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Article: The First Global Mission for Sun and Moon Has Begun!

Oh, this sounds kinda fun really!
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This feels like those impossible Battlefield community missions they throw out every so often. High numbers there too.

10,000,000 captures? Let's get cracking.
I wonder if we'll legitimately finish this goal... maybe it's me being pessimistic but all the Poke-Hackers might skew the numbers.

Still, I like the I Idea :D I have to fill up my box anyway XD
I'm pretty excited for it, and I think it seems feasible imo. A lot of people are finishing the game about now, and the first thing that many people do immediately after beating the game is work on completing their Dex.

Side note, egg hatching doesn't count toward the goal.
Just registered for the mission, it's just the incentive I needed to catch more Pokemon for the 'dex.
I think it's very much possible that the 100,000,000 goal can be met by the 12th. Sun/Moon sold ~10 million copies in its first week, so if every single one of those copies participates, that means everyone would have to catch just 10 Pokemon. Only ten.

Now of course, not everyone of those copies will participate, and not everyone participating will catch 10 Pokemon, but at the same time more and more people will keep buying and playing the games, and some will catch more than 10 Pokemon.

At the moment we're at 1.79 million, which is while less than 2% and not terribly inspiring, not bad for not quite 3 days. I've only caught 2 myself during this time, but I'm pretty sure I'll end up completing the main story sometime before the 12th and then I'll probably end up going on a catching spree and get that number a lot higher.
I wasn't sure how to sign up for it on the first day since it didn't give me a notification but I got one yesterday so I'm signed up now. I think the fact that you're not signed up automatically means we can't rely on all 10 million+ copies being signed up for the event. Also consider that some people buy both versions and they'll probably only participate with one version.

I'll be reaching post-game stuff soon so it'll be a good excuse to catch more Pokemon. I've already caught a bunch of new Pokemon in quick balls since signing up.
ok maybe I underestimated things

There's 5-6 days left and we're at 7.7 million

idk how the fuck we're gonna get the other 82.3 million in that time
I guess they overestimated what people would be willing or able to accomplish. Oh well. We get something for participating in any case so there's that.