winter break she left to move to a new state. The class had a few substitutes until a much better teacher became our permanent one.
    My favorite teacher will be my grade and high school teacher (they're both the same teacher), and we're church mates, too :3.
    My favorite teacher without a doubt has to be my 7th grade science teacher. She was just the coolest person ever and unlike many other teachers, no one ever taked bad about her and she was always respected in my class. Even the trouble makers that always got bad grades and caused trouble actually did good in her class. She was soooo easy going and there were so many days where we didn't even do work. Instead she'd tell us the most amazing stories of her life. Ughhh it was just the best!

    My least favorite was my 5th grade teacher. She absolutely hated me and didn't even try to hide it. Everyday I'd walk into class and you know what she'd do when she'd see me? She'd give me one of those death stares that says "I hope you die today". Tbh, I don't even know why she hated me! I was a good student, got good grades, and never talked when she was talking. The only reason for her distaste over me that I can think of is that I was a little loud when she wasn't talking, but that's about it. ;-;
    Luckily most of my teachers were really nice people. If we wouldn't have had our mathematics teacher in high school, we would probably never have started our close Dungeons and Dragons group, meaning my spare time would be a lot more lonely.

    One of the teachers I disliked was our sports teacher, who was even lazy enough to drive to the sport fields which weren't even far from the school building.
    I don't think I really had a favourite teacher. I've had teachers that I've really gotten along with like my high school ICT teacher and my university programming lecturer, but I've had teachers that I really enjoyed their class because they taught it well whilst also making it entertaining like my high school RE teacher and my cryptography lecturer.
    As for least favourite that's even harder to point out. I'd have to say my Y10-11 english teacher purely because she decided to go down the "lets make an example of someone" route when she first started and decided to pick on me. But after that she was a pretty nice person so I can't really say I disliked her that much.
    My highschool teachers! I mean they're not just any goody-good teachers. They also know how to get along with us teenagers C: It's very lovely of them. When it's class hour, they are teacher. Class is over, they're close friends. No matter how you look at them, it's only because of their jobs but also a parent whenever I have problems, they always hear me out. And they laugh with me too. They even take harsh jokes. It's just they know well of us and know how to get along but not all teachers hehe
    my favorite teacher (thus far) was my 8th grade history teacher, who was one of the nicest guys I've ever met and genuinely cared about us doing well and preparing us for whatever was to come next. he left the year after I had him, which was pretty lucky. uhh, also my middle school band teacher is really, really cool and I still kind of talk to him now -- I take saxophone lessons through him but I'm really just paying him to be my friend because we don't really do anything in those lessons, we just talk about shit. I've also had a huge crush on my English teachers the past two years but I think that's more my fault than anything for being a Giant Loser. I think that's all I'm gonna say about that.... Hahaha.....

    the worst teacher I've ever had is my Italian teacher this year. prior to her I'd been getting A's in the class but now I'm floating by with a C, I think. she is awful. she's like the weirdly out-of-touch teacher stereotype that everyone kinda dreads -- she tries to make friends with her students by acting like she knows all the slang and shit like that but it just comes off as really painfully forced. she bought the girls in our class $30 shirts and said she'd give them to them if they behaved. they didn't, but they still got them anyway. that hurt to watch. she's emailed my mother twice because she thinks I'm sarcastic. BadA$$
    Guess I'll give a shoutout to my favorite teacher first, Mrs. Long. She was my math teacher in 9th and 12th grade and I can definitely say she was the best teacher ever. She was so good at what she did and had the ability to make ANYONE understand. She was actually a friend too! We even texted some.

    My worst teacher was my 10th grade chem teacher. She was one of those who legitimately didn't care if you learned anything or not as long as she was handing out work and getting a paycheck :|
    My favorite teacher, hands down, was my high school band teacher. I didn't plan on taking band all four years of high school, but it happened, and it happened because of him. He was excellent at his job. He took a band that didn't even go to competitions because they knew they would be embarrassed by the other schools, to one that was beating schools double, even triple our size. He sparked my love for music, and I'm just happy I was able to be a part of that band. It made high school bearable, and I don't think I'll find a better teacher. Plus, he played Mario Kart with us on band trips. I always won, haha.

    My least favorite teacher is a tie between my Advance Algebra Trigonometry teacher, and my French teacher. The former was just bad at teaching. She taught the math once, and expected everyone to pick it up right away. You could go in during lunch and ask for help, which she thought was enough, but the classroom was full literally every day, with students lining up to ask her a question. Normally my mom is very strict with grades and falling behind, but after one parent teacher conference, my mom turned to me afterwards and said, "Just pass the class, that's all I care about."

    The French teacher just didn't fit my learning style. She was very old fashioned, having quizzes every day, and teaching a set of new vocabulary words every day. It was way too fast paced for me, as if you missed a day, you missed up to fifty new words that you had to learn in addition to the words that were taught that day. I did alright, but even if I studied an hour every day, it wasn't enough to get an A. Plus, she made me miss jazz band one day to make up a quiz. That's unforgivable.
    I have a favorite teacher in high school it was my math teacher. I like the way she teaches us math, she makes it more interesting and I learned so much about her. But I dislike her personality, she's just so mean and she wants to make every student equal in learning which some of my former classmates found it difficult to catch up even me. I was cool though but she's kinda discriminating other students because of that.

