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[Challenge] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

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Soul Silver Update 9:

Gyms Completed

Current Team

After a lot of training, I went into the Elite 4 lobby, stocked up on Hyper Potions, Full Heals, and Revives, and went in to fight the Elite 4, starting with Will. I sent out Rusty as my lead, and defeated his first Xatu easily with Bite. I switched to Bunga to fight Slowbro. I charged up a Solar Beam (trying to save on Sunny Day's PP), the Slowbro used Curse, and she went down to Bunga's charged up Solar Beam. Bunga stayed out to fight Jynx, and took her down with Flamethrower. I switched Bunga out to Ember to fight Exeggutor, and defeated her with Megahorn. I switched back to Rusty to fight Will's second Xatu, and she went down to Bite, winning the battle against Will.

I moved onto the next room with Koga. Rusty was once again in the first slot, and easily defeated Ariados with Fire Fang. I kept him out to fight Forretress, who also went down easily to Fire Fang. Against Muk, Rusty used Dig, which hit despite the use of Minimize, taking the giant blob of nastiness down. Against Crobat, I switched Rusty out to Elmo. Crobat got burned by Elmo's Flame Body after using Wing Attack, and despite using Double Team, Elmo was able to take down Crobat with Thunder Punch. Elmo then very easily took down Venomoth with Flamethrower, winning me the fight against Koga.

Next was Bruno. Bunga was sent out as my lead Pokémon, where he took down Hitmontop with a few Flamethrowers (though it was only a few and not a couple because Bruno healed Hitmontop with a Full Restore after the first Flamethrower). Against Onix, Bunga charged up Solar Beam, tanked an Earthquake, and brought Onix down with the charged up Solar Beam. I switched to Elmo to face Machamp, and he went down after a couple of Flamethrowers. I switched to Ember to fight Hitmonlee, and she took him down with Flare Blitz. I kept her out to fight Hitmonchan, and she took him down with another Flare Blitz, winning me the fight against Bruno.

Last was Karen. I sent out Ember as my lead Pokémon, but after some failed attempts to land Megahorn and Umbreon using Double Team and Confuse Ray, I switched her out for Bunga and started spamming Swift. Bunga kept this up until Umbreon finally went down. I switched to Elmo to fight against Murkrow, and she was easily taken down with Thunder Punch. Elmo was switched out with Rusty to fight Houndoom, and she was quickly disposed of with Dig. Rusty stayed out to fight Gengar, and took her out with Bite. Rusty then easily defeated Vileplume with Fire Fang, winning me the fight against Karen.

With the Elite 4 all defeated, it was time for me to take on the Champion. I healed anyone who needed it, then gave Elmo a Passho Berry, and Charti Berries to Ember and Bunga. Then, I moved on to the room with Lance and approached him. I sent out Elmo as my lead Pokémon against Gyarados, and took him out with two Thunder Punches. I then switched out to Blarrg, and had him use Yawn on Aerodactyl after tanking a Rock Slide. I healed Blarrg so he could take another Rock Slide, then Aerodactyl fell asleep and I switched to Elmo. Elmo hit Aerodactyl with a Thunder Punch, but Lance used a Full Restore on him, which meant, while Elmo was able to hit another Thunder Punch on Aerodactyl, led to Elmo going down to Rock Slide. I sent out Blarrg hoping to land another Yawn on Aerodactyl, and he tanked Rock Slide and landed it. I healed him so he could take another hit, and this time Aerodactyl used Aerial Ace, which did very little to Blarrg. Wanting to save on Ancient Power's PP for Lance's three Dragonite (and Aerodactyl's HP was pretty low at this point), I had Blarrg use Lava Plume, and it took Aerodactyl down. Against Lance's first Dragonite, Blarrg used Yawn, which hit first due to Quick Claw luck. I then kept healing Blarrg against Outrage until Dragonite fell asleep. Blarrg took him down with three Ancient Powers and a Lava Plume. Lance's second Dragonite paralyzed Blarrg with Thunder Wave, so I healed him of it on the next turn where Dragonite would fall asleep. After healing Blarrg from a critical Dragon Rush, I had him use Ancient Power again, the second of which took Dragonite down. Lance's third Dragonite paralyzed Blarrg again, but he was still able to hit with Yawn. I healed Blarrg of his paralysis the next turn, and Dragonite fell asleep after missing Blarrg. Blarrg used Ancient Power, then I had to recover some of its PP using a Max Ether (I didn't have any normal Ethers on me). Dragonite woke up, so I had Blarrg use Yawn again and healed him the next turn. I then had to heal Blarrg again, and while Dragonite woke up the next turn turn, his Dragon Rush missed, and Blarrg took him down with an Ancient Power, even getting the stat boost. I kept Blarrg out, and after tanking an Air Slash, he took Charizard down with another Ancient Power, winning me the fight against Lance and getting me in the Hall of Fame.

I may have beaten Lance, but it's far from over. Stay tuned for my adventure through Kanto, my rematch of the Elite 4 and Lance, and my fight against Red.
Pokemon Perfect Crystal 2020: Mono-Poison
Sage Bella, Update 3 (Ilex Forest -> Goldenrod Gym):

Getting to Goldenrod City got me access to a whole bunch of TMs, which drastically opened up my movepools. Return gave me a decent attacking move on literally everyone, while Thunder and Blizzard gave strong (if inaccurate) moves to multiple Pokemon that were relying on status effects to do almost all their damage. As I got access to National Park, I retired Spinarak and Beedrill, and caught a NidoranF and Venonat (the latter in the Bug Catching Contest), and promptly evolved the former into a Nidorina. Venonat is, for now, my weakest Pokemon, but it's still stronger than my previous bugs and will get more powerful later on. Nidorina is already a powerhouse, even without any STAB moves. I chose to wait to level up my original four while I brought my newest pair of Pokemon up to the same level, as I usually do. Unless I find a shiny Poison-type somewhere, this'll be the team that takes me to the end of the game.

