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Fanfiction Lounge

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Well, what do you know? XD I've always pronounced it Ray-kwah-zah (as has everyone else around me XD)

I've heard those two pronunciations of Groudon and Kyogre before, though.
After reading/watching a recent movie/book/T.V. programme do you find yourself trying to include some ideas of it in a fic on purpose or subconiously?
No, not really. The most inspired-by-other-media element I know of is something relating to The Quest for the Legends that was extremely vaguely inspired by something in the eighth Pokémon movie, but it's more of a general theme and it's a pretty common general theme, so... :/

Well, Morphic was conceived of when I read an article in a popular science magazine about gene splicing in animals, but since that's not fiction I doubt it counts.

There's many ways I see it misspelled, and it's not only spelling. I know people who say Groun-don, Ki-oh-gree, Di-ag-la, Ray-kwah-za (Believe it or not, it's Ray-kway-zah), and more. It's so frustrating. And Mis-dree-vee-ous. WTF, Pich_u?
Pssh, correct pronunciation is for sissies. >:/ It is totally Miss-dreh-ah-vuss. And Pee-neck-oh.

(Hey, I played these games before I learned how you pronounce English!)
Oh, sure. You guys get drunk after I head off to bed. Love you too. >=|

(Meaningful post about pronunciation/the latest bold topic/squirrels may be coming... uh, later.)

Murphy's law ;)

Man... time seems to fly by even though I am bored and not doing much.

New bold topic! Umm . . . OK. Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?

For me, the latter. My parents would kill me if they knew I was on here, then dig me up and kill me again if they knew I was writing fanfiction (which they'd probably see as a copyright infringement). So yeah.
Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?

I like to write at home at my computer, though I may occasionally make notes wherever I am, if possible.
Sorry. There might be a future change in my activity level due to real life.

Modship going once! Going twice!

Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?
I like to write outside during the early dawn hours, when the birds are beginning to wake up, and the sun isn't even visible yet.

I write anywhere and everywhere. No one really asks me what I'm writing, so no one really knows that I'm writing fanfiction. Not even my parents. They think I gave this up months ago, and just talk to stalkers online.
Yeah, actually I was kind of scared of the inactivity here for once. I mean there was probably less than 5 posts or something.

*needs someone to hold on to*
*doesn't let go*

Man... I feel like I want to do something, but really nothing... I think it's like having a bout of energy and having too many things to do with the power it. Either that or my imagination is on overdrive from watching too many fictional things today.
When my imagination gets into overdrive, I write. Often when i write like that I have to delete large sections, but it usually turns out something good. :D
*Jumping back in from a plane after watching the drama in the FFL for a few pages*

And yes I'm back. Though, it wasn't specifically two weeks. Still it was more than one. I didn't go through the 50 pages or more since my departure but I did read the last few pages. And so I picked a few questions from there....

At what point do you give your chapters a title? How do you usually choose a title?
From the beginning. I usually give one word titles based on something in the chapter that happens as a subplot or main plot. Then, I put A.k.a. (insert something to do with the chapter).

Do your stories generally have a happy ending? (Remember however, a happy ending by definition doesn't have to be "happy").
No, never have, never will, I am, to a certain extent, quite sadistic (keep repeating that for some reason XD) so I feel that it affects my writing in such a way that I don't like the psychological happy endings like rainbows and bunnies at the end. Also, sometimes there is also no conflict resolution either and i just let the protagonist suffer while the antagonists basks in glory.

After reading/watching a recent movie/book/T.V. programme do you find yourself trying to include some ideas of it in a fic on purpose or subconsciously?
Ah yes, this happens to me a lot. It doesn't affect the main plot but mostly the surroundings and miscellaneous things like the characters clothing or personality. In fact, the protagonist in my current fic is sort of based on Train Heartnet from Black Cat(to a certain extent, not all of him).

Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?
As I've mentioned before, I write my ideas in code, have successfully encrypted my chapter archives (special thanks to solovino and Citrinin for their reccomendations) and I am exceedingly paranoid. So yeah, i write in my room on Saturday and Friday nights with the door locked and a cloth under my door so nobody sees the light from my room. Though, I am not a sociopath or antisocial.

Other than that, it's great to be back.

Here's my question
Are you addicted to reading? Not the unhealthy one like stated here but the reading anything you find or see kind of addiction. This is a form of bibliophilia otherwise known as being a bookworm.
Are you addicted to reading? Not the unhealthy one like stated here but the reading anything you find or see kind of addiction. This is a form of bibliophilia otherwise known as being a bookworm.

Not addicted...! But I read quite a bit. I've read all of the young adult books in the library that I've wanted to read, so now I just grab something and hope it's good enough to read all the way through. I normally read at night or if I'm travelling somewhere, I don't read during the day very often.
I never buy books because new hard backs are really expensive, and I always see it in the library a week after...
I prefer reading books on paper than fanfiction. This is because I have such unreliable internet it either cuts off or I have to while reading something long. I wish I could read fanfiction in a nice little paperback.
Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?
Fiercely guard my writing as a secret to the outside world. It probably doesn't seem I'm putting much effort into hiding it (since my Fanfiction folder is located on my desktop), but I put a lot of effort to make sure none of my friends see that I'm writing Pokemon fanfiction, since they'd probably be ass holes about it.
New bold topic! Umm . . . OK. Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?

For me, it's some sort of mix of the two. Occasionally I try writing my stories down on paper while at school, and give the vaguest answers imaginable whenever anyone asks what I'm doing. ('Watcha doing?' 'Writing.' 'Writing what?' 'A story.' 'What's it about?' 'Characters/People who do things.' They usually give up after this.) I openly admit writing Pokemon fic to my parents, even though I rarely if ever let them read it because it would be impossible to understand. I have my computer downstairs in an otherwise-empty room on a computer which is password-protected, and none of my family members have ever expressed interest in spying except for maybe the cats.
Where do you like to write? Do you write in public, or do you fiercely guard your secrets?
Fiercely guard my writing as a secret to the outside world. It probably doesn't seem I'm putting much effort into hiding it (since my Fanfiction folder is located on my desktop), but I put a lot of effort to make sure none of my friends see that I'm writing Pokemon fanfiction, since they'd probably be ass holes about it.
Word. Except there are a couple of my friends who know, and they're not a-holes about it. They help me brainstorm, as they are Pokemon fans too.

*Are you addicted to reading? Not the unhealthy one like stated here but the reading anything you find or see kind of addiction. This is a form of bibliophilia otherwise known as being a bookworm.
Ooh. I read that article, and it sounds like me a couple years ago. I don't read as much now, but I do often read to 'escape reality'.
Just thought I'd share this with you guys as it is pure awesome:

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What internet sites do you spend time on when you write (to figure out any information you might need/etc)?
Bulbapedia's wiki site. The site usually has everything I need to know, as in Pokemon physiology, behavior, and any location data I might need.
I also spend time at Thesaurus.com for obvious reasons.
Are you addicted to reading? Not the unhealthy one like stated here but the reading anything you find or see kind of addiction. This is a form of bibliophilia otherwise known as being a bookworm.
Yeah. Whatever comes my way I would read it. Even when something's far away like a sign and I can't really see well (I'm near sighted), I would whip out my glasses to read what it says. XD

As for the unhealthy one, eh a few times to get my mind off of things yeah, but not to the point where I'm obsessed reading twenty four seven. If I were, I would have already finished with the entries from the Serebii contest and the reviews that I owe to some of my friends. XD I is lazy. :x

What internet sites do you spend time on when you write (to figure out any information you might need/etc)?
Bulbapedia or Serebii. Serebii I would check info on a Pokemon's attacks and also some items while on Bulbapedia I would look though articles on Pokemon, the characters, and locations.
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