With the unanimous support of our members, I'm proud to finally announce the 3DS Division of the Prism League's first tournament, The Prism Cup!
The premise of the tournament is simple. Leaders and Elites will retain their typings from the Prism League proper, and challengers can pick two the available types in our list on a first come, first serve basis:
Typing List
The Trainer who receives the Prism Cup, as well as the 2 runners up, will receive some very rare Pokemon including shinies, event-only legends and hidden abilities, and generation-locked level up moves such as Extreme Speed and Defog that are breedable in the current generation. Due to the number of them, I've also committed the prizes to a spreadsheet:
Rules Unique to the Cup:
- More to be declared, this is open to discussion.
League Standard Rules:
Registration opens today and will end on May 16th or when no more types are available, whichever comes first. Please respond with your preferred battle format in order to be counted. Challengers, please include your selected typing as well.
The tournament's first round will begin on May 30th! Let's hit the breeding ground and get those teams started, folks.
The premise of the tournament is simple. Leaders and Elites will retain their typings from the Prism League proper, and challengers can pick two the available types in our list on a first come, first serve basis:
Typing List
The Trainer who receives the Prism Cup, as well as the 2 runners up, will receive some very rare Pokemon including shinies, event-only legends and hidden abilities, and generation-locked level up moves such as Extreme Speed and Defog that are breedable in the current generation. Due to the number of them, I've also committed the prizes to a spreadsheet:
Rules Unique to the Cup:
- Participants may select a different team for each round of the tournament, based on their opponent's typing, dissatisfaction in previous matches, etc. This is allowed in order to provide a concession to typing underdogs (Dragon and Ground vs. Ice and Fairy, as an extreme example), as well as format fluidity for all typings. Nonetheless, we all have our signature Pokemon that we run, and should you be suspected of counter teaming against those signatures, you will be disqualified.
- Since we are all type-locked, participants will be permitted to use type-changed Mega Evolutions so long as the final form includes one of their chosen types. EX: if a participant's types are Fairy and Electric, they may use Mega Audino. The Pokemon will be required to mega evolve during the match, failing to do so will result in an automatic disqualification.
- Each participant will declare a preferred format (Doubles and Singles are allowed). Should your format match your opponent's, that will be the format for the match. If you do not have a preference, the battle will be in your opponent's preferred format. Should a disagreement arise, or if neither opponent prefers a particular format, the match's format will fall to a coin toss: Heads for Doubles, Tails for Singles.
- Since we are all type-locked, participants will be permitted to use type-changed Mega Evolutions so long as the final form includes one of their chosen types. EX: if a participant's types are Fairy and Electric, they may use Mega Audino. The Pokemon will be required to mega evolve during the match, failing to do so will result in an automatic disqualification.
- Each round will last for a single week. You will be responsible for coordinating with your opponent to secure a match within this time frame. Results will be tallied at 22:00 MST the on the final night of each round (Friday). If results have not been posted by 22:00 the night prior to conclusion (Thursday), a participant may claim their opponent absent for the match. The opponent will have until the end of the round to contest their absence. In the event that the absence is contested, victory will fall to a coin flip. Otherwise, the participant who attended the match will win by default.
- Since we are all type-locked, participants will be permitted to use type-changed Mega Evolutions so long as the final form includes one of their chosen types. EX: if a participant's types are Fairy and Electric, they may use Mega Audino. The Pokemon will be required to mega evolve during the match, failing to do so will result in an automatic disqualification.
- Each participant will declare a preferred format (Doubles and Singles are allowed). Should your format match your opponent's, that will be the format for the match. If you do not have a preference, the battle will be in your opponent's preferred format. Should a disagreement arise, or if neither opponent prefers a particular format, the match's format will fall to a coin toss: Heads for Doubles, Tails for Singles.
- Since we are all type-locked, participants will be permitted to use type-changed Mega Evolutions so long as the final form includes one of their chosen types. EX: if a participant's types are Fairy and Electric, they may use Mega Audino. The Pokemon will be required to mega evolve during the match, failing to do so will result in an automatic disqualification.
- Each round will last for a single week. You will be responsible for coordinating with your opponent to secure a match within this time frame. Results will be tallied at 22:00 MST the on the final night of each round (Friday). If results have not been posted by 22:00 the night prior to conclusion (Thursday), a participant may claim their opponent absent for the match. The opponent will have until the end of the round to contest their absence. In the event that the absence is contested, victory will fall to a coin flip. Otherwise, the participant who attended the match will win by default.
- More to be declared, this is open to discussion.
League Standard Rules:
-All battles are 6v6
-This league will be using most of Smogon's ORAS OU rules, which can be found here.
-All Pokemon on this list are banned from both divisions. Any challengers who use these Pokemon will be disqualified.
-Dark Void is banned in all Double battles.
-Both league members and challengers must save all battle videos and post them here so we can confirm a challenger's victory.
-In the event of a disconnect, attempt to battle again, unless it is clear who the winner was. Take a picture of your PSS screen immediately after the battle ends as proof of who was the one to disconnect.
-Follow all the rules of the PokeCommunity.
-This league will be using most of Smogon's ORAS OU rules, which can be found here.
-All Pokemon on this list are banned from both divisions. Any challengers who use these Pokemon will be disqualified.
-Dark Void is banned in all Double battles.
-Both league members and challengers must save all battle videos and post them here so we can confirm a challenger's victory.
-In the event of a disconnect, attempt to battle again, unless it is clear who the winner was. Take a picture of your PSS screen immediately after the battle ends as proof of who was the one to disconnect.
-Follow all the rules of the PokeCommunity.
Registration opens today and will end on May 16th or when no more types are available, whichever comes first. Please respond with your preferred battle format in order to be counted. Challengers, please include your selected typing as well.
The tournament's first round will begin on May 30th! Let's hit the breeding ground and get those teams started, folks.
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