Whitney actually defeated me, because I was careless and had my Nidorina (the only Pokemon not capable of stopping Miltank from building up Rollout) faint her Clefairy, and her Miltank promptly built up Rollout as I switched into Gastly, which barely fainted before it could hit Miltank with a status condition, and Miltank promptly swept my team. The second time, I nearly fainted Clefairy with Nidorina, then switched to Gastly to deal the final blow. This time, I got off a Curse right as she did the first rollout, but to my dismay, I found out that the "no status damage when fainting a Pokemon" bug was the one bug this romhack didn't fix, and it took me three fainted Pokemon for her to miss. I took this opportunity to have Bellsprout use Sleep Powder, and Curse kicked in and quickly took Miltank down.

Current Team:

Soul Silver Update 10:

Gyms Completed
Lt. Surge

Current Team

I left my house, got the S.S. Ticket from Professor Elm, and flew to Olivine City. I went to get on the S.S. Anne, getting the National Pokédex from Professor Oak, then boarded the S.S. Anne. I fought all the trainers, as well as doing the quests, then left the S.S. Anne to Vermilion City. After healing my Pokémon, I went into Lt. Surge's gym and fought the trainers while looking for the hidden switches. Once I found them and turned the forcefield off, I went up and challenged Lt. Surge.

The battle against Lt. Surge was pretty easy. I sent out Rusty as my lead Pokémon. Raichu paralyzed him with Thunder Wave, but despite that, as well as Raichu using Double Team, Rusty was able to take him down with one Dig. I healed Rusty of his paralysis, and defeated Lt. Surge's first Electrode with Dig despite it using Double Team twice. Since I didn't have to heal Rusty this time, Lt. Surge's second Electrode went down sooner with, once again, to Dig. Magneton, likewise, easily went down to Fire Fang. And finally, Rusty destroyed Electabuzz with Dig, winning me the battle.

With that done, I went back to the Pokémon Center and healed, then left Vermilion City for Route 6. I fought the trainers there, getting some extra training for Saffron City. Once at Saffron City, I went to challenge the gym after exploring the city. After the tedious teleporter puzzle, as well as fighting whatever trainers I came across, I finally reached Sabrina and challenged her.

I sent out Ember as my lead Pokémon. She easily took down Espeon with one Megahorn. Mr. Mime took slightly longer due to Sabrina using a Full Restore, but Ember took her (yes, this was a female Mr. Mime) down. Alakazam took Ember out with Psychic due to being faster than her, so I sent Rusty out to deal with him. Alakazam wasted his turn with Skill Swap, allowing Flareon to obliterate him, winning me the fight against Sabrina. So far, it seems the claims about the Kanto Gym Leader battles being easy in GS and their remakes is true (this is definitely gonna come back to bite me in the future, I just know it is).

I left Saffron City for Route 7. There, I searched through the grass until I found and caught a Houndour. I moved on to Celadon City, went into the Pokémon Center, and called it a day there.
Ultimate Rock Run
Moon / Post #1 / Start Through Arriving at The Observatory

Quite a jaunt to run through so far, but quite fun for the star of an ending to the Ultimate Rock Run.

First, I chose to start with Bonsly. The first Rock types you can find are hidden behind Tauros Charge, and the nearest one you can find is right there on Route 1: Bonsly. So, Bonsly it is. Took a while but then got the egg over to my game. And the best thing is that I found out that I could get rid of egg cycles faster on my other games that I was breeding with, so I did that and traded it over...to have it hatch about two minutes later. No nicknames this time. Just gameplay.

So, the path I went on was:

1.) With Bonsly, I can push through very easily through everything until I get to the Grand Trial. That's my first challenge due to the trial being the Fighting-type. I did a first attempt at level 14, but that was not at all a good attempt. Even with Z-Move on Slam to attack, I could barely get through one of the team. I ended up having to come back at 18, which is good for two reasons: first, I'm a higher level, but second, I've evolved to Sudowoodo. This time, I get close, but end up having to reach 19, where I replace Low Kick with Feint Attack. But, that doesn't help going against the Kahuna's team, but in the end, I pull through. Sudowoodo was able, somehow, to survive the Z-Move.

2.) As a result, I can now use Tauros Charge, so I go pick up my remaining team members in Ten Carat Hill: Roggenrola, Carbink, and Rockruff. Rockruff will eventually turn into Midnight Lycanroc. I then level them all up to match Sudowoodo's level.

3.) On the next island, I push through to the Water Trial, which turns out to be one of the hardest battles but also one of the dumbest. Hard because of water and my team having relatively crappy Special Defense, but dumb because on the fourth attempt, after I spent three hours grinding until Roggenrola evolved to Boldore, I sent Boldore out and the Totem Wishiwashi decides it would be a perfect time to use Soak. So, since Water resists Water, I am now in a situation I have to make the most of. Boldore cannot get knocked out if I hope to win. Lots of Potion spamming...which is okay because at the start of the game I spent all the money that my mom gave me. Was hilarious to buy about 200 Potions (which is made even more hilarious because, at the time of writing this before attempting the Electric trial, I still have about 30 of them left). Whether you want to count it as a good attempt or not, I won more because the Totem Soak'd me rather than me being smarter.

4.) The Fire Trial = easy. Straightforwared for obvious reasons. Rockruff also evolves just before the battle.

