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[Event] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥


Courtney 🧡
  • Team Magma (GT 2024)
  • 6,604
    Wind of change
    Valentine's Day Challenge - 2023​

    🎐 Scramblers' Form
    🎐 Players' Spreadsheet

    General Rules

    🍃 Sign-ups will open on February 1st, 2023, and close on February 12th 2023.
    🍃 The Event Challenge itself will run from Tuesday, February 14th to Friday, March 24th 2023.
    🍃 This Challenge can be played on any Pokémon game or fangame, as long as it's completed by defeating the usual 8 gyms (or trials) and the following League. For games set in Alola, Kahuna battles act as the even-numbered gyms, while odd-numbered gyms correspond to the Verdant Trial, Wela Volcano Park, Abandoned Supermarket and Vast Poni Canyon trials.
    🍃 The Challenge is considered completed once you get the credits to roll!
    🍃 If you have any questions, feel free to message us Challenge Mods, Eleanor and Janp.

    Challenge Rules

    We're playing a special Scramble Challenge this year! Typically, a Scramble challenge player will ask other people to name a team of six Pokémon for them to use, and will not be allowed to battle with any other Pokémon during their run. Here, you will have both of these roles: Player and Scrambler (guess that's the name). Players and Scramblers will have to work together and trust each other to make it out!

    Setting up:

    🍃 Once sign-ups are closed, people will be randomly paired up twice: this way everyone will be both a Player, and a Scrambler for someone else. For players, the identity of the assigned Scrambler will be secret, but more on that below.
    🍃 For Players: of course you may only use Pokémon that your paired Scrambler has listed, or that are below them in their evolutionary family. If they aren't immediately available, you can either hack them in (as long as it's something you agreed to do) or use your starter until you're able to catch an eligible Pokémon.
    🍃 HM slaves are totally fine, just don't use them in battle!
    For Scramblers: please be considerate with your choice of Pokémon! Unless your player is fine with hacking in multiple Pokémon, do not tell them to use Pokémon that aren't available at the stage of the game they are in (unless you really want to do that). This becomes especially important in this challenge~
    Here's the list of Regional Dexes if you need to check: link!

    Lover's Advice:

    🍃 Scramblers will not give a complete list of Pokémon right away, but will start off the challenge by listing 2 Pokémon for the assigned Player to use. With the two Pokémon families revealed, a Player may start their run.
    🍃 Each Pokémon in the list will have a certain restriction attached to it that depends on its type (list below). For dual-type Pokémon, only one restriction will apply at the Scrambler's discretion. So, when listing a Pokémon, the Scrambler will need to specify which rule applies to it (just say the type, for example: Abomasnow - Grass).
    🍃 A Pokémon gains a type by evolving? That type is the one specified by the Scrambler? The rule always applies. Example: your scrambler can add to the list Empoleon - Steel right at the start. But that Steel-type rule also applies to Piplup and Prinplup, even if they are not Steel-types. No changing the type of the restriction during the challenge, by the way!
    🍃 When a player beats gyms or trials number 1, 3, 5 and 7, they need to stop playing and write an update about it, as it is time to get some heartfelt advice from the assigned Scrambler. Please make it clear that you need to get someone to update your Pokémon list! I may or may not refer to this process as a "date", haha~
    🍃 Here, the Scrambler can do two things:
    1. (mandatory) add one Pokémon to the list of eligible team members the Player can use. This should bring the total up to 6 Pokémon once Gym 7 is defeated.
    2. (optional) swap one Pokémon already on the list for a different one.​
    More on how to do this below!

    It's... advised that the Scrambler chooses new Pokémon wisely, based on what the assigned player has written in their last update.

    Winning the challenge:

    🍃 In their last update, Players will also need to give a score to each of the Pokémon that they have brought to the Hall of Fame, from 0 to 10 points. The score should depend on how good your Pokémon fared in game and how much fun you had using it! Please be considerate and truthful with the scores, and maybe write at least one line explaining why a certain score was given. Pokémon that used to be in the eligible list but were swapped out don't count, of course.
    🍃 The challenge is won by the Scrambler whose team gets the highest total rating!
    🍃 Completing the challenge as Player can get you a Chimecho VPP. Just post in the Obtain a Pokémon thread and link back to your final update. If you completed your own run as Player and also get to win the challenge as Scrambler, your Chimecho will be shiny!

