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Your suggestions for Essentials

Pokemon Renegade Platinum semi-randomizes the Elite Four teams. Every time you battle an Elite Four member, you don't know which of their four possible teams each one will use against you.

Is it possible to add a similar randomization function to certain Trainers?

This can be done by:

1) Define multiple versions of the same trainer in Trainers.txt (Example: E4_Lance Lance,0; E4_Lance Lance,1; E4_Lance Lance,2 if you want 3 variants of Lance)

2) In the trainer event, insert a control variable (you can set a specific variable for E4 variants, but I don't see the harm in using a temporary variable such as 1 or 2)

3) Within this [variable], select the operand "random" and set the first number to 0, & the second number will be the last variant (in this case 2).

4) Add a conditional branch below this variable

5) Set this conditional branch to if [variable] == 0, and initiate a battle against variant 0.

6) Repeat step 5 for each # of variants.

Hope this helps.

(Also, this question probably shouldn't go in the suggestions thread, but I understand why you'd post it here. Best of luck!)
I think it would be nice if there was more support for simultaneous animations. This sort of exists with the damage animation, but having something like this for common and move animations (like with multi-target) would be nice and could speed up battles.
A way to check the type of the Pokemon at the front of your party, a way to check your whole party for your selected type, and a way to check the type of the Pokemon you select from your party, would be great.

Scripts that rely on type-checks like "Is there a Water Pokemon in your party? Show me one to proceed into this Fire Gym!" and "This Script detected a Pokemon in your party without the Bug-type! You can't enter this area unless your team only contains Bug-type Pokemon!" rely on them, and I don't think Pokemon Essentials has a function like this yet.
A way to check the type of the Pokemon at the front of your party, a way to check your whole party for your selected type, and a way to check the type of the Pokemon you select from your party, would be great.

Scripts that rely on type-checks like "Is there a Water Pokemon in your party? Show me one to proceed into this Fire Gym!" and "This Script detected a Pokemon in your party without the Bug-type! You can't enter this area unless your team only contains Bug-type Pokemon!" rely on them, and I don't think Pokemon Essentials has a function like this yet.

This is already possible.
It is? How? I'm trying to code a Move Tutor who will let you select a type, pick a Pokemon in your team who has that type, and then teach that pokemon your choice from a set of great moves of your selected type.

So for example, a Wingull could learn Origin Pulse and Dragon Ascent from this NPC.

It's like STABmons but it's done by one NPC, giving every Pokemon a better movepool that depends on its type. I've already got him to apply selected moves to your Pokemon even if that Pokemon can't learn the move naturally, I just need a way to get the NPC to check the type and turn away Pokemon with the wrong type.

also, new Essentials suggestion: an in-built Multiplayer Battle mode, and a Randomizer mode.
I haven't found this posted before (somewhat surprisingly), but apologies if it has.

Menu scroll speeds

One thing I've noticed with Essentials is that the menu scroll speeds seem to be quite slow, eg in the Bag. The debug menus are also quite slow, especially long lists like "warp to map".

(I know you can use PgUp/PgDn to skip quickly, but it's easy to overshoot and it is then quite slow to navigate back to the correct item. It also means scrolling half a page is still quite slow.)

I've noticed that on each scroll, the pictures/descriptions update (eg, item in bag, or image of the map in the debug warp menu), which I imagine is computationally expensive. Would it be possible to implement faster scrolling by having it not update these details until the Up/Down arrow keys are lifted? This would allow us to quickly scroll down to the right item/option (by holding the key down), and only needs to update the data once the scrolling bar "lands"...
After a trainer battle your opponent come back on screen and give a losing speech defined by "LoseText". However if you use the battle rule "canLose" the battle just ends if the player loses.
Can we get the opponent to appear on screen and say something with "WinText"?
After a trainer battle your opponent come back on screen and give a losing speech defined by "LoseText". However if you use the battle rule "canLose" the battle just ends if the player loses.
Can we get the opponent to appear on screen and say something with "WinText"?

The Mid Battle Dialogue Script by Golisopod User has this Functionality.
How about a way to let NPCs permanently change the Types of a Pokemon? So there could be a Move Tutor except instead of teaching moves to a Pokemon of your choice, he changes the type of your chosen Pokemon to one/two types of your choice. And one NPC could give you a Fire-type Pikachu, changing its type when giving it to you.

This feature idea was inspired by a Smogon format called Camomons where the types of the first two moves your Pokemon knows determines his type. However limiting it to a moveset is too limiting, letting players go with any type by asking the Type Guru NPC seems better.
Having unselectable moves like in Gen 8.
When you go to the Settings from the Script Editor, it will show "UNSELECTED_MOVE".
The option to have daycare exp gain work the same way as purifying a shadow pokémon in the GC games. Instead of getting a higher level pokémon back (possibly with some moves overwritten), you get a lump sum of exp and gain levels one by one, just like when you KO a pokémon in battle.
Show Power and the Physical/Special/Status icon when selecting a move during battle.
Also tags, if added (see below).
Tag icons for moves and abilities, shown in their descriptions. Particularly useful in the non-JP versions of the game, since many move names were translated before they were grouped together by ability effects in later gens.
Ice Fang (contact icon)(jaw icon): The user bites with cold-infused fangs. It may also make the foe flinch or freeze.
Strong Jaw: The Pokémon's strong jaw boosts the power of its (jaw icon)biting moves.

