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Where do you get your news?

When it comes to local news, I am more starved for options than the average poster in this thread as New Zealand media has a dearth of options in the first place, let alone options that can be remotely trusted. Journalism as a field is collapsing in real time here - there is somewhat of a market for the field overseas, but there is little here in the way of career options unless you are extremely lucky or already know someone in the business, because we simply do not have the expansive market seen in other countries. And it gets smaller every year.
It's generally accepted that the current state of New Zealand media is the weakest it has ever been, particularly when it comes to disseminating news and holding the government to account. I don't have an issue with infotainment and right-wing media existing, it just becomes a problem when almost all notable media organisations and personalities in the country exist under a government-friendly centre-right umbrella with no little journalism on either side to hold the information to account. It is particularly troubling when you think about how there was recently a Dame made (Ms. Julie Christie, not related in any way to the venerable actress) for what was essentially her services to eliminating left wingers in her media company. So with that being said, I find it rather hard to obtain quality pieces of information from anyone properly informed. I usually have to look at Newshub and Newsroom (the latter being a surprisingly good and new organisation I have some faith in) and then talk to friends or look on Reddit/Twitter to find anyone who may have a more specialised understanding. While sharing and reviewing info should be by the par, the sheer lack of viable options means this is entirely necessary to get even the slightest bit of nuanced understanding over here.

As for international news - when I want immediate knowledge of an event taking place, I'll look at CNN, FOX and Reuters. They tend to be quickest out the gate when it comes to merely disseminating the knowledge that something has happened. When I want to have a deeper understanding of the event, I tend to look at NYTimes, NPR, BBC, Al Jazeera, Guardian, Salon and again, FOX. Not that I trust the latter, or inherently trust any of them. I just like comparing FOX to other news outlets to see if I may have missed something in my blatant leaning towards left-wing sources. I'll occasionally look at WSJ for the same purpose as FOX but it's not something that comes to mind a lot of the time. I like looking at Salon because in my eyes, it is what HuffPost wishes it could be - a reliable form of liberal media that can actually be cited without immediately detracting from your position. I have increasingly moved further left over the years but I enjoy Salon for keeping me up to date with softer liberal viewpoints I may not have considered. When I want to challenge or reinforce the info I have received with peer review, then I'll jump onto social media and look at what's going on there. Same as mentioned earlier - doing my best to find varied sources on social media and taking a gander at those. I am also lucky to have a couple of lawyer friends and one friend who works for Al Jazeera, so I tend to trust my conversations with them about the intricacies of things I don't have their specialised knowledge of. Overall, I believe I am pretty thorough with how I go about finding news. There is always room for improvement but I believe I am reliably informed to a level that most people should be.
I'm subscribed to ElDiario.es, Mongolia (Spanish), Private Eye, The New Statesman (UK), The Economist (International), The Washington Post (US), and I read stuff from The Grauniad, Vox, The Hill, MarketWatch, BusinessInsider and directly from a wide array of Washington reporters. For work, I also rely heavily on Reuters, AFP, Bloomberg, Efe and Europa Press.

I also read my own articles which I trust a lot.
Articles: Washington Post
Radio: NPR

BBC is by far the most neutral news source. Least sensationalized and least amount of editorializing. I do think Washington Post has best EXCLUSIVE content. NPR is just easy to have on in the morning,but sometimes I even laugh at contrived it is at times. Though, NPR often goes beyond news like sharing testimony from Syrian citizens or other humanizing stories (subjective testimony). These stories actually help make me less biased when considering people who are "foreign" to me. and therefore those I might implicitly see as less than human. Basically if I see Americans/Europeans as more "human" and deserving subconsciously, I have a bias toward Westerners that can cloud my ability to digest info as neutrally as possible.

If every person were forced to watch BBC news, I doubt they would leap to insane conclusion that CNN, and even worse, FOX News anchors/pundits provide. Once in a while i will watch MSNBC for Rachel Maddow, probably the sole TV personality that is actually a good journalist.