    Sign Ups and Secret Pairs

    How to keep pairs secret?
    🍃 When sign ups are closed, yours truly will randomize Player and Scrambler pairs and reach out to you via Forum Private Message to let you know who you're giving Pokémon to. I won't be playing myself to keep things more fair and because I have little time to do so!
    🍃 At the start of the challenge and, subsequently, at every "date", you will be able to carry out your role as Scrambler by using this Google Form. Simply answer the questions in the form everytime your list of Pokémon needs updating: players will be able to see it in this Google Spreadsheet, as well as keep track of how it has changed over time.
    There's links right below the title too, for easier access!
    🍃 Once the right update is up, you as a Scrambler have up to 3 days to give your partner new directions. Otherwise, mods will step in and answer for you!
    That would mean never swapping any Pokémon on the list for a new one, picking each new team member randomly from the Regional Pokédex of the player's game of choice, and always assigning to it the rule of its primary type.

    Now, the sign-up form:
    🎐 Your name
    🎐 Your game of choice
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference
    This can be 1, no hacking in Pokémon, 2, hacking in just your starter (through the universal Pokémon randomizer, for example), or 3, hacking in any Pokémon at any time with the PokéSav
    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know!



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    Example: your scrambler can add to the list Empoleon - Steel right at the start. But that Steel-type rule also applies to Piplup and Prinplup, even if they are not Steel-types.

    *Looks with extreme interest at the example above* Nice choice 😌

    I'll participate!

    🎐 Your name: _confused_piplup_
    🎐 Your game of choice: Pokémon SoulSilver
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 1
    🎐 Your name: Janp
    🎐 Your game of choice: Ultra Moon
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 3
    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know: I like Pyukumuku
    🎐 Your name: Duck
    🎐 Your game of choice: Shield
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 3*

    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know!
    ~ I like cute, small and fuzzy things

    * I also have access to DLC / latest version so, feel free to give whatever's coded into the game up to CT
    🎐 Your name: Explorer of Time

    🎐 Your game of choice: So long as it isn't a Switch game, or Yellow (neither of which I own), pick a game of your choice! You can even pick a romhack or fangame if you want, so long as it isn't something edgy/vulgar/rulebreaking like Clover, something that doesn't use a finished set of gyms and a league, or something really long like Reborn that I can't get through in a month. If you do plan on picking a Gen 1-4 game, however, I would rather use a vanilla+ QOL hack of my choice than a vanilla game.

    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 1, no hacking in Pokémon. However, I do not need my starter in my party if you'd rather I catch Pokemon available before the first gym instead.

    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know!: My favorite way to play Pokemon is to do monotype runs, so don't be afraid to completely ignore type balance! Having more Pokemon with the same restriction will make it much easier for me to keep track of them, too, assuming it's not something really difficult like Ghost.
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    I'll try my best and participate!

    🎐 Your name: Celèste
    🎐 Your game of choice: Pokémon X
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 1, no hacking Pokémon
    🎐 Your name: BlissyMKW
    🎐 Your game of choice: White 2
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 2, starter only via Universal Pokemon Randomizer
    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know: Let's try not to be too brutal.
    🎐 Your name: DarkChibimon
    🎐 Your game of choice: Fire Red
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 2, starter only via Universal Pokemon Randomizer
    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know!: Pick a not easy starter to use at 1st
    Should be available for the duration of the event, barring any surprises. (Waited to see if anything big might get scheduled. Seems unlikely at present.)

    🎐 Your name: Devalue
    🎐 Your game of choice: Ruby
    🎐 Your "hacking" preference: 3 (hacking in any Pokémon at any time with the PokéSav)
    🎐 Anything about you that your partner may want to know!: Prefers not to have Pokemon recently used in other playthroughs.
    It's February 13th and with that, sign-ups are closed! The pairs have been made and the private messages should be coming any second now.

    Feel free to submit your first submissions as a Scrambler, and get ready to start playing tomorrow!

    There's a new thread on discord for just talking about the challenge and hang out! You can find it inside of #pokemon-gaming!
    It's February 14th! It's time to play!

