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Celebration: A love letter to PC ❤️

  • Team Aqua (GT 2024)
  • 34,101
    It's Valentine's Day!

    A time for expressing love, admiration, and appreciation for anyone who makes our lives just that little bit better, it's not only about romance, you know!

    Sometimes, we want to show love for friends, or family, those we have fun with, or perhaps share interests with, or for the people that stick with us not only through the good times but also the bad ones as well. I'm talking about you, of course, all of you.

    PokéCommunity is more than somewhere to talk about creatures we go on incredible journeys with. It is a place to gather with friends in our spare time, a place to unwind and create, share, and trade in stories, hobbies, and games. It is a place to discover new things, take on exciting challenges, and, sometimes, just to have fun talking complete and utter rubbish together.

    More than that, though, PC is a place where everyone is welcome, it is a place to be safe, a place we can call home.

    Our beautiful, wonderful Luvdisc spreads so much joy and love each year (I hope you honestly realise how much we love you Luvdisc, it just doesn't get said enough) but this year I wanted to send one to everyone and well... I realised I wasn't in a position to do that.

    So I invite each of you reading this to wish PC and everybody here - all the staff, all the members, everyone that make it such a special and wonderful place to be - a happy Valentine's Day. Share the love.

    I love you PokéCommunity, I really, really, really do. Happy Valentine's Day, my beloved 😘 💕❤️
    [PokeCommunity.com] A love letter to PC ❤️

    Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. I came back a while ago to rejoin this forum and am glad to have met some people here and then become a PC moderator and for a little bit a part of PC Daily. I recall using the site many years ago at one point and it was fun back then.
    I'm glad that this site felt just as wonderful when I came back recently, and I wanna continue sticking around. It was fun getting to send Luvdisc letters to people and it was really heartwarming to receive some. Thank you all for making this place so warm and comforting! :love: