I wouldn?t say it?s pathetic. If you?ve seen PC at its worst (and best) then you?d know it can get a lot better and worse than what it is. On the one hand it?s kind of shallow from the old one, as we?ve all said over and over in this thread. On the other, less observed hand, PC had times where it was a lot worse. We had mods fighting in the lounge, spamming and so on. I don?t think we really need to worry about anyone except the occasional ?suicide spammer? coming along who would spam. There was a time when even people who had been here for a while would go off. There?s a lot of room for improvement, but we still have a *lot* of good people here. Afterall, if we didn?t, how would we have this thread? Knowing and acknowledging our faults is a good step in the correct direction. Though we still need to do more than that.