    Time to get those updates going! Have fun~

    Of course the three days period has also started for Scramblers to get their Pokémon in. Come on, this is important!
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    Ok, so I have done the first gym. It was pretty easy and zubat and geodude were a very nice duo for the first gym. As for the restrictions, pretty balanced: leech life on zubat helped for its restriction and geodude's low speed did the same thing. Here's the badge. It's been pretty interesting so far!

    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥
    Pokémon Platinum QoL 1.6.3
    Winds of Change - Young Couple Valery & ???
    Update 1 (Twinleaf Town - > Oreburgh Gym)

    All right, time to start off the first (EDIT: or second, I got ninja'd) update of the challenge. Ground is, as far as I can tell, going to be one of the harder restrictions to use for certain mons, and one of the less fun ones in general, but Steelix will still end up with a surprisingly good moveset later in the game.

    My Grotle, which evolved from a Turtwig right before the gym leader, is excellent right now, with Curse as a way to boost its physical stats, and Razor Leaf and Return as good early physical moves. However, it'll eventually end up with poor moves later in the game and I'd like to plan on switching it for something else after the fifth or seventh gym, preferably for a Pokemon with an easier restriction like one of the ones that requires switching out.

    That being said, Onix, right now, is not very good. I haven't leveled it up much yet because I only caught it right before the gym, but its base stats, aside from defense, are bad, and, while its level-up movepool has Screech, it doesn't have a great way to exploit it yet. It is also quadruple-weak to both water and grass, but it does help cover Grotle's fire and flying weaknesses. As someone who trained up a Steelix in my gen 2 Ground monotype, I can already confirm that it will get much better later in the game and I don't want to get rid of it, but I would've appreciated waiting a bit longer to catch one.

    Roark was a pushover. Grotle 1HKOed his entire team with Razor Leaf.

    Recommendations for new Pokemon: Even though I like monotypes, I do not need this run to be one, so you can give me non-ground types if you want. But I do not mind having glaring weaknesses to certain types; I find those fun to work around. I also don't want to switch out either of my current Pokemon at this time. Onix should stay in my team for the whole run, and I'd like to keep Grotle until the midgame. That being said, if you still want me to, I'll box one of them.


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    Spoiler: Gym 1: Roxanne

    Sets a few general challenge rules (on top of the current ones):
    • Set Mode
    • Limit 3 items per battle
    • Try to match the gym leader's highest level

    Determined gender with a random number. Got the male trainer. Named them "Ivan" after the Jupiter (Wind) Adept in Golden Sun. Called the challenge "Winds of Change". Made sense to go with a Wind theme.

    Chose Treecko to give May Torchic. Should be the easiest with the two given Pokemon.

    Rolled up 3 Remoraids. Chose one of them.
    1: Docile nature. IVs: 2/9/10/13/20/21
    2: Hardy nature. IVs: 12/23/18/29/15/19
    3: Docile nature. IVs: 7/22/8/28/8/15

    Easy choice here: #2. Oh, and Female too. Named it "Vortex", one of the Jupiter Djinn.

    Next up, 3 Numels.
    1: Lax nature. IVs: 3/27/8/20/6/21
    2: Naive nature. IVs: 12/6/6/27/14/28
    3: Impish nature. IVs: 24/9/21/2/17/29

    Less straightforward here. Tosses #2 without a second thought. Will never count on it to outspeed. Chooses between offensive and defensive now.

    ...Cannot tank its Special Attack that badly. Picks #1. Female too. Named it "Sirocco". (Started both Pokemon at level 3, also. Matches the level of nearby wild Pokemon.)

    Brings up the two restrictions for them.

    Vortex :t223: (Remoraid): Water. Cannot use any guaranteed stat-boosting move.
    Sirocco :t322: (Numel): Fire. Cannot use a Status move that is not Fire.

    Will not be using the usual buff/debuff strategies this run. Accepts that. Sees no great boosting moves on them anyways. Helps to know in advance too.

    Ran from their very first battle against an even level Zigzagoon. Scored a Turn 1 critical against Vortex :t223:, in fairness. Barely made it out without anyone fainting. Went better after that, although with Sirocco's :t322: Tackle being much weaker.

    Extinguished May's Torchic (also even level) in two Water Guns. Did not expect a struggle, of course.