I used to like TYT and other "progressive news" but ultimately the editorialization and leaps were becoming too much. (Not to mention the hypocrisy in regards to misogyny)
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Unfortunately, it seems that no one is capable of reporting "just the facts".

A few years ago, I exclusively listened to NPR. It was tolerable where nightly news was not. But it's become politicized to the point where I throw up in my mouth a little bit at a lot of their stories.

More recently, I watched Alex Jones for some time. His information is extremely accurate, but eventually it wasn't worth enduring the hate-spew. It really takes a toll on my emotional well-being.

Currently I pick up news stories second-hand from listening to Joe Rogan and Steven Crowder, or something from my Twitter feed like local KC happenings or weeb stuff.

But mainly I get news when I go looking for something specific, and I always always always compare multiple sources, because no one is unbiased - especially the people who say that they are.
Well sadly all major news stations are propaganda machines or exaggerate stories for views.

My favorite is the conservative saying "CNN is FAKE NEWS PROPAGANDA" and then they end up saying they "Watch RT" and I want to at that point headbutt a sword fish.

I have BBC on my phone to browse new articles but it's no better than the rest. I also get breaking news from some app I never downloaded that pulls from a bunch of sources (as in will pull a story from one source, but has a wide pool from which to chose. Not that it takes into account multiple sources to produce a more correct story. That would be too good!)

All in all

Capitalism + News = Lies

Communism + News = Lies

Can't win!

^ This

Anyone with half a brain can see straight through the lies, the ones that don't are already infected with their virus. Read one article on one site, go to another and it's completely different views on the story. Basically biasism at it's finest. Compare MSNBC to Fox news.. They take bits and pieces of the story and twist it to keep their biased agenda intact and this is why I don't trust really any news sources; online or television. How can you expect to know what's true or false if they all got holes in their stories? Only reason some don't see the holes is because they're already sucked into one sides opinions and beliefs and they're so closed minded and set on their side that they refuse to see what's being said on the other side, and lacks the intellect to do proper research. It's all part of an agenda to brainwash and control the masses. I mean, that is what they're paid to do, brainwash the population with biased beliefs.
You can thank Congress repealing the Fairness Doctrine and lack of critical thinking skills for the reason why we're in the mess we're in right now, although I'm going to admit, the whole "MSM is propooganda toolz fake news lol" is starting to get so old and the hatred for mainstream news outlets is starting to get so irrational that it reaches tinfoil hat levels of conspiracy theory nonsense.

All in all, I just use NPR, PBS, and BBC to get my news. That or I just ignore the news altogether.
^ I hate mainstream news because they're "biased" to deceive us into believing what they want the audience to believe and somehow it actually works. It's not because we're "conspiracy theorists" it's because we're not "gullible" enough to believe everything we hear or see. There's a difference between the two, so get it right. But I'm with you, I usually just ignore the news altogether too. It's depressing anyways, I got more important crap to worry about than being "brainwashed" into something that may be false.
10/10, would gladly take lessons from you.

I find it depressingly common that people who rag the most on "MSM" are the same ones who go to these places.

"The mainstream media wants to foster hatred between people and divide humanity for profit! But in other news, George Soros is a dirty Jew and here are eight threads about that. Top kek indeed."
I trust One America News, it is exclusive to only some cable providers but it seems to be on the rise and relatively clean. It has a libertarian bias, that should be noted but it is very fair to both sides. OAN's commercial breaks also give a little insight to american history or excerpts from the constitution and their historical context, which is a nice touch. I also trust Reuter's and AP, as well as The Economist. While I can consider myself "far right", I have a distaste for stereotypical right biased news sources. I want facts, and to be able to make my own opinion based on them rather than being told one side of the story.
Personally, I get my news from sites like the New York Times and NPR. I also watch YouTube channels like Dave Rubin, Sargon of Akkad, and Chris Ray Gun to get more personalized and fun presentation of news. Chris Ray Gun is my personal favorite. Although you might think that those channels are bad, whatever. I find them entertaining and they give a more specific insight onto certain topics. I do admit that in large doses they get annoying, but sprinkling in this news format with typical MSM works out well for me. Even though MSM generally sucks, it's the only way to really be able to get conventional news. (Other than Keemstar of course)
I also watch YouTube channels like Dave Rubin, Sargon of Akkad, and Chris Ray Gun to get more personalized and fun presentation of news. Chris Ray Gun is my personal favorite. Although you might think that those channels are bad, whatever. I find them entertaining and they give a more specific insight onto certain topics.

