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[Event] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

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    The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
    -H.P. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature

    Fear is a catalyst. Because of fear, mankind has survived for thousands of years. We fear the dark, and so we created fire; later, nightlights. We fear death, and so we pursue the answers to what life means while finding new ways to extend it. We fear the unknown, and so we tell stories that allow us to safely explore that which we can't see ourselves. Fear lives in all of us, but facing that fear builds us up. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

    This month we celebrate those who passed on, but we also embrace the things we fear. We become the monsters and evil men that we condemn in a ritual as old as civilization so we might walk among the dead on the night in which the borders of the other world are weakest. So now you will embrace your deepest fears. Tonight, you become the unknown...

    Obligatory introduction out of the way, welcome one and all to the Poképhobia Challenge, the only challenge that says "BOO!" In this challenge you will be expected to adopt your biggest fear (or whatever fear in this challenge you most closely relate to) in order to complete a full playthrough of a Pokémon game in the main series (or a ROM Hack). If you want to play a different fear than your own you are free to do so, this should be fun after all.

    PS: If neccesary to fill out your roster, you may hack or trade additional Pokémon into your game.

    -Achluophobia (Fear of the Dark): Your team when you defeat the Champion or Ghetsis must be comprised entirely of Dark, Psychic, Ghost, Poison typed Pokémon of a single type, or dual type Pokémon where both types fit the requirements.

    -Apaphobia (Fear of Bees and Wasps): Your team when you defeat the Champion or Ghetsis must be comprised of at least 50% Pokémon with stingers.

    -Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders): Your team when you defeat the Champion or Ghetsis must be comprised of at least 50% spider, scorpion, or many legged Pokémon

    -Astraphobia (Fear of Lightning and Thunder): 50% of your team when you defeat the Champion or Ghetsis must know the move Thunder, and at least one must be able to control adverse weather.

    -Claustrophobia (Fear of Enclosed Spaces): Every member of your team must know a move which raises its Defense or Special Defense.

    -Necrophobia (Fear of Nuzlockes): After each gym, you must give up one Pokémon who was useful in said gym to be Dead, and therefore unusable. Upon reaching Victory Road, your Dead Pokémon become revived and must form the team that you use against the Elite Four.

    -Phonophobia (Fear of Loud Noises): Every member of your team must know a move which could be considered sound based.

    -Taphophobia (Fear of Live Burial): 50% of your team when you defeat the Champion or Ghetsis must know the move Rock Tomb.

    To participate in this challenge, please fill out the following form. It assists in record keeping.

    Fear: (as seen above)
    Game: (any main series Pokémon game)

    Fearful Disciples
    Necrum (Necrophobic) – White 2
    Lugarugan (Achluophobic) - Randomized Pokémon White
    MachoPony (Claustrophobic) - Fire Red
    Dyingwillflareon (Taphophobic) - Black 2
    Waters_Echo(Phonophobia) - Crystal
    Schwann (Phonophobic & Taphophobic) - Pokémon Y
    Florges (Claustrophobic) - White 2
    Miau (Achluophobic)- Black 2
    Sooyun (Achluophobic & Apaphobic) - Soul Silver
    LRachelR5 (Claustrophobic) - White 2
    Skarper (Achluophobic) - Alpha Sapphire
    Kostucha (Achluophobic) - White 2
    HyperBeamEevee (Achluophobic) - Fire Red
    BlissyMKW (Achluophobic) - Heart Gold?

    Fearless Masters
    Ahri (Arachnophobic) - Pokémon X
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        Well, I won't go into saying the worst fear I've got as it would take forever to explain, but I can tell about my fear of bugs (mostly ones with stings or something that could hurt) like bees, venomous spiders (or even other spiders themselves), scorpions, because I fear about being attacked by them in many ways (harsh ways too :/). The more time goes on, the more I proved myself to be able to support other bugs (flies, ladybird, and even little spiders, and through I do not like them, I don't kill them neither, at least, I do my best to let them live or just stun them).

