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Spinoff/Mobile 6,000 gems given out as compensation for inaccurate item descriptions

Spent them to finally get Blue as it's the only 5* I'm still missing. Got another Olivia twice instead. One more and I can have her Sync Move upgraded.
Used them in my first pull ever and got Krys as a 5 star, Drake and another 4 star I can't remember(lmao poor guy) and Tel e Pat like 6 times lol.
Also Gardenia, Roark and another bunch of 3 stars.
I'm quite happy about Krys, I will power her up immediately
I did one 3k scout and got Kris and Totodile! Unfortunately didn't end up getting Blue, but I want to save the rest just in case Cynthia ever does come out.
Going to save, personally. But neat. And really oddly generous given how little they were giving previously for missions and stuff like 10 million downloads (that is, nothing but a tweet on it).

Hopefully it's a change in philosophy.
10 pull got me Blue, which I already had. That's two 5 stars I've pulled during the Olivia banner, and neither have been her. Rate is up is a lie. 😠 Hilbert and Oshawott are suppose to be coming soon, so I'll save the rest for that.

Nice that we finally got something though.