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The Prism Cup (Challengers Welcome)

I think the prices should be discussed in a PM or VM.

Yeah I suppose. If you have new prizes post them here and then we can discuss them and old prizes in a PM. That sound good?
I am in agreement. Also, if anyone else has prizes to contribute, it will only make victory that much sweeter.
I assume this is where I post? Well, my preferred Battle Format is Singles and I decided that I would use my two favorite Types; Poison and Steel. Let's just hope I don't come across 20 Garchomps.
I assume this is where I post? Well, my preferred Battle Format is Singles and I decided that I would use my two favorite Types; Poison and Steel. Let's just hope I don't come across 20 Garchomps.

Welcome to the League! I don't think TGM will be bringing a Garchomp, but should you and I lock horns, I will be sure to stretch the muscle that hurts you the most ;) So far he and I are the only 2 participants who can use Garchomp.

Looks like Cyclone is the last to confirm. I asked if he'd be willing to contribute any crown jewels from his collection to our prize list as well. Otherwise, we are nearing our sweet spot for registrants - ideally, I'd like to get 16 (see the link for the brackets where I've illustrated the tournament with 16 battlers). We can accomodate 18, so that will be the hard cutoff, but 16 will allow everyone to participate in Week 1, whereas 18 will require certain members to wait until week 2 for their first battle.
id be interested in this :D I have just about got my team together
id be interested in this :D I have just about got my team together

Awesome! Please pick 2 from our available types in the OP and let us know your preferred battle format.
Fire and Electric please? and I would say im more at home in doubles, but can do okay in singles
I'd like to enter :D .

I'm most familiar with Singles.

EDIT: Do I pick types real quick? And is so can I use any types or only types that have been not yet selected?

Gotta pick from the available types. I'll put you in for Singles. Welcome!

Fire and Electric please? and I would say im more at home in doubles, but can do okay in singles

I'll put you in for Doubles and mark Fire and Electric off for you XD
Hate to be a pain, would it be possible to change Fire to Bug please? :)
Hate to be a pain, would it be possible to change Fire to Bug please? :)

Per our discussion, I will change Electric to Bug.
Just curious in the description it says it's not allowed to counter opponents signature pokémon. Now I have nothing against that.

I'm just here because I would like to know what are your favorite and signature pokémon?

I think a lot of people here can guess mine:P
Guh, One hour of editing later
OKAY FOLKS, Rub Thighs has upped the ante and committed about a dozen additional prizes to the pot, and Zekrom has made some contributions as well. The spreadsheet has been updated, we now have 35 prizes and counting.

Just curious in the description it says it's not allowed to counter opponents signature pokémon. Now I have nothing against that.

I'm just here because I would like to know what are your favorite and signature pokémon?

I think a lot of people here can guess mine:P

Gallade, Slowking, and Crobat, yeah?

Mine are Altaria, Excadrill, Swampert and Goodra these days.
The one thing I have about the not counter teaming someones signature mon (an interesting idea to be sure) is what if someone has not stated what the signature mon is, but later trys to call someone out on it?
It's really hard to call someone out on counter teaming. It comes down to how familiar the opponents are with each others' teams. It would be very easy, for example, for Polar Spectrum and I to counter each other, because we've battled each other upwards of 2-300 times since October.

At the same time, it's equally difficult for one of us to "counter team" the other because we know the secret threats and are usually prepared for each others' shenanigans.