    Talked with an NPC. "My face is reflected in the water. It's a shining grin full of hope... Or it could be a look of somber silence struggling with fear... What do you see reflected in your face?" A Generation 1 Seel sprite in a black and red boat.
    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥

    Resisted some Skitty's Attracts via Cute Charm (and being the same gender as it). Is already on a date. Do not be try to muscle into it.

    Noticed an awfully long speech at the Pokemon Center. ...Um.
    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥
    Did not hack that in.

    Levels as high as 15 for Roxanne. Opted to just go in at level 14 for Vortex and 13 for Sirocco.

    Turn 1: Vortex: Water Gun (100%) / Geodude: Fainted
    Turn 2: Vortex: Water Gun (critical, 85%) / Nosepass: Harden
    Turn 3: Nosepass: Potion (heal to 75%) / Vortex: Water Gun (45%)
    Turn 4: Nosepass: Potion (heal to 85%) / Vortex: Water Gun (45%)
    Turn 5: Vortex: Water Gun (the rest)

    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥

    Vortex the Remoraid :t223:
    Level: 14
    Moves: Water Gun, Lock-On

    Sirocco the Numel :t322:
    Level: 13
    Moves: Ember, Tackle, Growl

    Current thoughts: Feels comfortable with the current Pokemon. Definitely never used either of them in any capacity, minus maybe fishing with Suction Cups. Enjoys getting a chance to use them.

    Should be fine for the next two gyms. Fights on even footing versus Brawly. Learns Magnitude on Sirocco before Wattson.
    Wind of Change - Update #1

    Finished up my first segment. So far it feels like an average W2 playthrough, I wouldn't mind having some pokemon outside the regional dex/those only available later. Either way Ampharos is a solid pokemon and haven't had much chance to use Azu before so I'm happy to have them on my team.

    Spoiler: Gyms #2 and #3: Brawly and Wattson

    Forgot to mention another usual rule: No in-battle Revives or X items.

    Noticed something cute: #223 for Remoraid and #322 for Numel.

    Anyways, a new teammate: Electabuzz. Needs to switch in order with its restriction. Seems relatively benign, at the moment.

    Generates 3 Elekids :t239:.
    1: Brave nature. IVs: 3/31/15/21/27/22. (59 power Hidden Power Ice.)
    2: Calm nature. IVs: 6/7/29/0/15/20
    3: Brave nature. IVs: 31/3/23/28/3/5.

    Primarily uses Special Attack in Generation 3. Glances ahead at its moves. Locked Focus Punch to after Norman. Obtains Brick Break in Sootopolis. Delivers a good Secret Power, though.

    #1. Hates to drops its Speed. (Does not recall it being so fast. 105 base Speed as Electabuzz?) Prefers sacrificing that over its Special Attack. Named it "Bolt". Starts it off at level 10. Rolled female again, despite the 75/25 split.

    Notes two nice things about it: Thunderpunch at level 9 and a free Light Screen at 17. Well, and also its Speed on an otherwise slow team.

    Saved Peeko. Exploded the Magma Grunt's Poochyena with Thunder Punch. (Technically did not one-shot it. Still hit for 90% of its health, despite being at a one level disadvantage.)

    "At first, we had a huge work crew boring through rock with the latest machinery. But, we had to stop. It turns out that we would have had a negative effect on wild Pokemon in the area." Reminds everyone that this game is a work of fiction.

    Received a Great Ball for engaging in vigilante justice and saving someone's career. Amounts to $6. Deserves more than that.

    For anyone curious about the trendy phrase: "Listen, have you heard about this new 'AMUSING NEWS'?" Also: "I can't imagine what life would be like without 'AMUSING NEWS'!" Sounds almost sad in this day and age.

    Leveled everyone to 17 in Granite Cave. (Might have been able to go to Slateport and grind faster? Oh well.) Did not bother with that last level. Plan: Blast everything with Bolt :t239:. Placed Vortex :t223: as second.

    Turn 1: Bolt: Thunder Punch (50%) / Machop: Bulk Up
    Turn 2: Bolt: Thunder Punch (the rest)
    Turn 3: Bolt: Thunder Punch (50%) / Makuhita: Bulk Up
    Turn 4: Bolt: Thunder Punch (the rest)

    Yep. Had precisely enough Special Attack there. Walks away with two flawless gym battles.

