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[PKMN OPEN] The Pokémon Trainer Academy (T) [Best Veteran 4Q '11]

Samantha Felicity Cooper

"That's good, looking better. Okay, so today I won't show you any of the specific kinds of punches, or footwork - we'll worry about footwork another time - but I'll show you how to punch. That way even if you have to defend yourself before you learn the sorts of punches you'll still be able to throw a decent one. So, keep yourself relaxed, don't tense up. Whenever you throw a punch breathe out at the same time. Keep the fist loose as you extend your arm, and rotate it so that when it hits the target your palm is facing downwards. As you hit your target then tighten your fist and body muscles to generate some force."

Sammy demonstrated in slow motion, pushing her left arm out straight from her body and rotating it as she did so. She exhaled slowly, tightening her hand into a proper fist once it her arm was fully extended. When the punch was 'completed' she returned her hand to its position in front of her face.

"Just like that. Try not to come out of your stance when you throw the punch, you'll just reduce your power and mobility if you do that. You'll want to practice all this a lot, your stance and basic punching technique. Start slow and work up in speed as you get it nailed."​

Zayne Alta

Zayne had been in the process of making rounds of his class when two students burst into the room, drawing the attention of the other student's in the room from there work and making a scene. As it turned out the noisy duo were late for his class.
De Ja Vu... I guess I'll handle it the same way as I did before... except I'll probably actually try to enforce it this time.

Zayne weaved his way around the desks, and the odd pokemon, to the students standing nearby his desk.
"Who might you two be and why are you interrupting my class like this? If you are late to my class you do not need to make a scene and distract people from their work, you enter and apologize before making your way to empty seats and getting to work. Then, after class has finished you come see me and we can have a lengthy discussion about why you were so late - that last bit is an instruction" he sighed before continuing "I don't particularly like dealing out punishments but you two are nearly ten minutes late. go to the back of the room and get a copy of Pokemon Analysis, then select one of your pokemon and use the book as a guide to right an page of observations on the pokemon of another student - they'll do the same for yours."

With that sorted Zayne returned to making rounds of the class.
Ace Nakamura
Ace was running like there was no tomorrow, he was already starting to be late. Great, I'm late on my first day here. The wind was blowing on his face. For a brief moment, he felt tempted to miss his class and go to the beach but he knew that his parents didn't send him there so he can go and enjoy life on a beach. He was speeding and was approaching the Academy. He noticed the boy and the girl who were with Holly earlier. They were in a running contest apparently. Ace continued until he arrived at his class' door. The persons he saw earlier just entered the classroom. He followed them inside hoping the teacher would forgive him for being so late.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Pokemon Center

Shawn watched all this with a smile on his face. He was glad one of his ideas actually worked. His smile soon faded, however, when her little Pichu accidentally shocked her. As Kayla was smoothing down her hair, he looked at her with concern, "Are you ok?"

He looked down at the little electric mouse, knowing any false move could potentially shock either one of them. "What can we do to calm this one down?" he asked out loud, as though by saying it he could figure it out. Shawn looked around in the cabinets and drawers before finding a comb that was clean. He walked around behind her and used the comb to slowly brush her hair.

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Iny Gage: Practical battling

"Who might you two be and why are you interrupting my class like this? If you are late to my class you do not need to make a scene and distract people from their work, you enter and apologize before making your way to empty seats and getting to work. Then, after class has finished you come see me and we can have a lengthy discussion about why you were so late - that last bit is an instruction" He said Sighing afterwards.

"If we're late? I'm pretty sure it's obvious that we were" Iny thought to herself, Taking the context he used it in wrong. "And I did apologize..." She added in her thoughts.

"I don't particularly like dealing out punishments but you two are nearly ten minutes late. go to the back of the room and get a copy of Pokemon Analysis, then select one of your pokemon and use the book as a guide to right an page of observations on the pokemon of another student - they'll do the same for yours."He finally finished, Making rounds around the classroom afterwards.

"Okay, We're sorry." She said speaking for him too as she headed to the back of the class to pick up a book.

"Great entrance by the way" Clumsy muttered sarcastically

"I would hope you'd think so" She muttered back to him on her way to the bookshelf "I took a lot of the heat off your hide with that. He'll Be more angry at me and therefore less at you." She explained, Picking up a book. "I know I can take being yelled at, I figured you might not be as able to with how much of a nice boy you are." She added, Teasing him a bit before she sat down.
Mark took a deep breath and prepared to throw a proper punch. He loosened up his fist a bit and took another look at his stance to make sure he wouldn't get out of it. He began by throwing a slow punch just as she said, tightening it up as he finished throwing the punch. He wasn't confident about his first attempt so he tried it again... and again... and again... working on getting his punch just right without getting out of his stance. He still came off as rusty but he was getting the right idea. He just needed to practice. As he practiced, the pace of his punch increased slowly.