5.) The Grass Trial...this was an interesting one. Lycanroc spammed Rock Throw and won. I'm not exactly certain why it worked, but it did. Whenever a Castform would come out, it'd be the first thing to go. I did not want it setting up Sunny Day if I could help it. That was my plan, at least. I did get one Castform out, but by that point, I was one hit from winning, so I took out the Totem. Then to end the battle, Castform now being weak to Rock, went down in one shot. I'm not gonna complain, especially after the time I had to spend going against the Water Trial.

6.) Once I arrived at Olivia's shop, where I get told to go the Ruins, I pick up one egg each to hatch Archen and Shieldon. A quick hop later and I've got a full party. I don't worry about leveling them, as I have the Exp Share going.

7.) The battle with Olivia wasn't hard, but took a little longer than I hoped for. Thankfully, I have Brick Break on Sudowoodo and I can spam Rock moves.

8.) After defeating Olivia, I smacked myself in the head because I forgot to get Corsola. So, I jump back to the Melemele Sea and spend two hours trying to get a Corsola to spawn. It eventually did and I swapped out Boldore for it.

9.) Nothing much to say about my time in the Aether Paradise.

10.) I lose to Hau's team upon arriving on the next island. I just wanted to save so, while I tried my best, no luck right now. My team is a weird mix of levels. Some are high twenties, while others are still high teens (the three newbies). However, I go ahead and get up to the top where the Observatory is, and go after a Minior. I'm thinking I'm going to stick to using Archen as they are both Rock/Flying, but I think Archen is the better. If I determine there's a reason to swap in Minior, I'll at least have the option. I'm going to give it some levels, though, then switch Lycanroc back in. But, my main team will be Lycanroc over Minior.

Current Team:
L32 Carbink - Tackle / Smack Down / Rock Throw / Sharpen
L30 Lycanroc - Rock Throw / Sand Attack / Bite / Rock Tomb
L31 Sudowoodo - Rock Throw / Slam / Fient Attack / Brick break
L29 Corsola - Scald / Brine / Recover / Ancient Power
L24 Shieldon - Protect / Taunt / Iron Defense / Take Down
L26 Archen - Rock Throw / Double Team / Ancient Power / Pluck

L29 Boldore - Iron Defense / Rock Blast / Mud-Slap / Headbutt
L28 Minior - Swift / Ancient Power / Self-Destruct / Stealth Rock
Ultimate Rock Run
Moon / Post #2 / The Observatory through Arriving at the Elite Four PC

1.) Since all of the Pokemon in the Observatory trial are /Bug, my Rock attacks are super effective.

2.) The next trial, that of Ghost, isn't bad since my Sudowoodo had Feint Attack so can do a lot of damage. Archen has Acrobatics, which turns out to be a good backup move.

3.) Before getting into Po Town, I pick up a Geodude, and evolve it, Archen, and Shieldon into their next forms: Graveler, Archeops, and Bastiodon. Most of my team are now around 37-40.

4.) Po Town is fairly quick to blow through. Golisopod kinda sucks, but I can use Rock Blast from Geodude to get multiple hits in, usually meaning I go down to 1 HP and Sturdy saves me, but then I get Golisopod to pull it's ability of Emergency Exit and swap out.

5.) The final trial, that of the battle against Nanu, turns out to be a little bit of a pain. Even spamming Brick Break is barely enough to get me through. Everything, at this point, is now in the early 40s.

6.) The only thing I have to say about the trek through Aether Paradise is that it feels long, but it's not really that long. There's a lot of battles, but I stocked up on about 20 Revives and a bunch of Super Potions prior to it, so I didn't feel like I was cutting anything close.

7.) After that, the biggest challenge turns out to be the battle again Hapu. My team is in the 43-47 range now, so I decide to get a bunch of them up to 50 to aid with it, but also knowing that I'm nearing the end of the run. More levels I get now, the less I need to before surviving the Elite Four. I only tried once and failed at the initial levels, just in case. After that, it was Corsola using Scald/Brine and Archeops using Acrobatics. Jeez, I wish my next type was going to be Flying so I get Archeops again. Such a nice 'mon.

8.) I restocked before Poni Canyon since I was low on Revives, but it wasn't too hard of a trek. The trial in there was going slow until I remembered they were part Fighting, so out comes...you guessed it...Archeops to knock everything down with Acrobatics. The jaunt into Ultra Space was super quick. No worries at all.

9.) A quick battle with Gladion, a quick run through the Mountain, and I'm at the top at the Pokemon Center. All that's left is six battles, I believe: Hau, the Elite Four, and the "Champion". Will try that later tonight. Would be nice if it went smoothly.

My Team:
L48 Carbink - Psychic / Power Gem / Rock Throw / Sharpen
L51 Graveler - Smack Down / Thunder Punch / Self-Destruct / Rock Blast
L54 Corsola - Scald / Brine / Rock Blast / Earth Power
L53 Sudowoodo - Stone Edge / Slam / Feint Attack / Hammer Arm
L54 Archeops - Rock Slide / U-turn / Acrobatics / Crunch
L54 Bastiodon - Protect / Ancient Power / Iron Defense / Iron Head
Ultimate Rock Run - Final!
Moon / Final

1.) Hau is just dumb. His Vaporeon was the big problem here, but only until I brought out Corsola and Bastiodon.

2.) First up on Elite Four is Kahili. Flying-type vs Rock isn't much. It was as much of a beat down as ever. I started with Graveler because Skarmory is susceptible to my Thunder Punch, so I kept using that and got through Skarmory, then switched to Rock Blast for Toucannon and Oricorio. Eventually, I went down to Mandibuzz and Bone Rush, but then swapped into Archeops to Rock Slide my way through the rest of the team. No retries.

