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The Monotype Challenge

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Damn it... Lost my save file...

Forum User Name: or19937
Pokémon Type: Normal.
Challenge Type: Single
Game: Light Platinum(Hack)

Update #1


Update #2

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Ultimate Ghost Monotype Emerald Update:
-chose Treecko
-defeated May on Route 103
-caught Nincada on Route 116
-defeated Roxanne
-caught Sableye in Granite Cave
-defeated Brawly
-Nincada evolved into Shedinja
-defeated May on Route 110
-defeated Wattson

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This sounds like a lot of fun! I already started the run, but only have the first badge. I will post my current progress later.

Forum User Name: ahuffman
Pokémon Type: Dragon
Challenge Type: Single (for now)
Game: Blaze Black 2(Hack)
Pokemon Platinum FIRE Monotype run update 1

Current Team
Dragon mono Blaze Black 2 first update:

- Started the game and named rival Hugh
- Picked Snivy as my starter and named him Smug
- Traveled to Route 20 and caught my second team member, a Bagon named Baron
- Cheren was a tougher fight than I expected
- Baron fainted against his Lillipup, but Smug took over and scraped out the win with 6 hp remaining!
- Smug evolved into a Servine
- Received the Basic Badge
- Acquired the Super Rod
- Caught my third member after a lot of searching, a Dratini named Puff
- Added my fourth member a Horsea named Clair
- Did some grinding in preparation for Roxy

Current Team:
Ultimate Water Monotype
I've beaten Blue and Crystal, and in Emerald, I'm in Fortree City, ready to battle the gym.

Blue: 8/8

Crystal: 16/16

Emerald: 5/8
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Ultimate Ghost Monotype Emerald Update:
-defeated Flannery
-defeated Norman
-defeated May on Route 119
-defeated Winona

remove my Water type challenges please, and I would like to start fresh

Forum User Name: The Sceptile King
Pokémon Type: Dark
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Game(s): Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Black, X

I'm already done with the 2nd gym!

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

forgot the level

Sand Attack

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Night Shade
Move I can't remember
I have already started a monotype playthrough on White 2 and I have made it to the 8th gym. I just found this thread and was hoping that it wasn't too late. I checked and I haven't violated any rules. So here's my entry...

Forum User Name: Solsar
Pokémon Type: Ghost
Challenge Type: Single
Game: White 2

My team is:
Drifblim, Cofagrigus, Banette, Jellicent, Golurk, and Chandelure

P.S-(I would do the cool sprites stuff, but I don't know how.)
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I have already started a monotype playthrough on White 2 and I have made it to the 8th gym. I just found this thread and was hoping that it wasn't too late. I checked and I haven't violated any rules. So here's my entry...

Forum User Name: Solsar
Pokémon Type: Ghost
Challenge Type: Single
Game: White 2

My team is:
Drifblim, Cofagrigus, Banette, Jellicent, Golurk, and Chandelure

P.S-(I would do the cool sprites stuff, but I don't know how.)
That's fine. When I update the thread next I'll add you. You won't be able to add images to your post until you have 15 posts.
*FINAL UPDATE* -Soul silver flying

well it only took 2 months from the last update, and almost 5 months from when I started... finally the Challenge is complete

my story is a simple yet long one, after my last update grinding got harder to do, and thus finding motivation to continue was hard too. I attempted to beat red about a month back, but I failed miserably haha. since then I had been slowing grinding a dratini to a dragonite, so I could combat his pikachu that swept me on my first try. just last night I found some motivation to do some bulk grinding, and i was able to finally finish the challenge today.

Battle summary: (warning, it's a long read)


Levels in the end:

Pidgeot - Pig - 57
Noctowl - Hooty - 61
Gyarados - Friend - 66
Scarmory - scare - 59
Dragonite - Dragonite - 56
Geodude - Geodude - 17

Completion time: 71:21

and finally,
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Blaze Black 2 Dragon mono- Update 2

- Proceeded into Virbank Complex and defeated the 3 workers
- Received TM94 and a Sun Stone as rewards
- Leveled Puff, Clair and Baron to lv 19 and proceeded into the gym
- Smug was at level 23, but I did not intend on using him
- This gym was far tougher than I anticipated
- I lost Puff to explosion from Trubbish
- Clair and Baron fell to Whirlipede
- I thought I was dead, but Smug managed to save the day with several Dragon Rage's to defeat Whirlipede and Koffing
- I received the Toxic Badge from Roxie

Current Team
Forum User Name: Blueredemption
Pokémon Type: fire
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Game(s): leaf green, soul silver, sapphire, platinum, white 2, pokemon X

I was planning on doing a electric monotype on kanto, but since my flying took way more time than I expected I decided to skip that all together and do what was next on my list. lets hope this will be finished before this time next year.
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Finally have an update on my Ultimate Fire Mono.