"Phew... am I doing it right? Haha... this feels really good..." Mark said with a grin. He was sure to have this whole fighting thing down in no time! But these were only the basics...
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Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla nodded. "I'm fine..." she whispered. She looked down at Primrose and sighed. "She just has a temper... We'll have to work on that later." Primrose frowned and jumped off of the bed. She sat down on the floor and crossed her arms. Kayla sighed. "I'm not mad, Prim. It's fine..." She reached her hand down to the little mouse. Primrose tilted her head before she climbed up to Kayla's shoulder. She looked up at Shawn curiously and pointed at the comb. Kayla giggled. "He's just fixing my hair, Prim. Don't worry about it." She grabbed the Pichu and petted her head. "Maybe when I can leave this room, I'll give all of my Pokemon makeovers. That should be fun," she whispered to herself.

Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla nodded. "I'm fine..." she whispered. She looked down at Primrose and sighed. "She just has a temper... We'll have to work on that later." Primrose frowned and jumped off of the bed. She sat down on the floor and crossed her arms. Kayla sighed. "I'm not mad, Prim. It's fine..." She reached her hand down to the little mouse. Primrose tilted her head before she climbed up to Kayla's shoulder. She looked up at Shawn curiously and pointed at the comb. Kayla giggled. "He's just fixing my hair, Prim. Don't worry about it." She grabbed the Pichu and petted her head. "Maybe when I can leave this room, I'll give all of my Pokemon makeovers. That should be fun," she whispered to herself.
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Mike was talking with people for nearly 10 minutes, trying to get them to be his partner in this lesson. "Will you be my partner? Oh, you have one, that's okay! Can you be my partner? Oh you're the partner to the other one. How about you?" Mike was out of options for partners, and was about to address this and tell Mr. Alta, when two other kids walked into the classroom late. He watched the conversation between them and Mr. Alta, and saw them walk to the back of the room. "Hmmm...maybe one of them will be my partner! Though they do look like they'll be each others...well won't know until I ask!" Mike got up and walked towards the two kids at the back, close to where he was sitting, and asked them both. "Hey, would either of you like to be partner? The rest of the class seems to be all paired up!" Mike then let out a nervous laughter, and started to wonder why he just blurted this out. Why didn't I tell them my name or anything, they're obviously gonna say no!
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Pokemon Center

Shawn finished with Kayla's hair and slid the comb in his pocket. He then kissed the top of her head and moved back to his chair, smiling at the little Pichu she called Prim. He was still a little afraid of touching it, worried of being paralyzed like Holly was earlier. Suddenly, Shawn had a thought. His bandages may need to be changed. He stood up and went to a nearby mirror, noticing that the bandages were starting to get worn and dirty.

He was getting tired of the wrapping around his head. He found a small part that was starting to come off and started unravelling it. After a minute or so, he finished, exposing his ugly scars to the fresh air. "At least they aren't bleeding," he thought as he saw the stitches that closed his front wound. He didn't want to touch the ones on the back, fearing he may pop a few of them.

He sat down once again, relieved to be free of his bandages. "I remember you were asking earlier about my head," he said, thinking back, "Did you still want to know how I got hurt.?"

Posted from Pokecommunity.com App for Android
Samantha Felicity Cooper

"Yep, you're doing great," Sammy smiled. Dropping out of the stance she picked her hoodie up and slung it across her shoulder. "Just keep practicing whenever you can and next time I'll show you how to throw a proper boxing punch. Maybe someday you'll be able to take me on in the ring instead of the Pokemon arena," she grinned.

"But I reckon we'll leave it there for today. If I give you too much at once you'll just get confused and end up punching yourself in the face."

It was nice to do something for Mark after he'd shown her this berry patch and taught her more about strategies she could employ in her Pokemon battles. She would have to test one of the berries out the next time she used Corphish. Cubone barely had the confidence to take down a Caterpie and she wasn't even sure Shuppet understood anything she said. Corphish was at least reliable, even if he was a stubborn shellhead.​
Conor Crawford || Class --> Practical battling

"I took a lot of the heat off your hide with that. He'll Be more angry at me and therefore less at you.", "I know I can take being yelled at, I figured you might not be as able to with how much of a nice boy you are" muttered Iny as she headed down to the back of the classroom to get a copy of this book that was needed for today's lesson.