[contact, biting, pulse, sound, punching, powder, dance, bullet, explosion, thaw]

I sketched up a quick demo, but it's probably better to imagine the icons made by someone with actual artistic skill.
[PokeCommunity.com] Your suggestions for Essentials

'Egg slots' that are separate from party slots, so that you can carry and hatch eggs without having to sacrifice combat effectiveness. Should cut down on 'ride a bike back and forth on the longest stretch of road you can find' behavior and allow you to just play the game instead. Hatched pokémon would go to the PC if you don't have room in your party.

Better still, an entire system of 'passive slots' that can be used for HM slaves, eggs, exp. share leeches and such, but not in combat. Maybe a separate start menu entry that reuses the party GUI assets/code?
Requirements for moving pokémon between combat slots and passive slots could be left up to the individual game developer. Only at a PC? Only on specific map IDs? Any time you're not in combat?
A way to set the AI level for wild pokémon. Maybe in the species definition, maybe as an event command, or maybe just make it proportional to catch rate or something. If I'm not mistaken, even legendary pokémon pick moves at random right now.
Feeding a level 100 pokémon a Rare Candy ought to trigger level-based evolution.
Support for HM replacement items. I know they're not hard for individual game devs to implement, but they're such a common thing that native support would be convenient. A simple item flag that means 'counts as a Cut item', and so on. Then the tree/boulder/water checks for that instead of / in addition to pokémon with the right move.
Catching a new pokémon already opens the pokédex to the relevant page. Evolving a pokémon or getting one as a gift or in a trade should too.
Optionally combine the two stat change messages on levelup.

Instead of:
Attack +3
Defense +1
*press A*
Attack 28
Defense 15

It would print (all in a single window):
Attack 25 -> +3 -> 28
Defense 14 -> +1 -> 15

Attack 25 -> 28 (+3)
Defense 14 -> 15 (+1)
Trigger alerts for held items. Could use the exact same system as the ability pop-in alert that was added in a recent essentials update, but with a different background style/color.

[Pikachu's Insomnia]
[Pikachu's Quick Claw]
An easy way to cap party size below 6. This would have to cover everything from catching wild pokémon to getting gift pokémon to withdrawing from the PC. Implemented in v19. Awesome.
The spoiler tag contains ideas that are too niche, too dumb, or too much work to bother with.

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Add an array of 30 or so unused variables to the pokemon data structure, for use by mod scripts. That way, players wouldn't have to start a new save when an update adds scripts that attach data to pokemon.
The mod devs could allow the game devs to pick which one to use, to make them all compatible. Example below:
#Bob's Memo Addon v1.1
#Adds a free text entry field to the Summary screen, allowing you to save notes for individual pokemon.
MemoVarID = 3 #Which ExtraVar to use. This can be any number between 0 and 30, but can't be the same for two different addons.
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Multiplayer online battles and trading via LAN connections between two people on two PCs with two separate copies of the same Essentials game. Even if players had to use Parsec to connect your PC to a friend's and then have two instances of the game running side by side on the same machine, something's better than nothing.

Some Essentials games out there have multiplayer battling and trading... How did they do it?

If the multiplayer battling/trading was a standard feature in Essentials v19.2, all sorts of fangames could develop their own metagames around their own fakemon and changes.

Also, how about a "Let the player choose what actions the enemy trainer performs" option, so Trainers could do this with their friends as the AI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTxoDSAe7yw
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I have many of those:
1- Being able to add items/moves with ease with the editors in-game, mainly for new Mega Evolutions
2- This is a bit of too specific, but adding driveable cars can be something neat
3-If possible, adding teams of 7 mons
Pomeg Berry Glitch Fix

It's possible to use the Pomeg Berry to reduce the only Pokemon in your party from 1HP to 0HP, skipping all enemy trainer battles and saving them for later. This can be used to break scripts, especially those necessary for the game to continue.

This fix works (broken link removed) but can it come standard in v19.2?
It's possible for a move to activate the Trick Room effect, which means an Ability or Held Item can also activate it.

It seems the "Inverse Battle" effect can not be activated during a battle in this way. But what if this was possible?
Letting the game automatically renumber entries in the PBS file with skipped numbers or out-of-order numbers would help make game development faster.

It would no longer be necessary to manually adjust numbers to ascend numerically as you scroll down the PBS.

Copypasting new item/ability/Pokemon entries in from outside sources would be faster and easier than ever before.
1. I plan on making a randomized item that could respawn once every 6 am. All I know is midnight, which I don't want. I looked up on the essentialsdocs website about time-sensitive events. I can't test this every day, that only delays my project.

2. I work on multiple wild encounter tables based on land. LandCommon is like Land, but more common. I've worked on a code called; rand(10) = 1. That randomizer is for LandRare.
Any plans to add Frostbite and Drowsy to essentials?
I like Frostbite. I think the game was overdue for a special-burn, and Frozen was way too random.
If you do add them, will it be as a global all-or-nothing toggle ('if true, replaces all Sleep with Drowsy'), or as a new effect (PBS says Move X has a 10% chance to inflict Frozen, Move Y has a 15% chance to inflict Frostbite)? Would prefer the latter, since it's more flexible (and it's easy to swap everything out with a find+replace in the PBS if you want to).
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