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[Challenge] Trainer Personality Examination (Revived)

Hello, I changed the games of my sister and myself to Emerald. I found our old gameboys and we both have an edition of Pokemon Emerald. We originally wanted to get an gen 3 result, but since we couldn't find our consoles/games, we decided to take Sun and Moon.

Graveyard Keeper Agnes: Update 2 (Route 4 -> Cyllage City)

Alright, now that my other monotype is complete, I can focus my full attention on this game. However, to my shame, I didn't pay close attention to my requirements after jumping back in and forgot two of them. I forgot the "no optional trainer fights" rule, and I also forgot that my Espurr had to stay at the front of my party the whole time, not just at the beginning of boss battles. Since the original versions of these rules make it really, really hard to keep my team at balanced levels, and I had accidentally broken these rules already, I'm not going to continue with these two rules. I am, however, continuing with all the others, or at least I will once I find the required TMs.

There were a bunch of boss battles in between the two gyms that I don't quite recall the details of well. I think with Sycamore, I just switched to my Gible and used three Dragon Rages. Trevor and Tierno, I don't really remember at all because of how weak they were. The game did suddenly start getting harder around Route 8, since I'm not using the Experience Share to avoid being overleveled. The Team Flare grunts at Glittering Cave were surprisingly strong, with their Croagunk and Scraggy managing to faint both my and Calem's Espurr, then my Litwick wounded them enough that they both fainted to my Litwick's Rocky Helmet, of all things. Grant actually defeated me for our first match, with his Amaura fainting all three of my Pokemon (and also my level five starter that I use exclusively for HMs.). Thankfully, two of my Pokemon were only a level or two away from evolution, so I evolved both my Espurr and Gible. This time, I had an easier match. Meowstic took down Amaura with a couple Psyshocks, then went down to Tyrunt's Bite. I sent out Litwick, hoping to confuse Tyrunt, but it fainted to Bite again before I could do anything. Finally, my Gabite was able to faint Tyrunt with Dual Chop.

Gabite is still performing very well, with a decent STAB Dragon move and a strong physical Ghost move. I don't have Dig yet, but I should get it very soon, at the Shalour City PokeMart. Meowstic, as well, is strong offensively, but it doesn't have good coverage yet and has been quite fragile. Litwick, however, isn't doing so great. The omnipresent normal type attacks of the early game are fading as trainers use types that can actually hit Litwick, and its only decent attack move is Flame Burst. It'll be better later on, but it takes a long time to evolve, so I have a feeling it's going to stay weak for quite a while. It is one of my favorite Pokemon though, so I don't mind.

Current Team:

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Graveyard Keeper Agnes: Update 3 (Route 10 -> Power Plant)

After Grant, things have started getting easier again. The biggest boost was in Shalour City, where I got the Dig TM for my Gabite, leveled my Meowstic up enough to learn Shadow Ball, and got the Eviolite for my Litwick. Litwick also learned Hex a little bit earlier, giving it a decent STAB Ghost move at last, though still not up to par with the moves my other two Pokemon know.

Korrina was a very easy gym leader, but slightly harder than her pushover self in our previous battle. My Meowstic effortlessly defeated her Mienshao, but got hit by a Fake-Out on the first turn. Her Machoke got 1HKOed as well, I think. Korrina's Hawlucha actually took a few hits to take down, but only had fighting-type moves and wasn't able to do much at all to Meowstic. Both the battles against Calem went similarly. I KOed his Meowstic with my own, using Shadow Ball. Then, both times, he sent out his Absol, fainted my Meowstic, then I sent out Gabite to beat it. Then, I switch out for Litwick when he sends out Quilladin, but he uses Bite and 1HKOs it, so I switch back to Gabite and use Aerial Ace.

Ramos, again, was a pushover. My Litwick 1HKOed both his Jumpluff and Weepinbell with Flame Burst, then he sent out Gogoat, which if Bulbapedia is any indication should have used Bulldoze on my Litwick after I failed to KO it, but instead he used a 10 power Grass Knot three times while I spammed Flame Burst. Aliana put up more of a fight, KOing my Meowstic after I paralyzed her Mightyena with Thunder Wave, but I confused it with Litwick and took it down with three Flame Bursts while it failed to land a single attacking move.

