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The Monotype Challenge

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SoulSilver Bug Type
Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Barbara(51) Hera(49) Lilac(50) Vlad(50)

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Spoiler: Progress

- Cleared Team Rocket out of Radio Tower
- Beat Claire ezpz with that Venomoth Tinted Lens Signal Beam
- Do her stupid whirlpool task at Dragon's Den
- Go through Whirl Islands and caught the Lugia
- Victory Road is not as bad as it could have been
- Silver's Typhlosion is a PAIN had to use many full restores
- Finally at the Elite 4!!!
- Relatively easy until I got to Lance; 3 Dragonites with Thunder Wave + Dragon Rush flinch is so awful
- Now in the hall of fame B|
I figured I might as well give an update for my ground playthrough. So far, it's been pretty easy going. I just beat Norman, barely. My time is at 9:51, and my team is:

Sandslash (lv 24)
Trapinch (lv 25)
Numel (lv 29)
Graveler (lv 30)
Marshtomp (lv 31)
Sableye (lv 11) - HM slave

Ground type rules! I actually think I might extend this to an ultimate just to keep going with the ground typing. I'm still trying to figure out how they're going to stand up to water right now, but I've got a couple ideas.
Ultimate Flying Monotype Challenge
Omega Ruby
Badges: 1

Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Omega Ruby (1/8), Platinum, Black 2, Y

Recently started this, so there's not a lot of updating yet. I spent a lot of time soft-resetting for a good nature for Taillow. I lost against Roxanne on my first try, but narrowly won the second time, thanks to a critical hit. I had to sacrifice Taillow against her Geodude, so Wingull was able to break through Sturdy and kill it with Water Gun. Nosepass was taken down in two hits, and only because the second hit was critical. Wingull had not survived another Rock Tomb. Anyway, just set foot in Dewford, and here's my current team:

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Taillow, lv. 16
Female // Adamant // Guts
- Wing Attack
- Growl
- Focus Energy
- Quick Attack
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Wingull, lv. 14
Male // Calm // Keen Eye
- Water Gun
- Growl
- Supersonic
- Wing Attack
Forum User Name: sturdyhax
Pokémon Type: Psychic
Challenge Mode: Ultimate
Games: LeafGreen, Soulsilver, Emerald, Platinum, Black 2, X

My first and last update for LeafGreen. My character name was Verde.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
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Dragon Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Sinnoh Update 2


Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Gary (Garchomp) ♂ Lv. 49 (Draco Plate)
Sand Veil, Rash Nature
Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Brick Break, Crunch
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Heather (Altaria) ♀ Lv. 49 (Dragon Fang)
Natural Cure, Gentle Nature
DragonBreath, Fly, Flamethrower, Dragon Dance

HM Slaves: Turtwig (Rock Smash, Cut, Flash), Staravia (Defog), Bibarel (Surf)
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Finally finished Pokemon White with the bug type and there you have it, my fourth ultimate challenge completed! :D Even though this was the second challenge I signed up for :P

I really enjoyed the mons in this run compared to my normal run through White, however it's rather unfortunate I couldn't evolve my Larvesta seeing as it evolves at such a high level.

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Hall of Fame
Again didn't have my camera with me to take the picture of beating Ghetsis, I tend to play while commuting so I can't really take a picture or anything when I do.
Final Team
Final Hohen Update 6
Defeated Wallace
Considered doing some training decided against it.
Went to Victory Road
Went through Victory road Defeated poor sickly Wally
Challenged the Elite Four
Defeated them all with relative ease.
Mega Metagross Smoked most of my team however thank god I attached the Mega Stone to Swampert Or I might not have won.

Swampert Lv 59
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Rock Slide

Not really surprised by Swampert, he is a gun and always will be easily could have been awarded MVP but I honestly refrained from using him when I could. I also only Mega Evolved him once against Mega Metagross

Lombre Lv 56
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Nature Power
Zen Headbutt

Strong start weak finish preformed admirably considering I never actually could be bothered going 2 minutes out of my way to get a water stone. Stopped being useful and also being used around gym 6.

Lv 48
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Air Cutter

Seriously shocked at how many battles Peliper won, Most recent battle it won was against Stevens Skarmory which was about 6 levels higher than it.

Shaepedo Lv45
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Poison Fang
Ice Fang

Strong battler enjoyed using it but I have used it before so tried to refrain from using it excessively

Milotic Lv 53
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Aqua Tail
Dragon Tail

I can not recall ever using one so I was actually excited about how this Pokemon would go and I have to say I was bitterly disappointed. I did not really enjoy using it and I was not really a fan. I don't think I am going to rush to use it in the future.

Azumarill Lv52
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Bubble Beam
Play Rough
Aqua Tail

MVP: Hands down MVP I honestly don't think I have ever used a Azumarill the whole way through a game I usually evolve it and box it in favor of another water type or I just don't catch it cause I already have a water type. However I really enjoyed using it was strong fast enough to out speed most Pokemon in game and knocked around drakes team like they were little dolls.

3 down 3 to go will be starting platinum tonight.
Hmmm. Think I may give this a shot.
Username: Rin_K-Rogue
Pokemon type: Normal
Challenge type: Single
Game: Expert Emerald

(Wish me luck)
Edit: I will also be playing it sorta nuzlocke style, with the rules of all members must be nicknamed, and if they faint, they're dead.

