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Tug o' War 4 - Mario (+1) vs Zelda (-1)

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I'm playing Skyward Sword HD atm and am starting to wonder just how many times I'm gonna be forced to defeat the Imprisoned... beat it three times already and still it wasn't the final showdown against it...

also memes =3

Never played Skyward Sword. I beat Twilight Princess a long time ago and am absolutely not liking BotW. <_<

Because Mario > Zelda and everybody lies about it!

ngl I thought this had ended as we're past the scheduled end date.

When I played Skyward Sword I kept calling 'demon lord' Ghirahim edgelord instead.... so I couldn't stop laughing during the final fight as a result xD
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This thread is currently in a little bit of a limbo. ^^"

It's past the date but there's no replacement for it. The suggestion thread has been stuck in a tie for quite a while now. And I haven't made a decision as to what to do now. xD

So, maybe a question: do you like these sorts of threads and want them to continue. Or should we try something different?

Maybe we could just lower the amount of points needed for one side to win? Like, start at 50 and go to 0 or 100? That way topics won't just sit around and get stale as much. (in theory anyway)

This thread is currently in a little bit of a limbo. ^^"

It's past the date but there's no replacement for it. The suggestion thread has been stuck in a tie for quite a while now. And I haven't made a decision as to what to do now. xD

So, maybe a question: do you like these sorts of threads and want them to continue. Or should we try something different?

I find it a very cool idea, but I would say that the problem of this thread in particular was that many of us were pretty neutral on the topic. So, I guess it's just about finding the right topic, so that people get more involved, but I know it's not easy. And yeah I think lowering could work too.

You could just flip a coin for the tie in the vote in the suggestion thread. =P

The count thresholds have already been lowered before. It started at 500 and went either up to 1.000 or down to 0 in the tug of wars predecessor. Those counts were too high for the usual activity in them.
That said the only Tug of War that reached one side's goal was the one where everyone agreed lol
Lowering it to start at 50 and go to 100 or 0 seems a bit low to me, but maybe start at 100 and either to 200 or 0 ?

I'll porbably going to remake the thread in the next couple days. I may even remove the time constraint and just close it either when the goal is reached or when it ends up stagnating. We'll see!
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