I also started EV training my Pokemon with Super Training around now. Litwick has maxed EVs in Special Attack, and Gabite has maxed EVs in Attack. I'm still training Meowstic's Special Attack, though, and I don't care too much about the other stats. I'm mainly putting a few leftover stat points into Speed for all three Pokemon, but I don't really care enough to use EV-reducing berries on their other four stats. Maybe after I beat the game and start doing the Battle Maison, but not now.

Current Team:

Hello, this challenge seems fun. I would like to try it!

GENDER: Female


PS: I would like to do this challenge with my best friend if possible, otherwise we would just do it seperately. (Username: Biatrix)
Hello, I would like to try this!

GENDER: Female

Username: Archfae
Game: Omega Ruby
Gender: Female

Graveyard Keeper Agnes: Update 4 (Lumiose City -> Poke Ball Factory)

All-right, after a hiatus, I'm back. I evolved my Litwick into a Lampent right before facing Clemont, and maxed out my Meowstic's Special Attack EV. I don't have a Dusk Stone yet, so I have to wait until Terminus Cave to evolve it into Chandelure. The Lumiose gym leader was pretty much a pushover, with my team being slightly overleveled and having a type advantage. Clemont's Emolga went down to a single Psychic from Meowstic, and I switched to Lampent against Magneton, which nearly 1HKOed it a few times, but Sturdy activated and Clemont used his Hyper Potions on it. After he ran out, I switched to Gabite and fainted Heliolisk with a single Dig.

My Meowstic actually managed to solo Calem, for once. His Meowstic went down to my Meowstic's Shadow Ball, then I Thunderbolted Absol twice while surviving a single Bite, and finished Chesnaught off with a 1HKO Super Effective STAB Psychic. Valerie, the Fairy-type Gym Leader of Laverre City, was more difficult. My Meowstic led, and actually survived a Crunch from Mawile, and hit it twice with Thunderbolt, bringing it down. Then, she sent out Mr. Mime and finished off my wounded Meowstic. I sent out Gabite, which used the super-effective Shadow Claw while it used Light Screen. Another Shadow Claw brought it down. Then, she sent out Sylveon, which survived a Shadow Claw, then 1HKOed my Gabite with a Dazzling Gleam. I sent out Litwick, my last Pokemon, and started off with Flame Burst. It didn't do much, but she wasted a turn using Charm which was useless with my moveset. Then, I used Toxic, survived a Dazzling Gleam, and finished off Sylveon with Hex.

In the battle with Celosia and Bryony, me and Calem both sent out our Meowstics, and I Psychiced Manectric on the first turn while he used Fake Out on it. Liepard used Assurance on my Meowstic, bringing it slightly below half health. I Psychiced Manectric again, KOing it, while Calem wasted a Psychic on Liepard, which used Taunt on me. Then, I hit Liepard with a Thunderbolt, it retaliated with Assurance and KOed my Meowstic, and Calem's Meowstic used Disarming Voice and KOed it.

Thunderbolt and Toxic have both made huge differences for their two Pokemon. Espurr got a decent attacking move that can hit Dark-types and do super-effective damage to two types I couldn't hit for more than normal damage before, and Lampent got an accurate status move to set up Hex. Besides that, not much has changed.

Current Team:

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Graveyard Keeper Agnes: Update 5 (Route 15 -> Anistar City)

Not too big of an update today, but I evolved my Gabite into a Garchomp! It's very powerful, and I taught it Poison Jab to give myself a Poison-type move to counter Fairy-types, replacing Aerial Ace. Meowstic learned Signal Beam, giving it a better answer to the Dark-types that gave it so much trouble early on. Lampent, however, still doesn't have that great coverage. I did teach it Flamethrower, replacing Flame Burst, and Calm Mind, replacing Confuse Ray, but its final evolution and the TMs I want to teach it are all locked behind defeating Team Flare. At the very least, it should learn Shadow Ball very soon, but it's ironic that my only Ghost-type is currently the one with the worst Ghost-type move.

At Frost Cavern, Mable's Houndoom went down to two Thunderbolts from Meowstic. Meowstic also soloed Calem, KOing his Meowstic with a pair of Shadow Balls, his Absol with a Signal Beam, his Vaporeon with a pair of Thunderbolts, and his Chesnaught with a Psychic. Olympia was a little harder, but not too difficult. My Meowstic hit her Sigilyph with several Shadow Balls, but she got up a Light Screen and used both of her Hyper Potions, and also weakened my Meowstic with a pair of Air Slashes. Then, she sent out her own Meowstic, and they exchanged Shadow Balls, KOing mine and wounding hers. I sent out Garchomp, which finished it off with a Shadow Claw, then KOed Slowking with a pair of Shadow Claws after it used Yawn.

Finally, I caught two Pumpkaboo (the pre-evolution of my favorite Pokemon), bred them, hatched a level 1 Pumpkaboo, and gave it to the old man in Anistar. I know exactly what happens, and, given my trainer class, I specifically selected Pumpkaboo because it would keep his spirit safe and help guide it to the afterlife after he dies.

Current Team:

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Graveyard Keeper Agnes: Update 6 (Lysandre Labs -> Victory Road Entrance)

I did a lot of boss battles and didn't have a chance to take notes, so I won't be able to go into as much detail. However, I evolved my last Pokemon, Lampent, into a Chandelure, and switched out three of its four moves. It has much better coverage now and it's no longer my weakest Pokemon. As of now, I have my final movesets that'll take me through the Pokemon League and the postgame.

In the Team Flare battles at Lysandre Labs, my Meowstic swept Aliana, Mable, Xerosic, and the first two Lysandre battles on its own. Celosia, however, paralyzed my Meowstic with her Manectric and then KOed it with her Drapion, and I had to fight Bryony without it. Bryony fainted Lampent with one of her two Pokemon, I think, but Garchomp beat her. I caught Yvetal by having my Meowstic Thunderbolt it, which paralyzed it, then used Shadow Ball twice to weaken it. It fainted my Meowstic right before I captured it, but somehow all my Pokemon were healed before facing Lysandre. I immediately switched to Chandelure, which KOed his Mienshao before getting fainted by his Honchcrow. I switched to Garchomp, which fainted his Honchcrow and Pyroar. Then, Lysandre sent out Mega Gyarados, which KOed Garchomp with Outrage, but my Meowstic used Thunderbolt twice to KO it while it was confused.

Meowstic fainted Shauna's Delcatty, but Goodra fainted Meowstic. My Garchomp fainted both her remaining Pokemon, and went on to sweep Tierno's team as well. Trevor healed my Pokemon, but I switched to Garchomp again and swept his team with it as well. When fighting Wulfric, I used Meowstic's Signal Beam against Wulfric's Abomasnow, and got off a single Psychic against Avalugg before it 1HKOed it with Crunch. Then, I sent out Garchomp, which outsped both his remaining Pokemon and KOed them with Dragon Claw.

Current Team:

Graveyard Keeper Agnes: Update 7 (Victory Road -> Ending)

Another long list of bosses where I didn't have a chance to take notes, so, again, not as much detail as normal.

I beat Calem, but I recall only having a single Pokemon left at the end, and it was either Garchomp or Chandelure. I don't remember how I did it.

The first E4 member I faced was Drasna. Meowstic 1HKOed Dragalge with Psychic, but fainted to Altaria. Garchomp took down the rest with Dragon Claw.

Next, I fought Wikstrom. Meowstic beat Klefki, fainted to Probopass, and I sent out Chandelure which finished it off and then 1HKOed Scizor and Aegislash.

Third was Siebold, and I had Meowstic wound Clawitzer with Dark Pulse, only to be fainted by Dark Pulse. I had Chandelure come out second, and faint it with Energy Ball, only to lose to Barbaracle. Garchomp took down Barbaracle and Starmie with Dragon Claw and Shadow Claw.