3.) Over to Hala. Archeops just spams Acrobatics to take them all down. Bewear takes multiple hits compared to the others and their OHKOs, but it still goes down. No retries.

4.) Over to Acerola. This battle ended up being me rotating through my team. When one goes down, swap and keep up the onslaught. I did use Corsola on Palossand for the extra Water damage. No retries, but a few revives and potions used up after the win.

5.) Olivia. Rock vs Rock. I used a lot of Earth Power here with Corsola when I couldn't use Scald/Brine, but still won the battle. No retries.

At this point, I'm actually surprised I got through the Elite Four without needing any restarts. Carbink, Graveler, and Corsola each gained 2 levels during the attempt to this point, while Sudowoodo, Archeops, and Bastiodon each gained 3. So, I'm now sitting at 50 Carbink, 53 Graveler, 56 for Corsola and Sudowood, and 57 for Archeops and Bastiodon. I swapped out Ancient Power for Heavy Slam. It's likely a better move for Bastiodon at this point. Healing everybody up, and it's time for Kukui.

Where I unfortunately lost the first time due to Primarina.

The second time, however, I brought out Bastiodon as soon as it was safe to, and used Iron Defense 3x, the couple of X Attack and Sp Def that I had picked up throughout the run, and just starting spamming Iron Head. Lycanroc easily had gone down to Corsola, and Snorlax came out second. Made High Horsepower rather useless with all that boosting. Eventually, it does go down, but I'm trapped in a cycle of Full Restore -> Iron Head -> Iron Head -> start over since High Horsepower still does some decent damage.

Primarina is next, and it's just all about surviving Sparking Aria, so I end up having to do Full Restore -> Iron Head -> start over. Then Magnezone is just like thirty turns of having to deal with Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon and Thunder Wave while I slowly whittle away with Iron Head. I was worried since I had to deal with paralysis as every time I cured it as part of the Full Restore, the next turn was a Thunder Wave.

Braviary was next, and then Ninetales. Fairly easy compared to the others on the team.

With that, I complete Alola and I complete the Ultimate Rock Run!

Final Thoughts:
Bug felt like I was doing more of a mix of the special side of the house until later generations, while Rock has always felt way more physical. Bugs could barely take any hits, while Rock could take some of the more common hits, but also could easily crash to the other common hits. Water and Grass mons are basically liable to one-shot Rocks, but when you have a faster Rock, such as Archeops, and they have a good moveset, it can be one heck of a sweeper in monotype. Rock types felt to me like they were more balanced than Bugs in that Bugs levelled faster, but you ended up having to grind more to make it through. For Alola, I felt like I didn't have to do much grinding on Rock, except for the one spot around Hapu's trial. Bug felt more fun during the initial generations, but Rock felt more relaxed in the later. Whether this is solely down to me realizing it's better to not try and level every Pokemon and only swapping out for better mons as you find them (which I did here in Alola), I don't know, but that certainly felt better.

As usual, I'm going for the next run, but I might take a day or two off to chill. However, I'm going to go ahead and post the info now:

Run Style: Ultimate
Type: Water
Planned Games: Blue, Gold, Alpha Sapphire, Shining Pearl, White, Y, and Sun
Ultimate Run Trainer Name: Delta (like a river delta...."Watery" didn't sound good)

See you next run!
Soul Silver Update 11:

Gyms Completed:
Lt. Surge

Current Team:

I left the Pokémon Center and went into the Celadon Gym. I fought through the trainers and reached Erika at the end of the maze. Thus began the battle with her.

I sent out Ember as my lead Pokémon. She poisoned Jumpluff with Poison Jab, while Jumpluff set up Sunny Day. Erika healed Jumpluff with a Full Restore, but Ember took her down with two Poison Jabs. Ember hit Tangela with Poison Jab, but Tangela put her to sleep with Sleep Powder, so I switched her out for Bunga, who defeated Tangela with Flamethrower. Bunga also easily took down Victreebel with Flamethrower. Bellossom was slightly harder due to tanking Bunga's Flamethrower, healing with her Sitrus Berry, setting up Sunny Day, and hitting hard with Solar Beam, but Bunga defeated her with another Flamethrower, winning me the battle against Erika.

I left the Celadon Gym, healed at the Pokémon Center, and left to go through Route 7, Saffron City, and Route 5 to get to Cerulean City. After some exploring the city, I went through Routes 24 and 25 to do some training. During this training, Ramsey evolved into Houndoom.

I then remembered that I can't fight Misty until I complete the Power Plant sidequest, so I left for Route 9, and fought all the trainers there. I reached Route 10 and went into the Rock Tunnel. Once I made it out, I continued through Route 10, fighting all the trainers.

I made a stop at Lavender Town, where I realized I went the wrong way to the Power Plant. I went back to Rock Tunnel to get to Route 9, where I found the river and surfed down it. I reached the Power Plant, went inside, and started the sidequest.

I surfed back to Route 9, and returned to Cerulean City. I went into the gym, and found the Team Rocket Grunt. I went after him to Route 24, and fought him. After defeating him, I went back to Cerulean City to find the Machine Part in the gym. I found it, and made my way back to the Power Plant. I returned the Machine Part, and left for Cerulean City.

I went to Route 25, found Misty, and went into the gym back at Cerulean City. I fought all the trainers in the gym, and soon reached Misty. I sent out Bunga as my lead Pokémon against Golduck. First, Bunga set up a Sunny Day, and then destroyed Golduck with a Solar Beam. Bunga proceeded to do the same thing to Quagsire. Starmie tanked the first Solar Beam, but went down after another one. Lapras was hit hard by Solar Beam, but took Bunga out. I switched to Elmo, and took Lapras down with a Thunder Punch, winning the battle.

