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The Great Video Game Music Challenge! [Over!]


  • 2,023
    Day 36 - Scenery Challenge IV

    The image shown gives me the impression of an unknown world, that's oddly mystifying. All I could really think of that can match this type of imagery, was Secret Evemore's OST. I can only imagine walking around a mushroom filled planet, with jelly-fish like creatures and thinking this place is so weird; yet, it's such an interesting sight to behold.


  • 6,390
    Day 36 - Scenery Challenge IV

    I too will go for a more "to the unknown" route. Funny enough, there's one part in Ethan Carter where you chase down an astronaut and then you get to go to space (really, that happens).


  • 0
    Day 37 - A track you think everyone should listen to at least once

    It's Monday again, and I'm sure we've all been here before - trying to get someone to recognise just how amazing something is, but having the feeling that talking to a brick wall would get us further. We all have our opinions, and we all think that some things are just *essential* if you're a fan of something. Like how you can't really be a Zelda fan if you've never played Ocarina of Time, according to about 90% of the fandom.

    So, for today's challenge, let's say you can somehow get everyone on the planet to listen to one video game track of your choice. What are you going to pick, and why?

    JJ Styles

    The Phenomenal Darling
  • 3,922
    Day 37 - A track you think everyone should listen to at least once

    "Fine work with Hillock. Where'd you learn to fight like that? No, don't tell me. We exiles have no history. Dominus took it from us the moment his Blackguards dumped us in the water out there. It's just live or die, now."

    Welcome to Wraeclast Exile.

    If I could help encourage some people to play some Path of Exile, I could easily tell them how it is and why people play it. But for now, I'll just share a very nice track from the game. This is from Lioneye's Watch, the first "Town" of the game, and for some reason, this tune just makes the exiles feel that they are in-exile, in a fight to survive against their harsh punishment. But you are within the safety of Lioneye's Watch, the first town of Act 1.

    Judge Mandolore Shepard

    Spectre Agent
  • 9,433
    Day 37 - A track you think everyone should listen to at least once

    When it comes to a track I think every one should listen to at least once, I have several in mind. Course the track I will choose comes from a game that will turn 20 years old next year. The song I choose is The Brickster from Lego Island.


  • 0
    Day 38 - A track that reminds you of someone you know

    We've probably all been here too, albeit some more than others. Mentally assigning music to people because of the way they look or act, never sharing it with them - unless they'd appreciate the reference, anyway - and never being able to listen to that music again without thinking of that person. So, for today's challenge, post a track that you associate with someone you know - it could be a friend, a family member, a co-worker...even someone from these forums!

    JJ Styles

    The Phenomenal Darling
  • 3,922
    Day 38 - A track that reminds you of someone you know

    This is easier said than done if it involved non-VG music but I'll try anyway

    This one is more of a personal story i had a few years back. It was only during the year 2013 where i finally had my first serious girlfriend, as all other girls who i became close with were basically unfinished chapters in my life, and a certain someone was actually quite close. So about my first serious lady partner, she was not the prettiest one, nor was she ever considered to be SUPERHOT, but i went for it anyway because she was a glasses girl and i found that she had her sort of charm. She was this rather caring but also very insecure kind of woman who was easily jealous and would flip out if she ever caught me talking to another girl, especially if it was someone who was clearly more physically attractive than her. But it wasn't really an issue since I was and I am a faithful partner. She was a very quiet and a very shy girl who was also socially awkward, a feat i thought was impossible for most normal girls since I was usually the more socially awkward-but-trying-really-hard-to-be-"Normal" one. For the sake of her privacy, I'll call my now ex "Katherine". Katherine preferred things to be orderly and stable, even if it was boring. We would routinely go out every weekend or everytime I'm free. She preferred things to be that stable.

    Prior to meeting my first serious girlfriend, I met this really one of the kind girl who i met courtesy of my two close friends who were close friends with her. For the sake of her privacy, I'll just call her "Catherine". She was this kind of young woman who was not afraid to speak up and ask even the most outrageous of questions. She was a young woman who was able to carry herself quite nicely, making her even more attractive than she already is, and she was the really outgoing and hot-blooded extroverted one, the perfect match for the moody-quiet, cool, calm and calculated introverted one such as myself. Catherine is basically Chaotic-good in a desirable nutshell. She was at times borderline crazy to the point where she would regularly defy logics and norms. We were really close, almost close to the point where people have mistaken us to be a couple, where some of my closest friends, family, and even my extended family thinking that we were an official couple, but we never really had an official status. We were just two really close friends of the opposite sex. For a year and a half, we were together quite often, but something happened. Its something personal so i won't share it since it involves some of my closest of IRL people. Basically, i screwed up a bit and never really got close to trying hard in taking it to the next level. I did stay friends with her, but after i thought that i screwed up my chances with her, I knew i had to move on and try finding someone who i desire.