    The worst teacher that I have ever had was my design and specs teacher. The worst. She doesn't know how to teach, what the hell my university hired her, every single student hate her. In our first semester we have this student evaluation thing about the teacher's performance and after we wrote everything about her she FREAKINGLY cried in front of our room trying to gain our sympathy! I would still consider her cry if it is in high school but seriously this is college. We only wrote about her teaching performance but she took it too personal, it wasn't even personal. She even told us that she is a single mother but we don't care about it, we're only dealing with her teaching not her parenting. I know she's sensitive but it's her fault she cannot teach us good enough.

    She doesn't really teach us the method that is being applied HERE in our country she relies too much on internet sources that it's out of our world. Second, she doesn't like being corrected by the students, my classmate once corrected her about a minor thing about roof and stuffs and he was right, he had reliable sources and even ask about our other professors, but she still insisted that hers was correct and after my classmate went to his seat, she immediately let out a mean and sour face behind him which is so unprofessional. Third, she hates our class so whenever she had a class on the lower years, she tells her bad experiences and students to them. She's like trying to manipulate their minds to think that our class is bad but the only thing that makes it bad is because of her UNPROFESSIONAL way of teaching and personality.

    I hate her so much. I think she's already fired cause I heard she had a warning and the faculty members doesn't really believe about her, it was only her class that was really ****ed up. But I don't know, gonna wait next school year >.>
    My 5th Grade teacher would probably be by far my favourite. My 6th grade teacher was probably the worst. He got kicked out of the school for hitting a kicked, thankfully. Horrible person.
    Too many favourites to list tbh.
    Favourite in primary school was my Year 5-6 teacher who really inspired me to become an artist. Or well, PC truly did, but she was the one who was my true starting point.
    College is a real toss between my Year 8 form/P.E teacher, art and photography teachers and a couple of my english teachers - tbh 80% of the teachers from my college were awesome so I can't really say tbh.

    As for least:
    The one in particular is a Clyne Model who happened to become my Year 11 Physics teacher for a term (before getting fired).
    Honestly couldn't teach, made physics even harder than it should have been and strutted the classrooms like he was on the runway with his pants riding low enough for a chunk of pink underwear to be seen - and I went to an all girls school. *Shivers* had to look him on the Clyne Model's site and his pictures still scare me to this day.
    Despite my history teacher being such an awful homophobe (it was a Catholic high school), he was the one who got me to realise the career I wanted to take in life, teaching.. He was funny, charming, liked by all and loved what he did - not to mention a fantastic teacher when he wasn't letting us just watch movies or play games during lessons. I always liked the idea of teaching, but it wasn't until I started having him as a teacher that it really dawned on me that this could be something that I can do with my life, something that will put all my natural talents to their use while keeping me satisfied. Not to mention that I'd probably have the biggest impact on people through being a teacher.

    I also wanted to eat him out considering he was the hottest and tallest teacher I had ever met, plus one of the hottest adults I had known full stop, but that's just a little side note.
    My favorite teacher is either my high school math teacher or my high school English teacher. The math teacher was very strict, but she definitely helped me learn some very complicated math problems and sometimes she would be a joy to be around and would cause some of the funniest stuff to happen during that day of school and the English teacher was a bit of a goof ball and he made that hour one of the more fun hours of the day.

    My least favorite is a 3 way tie between my last two high school history teachers and one an elementary computer teacher. One of the history teachers was also a goof ball, but not in the way that I like (No one really liked him.), it was more irritating if anything with the way he acted, and he would make some of the worst jokes, like joking that I would be a serial killer when I get out of high school, and everyone including me was sick of him (Thankfully he did get fired.). The last high school history teacher I had can be summed up with one word, lazy. She was nice, but she was just so lazy. She spent more time on her phone, made us make our own test (Guess how well that turned out.), and no one learned a thing from the last chapters. As for the computer teacher, I don't know what I did except for being alive, but she absolutely hated me and she didn't even attempt to hide it from me, I even tried to be as nice as humanly possible to her, but no matter what I did she just had a burning hatred for me. She would find a way to make me look disgusting or dumb whenever possible, like whenever I was scratching the side of one of my cheeks she would yell out "STOP PICKING YOUR NOSE!" or "GET YOUR FINGER OUT OF YOUR NOSE!", called me dumb, stupid, and yelled and scolded me just because I didn't know what to do or I made a simple mistake on something. Then there was one time, I asked her for help with something because I didn't know how to do one assignment and I wanted some help in understanding how to do it, and she yelled at me, sent me back to my main class (The computer class was like a side class, half the class went one day and the other half would go another day), made look like an idiot in front of everyone, it made me really embarrassed, and it made me cry and no one believed me when I said that I did nothing wrong except ask her for help (It wasn't even a test). I was more than happy when I heard she got fired.
    All of my elementary teachers except for one were mean to me. My second grade teacher was the worst. He stuck me into the back of the classroom facing the wall. It was so bad that I had nightmares about it. :x I also had another teacher I hated so much like omg. She was the worst. D: I don't think she had a clue as to how she was supposed to treat people with varying disabilities either.

    I also had a teacher in life skills who used to nitpick every little thing about me. >___>

    However, most of my teachers were pretty good in high school. *shrug* I don't really have a favorite one though.