Conor simply smiled and shook his head at this, "That's ridiculous, of course I can take being yelled at" he thought as he headed down to grab a copy of 'Pokémon Analysis' from the back of the room. "Hmm so I have to use one of my Pokémon for someone to observe, and I do the same to theirs. Ok, guess I'll pair up with that girl I met earlier on".

Which Pokémon to choose was a different ball game. Conor knew the limitations that his Ralts possessed and knew full well that his Poliwag was much more capable and stronger. But leaving Ralts in the dark, untrained and inexperienced just because he was weak and not the most confident Pokémon in the world was selfish and downright mean. His parents sent him this Pokémon as a gift, so it was his job to train it and care for it. So it was settled, Conor would choose Ralts as the Pokémon for Iny to observe.

It was then a nervous looking boy came out and spoke to them. "Hey, would either of you like to be partner? The rest of the class seems to be all paired up!". Conor took a minute to respond as he wasn't exactly sure how to respond. "Uhh, I was uh … planning to pair up with … ". Conor stopped dead in his tracks, he didn't even know her name, how could he say he was pairing up with someone he barely even knew. " … my friend here" he added nervously as he darted a smile across towards Iny. "I'm not exactly sure how I can help you, perhaps the teacher can?" Conor added trying to help the boy, but ultimately not being much help at all.
"Oh, okay, I just guessed you two would be partners, but I had to go and make sure!" Mike turned and walked, slightly disappointed and not even talking or mentioning the girl beside the other kid. He then walked up to Mr. Alta and told him. "Hey, Mr. Alta, I kinda can't find a partner. All the class is filled up, except for me. So I was wondering what I should do now, since I can't work on the lesson..." Mike had a slightly saddened look on his face, and waited for the teacher, Mr. Alta, to respond.
Mark smiled at the compliment. He seemed to be doing alright in terms of the basics. He'd love to try taking on Sammy but he knew very well he'd get creamed. If anything though, he'd like a good idea of how she fights... just to know what kind of expertise he was going to strive for. But he'd have to trust the teacher on this one. Taking it slow was the best way to learn according to her so he'd just have to take her word for it... as eager as he was to get better at this sort of thing.

"Aww... well alright then. We definitely gotta do this again." Mark said as he got out of his stance. "You should show me some of the moves you know sometime. It'd give me something to strive for anyway. Haha." Mark said. Snype jumped on top of Mark's shoulder again and grinned.

Meanwhile... something was watching Mark. Infact, it was watching Mark for a very long time now... it kept very well hidden though, just about impossible to find in this environment.
Samantha Felicity Cooper

Sammy pulled her hoodie back on and flipped the hood back, grabbing her bag and slinging it across her shoulder again. "Sure, but I dunno who I'd find on the island to have a decent bout with. You'd mostly be watching me shadow box or work a bag, which helps I guess, but it's not really the same."

Cubone walked over to Sammy now that she was done and kept close to her leg, looking around the forest with mild interest.

"So now that you've got your berries sorted where are you off to now? Got a big battle lined up? I'm guessin' there's lots of people wanting to challenge you."

And I'm one of them. When I'm ready.
Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla gasped when she saw the scars on Shawn's head. She nodded weakly. "What happened?" she asked. "Do you need a nurse or something? I'll call her if you want..." She looked down at the ground and frowned. Primrose tilted her head and poked Kayla. She squeaked softly and frowned. Kayla smiled softly and gasped when her Xtransciever started to ring. "Again?" she asked. She checked it and frowned. "Amy's calling..." she muttered. She declined the call and looked at Shawn. "What happened?" she asked softly. Primrose yawned and rubbed her eyes. She looked up at Shawn and held her paw out. Kayla smiled. "I think she wants to shake your hand..."

Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla gasped when she saw the scars on Shawn's head. She nodded weakly. "What happened?" she asked. "Do you need a nurse or something? I'll call her if you want..." She looked down at the ground and frowned. Primrose tilted her head and poked Kayla. She squeaked softly and frowned. Kayla smiled softly and gasped when her Xtransciever started to ring. "Again?" she asked. She checked it and frowned. "Amy's calling..." she muttered. She declined the call and looked at Shawn. "What happened?" she asked softly. Primrose yawned and rubbed her eyes. She looked up at Shawn and held her paw out. Kayla smiled. "I think she wants to shake your hand..."
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Mark shrugged. "I don't really have any battles planned today. I just had a big one with my friend Lucia. Snype had to go against her Scizor Roberto. With a bit of strategy, Snype ended up winning. Made a heck of a scene by the Pokemon Center. Hehe... hope students are talking about the battle around school. That'd be really flattering. The catch was they were both to fight without instruction. I guess it says alot about Snype if he can hold his own ground in a battle huh?" Mark said with a shrug. "And if your looking for someone to spar, I'll gladly take you on!... I mean... when I get better. You'd probably cream me at my state. Heheh..." He said scratching his head a tad nervously.

