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Article: Watch the Glimwood Tangle livestream here


7.8/10 too much water
  • 16,979
    ...and by here, I mean the article linked above! Starts in a bit over 10 minutes from this thread being posted. Livestream is embeded in the article.

    Use this thread to discuss the livestream and new discoveries from it!
    For those not yet watching, uneventful beginning. It's just glowy mushrooms and some spores flighting around, which looks pretty but suggests stuff is spread out.

    Faint music sound during it. A Pikachu popped up for a few seconds before running into a bush.
    Morelull is such a waste of a slot.

    Are they really going to keep a camera on the same spot for 24 hours in the hopes that people hyped for the games will sit and watch for the whole time? This is one of the worst ways of building hype and interest I've seen in years...
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    I get where they're going with this, but I feel like it could've been.... done a lot better. Even more old Pokemon appearances every now and again would be nice instead of random bush rustling. @_@; I closed the tab because there's only so much of the chiming on repeat that I can take before I start hearing it in my sleep.
    they confirmed impidimp I guess that means impidimp finally is acknowledged by game freak

    context: impidimp was seen in the stream
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    There is stark contrast between fans' expectations and what the actual event turned out to be.
    But I have a weird perspective: this video generates a natural feel of what you would get if you placed a camera in the actual, real life wild. This adds a feeling of reality, as if we're observing an actual ecosystem. Of course, this need not mean that this live stream is a good way to
    build hype nor is it a good marketing strategy, but it's made everyone a careful observer, a researcher, for a brief moment at least. This is similar to what we'd do if we were on a jeep in a safari, waiting for animals to come up to their expected "hotspots"(the places they are expected to visit frequently), sometimes in vain (especially speaking of Tiger safaris in real life).

    But to stream for 24 hours is crazy. It would have been better if they would have made it three hours long and revealed around five Pokemon an hour, few new ones among those.

    By the way, best wishes to Serebii Joe for performing his duty!!
    Alright alright, maybe this is based on Japan's timezone and the only things out rn are nocturnal? Maybe we'll see more activity later during the "day"?
    Twitter is speculating that the unknown Pokemon is a Galarian Ponyta. A Ghost/Fairy type Ponyta would be nice if that's what it is.
    serebii joe should rest i keep checking back on the website to see if any interesting stuff happened and he said the scenery changed a bit and ponyta's cry could be heard

    btw, how many new pokemon have been "revealed" so far?
    serebii joe should rest i keep checking back on the website to see if any interesting stuff happened and he said the scenery changed a bit and ponyta's cry could be heard

    btw, how many new pokemon have been "revealed" so far?
    Just the one it seems.

    Also joe ain't resting, he's aiming to stay up the full 24 hours. He crazy.
    damn impidimp stop hiding the new pokemon LMFAO

    i'm glad it's getting so much exposure though
    anyone figure out what this "mystery Pokemon" is, though?
    People originally thought it was an Galarian Ponyta, but I am not sure anymore. It looked too different to be a Ponyta and the tail was too close to the ground.

    I think it is a purely new pokemon.
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