    ...Hold on. Interrupted Team Magma's plans to expand the world's landmasses. Vaguely recalls Golden Sun having a similar plot. Might be a secret genius for using Golden Sun as a theme for this game.

    Forgot about bag space being a thing still. Thought it would have been fixed by now. Sold off some trash.

    Encountered May on the way to Mauville. Has not played this game in years. Still knows how dangerous it can get.

    Turn 1: Sirocco: Switch to Vortex / Wailmer: Water Gun (37/45)
    Turn 2: Vortex: Water Gun (critical, 40%) / Wailmer: Splash
    Turn 3: Vortex: Water Gun (10%) / Wailmer: Water Gun (28/45)
    Turn 4: Vortex: Water Gun (15%) / Wailmer: Rollout (20/45, Oran Berry to 30/45)
    Turn 5: Vortex: Switch to Sirocco / Wailmer: Rollout (41/56)
    Turn 6: Wailmer: Rollout (miss) / Sirocco: Magnitude 7 (the rest)
    Turn 7: Sirocco: Ember (70%) / Shroomish: Stun Spore
    Turn 8: Shroomish: Leech Seed / Sirocco: Ember (the rest)
    (Leech Seed damage to 34/56)
    Turn 9: Combusken: Focus Energy / Sirocco: Paralyzed
    (Leech Seed to 27/56)
    Turn 10: Combusken: Double Kick (2 hits, 0/56)
    Turn 11: Remorraid: Water Gun (50%) / Combusken: Double Kick (1 hit, critical, 0/45)
    Turn 12: Bolt: Thunder Punch (the rest)

    Got bit by the Electric restriction here a little. Locked Sirocco :t322: and Vortex :t233: into being a pair, essentially. Prevented a switch to Bolt :t239: for Wailmer. Would have seen a similar outcome, though. Crushed Vortex :t223: from 66% health in a single hit critical Double Kick.

    Took another faint on Sirocco :t322: during one of the gym trainers. Entered that battle under half health, though. Cannot resist a Sonic Boom.

    Leveled Sirocco :t322: to 23 and the others to 22. Includes Vortex's :t223: breakout level. Learned Psybeam, Bubblebeam, and Aurora Beam all at once. Anyways, the plan: Magnitude. Placed Bolt :t239: behind Sirocco :t322:.

    Turn 1: Magnemite: Supersonic (miss) / Sirocco: Magnitude 4 (45%)
    Turn 2: Magnemite: Supersonic / Sirocco: Hit itself (49/64)
    Turn 3: Sirocco: Magnitude 7 (the rest)
    Turn 4: Voltorb: Rollout (44/64) / Sirocco: Hit itself (29/64)
    Turn 5: Voltorb: Rollout (miss) / Sirocco: Magnitude 7 (100%)
    Turn 6: Magneton: Sonic Boom (9/64) / Sirocco: (No longer confused) Magnitude 6 (critical, 100%)
    (Level up)

    Could have avoided a lot of drama with a better opening Magnitude. Made up for it with the boss critical, at least.

    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥

    Vortex the Remoraid :t223:
    Level: 22
    Moves: Bubble Beam, Aurora Beam, Psybeam, Lock-On
    Restriction: Water

    Sirocco the Numel :t322:
    Level: 24
    Moves: Ember, Tackle, Growl, Magnitude
    Restriction: Fire

    Bolt the Elekid :t239:
    Level: 22
    Moves: Thunder Punch, Leer, Quick Attack, Light Screen
    Restriction: Electric

    Current thoughts: Went smoothly so far. Hits Vortex's :t223: evolution power spike before Flannery and Bolt's :t239: before Norman. Knows better than to take either of them lightly, however. Is well aware of the number of Water starters who have fallen to Torkoal. Never underestimates the behemoth that is Slaking. Rips Pokemon apart.

    Has no requests, save one: Do not choose the Poison restriction. Practically guarantees for that Pokemon to do nothing. Struggles to inflict any status. Currently chooses between Ember burn (10%), Thunder Punch paralysis (10%), and Static paralysis.
    Update #1
    So far, so good. Did use the Pokemon Randomier to change the water starter to a Staryu, the restriction with bug is fun mostly other than trying to train my weedle into a beedrill. Other than that, Brock went down like a pile of wet rocks.