"I'm usually the one that challanges people. I don't get alot of requests for battles funny enough. Guess being in the Raikou Dorm can leave an odd first impression to trainers. But boy do I love proving them wrong! I've beaten some Suicune dorm students before so whats it matter if I'm in a lower dorm?" He added.
Samantha Felicity Cooper

"I was at the Pokemon Center, I must've just missed it! That sucks. I'm not suprised you won though, you creamed me in our battle and then managed to go toe to toe with the teacher. I guess Snype must be pretty good to taken down a Scizor," she said musingly, giving Snype an appraising look.

"I wouldn't pay too much attention to the dorm stuff," she shrugged, "I think it's just a way to make us all compete with each other, y'know? And we all wanna do that anyway. I know I'll be challenging you once Cubone here has a little more confidence. Isn't that right buddy?"
"...We're still working on it. Kinda why we were ambushing innocent Caterpie earlier. But we'll get there. Next time we battle each other Cubone and Shuppet will both be way stronger. And you never know what other Pokemon I'll have either."​
"Haha, surprised you didn't hear everything. That Scizor hated Snype's guts! He aimed for one of his eyss even! If he wasn't careful you'd be looking at a Sableye cyclops right now!" Mark joked. "Still, if your training your Pokemon maybe I can throw some pointers if you need some. Erm... well... heh. I don't consider myself a great teacher or anything. Heck this would be my first time if anything. I'm sure theres better ways to go about it then beating up Caterpie. But of course, different Pokemon are trained different ways. You wouldn't believe what I went through just to get on good terms with Snype." Mark said with a chuckle.

Snype looked down at the Cubone. He'd be willing to help train the little guy and get him to be a bit braver if he had the chance too. Not like Mark had anywhere else to go.
Shawn Williams - Raikou Dorm - Pokemon Center

Shawn looked down at the Pichu and smiled, gently taking her paw in between his thumb and index finger. He softly moved it up and down a couple of times before letting go and looking at Kayla. He smiled as he told his story, "I went to visit the abandoned dorm because I overheard a couple of students talking about ghosts that inhabit the old place. I wanted a ghost-type for my team because I'd like for my team to be balanced, so I went with a couple of other friends to see what I could find."

He shook his head and continued, "There was another...a female that spoke of being the best dark pokemon trainer. My friends went after her while I stayed and continued my search. That's when I encountered and captured this." He pulled out a pokeball and released Pyra, his small Litwick. Pyra floated around, looking at her new surroundings, until her eyes rested on Gastly. Her eyes started glowing and the flame on her head was starting to swell. Shawn spoke sternly, "Pyra! This is neither the time nor place for a battle. Control yourself." Pyra turned to him with the same fury in her eyes, but he didn't back down. Soon, Pyra calmed down and became docile, floating at Kayla's feet.

"That's when things started to get weird," Shawn continued as though nothing happened, "I felt this...force...pushing me away from the pokeball I used to catch Pyra. It was weak at first, but I got to it. As I did, it got stronger and stronger, eventually pushing me down the stairs. I was slow getting on my feet, but when I did..." It was then that he looked down. "I was launched out of the front doors like I was shot out of a cannon. I crashed head-first into a nearby building, knocking me out. I was helped to my dorm room by a nearby student, who went to get the nurse. I got quite a few stitches...some you can see, and some you can't." He indicated the back of his head to show what he meant. "I also have a mild concussion and was told to take it easy, but I wouldn't let it slow me down."

He finally leaned back a little in his chair, smiling when he finished his story. "Now you know why my head hurts some and why I was bandaged up."

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Kayla Makihatayama

Kayla frowned and grabbed Shawn's hand. "It's a good thing that you're okay," she whispered, kissing him softly. "Nothing like that happened with Holly... That's a relief..." Shadow floated into the corner guiltily and frowned. Primrose looked at him and tilted her head. She walked over to him and frowned. "What's wrong?" she asked. Shadow looked at the ground and frowned more. He shook his head and sighed. Primrose walked over to Kayla and squeaked softly. Kayla's Xtransciever started to ring again, and she answered it this time. "Kayla, why didn't you answer?!" Kayla flinched when she heard her older cousin yelling at her. "Amy, calm down," she said softly. Amy pouted. "Where's your boyfriend at?" she asked. Kayla blushed. "H-How'd you know he was my boyfriend?" She looked down at the ground. Amy laughed. "So he was your boyfriend!"