Fourth, I faced Malva. Meowstic beat Pyroar, but I switched to Chandelure to fight Malva's Chandelure. I won, then she sent out Torkoal, which Earthquaked my Chandelure and my Meowstic. My Garchomp took it and her Talonflame down with Dragon Claw.

Then, I faced Diantha, the Champion. I started off by 1HKOing Hawlucha. She switched to Gourgeist, I switched to Chandelure and 1HKOed it with Flamethrower. She switched to Goodra and we spent several turns exchanging Shadow Balls and Muddy Waters until she ran out and I KOed it. Then, she sent out Tyrantrum, which KOed it with Crunch. I switched to Garchomp, and used Dragon Claw. I KOed it, she sent out Aurorus, and I switched to Meowstic while she missed with a Blizzard. I wounded it, then she hit with Blizzard, KOing Meowstic. I sent out Garchomp, which KOed it with a lucky Dragon Claw, and then she sent out Gardevoir and Mega Evolved it. Luckily, my Garchomp 1HKOed Mega Gardevoir with a critical Shadow Claw before it could do anything. (I'm not 100% certain on all these details, especially with the fossil Pokemon. The Hawlucha and Gourgeist KOs and the Shadow Claw crit, I am certain about, however.)

Finally, I faced AZ, who was a pushover. Meowstic 2HKOed Torkoal with Psychic, and Chandelure 1HKOed Golurk and Sigilyph.

While I have beaten the game and fulfilled my challenge, I do plan to keep going until I've finished the Looker Bureau, as I normally do while playing Pokemon X and Y. In fact, I've already beaten Calem's rematch and, finally, obtained a mega stone for a Pokemon. I'm not the biggest fan of mega evolution as a mechanic, so I don't mind not getting it until this late, and a pseudo-legend like Garchomp hardly needed a mega in the first place! I do, however, plan to stop the updates because there will be no further changes to my team, and my only moveset change will be to teach my Garchomp Earthquake and Brick Break now that I'm no longer bound by the move clauses.

This has been an interesting challenge, albeit one a little easier than the monotypes I normally do, though this may have been because X and Y are some of the easiest Pokemon games in general. Having only three Pokemon wasn't that much of a handicap in a game where most trainers also have three, and the three selected Pokemon gave me near-perfect type coverage that could, by the end of the game, hit every type super-effectively except Normal (and even that only because I had to use a slot for Shadow Claw instead of Brick Break). The only shared weaknesses I had were Ghost and Dark, one of which every Pokemon on my team could hit super-effectively. The latter weakness, which did give me a bit of trouble in the mid-game, still wasn't shared with my pseudo-legend.

Meowstic held its own in the early game, and really shone in the mid-game, but its effectiveness dropped off once Chandelure and Garchomp got their final evolutions. It still made a difference, but the other two pulled me through a lot of battles late in the game when Meowstic couldn't hold on.

Chandelure had a very poor movepool early on, combined with late evolutions that made it my weakest Pokemon in the early game. Once I started getting good TMs for it, and evolved it for the first time, it got much, much stronger. However, it was still pretty fragile and in those few cases where it couldn't hit fast enough, it usually went down to a single STAB SE move or two non-STAB SE moves.

Garchomp was very effective throughout the whole game. Early Dragon Rage was utterly broken throughout the beginning of the game, and I got decently-powerful STAB moves in both its types, plus a good Ghost move, right between the second and third gyms, right as Dragon Rage was losing its importance. It was also my best defensive Pokemon, with only three, generally rare, weaknesses, none of which were shared by my other two Pokemon.

Hall of Fame Team:

Hello, I was searching for some Pokemon Challenges today and found this site. I really wanna try this challenge out!

USERNAME: Forever_Kiara
GENDER: Female


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Hello, my sister wanted to do this challenge with me, so I'll put another one with the answers of my sister.