Here's a BIIIIG first submission

Phew...that was a pain to type up XD
Will continue later when my tablet has charged up :P
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Sinnoh Update 1 (Platinum)

-Started my adventure in the Sinnoh region.
-Talked to Barry
-Got yelled ay by Prof Rowan
-Picked Piplup as my starter
-Got a Pokedex and once again was taught how to catch Pokemom
-Traveled to Jubilife City got the watch thing
-Traveled to Oreburgh City and battled the gym leader won quite easily
-Caught a Bidoof contemplated using it changed my mind taught it rock Smash
-Made my way to Floaroma Town
Caught a Buizel decided I am going for the Blue Shellos so I didn't catch one
Saved the game

Prinplup Lv 19

[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Metal Claw

Buizel Lv 9
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Water Sport
Quick Attack
Water Gun
Welp. I failed.
I think choosing Expert Emerald for a mono Normal nuzlocke playthrough was a huge mistake. The game is difficult enough as it is.

Sadly, my entire team was destroyed in Brawly's Gym. First Skye the Swellow (I grinded everyone up to like, 20, a couple of them higher) went down...and because she was the only one with any super effective moves against Fighting, I pretty much instantly lost. Lola the (shiny) Linoone went down 2nd, shortly followed by Leroy the Furret. RIP Lola, Skye and Leroy. You will all be missed :(

Okay! Time to revive the playthrough!
I will be replaying in Alpha Sapphire.
Still sticking with the normal type, and will still be playing Nuzlocke style (- the 1st pokemon of each route rule)
Hopefully, this playthrough will go alot better XD
My Normal Monotype in Johto, part 2 !

Adventure Log :

Badges :

My team at this point :

Ultimate Flying Monotype Challenge
Omega Ruby
Badges: 3

Leaf Green, Soul Silver, Omega Ruby (3/8), Platinum, Black 2, Y

After setting foor in Dewford, I rushed off to catch a Zubat. Again, I spent some time soft resetting for a decent nature. Taillow took out Brawly, we delivered the letter to Steven and moved on. Story stuff happened, and before challenging Wattson, I took out every nearby trainer that I could access. In the process, Taillow, Zubat and Wingull all evolved. And while taking on Wattson's Gym, Golbat evolved again into the complete pile of awesome that is Crobat. Now, thanks to being a bit overleveled and just because it is such a beast, Crobat was able to spam Bite and tear Wattson's team a new one. I had to heal once, though, but I never even got paralyzed! Anyway, here's my current team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Crobat, lv. 26 w/ Cheri Berry
Female // Jolly // Inner Focus
- Wing Attack
- Leech Life
- Astonish
- Bite
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Pelipper, lv. 26 w/ Cheri Berry
Male // Calm // Keen Eye
- Water Pulse
- Quick Attack
- Protect
- Air Cutter
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Swellow, lv. 26 w/ Cheri Berry
Female // Adamant // Guts
- Aerial Ace
- Double Team
- Focus Energy
- Quick Attack
Dragon Ultimate Monotype Challenge
Sinnoh Update 3


Current Team:
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Gary (Garchomp) ♂ Lv. 58 (Draco Plate)
Sand Veil, Rash Nature
Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Brick Break, Crunch
[PokeCommunity.com] The Monotype Challenge

Heather (Altaria) ♀ Lv. 58 (Dragon Fang)
Natural Cure, Gentle Nature
Dragon Pulse, Fly, Flamethrower, DragonBreath

HM Slaves: Turtwig (Rock Smash, Cut, Flash), Staravia (Defog), Bibarel (Surf, Strength, Rock Slide)
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My Normal Monotype in Johto, part 3 !

Adventure Log :

Badges :

My team :

Also, if you have any idea of physical moves I could learn to Smeargle, I would be glad to hear your suggestions !
I want to teach her Belly Drum and also Sacred Fire, but in the meanwhile, I don't really know what could I have on this pokémon (and I really want to use Smeargle, think of it as a way to make my adventure harder :p)
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Quick question, would I be allowed to trade for a Bidoof? Bibarel would be great for a HM slave, as it can learn Dive and Waterfall, and I wouldn't have to waste a party spot.
Quick question, would I be allowed to trade for a Bidoof? Bibarel would be great for a HM slave, as it can learn Dive and Waterfall, and I wouldn't have to waste a party spot.

Can't you use your Water type starter as a HM slave for these moves ? That's what I've been doing and it work nicely ^^ (or if you're using it in your challenge, can't you catch a pokémon who can learn these moves ?)
I could, but I don't wanna be wasting a party spot on a non-normal type that won't be able to battle.
At least with Bibarel, I can use him in battle if I ever needed to.

Also I already picked Torchic for the starter and I'm not resetting just to pick Mudkip.

Edit: I just checked, and the only 3 normal types that can learn Waterfall are Azurill, Bibarel and Arceus
Single Normal Red


Progress Report:

Current Team:
Quick question, would I be allowed to trade for a Bidoof? Bibarel would be great for a HM slave, as it can learn Dive and Waterfall, and I wouldn't have to waste a party spot.

Sadly you'll have to waste a party slot, at least temporarily for when you need the HMs, the only trading or hacking you can do is to either evolve a mon or get a mon of your type if none can be obtained before the 2nd gym. Both of which don't apply to a normal run in any hoenn game.
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