Are the other two like Sargon of Akkad? Because i'd barely call his anti(anything progressive) dog whistling backed up by constant lies and half truths any kind of "news" source. He acts mainly as an echo chamber of cherry picked studies that yells about anita sarkeesian an unhealthily large amount
Are the other two like Sargon of Akkad? Because i'd barely call his anti(anything progressive) dog whistling backed up by constant lies and half truths any kind of "news" source. He acts mainly as an echo chamber of cherry picked studies that yells about anita sarkeesian an unhealthily large amount

The other two are not like Sargon. He does create a lot of sensationalism around his topics, but Dave Rubin is a much more professional channel, he does interviews with people on both side, and even though he identified as a classical liberal, he generally gives both sides a fair chance. Sargon.. is more of an entertainment side? As is Chris Ray Gun. Chris Ray Gun, if you haven't known, is currently on a relationship with Laci Green, and is really wanting to change the narrative into having peaceful discussions rather than fruitlessly debating each other from thousands of miles away. That's one of the reasons he is better than Sargon. Sargon, to boil it down, is more of an entertainment spin, and though he does have some good points, it's merely to get a laugh out of something.
Get my news on channel 12 when I'm at work, and when I'm online Twitter Moments & Google. I don't really trust Twitter Moments or Google, but I do trust my local news station...
Sometimes I read Newsday, my local newspaper, but rarely.
As is Chris Ray Gun. Chris Ray Gun, if you haven't known, is currently on a relationship with Laci Green, and is really wanting to change the narrative into having peaceful discussions rather than fruitlessly debating each other from thousands of miles away. That's one of the reasons he is better than Sargon. Sargon, to boil it down, is more of an entertainment spin, and though he does have some good points, it's merely to get a laugh out of something.

Sargon doesn't really seem like something that'd be entertainment, given that his videos often boil down to being wrong and snarky/smug about being wrong but I guess each to their own?

All I know of Laci Green is that she used to run really amazing online spaces for abuse victims but then turned on a dime into anti-feminism, anti-trans rhetoric and apparently this surprised people, so if he shares that lame edgy teen rhetoric i'm sure he's a gem too.

I'd rather not watch his videos but after seeing "sjw the musical" and some of his latest tweets I'm made aware that I didn't realise how far my eyes could roll into the back of my skull
I saw that some people checked out Vox occasionally, but do any of you ever use 1791L?

I'm pretty bad at keeping up with the news but I feel like that channel has really rekindled an interest, it seems to be more conservative but it keeps me incredibly interested.
I am right-leaning (...yes I am a conservative, I know that's a bad thing these days don't crucify me please..) so I naturally would get my news from the Conservative Tribune or the Next News Network. I love the stereotype that all Right-wingers watch Fox because I despise mainstream media and I don't watch Fox, especially can't stand the Corrupt News Network(CNN) and MSDNC (... I especially loathe the MSDNC's Morning Joke).

Don't get the impression that I worship anything Conservative, I also see eye-to-eye on somethings Liberals advocate. I believe in what I believe in, the whole LiberalvsConservative division doesn't decide that. (... Am I going to pay the price for contributing to a thread as a conservative? Story of my life....).
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