    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥

    Spoiler: Gyms #4 and #5: Flannery and Norman

    New party member: Heracross with the Bug restriction. Must switch out after a maximum of five turns.

    Certainly ought to be good for Norman. Might be too good and overshadow the others. Will have to see. Has not yet used it before. Heard good things.

    Randomized three Heracrosses.

    1: Naive nature. Swarm. IVs: 23/31/2/24/14/25
    2: Lax nature. Guts. IVs: 8/12/20/25/3/2
    3: Gentle nature. Swarm. IVs: 26/14/19/0/0/24

    #1, no doubt. Figured that before seeing the other two. First male Pokemon on the team. Named it "Blitz" :t214:.

    Compared stats with (level 18) Blitz :t214: and everyone else. Leads in Hitpoints, Attack, Defense, and Special Defense. Should not be too surprised, as a non-evolving Pokemon. Still comes in a few levels under the others.

    Talked with Wally's father. "Wally's next door". About that...

    Ran into bag space issues again. Spaced on giving Sirocco :t322: the Soft Sand for Wattson. Whoops. Extracted some value from the Quick Claw, at least.

    Evolved :t223: Vortex :t224:. Matches some of Blitz's :t214: stats now. (Also noticed Sirocco :t322: as the wrong nature. Never changed from Hardy. Must have forgotten to save or something. Fixed that to be Lax.)

    Took the cable car up the mountain. Witnessed a Poochyena battle between Aqua and Magma. "Yeah! Douse them with fire!" Sir or madam? Do not expect that from a Poochyena.

    Rolled up to Maxie. Did not look up this fight. Should be a breeze.

    (Mightyena's Intimidate)
    Turn 1: Vortex: Bubble Beam (75%) / Mightyena: Bite (71/85)
    Turn 2: Mightyena: Super Potion (heal to 99%) / Vortex: Bubble Beam (75%)
    Turn 3: Vortex: Bubble Beam (the rest)
    Turn 4: Golbat: Supersonic (miss) / Vortex: Psybeam (75%)
    Turn 5: Golbat: Super Potion (heal to 95%) / Vortex: Psybeam (85%)
    Turn 6: Vortex: Psybeam (the rest)
    (Level up.)
    Turn 7: Vortex: Bubble Beam (100%) / Camerupt: Fainted

    Nice Quick Claw in there.

    Apparently leveled Vortex :t224: a bit much along the way (29 versus a 28 Torkoal). Thought it was higher. Oh well. Wrote "try" for a reason. Compensated by keeping the rest low at 26.

    Plan: Bubble Beam everything. Knows about Torkoal's sunlight and wicked Overheat. Order after that: Sirocco :t322:, Blitz :t214:, then Bolt :t239:.

    Turn 1: Vortex: Bubble Beam (100%) / Slugma: Fainted
    Turn 2: Vortex: Bubble Beam (100%) / Slugma: Fainted
    Turn 3: Vortex: Bubble Beam (80%) / Torkoal: Body Slam (63/88, paralysis)
    Turn 4: Vortex: Paralyz Heal / Torkoal: Hyper Potion (heal to full)
    Turn 5: Vortex: Bubble Beam (80%) / Torkoal: Body Slam (39/88, paralysis)
    Turn 6: Torkoal: Body Slam (18/88) / Vortex: Paralyzed
    Turn 7: Vortex: Soda Pop (heal to 78/88) / Torkoal: Body Slam (56/88)
    Turn 8: Torkoal: Body Slam (32/88) / Vortex: Bubble Beam (the rest)
    (Level up.)

    Garbage luck there. Almost switched to Sirocco :t322: instead of using a Soda Pop. Remembered the huge difference in Defense (31 versus 59, albeit with a (now) 4 level advantage).

    No sunlight, also. Must have been other people failing to one-shot the Slugmas. Figured Torkoal would have Drought. Also thought Roxanne's Nosepass knew Spark too, however. Learned strange things somewhere. Shrugs.

    Gains access to Norman immediately. Beat up the trainers beforehand for experience. ...Now what? Noped out of the desert for grinding (Sandstorm + Sand Veil). Cycled around Fallarbor for quite a while. Broke out the Macho Brace. Thank goodness for speedup. Leveled everyone to 31. Evolved :t239: Bolt :t125: in the process.