    So fast forward to after screwing up my chances with "Catherine", i did my best to move on and just enjoy life as it is. So luckily enough i met "Katherine" in a really great birthday celebration that I had, befriended her, and a few months later, we made ourselves official. Me and the "Katherine". It was a great little time for me, that woman, and the rest of my life. It was my first serious relationship ever.

    However, things started to heat up when by some chance, i got into contact with "Catherine" thanks to a friend who told me that she was visiting our area, so my friend and I hanged out with "Catherine" and her friend. It was all coming back to me now and I eventually rekindled my friendship with her, even when I was officially with "Katherine". After all, the time i spent with "Catherine" helped me become a much better person, but for some reason, even when i was already in a relationship, the feelings i had with "Catherine" was still there, as I also considered her as an unfinished chapter in my life. But i did my best to make sure that I don't like just cheat on my current partner at that time. I didn't want to end up being a creeper and a cheater. Heck, there came a rare moment that "Katherine" and "Catherine" actually met since we were about to visit one of our close friend's area in order to pay our respects to our friend's mom who recently passed away. It was "Catherine's" closest of friends and she was the one who contacted me. I decided to take "Katherine" along so that she would have this opportunity to meet with my closest of friends.

    Fast forward to more recent times like last year of 2015, "Catherine" was having some emotional issues. "Catherine" was not a woman who was used to having emotional issues because she's usually the logical and headstrong one, but sometimes even the strongest of people have hidden weaknesses. It was during a Sunday morning where i received several missed calls from her, and i told her what's wrong. Basically she needed someone to help her calm down, and even when i had a date with "Katherine" the night before, for some reason, I needed to be with the other girl. Why? Because she was one of my closest of friends. She was the woman who i desired before. She was everything who i wanted, but never had. But as a close friend, I went out with "Catherine" to help her calm down. However, i made the mistake of not asking "Katherine" permission if i could hang out with "Catherine" since as I've mentioned before, "Katherine" was the easily jealous glasses girl type. But I did it anyway. I did it because i really needed to. And spending all that time with "Catherine" made me somewhat realize that I was missing out so much on the woman who i was really attracted to, but knowing that I was on a current relationship, I had to be cool and collected enough to know that I'm there to just help "Catherine" calm down.

    So "Katherine" eventually found out that I went out with "Catherine" and she got really pissed at it. I told her that we don't usually hang out with her that often, and she has already met the woman eye-to-eye and personally. We all had an entire day to like hang out and befriiend each other, yet for some reason, "Katherine" chose to think that I was cheating on her, which I wasn't. She was aware of the history i had between "Catherine" and I, but i told her that we are close friends. "Katherine" got so angry at me the entire night that she even blocked me, and i went as far as skipping school to deeply apologize her. Of course that did not lead to our eventual breakup since that's an entire long story.

    So why I mentioned this? Because as much as I am sorta embarrassed, then again, I'm already telling this story so I'm actually not embarrassed, for a certain point in my life, I felt like I was in Vincent Brooks' situation. Who would he choose? Who would i choose? Katherine or Catherine? So I'm sharing some Catherine music over here since it's what today's challenge asked of us.

    Also, I remember joking about to my then-girlfriend "Katherine" that I'd like to buy Catherine so that we could play it, and she was very much opposed to it because she thought that it was a dirty game, and she was being reminded of things, and she didn't like me being around material that contained ecchi and stuff. Some of my friends even thought that I wanted to play Catherine because they felt that I was in the same situation as that of Vincent xD.
    Last edited:


  • 6,390
    Day 37 - A track you think everyone should listen to at least once

    Total War series has some pretty nice music, and I thought this one sounds beautifully, like something from a movie.

