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Chit-Chat: a good ol' fashioned DCC!


fleeting assembly
  • 8,709
    Daily Chit Chat
    Happy birthday, PokéCommunity! The site was founded on October 16, 2002. To celebrate the site's birthday, we're creating a new Daily Chit Chat, along with several other events across both PC's forums and Discord!

    DCCs have existed roughly as long as PC itself, with at least 60 in the Off-Topic section alone. It's for casual chatting about anything, from complaining about the weather, to posting pics of cats, to debating the best species of water-dwelling bird.
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    wait did inky use that as an image or do we have that uploaded as a forum emoji
    we need all the pleading emojis on pc
    upload my entire pleading collection to this server pls tyler

    replace all of PC's code
    Since PC is turning 18 it's only right that we should toast to her. If PokéCommunity was old enough to drink then what do you think her favorite beverage would be?
    just remembered the time someone made a post asking allah to bless them to be able to fight me
    PC's favourite beverage is sparkling hotdog water
    I start work in 20 minutes but I'll still be on my phone most of the morning. xD