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5th Gen Which versions do you main?


No money puns. They just don’t make cents.
  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 12,779
    Simple question that is basically what the thread says. Did you go for the Blacks or the Whites?

    For me DEFINITELY DEFINITELY the Blacks. Asides from maybe, and I mean maybe some version exclusives, the Blacks are way better and if I told you all my reasons I'd be here for a very long time. The designs and layouts of the routes and towns are my main incentives for the record.

    In general if anyone here is indecisive on which version of the two to get, I'll greatly reccomend the Blacks, undeniably. Never pick the other one!

    White and Black 2 is what I did. I get that you're sort of "supposed to" get the same color for both, but it's not like I was going to not get the version that has my favorite Pokemon in it.
    I got White for Zekrom.
    Then I got Black2... for Zekrom.
    So my 'main' is Zekrom =D

    I only ever played either once. So I don't think I can call either version a 'main'.
    I did the same thing that Nah did. My first ever Pokémon game was Pokémon Black. After that, I got Pokémon White 2. That way, I was able to get Zekrom along with Reshiram so that I could be a happy camper…or so I thought... Thanks for confusing young me, Game Freak.
    I got White and White 2. I don't think there was much of a reason beyond "someone I know already got Black and Black 2". I only got back into the series late during gen 5. So, both of them were already out.
    I think I mained White and Black2? I recall playing Black2 much more than I did White2, or at least... I think? Whichever one gave the free shiny GIble. I think that's Black2.

    I mean, obviously, I played all 4. But, the games I main, the save file stays forever. The one I don't? Usually, I will delete it and restart that game.
    I prefer White and White 2. I like Zekrom much more than Reshiram, but Black Kyurem looks significantly uglier than White Kyurem. Plus, I like Triple Battles more than Rotation Battles (even though I'm worse at them), I like the more natural and old-fashioned aesthetic of places like Route 4, Opelucid, and White Forest, and I can more easily see myself as a Champion of Ideals than a Champion of Truth.
    I chose Black purely because I wanted Reshiram, then I got Black 2 so I could pick up Zekrom as well. I'm glad I did, because I prefer N's dialogue when he's Hero of Ideals.

    As for whether they are the better versions...eh? I prefer the White Forest to Black City and the past-themed Opelucid City, so they're about equal to me.