I left the gym and went into the Cerulean gym, calling it a day.
Ultimate Water Run
Blue / 1st Post

1.) Started out with Squirtle. Taking out Brock was rather easy.

2.) Picked up the Magikarp, and grinded it up to evolve to Gyarados before taking on my Rival. I tried prior to that, but didn't find any success until I had Squirtle and Magikarp evolve to Wartortle and Gyarados. Sand-Attack from my Rival's first 'mon out can really mess with the flow of battle.

3.) I went ahead and took out Misty before finishing up Nugget Bridge. Nothing big here. Made it relatively easy because of her AI to take her down.

4.) I do the S.S. Anne, but skip Surge for now. I go get a Spearow to trade for Farfetch'd, which I teach Cut to. That allows me access to the route heading to Rock Tunnel. I do get the Bicycle, because why not.

5.) Rock Tunnel without Flash might suck, but I went ahead and battled every trainer to get some extra experience.

6.) Once at Lavender, I quickly cut over to Celadon and that nets me Eevee. I go ahead and evolve it to Vaporeon, but it takes a few levels before I get a Water move. In hindsight, I probably should have taught it Bubblebeam.

7.) I complete the Rocket Hideout so I can then go back and complete Pokemon Tower so I can then get rid of the two Snorlax. In the Tower, my Wartortle evolves to Blastoise.

8.) I pick up the Super Rod, then head back to Celadon and go down Cycling Road to get to Fuschia faster. I pick up the Good Rod there.

9.) I pick up a Krabby, Goldeen, Poliwag, and Shellder from fishing. That's where I stopped for now, progress-wise, because I need to level everything up to around 30-35 to catch up.

I plan on taking down Koga so I can Surf, and then that'll get me the remainder of my available Pokemon (other than Lapras, which is a gift). Then it's just all about leveling them up and then I can go after the remaining gyms (which I was actually surprised I could do it in this order, but works well for me even though there's a lot of backtracking).

So far, it's been a matter of "what are my non-water options" for attacks that I've been having to learn to work around. Fun run so far.
Pokemon Shield Psychic Run!
Badges: 4/8

So we managed to beat Alastor, the ghost type gym! And what I did was sort of just force the fight to go my way! As I was somewhat under leveled for the whole fight, but I didn't really feel like training and battling pokemon for EXP. So instead I went to the gym to see how I faired and the first time I got curb stomped due to Cursola. Though the second time around we curb stomped the dead coral. Yamask wasn't too much of an issue due to Attract. Mimikyu was somewhat easy as well since Wobbuffet dragged it back to the grave with Destiny Bond! Lastly the Gengar, it sort of refused to go to the grave with Wobbuffet as well. As it just seemed that Gengar nullified Wobbuffet's attack or something? Luckily Attract came in and we got lucky with it not attacking us. So we Dynamaxed ad brought down the Gengar! Honestly thought I had to restart at the end since I had revived Hatenna so that I wouldn't white out when Wobbuffet died and tried dragging Gengar down. Reason I did so was to get a few levels for Hatenna, but uh....yeah Gengar had other plans. Anyhow, we are onto the next gym which is musical theater central baby! Time to see how well I do in the reboot version of Dear Evan Hansen!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

Ability: Compound Eyes
Nature: Hardy
Struggle Bug
Mirror Coat
Light Screen
Special Attack:60
Special Defense:85

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

Air Cutter
Special Attack:62
Special Defense:50

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

Ability:Shadow Tag
Mirror Coat
Destiny Bond
Special Attack:33
Special Defense:49

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

Zen Headbutt
Special Attack:34
Special Defense:38

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

Life Dew
Dazzling Gelam
Special Attack:45
Special Defense:38

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge Re:Returns

Night Shade
Stored Power
Air Slash
Psycho Shift
Special Attack:76
Special Defense:58
I'm assuming you meant Psychic, but other than that, OP updated.

Anybody let me know if your changes aren't up there.

My Shin Pokemon Red Flying monotype is miscategorized as a Fire monotype, and my Ground monotype of Gold isn't in the Hall of Fame. My Poison monotype of Perfect Crystal 2020 is also missing from the challengers section.
Pokemon Perfect Crystal 2020: Mono-Poison
Sage Bella, Update 4 (National Park -> Ecruteak Gym):

Another long wait for this update! Bellsprout hasn't changed much, but everyone else has gotten some much-improved moves! Gastly got Shadow Ball, replacing Return, giving it a strong STAB move for the first time. Zubat evolved into Crobat, and learned Confuse Ray to replace Supersonic. I also taught her Attract, replacing the redundant Swift. Tentacool learned Surf, replacing Poison Sting, giving it a strong STAB move as well. Venonat learned Confusion, giving me a Psychic-type move, and also learned Attract because Disable is very unreliable. And finally, Nidorina evolved into Nidoqueen and gained a whole new movepool, though she's still my one Pokemon that knows no status condition moves. She got the much-more-accurate ThunderPunch and Fire Punch to replace Thunder and Blizzard, and also learned Shadow Ball and Surf.

Most of the trainers up to Ecruteak were pretty easy, but Kimono Girl Sayo's Espeon nearly wiped my whole team, with my Venonat only holding on by one hit point at the end of the battle. My rival went down fairly easily, and I ground up a few levels to evolve my Zubat into Crobat, which handled Morty very well with a super-effective Bite and Attract/Confuse Ray to stop him from being able to hit me. Now, instead of heading west to Olivine and Cianwood as in a normal playthrough, I'm heading east, directly to Mahogany Town! I don't have any good Poison-type STAB moves yet, and beating the Team Rocket HQ will give me the Sludge Bomb TM.

