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Time to get a shiny Zygarde!

Very excited for this. Shiny Zygarde is my favorite shiny!
Nice that it's a Mystery Gift event for my region, though I do feel bad for those of you in NA who are limited to serial codes once again. I may already have a regular Zygarde in UM but I still plan to get this shiny one for my collection.
I wonder if the closest EBGames here will have them tomorrow morning, that's the next time I'll be around one. I won't drive 2 hours a day for a Shiny Pokemon after that...

EDIT: Too early, I didn't get that it was for June only... But hey, they gave me some leftovers from the previous months, so yay!
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This is probably first time that I saw Shiny Zygarde and I kinda like it. This could make me open my Sun verison again just to download it.
Oh dear...this event is not going to go down well. Sure, it's a WiFi event over here, but the problem is that this Zygarde has Aura Break...this will mean that some poor souls are going to accidentally break this Zygarde into cells, and thus the whole hype around the event will turn into disappointment. I really hope that there's some safeguard to stop you from breaking it.
Oh dear...this event is not going to go down well. Sure, it's a WiFi event over here, but the problem is that this Zygarde has Aura Break...this will mean that some poor souls are going to accidentally break this Zygarde into cells, and thus the whole hype around the event will turn into disappointment. I really hope that there's some safeguard to stop you from breaking it.

I expected they'd give it the regular ability. Then again, every legendary from this event will always have the regular ability. Shame that this shiny not getting Power Construct off the bat means people will be wasting this shiny just to get Power Construct.
Just got mine!

Remember to get the Mystery Gift, if you're in the PAL region. Like the other legends, it will have that Gold Bottle Cap if obtained in US/UM.
I actually didn't know about this cause I haven't payed attention to the distribution events in a while. Will be heading out GameStop tomorrow to pick up my code.
Me: Hello, good afternoon, do you have any shiny Zygarde events to hand out?
GS Cashier: Yes. How many would you like?
Me: 5 please. O___O
GS Cashier: *Gives me 6 zygarde codes*

Left the store with a euphoric smile lasting only temporary.