USERNAME: Forever_Kiara
GENDER: Female



Thank you for the challenges Panda280! My sister and I will try it out as soon as possible!
Name: Poke Fan
Game: Fire Red
Gender: Male

Actually, there were other people in the queue as well (on page 12).

Anyway, just in case, I re-present my answers.

A) USERNAME: _confused_piplup_
B) WHICH GAME: Pokémon Emerald
C) GENDER: Female



At the elite 4 - If possible, please read this when you battle Sidney.
Name: Draco_Malfoy
Game: Pokémon Blue
Gender: Male

Name: AngeltheTogekiss468
Game: White
Gender: Female

Anyway, just in case, I re-present my answers.

Username: DarkChibimon
Game: Heart Gold
Gender: Male

A) USERNAME: Espurrgamer
B) WHICH GAME: (As of January 12th 2017, Hacks of the Original games are not permitted, if you replied before that then your fine): If you are willing to do a Scarlet run for me, I'd love that. Otherwise, either Pokemon Sword or Pokemon Black. Dealer's choice.

a) Favorite color: Black or Yellow

b) Select one of the following which best describes you: Brains
(Brains, Beauty, Brawn, Brave, Blissful)

c) Favourite Animal: Either a Crow or a Polar Bear

d) Where would you rather be: Graveyard
(Beach, Forest, Volcano, Marsh, City, Graveyard,Snowy Field, Desert, Large Meadows.)

e) Favourite Food: Lemon-poppyseed Muffins

f) Do you see yourself as more masculine or feminine than others of your gender? If yes, then which one?: I would say I am less feminine than some girls, but identify femme as opposed to butch or masc

g) Which one are you most like? Good or Evil: Good

h) Would you rather be slender or muscular?: Slender

i) Which do you prefer?: Any, oh gosh! But I guess reptiles
(Mammals, Reptiles/Amphibians, Bugs, Fish, Birds or mythical creatures)

j) List top three favourite Pokemon types in order of preference: Ghost, Psychic, Grass or Dark tie for third

k) What Pokemon do you hate (no more than 5): I really can't think of a pokemon I hate outside of Miltank and Jinx

l) What profession do you aspire to be most?: Zoologist and Conservation Researcher

m) Do you rather dress with a variety of colour or in earth tones?: Earth Tones

n) Name a person that Inspires you?: Steve Irwin

o) What is your favourite music?: Punk Rock or Indie

p) What is your favourite non-religious holiday?: Halloween

q) What is your zodiac sign?: Pisces

r) Where in the world would you love to travel to?: I would love to travel to Japan or Australia

s) Would you rather be smart and unattractive or attractive and unintelligent?: Smart and unattractive (rip that's already me)

t) What colour do you loathe?: none really, other than stark white with nothing else around it

u) ON a scale of 1-10, how confident are you?: A solid 4.5

v) Favourite type of Subject (Art , Science Geology, Ect): Science, History, or Art

w) Name one talent of yours.: I am a semi-talented artist

x) Describe yourself with three adjectives. Example: smart, kind, pretty: well-spoken lesbian rambler

y) Which Pokemon trainer from anime/games do you identify with most?: My favorite trainer is N from Pokemon Black, but I resonate the most with Wally from Ruby/Sapphire

z) What type of Pokemon do you loathe?: Uhh none really, except Jinx and Miltank. I love pokemon it's hard to make me hate one.
Name: Draco_Malfoy
Game: Pokémon Blue
Gender: Male


You'll have to forgive my ugly post, but hopefully the information is all the same. I'll try and do the others in the queue that I can see after this one too (provided I'm familiar with the game enough!)

Based on your answers I'll go with:

Game: Blue

Job: Mechanic

Arbok (snake, slytherin)

Magneton (civil engineering, smart)

Starmie (Beach, water)

Special Mission:

You have been called in because you're the guy that gets things done. There's an issue at the power plant and they need you to come in and remove the problem that's been affecting the local power. That is of course, Zapdos. You've been tasked to restore the power at the plant by removing the legendary bird present by any means necessary.