    Plan: Brick Break everything with Blitz :t214:. Kept Endure for Slaking, just in case. Must be mindful of Blitz's :t214: 5 turn limit, however. Order: Blitz :t214:, Vortex :t224:, Bolt :t125:, then Sirocco :t322:.

    Turn 1: Blitz: Brick Break (75%) / Slaking: Yawn
    Turn 2: Blitz: Switch to Vortex / Slaking: Truant
    Turn 3: Vortex: Bubble Beam (the rest)
    Turn 4: Vigoroth: Slash (67/93) / Vortex: Bubble Beam (55%)
    Turn 5: Vigoroth: Slash (42/93) / Vortex: Bubble Beam (critical, the rest)
    Turn 6: Vortex: Soda Pop (heal to full) / Slaking: Facade (44/93)
    Turn 7: Slaking: Truant / Vortex: Bubble Beam (30%)
    Turn 8: Slaking: Tightening Focus / Vortex: Switch to Bolt / Slaking: Focus Punch (2/86) (Oran Berry to 12/86)
    Turn 9: Bolt: Thunder Punch (30%) / Slaking: Truant
    Turn 10: Slaking: Tightening Focus / Bolt: Thunder Punch (30%) / Slaking: Interrupted
    Turn 11: Slaking: Hyper Potion (heal to full) / Bolt: Thunder Punch (30%)
    Turn 12: Slaking: Faint Attack (critical, 0/86)
    Turn 13: Sirocco: Switch to Blitz / Slaking: Truant
    Turn 14: Slaking: Facade (41/100) / Blitz: Brick Break (the rest)

    Allows you to use an item on that Truant turn? Vile. (Wondered if it could attack or not.)

    Certainly went differently than expected. Nailed a good Quick Claw snipe on the first Slaking. Feels a bit sad to not use Endure for the first time ever, though. Oh well.

    [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥
    Note the 5 hour jump in playtime from the previous update. Spent a while grinding on level 15s. Likely idled a bit too, of course.

    Vortex the Octillery :t224:
    Level: 31
    Moves: Bubble Beam, Aurora Beam, Psybeam, Lock-On
    Restriction: Water

    Sirocco the Numel :t322:
    Level: 31
    Moves: Ember, Tackle, Take Down, Magnitude
    Restriction: Fire

    Bolt the Electabuzz :t125:
    Level: 31
    Moves: Thunder Punch, Swift, Quick Attack, Light Screen
    Restriction: Electric

    Blitz the Heracross :t214:
    Level: 31
    Moves: Horn Attack, Brick Break, Leer, Endure

    Current thoughts: Had moments for every team member to shine so far. Could finish the game with these four, probably. (Might get a little dicey on some Elite Four members.)

    So, uh, pick something interesting? Advises against something super powerful. Might steal the show from the others. Please do not remove anyone. Avoid the Psychic restriction, also, due to the clash between that and the Water restriction.

    Does not feel Blitz :t214: (Heracross) is too strong currently. Brings Fighting and Normal to the table with little else. Cannot use Dig easily with its 5-turn restriction. Learns Mega Horn super late. (Just now realized how worthless Swarm is. Oh well. Never planned to make big use of Guts, even with a free Facade TM.)

    Edit: Added some views on the restrictions with the current team. Hopefully helps to make decisions more than "something interesting".

