Well, a suspension, but it's worth mentioning.
I was playing Garry's Mod years back, playing in a RP server (this being several years before I'd stepped into the good ol' RP-land of PC). It was fun but I was young and was wont to make mistakes- though this particular instance actually made for a pretty fun story, if only for me.
I was walking along the street next to a Combine facility that watched over the city- or kept it locked up, whichever you prefer. Little did I know that, not long prior, some civilian rebels had stormed the facility. Either they'd gotten what they went in for or failed miserably, because just as I'd walked by, the normally locked side entrance to the facility burst open. I turned to it and met the attention of one of the rebels, holding a pretty lengthy and intimidating gun and, well, aiming it at me. In a panic, I hit him with whatever was in my hand, fearing that he might have been planning to kill me and, well, rather than retaliating he fell over and subsequently died.
A few minutes later the immersion broke I found myself teleported to the top of the building and faced with a server mod. He asked why I killed the guy and I tried to explain the situation to him. Which he found pretty far-fetched and claimed I was lying to him. I was young so I imagine I didn't explain myself as well as I could have, and they booted me out of the server for, well, less time than they could've. I would've been bitter about it but when I jumped back on the server, the mod was pretty fine with everything as was just about every other person on the server. 'S just something I remember fondly and don't have much chance to talk about.