    Day 38 - A track that reminds you of someone you know
    I too am drawing a blank, bleh. If I can think of something I might edit this. =x


  • 2,023
    Day 37 - A track you think everyone should listen to at least once

    I've made it clear on multiple occasions that the Kiseki series holds a special place in my heart, and I think one of the songs that has hit me the most is 'Whereabouts of the Stars'. I mean, even without context it's extremely apparent that the track carries a somber tone to it. And, I just like the idea of a song that is meant to convey emotion without the usage of a piano. So, yes. I think everyone should listen to a sad harmonica song, solely because it uses a harmonica. A little bit of a shallow reason, but eh.

    ... There is a piano version though. It sounds wonderful, might I add.

    Day 38 - A track that reminds you of someone you know

    Katamari Damacy! So, why would I ever associate this goofy song with one my best friends, Kenny? Well, because he's a goofy as shit person. Known the guy since we've been in elementary, we've quite literally been through everything together. Anyways, he's an eccentric guy. He'll a break out into song on a whim, go hits on a girl the instant she's in his sights, and one the worst people to get drunk with. It also helps that my first interaction with Katamari was through him. So, despite what I said before, that's the primary reason this track reminds me of him.



  • 0
    Day 39 - Colour Challenge III: Green

    Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power! The colour of safety, the natural world, jealousy and envy, and the Irish, green is another one of those colours with many different meanings depending upon your culture. So, for today's challenge, post a track that makes you think of green,or you associate with something you associate with green, or even just a colour with the word "green" in it.


    Hell's Traffic Accident
  • 413
    Day 39 - Colour Challenge III: Green

    The first theme that pops up in my mind is Parsee's theme "Green-Eyed Jealousy" from Subterranian Animism.
    She's a hashihime guarding the bridge between the surface world and the underworld and is jealous of anyone she meets, despising everyone.


    JJ Styles

    The Phenomenal Darling
  • 3,922
    Day 39 - Colour Challenge III: Green


    NO GREEN SOLDIER has ever won a war by melting for his country. He won it by making the Tan soldier melt for his country!

    When your video game has a speech that's an affectionate parody of General Patton's speech, you know how shamelessly awesome you damn are! XD.

    Say what you all want about Army Men: Sarge's heroes but the Army Men series of games was one of my favorite things from my childhood. Everything about Army Men was great. It was an awesome way to parody World War 2, and Sarge's Heroes being this over the top and cliche ridden and tongue-in-cheek game was really a nice way to put some personality and delicious green cheese to the game.

    Army Men Sarge's Heroes may not have been the most well polished game, but it was fun in such a way that there was so much personality with the characters, Green and Tan armies alike. Everyone, especially Sarge of course, were cheesy and comedic caricatures of war personalities in your typical War themed movie or game.

    Also, one other thing, Army Men especially in the Sarge Heroes' series (including Army men Air Attack) pretty much parodied World War 2 based media and other games in the cheesiest of ways and it was glorious. Too bad that the entire Army men series eventually died down because each game in said series was just from one mediocre title to something even worse. But no matter. It doesn't matter. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes was amazing in its own tongue-in-cheek way.


    Radiant Cool Boy
  • 3,340
    Day 39: Color Challenge III - Green

    As a fan of Skies of Arcadia, how can I not remember coming up on the unexplored continent of Ixa'Taxa? Flourishing under the green moon and covered but nothing but forestry, it's one of my favorite parts in the game. I really love the exploration feel throughout the whole experience.



  • 6,390
    Day 39 - Color Challenge III: Green

    Hey, Irish was mentioned, so yeah let's do the Irish jig Punch Out style, yes?

    (I love Irish/Celtic music in general.)


  • 0
    Day 40 - A track you like that plays in a dungeon/level you hate

    Sometimes the music is not a reflection of the surroundings; sometimes you can be serenaded by the most wonderful of tracks in the most horrific of situations. For today's challenge, post a track you like...but one that plays in a dungeon or level that you absolutely cannot stand. One that makes your blood boil just thinking about it.

    Judge Mandolore Shepard

    Spectre Agent
  • 9,433
    Day 40 - A track that plays in a dungeon/level you hate

    When it comes to a track that plays in a dungeon/level I hate, there is one I might have in mind. While I don't know the name of the track, it is the music used for the Forgotten Shrine, Baction in Tales of Vesperia. Why do I hate that dunegon? Well I will put my reason in a spoiler.


  • 0
    Day 41 - Genre Challenge III: Rhythm

    Most video games don't place a huge emphasis on their soundtrack, but there are some games where the music IS the game. So, for today's challenge, post a track from a rhythm or music game! Music for a music challenge. What a novel idea!