        I also fear of the dark somehow, monsters attacking me in darkness, possessed spirits that could take away my soul, darkness going inside my heart to corrupt me, that kind of "weird" stuff (I've always had an high level of imagination). I do not fear ghosts however. That's it, hope it's what you expected as answers :)
    Anyone below the age of 10.
    My pokemon dying (Nuzlockes)
    I have a fear of Thunderstorms and always have since I was real little. I also hate the sound of the wind when it blows really hard even on a bright sunny day.
    Loud, booming sounds (cannons, fireworks)
    Spiders SPIDEr S SPIDERs.......
    Plane/car crashes

    Just to name a few. Not that I've been murdered, clearly. But don't you ever get that sneaky suspicion that you will when you end up watching one of those documentaries? Hmmm.
    High Heights, a thing that most people are scared of ending up with palms and knees being sweaty and heavy. Ever know what happens when you fell down from the heights? Or bottomless pits? Or maybe crumbling or shaking grounds that you ended up throwing up when it ended?
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    A new event! Can't wait! ^^

    My main fear is definitely darkness. I can't fall asleep without any source of light and I go out at night only if it's absolutely necessary. It's most probably beacause I have a very vivid imagination and I imagine too much.

    I'm also scared of bigger spiders and hornets (especially those, it also doesn't help that they like to make nest in/near my house every summer) and yet my most favourite type is Bug {XD}. As for spiders I guess it's just something about their appearance and the fact that they are so fast. Hornets are just very loud and dangerous. They are so unpredictable >:(
    Oooh gotta watch this one tho... October is the best ;D

    My buggest fears are drowning and being buried alive... How terrifying would it be to wake up in a coffin and youre trapped until you starve or suffocate.... Drowning is more of an issue that I nearly drowned in a public pool on a field trip cause the lifeguard wasnt watching properly and i had to find my way out, got sick and couldnt breathe, and I guess drowning in water and land are similar? Like quicksand and stuff?

    Parasites are worse but if i have to talk about that im gunna cry and get sick irl so im not gunna detail that.

    Silence isnt huge but its offputting and makes me even more paranoid, being in a family with 10+ people is very helpful for this tho. Nights arent fun without a radio or fan at least..
    Heights and Enclosed Spaces like small closets (srsly when i was younger i could spend 10 min in a closet waiting to scare my dad, now i get anxious and almost freak out if i try it for more than 5 seconds)
    I wouldn't say I'm scared of the things above, but the two that make me most uncomfortable are the dark and enclosed spaces. So because the Claustrophobia Challenge might be a little difficult in my situation, Achluophobia it is!

    Username: Lugarugan (AKA Catman)
    Fear: Achluophobia
    Game: Randomized Pokémon White PoképhobiaLocke

    Let's do this!
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    Username: MachoPony
    Fear: Claustrophobia
    Game: Firered
    difficult, gen 1 restricts me to squirtle, gen 2 i cant use any starters, gen 3 is the same, gen 4 i'd have to pick tutwig gen 5 i'd have to take tepig or snivy and gen 6 would force chespin on me assuming i use a starter pokemon.

    hmm, i havent actually properly played gen 1 in a long time so Firered

    EDIT: Update 1, i think 2 gyms is enough for now


    Current Team
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    *reads the Necrophobia entry* ... ... that would legitimately be scarier if it was an actual Nuzlocke, if you ask us. Not the least because I typically use just one pokemon to take out any given gym, chosen very, very deliberately (read, usually whoever I have who has the most disadvantage)... and Nuzlockes have instigated me to start leaning toward raising, many, many pokemon in a game.
    And also because? They come back from the dead for the League?

    Also, a list of moves Soundproof blocks would be handy for the Phonophobia, wouldn't it? (I mean, probably one could also count Curse on non-ghost types, belly drum, perhaps? Encore too, because that's clapping... Howl and Sonic Boom (and maybe Yawn) probably count as sound too regardless of the fact that Soundproof doesn't register them, howl being self-affecting, sonic boom being a tangible manifestation.) Self-Destruct and Explosion aren't 'sound based', but would likely be loud?

    Fear: Phonophobia
    Game: Crystal

    Ugh, loud noises. This'll force us to use some pokemon we don't usually use, at least.
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    Username: Schwann
    Fear: Phonophobia + Taphophobia
    Game: Y

    Alright if I combine the two? I'm actually terrified of being buried alive, and that whole buried alive creepy pasta actually scared me to the point where I wouldn't play the original games for a while. I even made my friend check all his copies of the game to make sure it wasn't real. I'm a sucker. lol Anyway, I've got a good amount of free time coming up this week, so hopefully I can chug through a good portion of the game while I've got the time to do so, haha.
    Username: Florges
    Fear: Claustrophobia
    Game: Y White 2. I might as well play the game I struggle to beat, right? Conquer my fears!!!