Current Team:

Last edited:
Pokemon Perfect Crystal 2020: Mono-Poison
Sage Bella, Update 5 (Route 42 -> Mahogany Gym):

Only a few areas cleared, but I have a big update. First off, I actually found an underleveled Tentacruel in the wild, replacing my previous Tentacool. I gave it my Tentacool's previous moveset, but replaced Return with Sludge Bomb after I got the TM. Then, throughout the Team Rocket hideout, plus a little grinding, I fully evolved every single one of my remaining unevolved Pokemon. Bellsprout evolved into Victreebel and I also taught it Hidden Power Psychic, giving me another Psychic type move. Gastly evolved into Gengar, though I didn't change its moveset. And Venonat evolved into Venomoth, which replaced Attract with Stun Spore because I already have a female Pokemon with Attract, and Return with STAB Sludge Bomb.

I challenged Pryce to earn my fifth gym badge, even though my Pokemon were underleveled. (This romhack uses the HGSS level curve which makes all his Pokemon three levels higher than normal.) I started off with Nidoqueen, which fainted Seel with a few ThunderPunches. Dewgong fainted Nidoqueen, but I used Gengar to Hypnosis it, Curse it, and then use Thunder to faint Dewgong. Finally, I had Gengar use Curse a second time against Piloswine, which fainted Gengar, then had Tentacruel confuse it, then use Surf once before it went down to the Curse. Now that I have my fifth gym badge, it's time to go west, to Cianwood and Olivine cities to get my next two gym badges!

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Soul Silver Update 12:

Completed Gyms:
Lt. Surge

Current Team:

I flew to Lavender Town and went to Route 12. I fought all the trainers on there for the EXP, and did the same on Routes 13, 14, and 15.

At Fuchsia City, I went to the gym, and fought all the trainers. I soon reached Janine, and initiated the battle.

I sent Bunga out as my lead Pokémon. After taking a Wing Attack from Crobat, he used Flamethrower, which damaged her pretty good, and even burned her. Janine used a Full Restore on Crobat, and on the next turn, she confused Bunga with Confuse Ray. After a few turns of bad luck with confusion, Bunga took Crobat down with Swift. Next was Weezing, whom Bunga easily took out with one Flamethrower. He likewise mopped the floor with Janine's first Ariados. I switched over to Elmo, and he easily defeated Janine's second Ariados with Flamethrower. Finally, there was Venomoth, who went down like a moth to a flame from Elmo's Flamethrower, winning me the battle.

I flew to Vermilion City, and made my way to Route 11. I played the Poké Flute on my Pokégear, which woke up the Snorlax blocking Diglett's Cave. I fought and defeated the Snorlax, giving me access to the cave. I went through Diglett's Cave to Route 2. I fought the Bug Catcher on there for some extra training, then reached Pewter City.

I went into the gym and fought both the trainers. I reached Brock and started the battle. Elmo was my lead Pokémon.

Against Graveler, Elmo set up a Sunny Day, but go knocked out by Earthquake. I sent out Bunga, and he quickly took out Graveler with Solar Beam. Bunga then proceeded to decimate Rhyhorn, Omastar, Onix, and Kabutops with Solar Beam, and thus I won.

I worked on Ramsey's moveset a bit, then called it a day in front of the Pewter City Pokémon Center.
Pokemon Perfect Crystal 2020: Mono-Poison
Sage Bella, Update 6 (Route 38 -> Dragon's Den):

It's been a long time and I swore I updated since then, but apparently not. But I now have all eight gym badges in Johto! The only moveset changes I made were to switch out Sludge Bomb for PoisonPowder on Victreebel, Thunder for ThunderPunch on Gengar, and STAB Wing Attack for Return on Crobat. I never really used poison since Curse and confusion work so much better, and don't plan to add it back to anyone until I get Toxic in Kanto. As for Return, it's slightly more powerful than Wing Attack even with STAB, but I have no other Flying moves so it's a much better way for me to hit Fighting types than non-STAB Confusion or Hidden Power. ThunderPunch, meanwhile, was more accurate and I didn't need the extra power of Thunder anymore.

Victreebel soloed Chuck with Sleep Powder and Vine Whip/Hidden Power. Nidoking Fire Punched Jasmine's Magnemite, but fainted to Steelix. Gengar also fainted to Steelix, but got a Curse off to weaken it, and Tentacruel finished it off. I don't remember the Team Rocket Executives or my rival that well other than that I walled the exec with all the Koffing by sending out Gengar, which was immune to or resisted every move his team had. I won all the battles on my first try, however. For Clair, I temporarily switched out my elemental punches on Gengar and Nidoqueen for Ice Punch, but switched back after the battle. Tentacruel and Nidoqueen both fainted a Dragonair before going down to the next Dragonair. Gengar took down the last Dragonair, fainted due to a missed Hypnosis against Kingdra, got Revived, then was sent back out and used Hypnosis again, and finally used Curse to take it down.

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Pokemon Perfect Crystal 2020: Mono-Poison
Sage Bella, Update 7 (Route 45 -> Indigo Plateau):

I defeated the Champion, and, by the rules of this challenge, have completed yet another monotype! I still plan to play through Kanto, however.

Moveset-wise, I made Victreebel a Sunnybeamer, replacing Hidden Power and Vine Whip with Sludge Bomb and SolarBeam. I also learned Psybeam on Venomoth, replacing Confusion. Finally, right before the Champion, I replaced two of my elemental punches with Ice Punch to counter Lance's half-Dragonite Flying-type team.