    • Normal: Depends on the Pokemon. Needs to have decent status moves that do not raise its stats.
    • Fighting: Alright. Demands good foresight, given the Electric restriction.
    • Flying: Okay. Should have decent Speed to avoid constant switching out.
    • Poison: Terrible with the lack of status.
    • Ground: Fine with this. Swaps around the fourth move with TMs/HMs as needed. Should always have one decent move. (Picked up a Heart Scale, also.)
    • Rock: Likely too easy, except with an actually fast Pokemon like Aerodactyl. Would be frustrating in that case.
    • Bug: Okay. Minds a second copy of this less than the others.
    • Ghost: Ideally never sees battle. Has not met that condition yet. Might as well not exist.
    • Steel: Possibly too rough. Relies on pure damage and tactical switching presently. Cannot turn to status to get bailed out. Potentially hits a situation of being unable to win against a bad Elite Four member or something. (Realizes the contrast of confidence between this and the Ghost restriction.)
    • Fire: Too easy. Blocks most good status moves with the Water restriction. (Affected Sirocco's Amnesia, though, so not always.)
    • Water: Too easy. Already active.
    • Grass: On the fence about this. Appreciates having status for a change. Essentially gives Pokemon like Sceptile an Ultra Defeatist ability. Becomes deadweight really quickly on a slow Grass type (not that uncommon). So...probably not?
    • Electric: Too easy. Already active. (Enjoys it being active, though.)
    • Psychic: Stated this above. Avoid it.
    • Ice: Probably too easy. Rarely uses more than two moves anyways. (See: Blitz. Horn Attack or Brick Break.)
    • Dark: Maybe too rough? Sees almost no priority moves. Would be limited to Quick Attack (Umbreon, Sneasel) and Fake Out (Sableye). Absolutely results in Sneasel getting smoked.
    • Dragon: Would rather not. Likes having Surf on a main party member. (Taught no TMs/HMs so far, also.)
    • Fairy: No Fairy types in this generation.
    Last edited:
    Pokemon X

    ~ Wind of Change ~

    Adventure Log #1

    In the morning, I got rudely woken up by our family's Fletchling after staying up late the night before. After changing and greeting my mother, I decided to go out to explore the town. However I got greeted by a young boy and girl, the boy indtroduced himself as our neighbour. The two known as Shauna and Calem told me to go to Aquacorde Town next door, because the region's professor had an appointment for us. I followed after them and got introduced to two more people, Tierno and Trevor, after we were introduced Shauna came up with the idea to pick a Nickname for me. I decided to use my Nickname "Celé" (pronounced "Celi") for me, because the nicknames they suggested were a bit too obscure for me. After choosing my nickname, we were able to pick a Starter Pokemon. I already knew which of the three I would choose. I recently received a letter from my partner and they came up with the idea that they would choose my Pokemon Team. I agreed to it, because I think it would be interesting to see what Team they'll come up with and so I chose Fenneking as my starter. Trevor also gave me a Pokedex after we chose our partner Pokemon. I had to go back home to deliver the Professor's letter to my mother and say Goodbye to her, because of my journey. On the way to my house I got stopped by Shauna who wanted to have her first fight with me. I easily managed to defeat her, considering how she chose Chespin, the grass starter. My Fennekin already knew Ember so I took advantage of her weakness and won the battle. Then I went home and gave the letter to my mother. After reading the letter she packed some things for me and we said goodbye to eachother, once outside our house my childhoodfriend Rhyhorn also wanted to send me off. So I made my way to the beginning of my journey…. I bought some Pokeball's and Potion's in Aquacorde Town, before making my way outside the Town. Calem decided to show Shauna and myself how to catch Pokemon, he also gifted us some Pokeball's. I got to train my Fennekin quite a bit., before entering Santalune Forest. Shauna decided to join me in the forest and we walked around together. After a while of walking around, i finally came across my second Team member Fletchling and caught it. I trained Fletching up to be on an equal Level with my Fennekin, while walking through the forest. For some reason my Fletchling always retreated once his health was under 50%, so Fennekin had to do the job a few times or I healed Fletchling. All five (Shauna/Calem/Tierno/Trevor) of use decided to leave the forest together and I made my way to Santalune City. On my way there I fought a few trainers and picked up some items. After reaching Santalone City I went to the Pokemon Center to heal up and buy a few more things. Once I was done shopping I made my way to the City's Gym and met a girl with Roller Skates in the front, who said that she would gift me some Skates if I defeat her in battle. I accepted and won the battle with no trouble. I obtained the Skates and went to challenge the gym. I decided to fight every Trainer before moving on to the gym leader. My fight against Viola, the gym leader, was okay considering I had moves that were at an advantage. The Infestation of Vivillon was a bit annoying though, especially since my Fire Moves were weakened due to Surskit's Water Sport. I won the first gym battle either way, so I should not dwell on it for too long. I went to the Pokemon Center to heal up and wrote a letter to my partner with my current progress. I played a bit with my Pokemon while I waited for their reply….

    Up to now I'm very satisfied my current team and would like to continue using them!




    • [PokeCommunity.com] ♥ Wind of Change - Valentine's day 2023 Challenge Event ♥
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