Kanto Update #1
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Travel Log
Chose Smaug the Charmander
Solo'd with Smaug for the first three gyms, Charmander becoming Charizard in the process.
Got Lysandre the Eevee
Eevee evolved into Flareon.
Took on Erika and won with no problems.
Did Silph Co. sidequest. Apparently the Pokedoll no longer works to get rid of the ghost, in case you were curious.
Made my way to Fuchsia City and looked for items in the Safari Zone.
Took on Koga and lost. =[
Took on Koga and won!

Currently: Figuring out if I can get a Ponyta or Magmar before I take on Sabrina.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Smaug Lv. 42
Mega Punch-Flamethrower-Fly-Steel Wing
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Lysandre Lv.43
Quick Attack-Smog-Bite-Return

Forum User Name: .Missingo
Pokémon Type: Fighting
Challenge Type: Ultimate
Game(s): Fire Red, Shiny Gold (If acceptable if not then Gold), Sapphire, Diamond,
Why not give this a shot.
Username: HeatedFennekin
Type: Dragon
Challenge Type: Single (For now)
Game: Volt White
Just a question before I start. In this hack Serperior is a grass/dragon type would I be able to use it?
Forum User Name: Mr. Avocado
Pokémon Type: Fire
Challenge Type: Single
Game(s): Emerald
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Update for Final Ultimate Monotype Challenge - Water!

It's been several months, so for reference, here's my last update, which was the start of the postgame.

Final Update (#7) on Black 2.

Ultimate Champion.
Check out the video and play-by-play of the battle against Iris here:


Hall of Fame:

If I ever get X and Y, I will be sure to extend all my monotypes, but for now, that's all folks! See you in other challenges!

Team Devin (Final):
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Kermit the Calm Politoed, ♂ - L78 @ Mystic Water
Ability: Drizzle
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Hydro Pump
Final Stats: 271/109/150/196/213/118
Elite Four 2 co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Torrent the Hasty Samurott, ♂ - L78 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Torrent
Moves: Waterfall, Superpower, Megahorn, Swords Dance
Final Stats: 284/217/136/183/134/172
Unova Gyms MVP, Elite Four 2 co-MVP, Iris 2 co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Archelon the Careful Carracosta, ♂ - L65 @ Hard Stone
Ability: Solid Rock
Moves: Aqua Tail, Aqua Jet, Rock Slide, Shell Smash
Final Stats: 259/228/257/135/139/65
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Aquaman the Bold Vaporeon, ♂ - L65 @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
Moves: Scald, Shadow Ball, Ice Beam, Quick Attack
Final Stats: 348/112/129/221/188/112
Elite Four 1 co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Coby the Modest Swanna, ♂ - L65 @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Big Pecks
Moves: Hurricane, Surf, Ice Beam, Roost
Final Stats: 229/143/124/225/120/202
Elite Four 2 co-MVP
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Ruby the Modest Starmie - L78 @ Expert Belt
Ability: Natural Cure
Moves: Surf, Ice Beam, Psychic, Thunder
Final Stats: 222/112/157/250/158/208
Elite Four 1 co-MVP, Iris 1 MVP, Iris 2 co-MVP

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Piranha the Docile Red-Striped Basculin, ♂ - L60
Ability: Adaptibility
Moves: Waterfall, Superpower, Thrash, Bounce
Final Stats: 164/170/95/117/820/158
Elite Four 1 co-MVP

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I have decided to open a poll for the fate of the Gen 6 Exp Share. It seems to me that X and Y do seem to be made with it in mind, but that doesn't mean it's necessary either. So I'll poll for what you guys think for the next 2 weeks, and make a decision based on the results.
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