Rival: My battle with my rival in Victory Road was very close, since the Waterfall HM necessary to fight him made me only have five Pokemon to his six (I boxed Victreebel). Nidoqueen defeated both Sneasel and Kadabra before Golbat confused it and made it faint. I sent out Gengar, which ThunderPunched Golbat and fainted it. Then, my rival brought out Magneton. I used Curse against it even though it would faint Gengar, since the rest of my team didn't have a good alternative to take it down. I sent out Venomoth, but it fainted, then I sent out Crobat, which confused Magneton enough for Curse to faint it. Then, I 2HKOed Haunter with Bite. Finally, I confused his Typhlosion, lost Crobat, then finished off Typhlosion with Surf.

Will: As expected given the type disadvantage, this was the hardest Elite Four fight. I had to use a lot of revives here. Gengar took down Jynx and both Xatu, Victreebel fainted Slobro, and Nidoqueen took down Exeggutor.

Koga: This was an unexpectedly difficult fight, mostly due to Venomoth. It fainted half my team with Psychic before Gengar put it to sleep and then fainted it. Forretress was a joke against my Gengar because it only knew normal type moves, which allowed me to heal up with no interruptions. Nidoqueen easily beat Ariados, Tentacruel beat Muk, and Gengar Cursed Crobat since it kept spamming Double Team.

Bruno: I didn't record the last two E4 fights when I was fighting them, so I don't remember his battle all that well. Tentacruel 1HKOed Onix, and Crobat did very well against the three Hitmons. Crobat fainted from a critical Rock Slide from Machamp, but my Gengar fainted it and none of my other Pokemon fainted this battle.

Karen: I don't really remember that much about her either, except that her Umbreon used Mean Look against Victreebel and then fainted it, and that her Houndoom took down Tentacruel despite the type advantage. I didn't have any of my other Pokemon faint.

Lance: I actually lost my first battle against Lance due to unlucky RNG. He got two criticals in a row with Aerodactyl and I couldn't make it Sleep like I had planned to rely on. This is the fifth loss of the playthrough, after three losses to Falkner's Pidgeotto, and a loss to Whitney's Miltank because I accidentally fainted Clefairy with the only Pokemon on my team that couldn't counter Miltank.

The second time, my Victreebel unexpectedly survived a Hyper Beam from Lance's Gyarados and beat it with Sleep Powder, Sunny Day, then some Solarbeams. A Dragonite fainted it, but then the first two Dragonites went down to Hypnosis and Ice Punch from my Gengar. Aerodactyl was still the hardest Pokemon on his team the second time around. I had to use all three of my Max Revives on Gengar because Hypnosis kept missing, and Aerodactyl also fainted Nidoqueen and Venomoth while I . It worked the fourth time, then Curse+Ice Punch took it down. I tried using Gengar and Tentacruel against Charizard, but they both fainted. However, Crobat used Attract and Confuse Ray to keep it from doing anything, then fainted it. Crobat used Attract and Confuse Ray against the last Dragonite as well, then a few lucky Wing Attacks helped bring it down.

Pokemon Perfect Crystal 2020: Mono-Poison
Sage Bella, Update 8 (S.S. Tidal -> Fuchsia Gym):

Next update, three gyms! First, I changed up my movesets a bunch with the Move Tutor from Goldenrod City. Gengar learned Thunderbolt, Nidoqueen learned Flamethrower, and Tentacruel learned Ice Beam. I also taught Nidoqueen Earthquake since I've already beaten Lance's Flying-type team and have some decent targets for it now. Venomoth learned Psychic from a TM, replacing Psybeam. And, I finally got the TM for Toxic after beating Janine, so I taught it to Tentacruel and Venomoth, replacing the inaccurate Supersonic for both Pokemon.

Going forward, the game uses the HGSS level curve for basically everything except Red, so my Pokemon are all on par with most ordinary trainers and underleveled compared to most Gym Leaders, who mostly range in high 40s to high 50s. Movesets are unchanged.

The first Gym Leader I fought was Lt. Surge. He was a complete pushover. Nidoqueen demolished his Raichu, Magneton, and Electabuzz, and Gengar beat both his Electrode because they only knew Normal moves.

Because of the level increase, I skipped Sabrina, since right now she's basically unbeatable with my type until I can outspeed her, which I can do with Gengar and Crobat by the time I match her levels.

Second, I fought Erika. Basically my whole team is good against hers, so I led with Tentacruel because I wanted to level it up. It took down three of her Pokemon before going down, and my next Pokemon took down her last Pokemon. (Don't remember which, sorry.)

Third, I fought Janine. I led with Venomoth because of Psychic, but it went down to her Crobat's Screech+Wing Attack combo. My Tentacruel beat her Crobat with Ice Beam, though. Then, my Tentacruel beat her Venomoth despite taking multiple hits from Psychic. She switched to her first Weezing, and I switched to Gengar. Hypnosis let me easily Thunderbolt it, and it went down. She sent out Ariados, which did some serious damage with Night Shade, so I sent out my own Crobat, which used Wing Attack a couple times to faint it. Then, I switched back to Gengar because even though Explosion would win me the match, I still didn't want to lose the XP from it. Hypnosis and then Thunderbolt worked just as well against the second Weezing as it did against the first.

Once Venomoth learns Sleep Powder next level, I think this'll be the final moveset I'll use for the rest of the main game. I may or may not change it up for Red if I need to, but these movesets should carry me through the rest of Kanto.

Hey everyone! I'm interested in doing a Monotype run of the fan game Pokémon Xenoverse, so I'd like to suggest some points to take into account for those who want to follow suit.

1. Because keeping the Starter (Shyleon, Trishout or Shulong) in the party is mandatory for story progression, I highly recommend that you do a Monotype of any of the six types they cover - that is, Grass, Fire, Water, Fairy, Sound or Dragon. If you do a Monotype outside of any of those types, the Starter can remain in the party (and gain experience if you're playing in Modern Mode/with the Exp. Share on) but must be retired from battling duties as soon as you get a Pokémon of your chosen type.