    Whenever I go to the Apple store in my area, I always have a panic attack because of how tight and enclosed it is due to the mass amount of people. I am so glad they decided to expand the store so it's not so small! ;A;
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    Username: Miau
    Fear: Achluophobia
    Game: Black 2

    Out of all the phobias that are listed, I'd say that this one's definitely the one that I relate to the most. Arachnophobia is a close second, and thanks to the lovely stories of the macabre by E. A. Poe, the idea of being buried alive also gives me the heebie-jeebies, so I'm gonna include some Pokemon that fit these phobias, and maybe some others of my own -- while keeping in mind the type requirements, of course.

    Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    chapter one: good audino hunting.
    white 2 - claustrophobia

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    I chose claustrophobia for this challenge, meaning all I the Pokemon I use must learn a defense or special defense boosting move before battling Ghetis. I also decided to use mons I never use before. This makes things a little bit scarier for me since I tend to run Gen V with Tepig/Whimsicott/Crustle on my team. This will be quite a shock for me.

    Started my journey naming myself Nikki. I went to go see Bianca and get my Dex and first mon, Snivy. I went with Snivy because I have only used it once in a run through, and I'm almost 90% positive I boxed it soon as I caught a Lillipup. Anyway, it ended up being a female, so I named her Sonia.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Somewhat vain

    I then battled Hugh, but the battle was quite easy. After that, Bianca showed me around, mom gave me a pair of running shoes, and Hugh's sister gave me two Town Maps; one of the maps is to be given to Hugh. I was ready to start my journey!

    Bianca showed me how to capture, met Alder, blah blah blah ran into Hugh again. I beat his Tepig easily. His Tepig never used Ember, so that was an easy win again. Shortly after hearing about a Herdier going missing, I searched for it. I also ended up catching the second member of my team: Psyduck named Perry!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Good perseverance

    After finding the poor Herdier and finding out Team Plasma is still at large, I went back to Alder and fought his students. I beat them. Then went on my merry way to the gym in my hometown. Of course, I managed to win. Sonia and Perry put in a lot of work!

    After taking the long road to Virbank City, I went to the complex to get my next partner: Napolein the Magnemite!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Proud of its power

    Shortly after catching Napolein, I started Audino hunting. Doing that leveled up my Pokemon significantly. Soon, Sonia evolved into Servine!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Once everyone reached level 18, it was time to face the gym leader, Roxie. She was a lot easier than I expected. Perry learned Confusion and was able to knock everyone out after one or two hits. Way to go, Perry!

    Now I'm at two badges and heading to PokeStar Studios. Time to become a star!

    chapter two: little over half way there.
    white 2 - claustrophobia

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    After realizing I do not want to be a star, I went on over to Castelia City and caught this cutie after finding Team Plasma: Kirigiri the Eevee!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Often dozes off

    Went to battle Burg, who was a pain in my ass. It took me three tries to beat him. This team is very awkward for me. Shortly after, to my surprise, Kirigiri evolved.

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Went through the desert, and Napolein evolved!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Once reaching Nimbasa City, I decided to try to train my Pokemon to level 30 all around. Then I caught this little girl: Toko the Trubbish!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge


    I also went to the Pokemart to buy Light Screen for the challenge. Shortly after that, I went to the gym and barely survived against Elesa. Toko managed to hold the team together quite well. Thanks to Stench, Zebstrika kept flinching, plus it managed to get poisoned from Sludge.

    After that, I went straight to Driftveil. Encountered Team Plasma again, and immediately boxed the Zorua they gave me. Eevee = Fennekin = Vulpix > Zorua, imo. I decided to train near Chargestone Cave before battling the gym. Napolein, Perry, and Sonia evolved!

    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge
    [PokeCommunity.com] The Poképhobia Halloween Challenge

    Challenged the gym with no trouble. I forgot Krokorok is part Dark, so I tried to use Future Sight on it with Kirigiri. Oops.

    Defense Move Checklist
    Serperior (Sonia) - Coil ✓
    Golduck (Perry) - Light Screen ✓
    Magnezone (Napolein) - Light Screen ✓
    Espeon (Kirigiri) - Light Screen (Will replace with Reflect) ✓
    Trubbish (Toko) - Stockpile (Will replace with Amnesia) ✓

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    Username: Sooyun
    Fear: Achluophobia, Apaphobia
    Game: Soul Silver (2nd hand cart via 3DS so no peripheral or AR)
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