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Chit-Chat: VPP Community DCC - Ask questions & chat!

  • 17,133
    • she / they
    • Seen Jan 12, 2024


    The VPP Community DCC
    A place to relax and talk with your fellow trainers!​


    Hi everyone! Welcome to the Virtual Pokemon Pet DCC. Here you're free to chat, ask questions, schedule trades, and everything else you'd like to do! You can ask fellow trainers to arrange tag-teams, talk about new VPPs you've gotten, pitch ideas to the staff, and generally hang out! If we get questions that keep popping up regularly, they'll be added to the FAQ in the Guide.

    [PokeCommunity.com] VPP Community DCC - Ask questions & chat!

    [PokeCommunity.com] VPP Community DCC - Ask questions & chat!

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    I'm available for tag too btw if anyone wants to raid the forums with me :coolcat:

    Feels up for a tag team. Makes sense with the upcoming event. Listed Psychic-types as one of your focuses. Could use one for a future Legendary summon. Would you be willing to partner up for a Meowstic?

    Edit: Just noticed other changes, such as the new challenges. Added a lot of them. Spotted some other interesting things too, like posting milestones and new ribbons. Missed the boat on the Eeveelution Ribbon. Hard pass on every shiny eeveelution.
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    Feels up for a tag team. Makes sense with the upcoming event. Listed Psychic-types as one of your focuses. Could use one for a future Legendary summon. Would you be willing to partner up for a Meowstic?

    Edit: Just noticed other changes, such as the new challenges. Added a lot of them. Spotted some other interesting things too, like posting milestones and new ribbons. Missed the boat on the Eeveelution Ribbon. Hard pass on every shiny eeveelution.

    Dang there's a lot of new stuff =o
    hadn't noticed it yet xD

    Anyway, I'm definitely down for a Meowstic tag =3
    Just a couple questions for clarification:

    You cannot use Unown to obtain:
    - Legendary Pokémon

    Does this just mean you can't use them as a requirement for a legendary, or do they also not count for the 10 VPP's between masters/legendaries?

    Unown are a unique kind of Pokémon. They only require 25 posts each to complete, however, they come with their own special gimmick: You need to "spell out" a VPP that you would like and put careful consideration into what Pokémon makes the most sense to apply the Unown gimmick to and how it would be most beneficial to you.

    Example 1: You want a Ponyta? Ponyta has letters in its name, so we simply multiply the post requirement for an Unown by the number of letters in the Pokémon's name.

    25 x 6 = 150.
    A non-seasonal Ponyta would be 175 posts, so you'd get a good discount!

    But, for other Pokémon, it might not be worth going the Unown route to obtain them:
    Example 2: Magikarp. If it's not seasonal than it will take 175 posts to finish.

    25 x 8 = 200
    If you try to spell it out with Unown that's 8 letters meaning 200 posts total to complete. So, that would not be worth it. It would be better to wait until Magikarp is in season or have a Club discount applied.

    This reads slightly confusing to me... In order to get Unown, you need to spell out a VPP that you want. Then judging from the examples, you get the VPP you spell out instead of the Unown?
    So how do you get the Unown themselves then? 🤔 Or is the spelling out thing separate from obtaining Unown themselves and only for obtaining other mons using the Unown gimmick?
    Or do you instead get the Unowns that make up the word of the VPP? Like, Skrelp would get you Unown S, Unown K, Unown R, Unown E, Unown L & Unown P.

    Asking mainly because this part reads highly ambiguous to me:

    Unown are a unique kind of Pokémon. They only require 25 posts each to complete, however, they come with their own special gimmick: You need to "spell out" a VPP that you would like


    With the addition of the Unown challenge I intend to start grabbing some Unowns after my next legendary =3
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    Does this just mean you can't use them as a requirement for a legendary, or do they also not count for the 10 VPP's between masters/legendaries?
    Since Unown are easy to get (and due to their gimmick) they can't be used as a requirement for Legendaries. They also don't count as part of the 10 VPPs you need to get between legendaries. Right now, they do count towards your next Master. However, that may be changed at some point. So don't count on it too much.
    This reads slightly confusing to me... In order to get Unown, you need to spell out a VPP that you want. Then judging from the examples, you get the VPP you spell out instead of the Unown?
    So how do you get the Unown themselves then? 🤔 Or is the spelling out thing separate from obtaining Unown themselves and only for obtaining other mons using the Unown gimmick?
    Or do you instead get the Unowns that make up the word of the VPP? Like, Skrelp would get you Unown S, Unown K, Unown R, Unown E, Unown L & Unown P.
    You can request Unown anytime you want. If you manage to get enough of them to spell out a Pokemon's name you can request that particular Pokemon as a free VPP.
    However, you can use every Unown you raised only for one free VPP.

    Our Guide is currently still being ironed out, so sorry for all the confusion. ^^"
    I didn't realize we got a new DCC. The artwork there on the OP is lovely.

    I'll take a look at the guide later to check on the cool new stuff, but I'd just like to wish everybody luck on the Community Event!

    Edit: The guide says legends can be Tag Team but Arceus can't. Is that every Arceus, only Type Arceus or an editing mistake?
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    Edit: The guide says legends can be Tag Team but Arceus can't. Is that every Arceus, only Type Arceus or an editing mistake?
    This is for all Arceus formes including the regular one. But don't worry: legendaries are one of the things that we're currently still reworking. So this may be subject to change! :)
    Just wanna inform u that I finished my half of our Swampert~

    Bit late, but also finished my half!

    If anybody wanna do a Tag Team, just let me know.
    Daaaaamn y'all been working your butts off in here, haha. I'm so proud of this team! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
    How does Greenery Day work? Says -10 posts on all Grass-type Pokemon. Does that apply to all Grass-types currently being raised, or Grass-types started on that day only?

    (Serves as a good reminder too. Occurs on April 29. Remembered an event during the Easter Community event. Spaced on it until right now.)
    How does Greenery Day work? Says -10 posts on all Grass-type Pokemon. Does that apply to all Grass-types currently being raised, or Grass-types started on that day only?

    (Serves as a good reminder too. Occurs on April 29. Remembered an event during the Easter Community event. Spaced on it until right now.)
    Only those that are requested on that day count.
    Fair. Seemed awkward to adjust everyone's ongoing Grass Pokemon, in terms of stat-tracking.

    On that note, does anyone wish to start a Grass-type Tag Team during the event? Prefers Shiftry for one of N's challenges. Would not be opposed to Lotad, Snivy, Serperior, Swadloon, Leavanny, Lilligant, Maractus, Skiddo, Gogoat, Rowlet, Decidueye, or Flapple either.
    I'm not sure if Tags count for that event, but I'd be down for a Serperior or Leavanny Tag if you want ^.^
    (or any stage of those lines really)
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    I'm not sure if Tags count for that event, but I'd be down for a Serperior or Leavanny Tag if you want ^.^
    (or any stage of those lines really)
    Agrees to Leavanny. Will request one during the event. Qualifies for the seasonal reduction, if nothing else.
    I'm not sure if Tags count for that event, but I'd be down for a Serperior or Leavanny Tag if you want ^.^
    (or any stage of those lines really)
    Finished one-half of the Leavanny.

    My tag-team partner went MIA so I'm still waiting for enough time to pass until I can post an inactivity clause request and start doing tag-teams again... I miss co-raising Pokémon with everyone! 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。
    StCooler and I are done. Technically, I would wait for Starlight for our special Tag Team. However, I'm not quite sure when she'll be back. So, I may still be able to do a quick one.