2. Because they function like any other Pokémon once caught and usually have a low encounter rate otherwise, you may catch any of the X Pokémon bosses if you can do so and if they match your chosen type. (I do recommend farming them around the region though - you can check guides as to how to obtain them.)

3. If you have less than six Pokémon during the battle against your Blue Energy-possessed Starter, before the 4th badge, Abraham will lend you his Scaleon to help you out. As a kind of bonus, you may use it if - and only if - you're on a Mono-Dragon run. Otherwise, ignore it.

4. The endpoint, as is most official games and fan games, is beating the Champion...

5.. Since the DLC Furious Battles are kind of impractical to do on a sort of run like this, the extra goal for this game would be...
Pokémon Xenoverse: Mono-Fairy
Fallen Star Mintaka - Update 1 (Beginning - Polaris Town)

-Shyleon Base Form (Pascal), level 19

Sorry I took so long! Given that I don't like any of the early game Fairy-types available other than my Starter (e.g. Morelull/Shiinotic, Nunvil/Whisteract and Reindear), I wanted to defeat at least three bosses to prove this run could take off - and I made it! Defeated Elekid X at Stardust Beach, then Basil at Hadwarf Gym, and just now, Sharpedo X on the abandoned shipwreck of S.S. Meteor.

This is my first time ever using Shyleon, and I've got to say that, for a so-far solo run, he's the best Starter out of the three that I've used. Shulong might have amazing defensive capabilities and a much better typing, not to mention great synergy with the Electric-types I often use, but Shyleon hits both hard and fast and has high Special Attack, which suits my usual playstyle more. Heck, I often have to use two Pokémon to defeat Sharpedo X, and this time, my Pascal was so well-prepared that he two-shotted that Sharpedo X all on his own! Camouflage is also very fun to use, and it came in handy to dodge those pesky Poison-types at Hadwarf Gym like Oddish.

I have to confess though... I did break the rules a bit by catching the Elekid X at the beginning. I won't use it in battle; it was just so I could do a little something.

Now onward to rescue that Hikiloo in Zero Cave - and onto Newtron City so I can kick those robotudos out of campus and kiss not a ginger, but the Ginger!
Pokémon Xenoverse: Mono-Fairy
Fallen Star Mintaka - Update 2 (Polaris Town - Newtron City)

-Shyleon Terrestrial Form (Pascal), level 27
-Snubbull (Guardiana), level 14

Pascal keeps steamrolling the game all on his own, especially now that he has access to his Terrestrial Form!

We kicked those robotudos from Team Dimension out of campus, with a hand from Ginger, the local (cutie) Gym Leader! I still hate the forced loss part as much as I did in my previous playthroughs, but God does it feel good to see him again. 💗 I almost felt bad for defeating him so fast in my Gym battle against him and I'm kind of sad I won't see him get involved in the plot again until post-game. But hey, I'm ignoring most of the plot outside the Gym challenge this time around, so I like to picture myself staying for a bit longer in Newtron's campus and spending more time with him!

He also gave me one excellent piece of advice - "a Granbull for your journey." It seems he was reading my mind, because after seeing Granbull all over Newtron University's campus, I really wanted one for my team! Indeed, once I had the Match Badge from him on me, I searched the route just outside the campus for a Snubbull and found one! I named her Guardiana, after a Doberman dog in an Argentinian mystery series, but since I'm so close to the Name Rater I might shorten it to just Diana instead. I also had the option to get Sylveon from the Eevee egg in the daycare, but, no offense, I personally find the doggo cuter than Sylveon - not to mention it has much better coverage in the form of the Elemental Fangs. Diana also has 31 Attack IVs and Intimidate as an ability, so she's definitely going to be valuable!

Better get training her before that suspicious blue-haired Snivy in the grass ambushes us and shows us a tree from which conspicuously named Eden Berries can fall. Who the heck does he think I am? Some kind of guillible Eve?
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Pokémon Xenoverse: Mono-Fairy
Fallen Star Mintaka - Update 3 (Newtron City - Milkiway City and Gravity Tunnel)

-Shyleon Terrestrial Form (Pascal), level 35
-Granbull (Diana), level 37
-Chigami (Ranmaru), level 32
-Fatail (Aniceto), level 33

All good times must come to an end, and so I leave Newtron City... at least temporarily, so I can continue looking for those robotudos who attacked the campus. Ginger, who has a final project underway at school, remains on speed dial just in case.

Through the power of Go-Go Granbulls, Diana evolved! She then proved her worth a million times over by two-shotting the terrifying Galvantula X in String Forest. After that, she and Pascal took a backseat, for we arrived in Milkiway City and picked up two new members for the team: Ranmaru the Chigami, and Aniceto the Manticoeur. Because Vanilla, Milkiway Gym's Leader, uses Fairy-types like me, I chose two perfectly charming Fairy-types whose second types are strong against other Fairies - not to mention the very two Fakemon I'd wanted to use for a long time.

So far, both have turned out to be worthy additions! Ranmaru is taking a bit more time to grow and probably won't evolve until we reach the next Gym or so, but Aniceto even evolved into Fatail before I challenged Vanilla! I intended on it, but I wasn't expecting him to bond so quickly with me. He's so deadly, and oh so precious. He was of great help in getting rid of her own Fairies (which regrettably included a Mimikyu...), and quickly earned me the Sugar Badge.

Now we're all preparing to go into Gravity Tunnel. We charted the territory and battled some Trainers along the way, but because we all sense something is amiss, we're going to stock up on healing items first. Gee, I wonder who's causing trouble this time...
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