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What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?

I usually stay at home, and do my work.

Or otherwise I go to buy/fetch items as directed by my mother and father.

Weekend trips are not a thing we do, as they are highly rare for us. Plus another fact is that I am mostly a loner, don't talk with any of the classmates on phone, as I do all of my things alone, even Pokemon GO is played all alone by me 😂😂😂. Hence, you all can assume me to be at home every weekend, unless there is some special occasion !
Sleeping in late and making breakfast. I also try to do laundry on Sundays if I'm able so it's just a lot of stuff that makes me feel comfy. Soft blankets, lots of good food, and warm fresh clothing. 🤍
Preferably chill out and game or watch Anime. If I'm in the mood for it: draw.
Haven't done much of these during the weekend for a while now lol
Assuming I go out on Saturdays, I stay inside on Sundays and detox by doing the following: drink iced coffee for breakfast, game, craft, clean up and cook.