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A Nice Little Note for All of PC to Read... (Long Post)

What is happening you see but don't see... Some of the mods... whom I will not name... are not obeying the rules that apply to members...
Ohhh lol.. well since frostweaver isnt here I'll defend him. Listen up buddy, frostweaver isnt too please with the way some mods are doing things, and he doesnt have to leave if he doesnt want to. If he doesnt like the way the mod is doing something, that she corrected at least three days ago if you read it the posts (which I'm assuming you didnt :P) you would have known the story, So I guess isnt doesnt kill do read doe it?
ahem... i can speak for myself but thanks for caring. At the meantime, if you do agree with me, let's shape up with me and not just say "i agree with ______. yup". I addressed that very clearly how that's just as much of a spam than "lololololol". Every post should add to the current topic at hand. Let me be mean and blunt again then... the 2 posts above this one are examples of what everyone should try to avoid doing- agreeing without adding. That is a major problem with PC at the moment. Add some meaning into the post. If a post has no meaning, then it's really hard for other members to participate in the talk because... there's simply nothing to talk about because the post above has no point. And Dizzy... let's be nice here as no matter how much I look at it, the tone can be a little bit more pleasing. (do i have double standard then...? Lol... i'll argue about that another time.)

Now to "defend" myself... (thanks to the above who tried to defend me but I think i know myself best as i disagree with my own "defenders" XD)

And Junichi... how can i forget you? Just how sad can it be to list poor Cas along with murderers? =/ You are absolutely correct that I don't have to stay, and in fact I did leave for 3 weeks. But if it isn't for me being soft hearted in protecting a very special place where I met some truly dedicated staffs who actually want to make this place welcoming for everyone instead of drilling it in the ground saying "either live it our way or be gone," some truly special friends and a very special someone, I don't really give a crap about what turns out of this "junk." However I don't want to see any of them suffer the outcome of whatever trash this place will come to if we don't change the poor way of things, as some of them are special to me, some who i truly respect, and all of them deserve more than that. That's why I just come back to make this thread. I originally plan to just say this and be banned, which did happen if it isn't for Kairi and Arcanine saving me from the pit (truly thankful for them ^^).

And let's take some words out of our admin's mouth: just a comment to the staff members who *should* be listening to comments and reflect upon it anyway. Plus PC can never grow unless it improves for the better. So I think this is certainly needed AND necessary. (for those who agree) Not only do we just say "yes I agree" with this, but to also agree with it in action as well. This way PC will automatically grow in size without doing much special ultra-creative expensive artistic brilliant plan to get more members, and i'm quite sure we all want PC to grow with more members and be a happier place.

PS: Junichi... if you think the mods are doing very well and are perfectly fine... go and prove me wrong (exclude Alyssa though. Refer to her apology thread)
LOL but I'm Pissed off, can't I at least have some fun frosty? Lol j.k.. But your right that "lololololol" stuff needs to go, Call me when you need me frostweaver, I love to talk for people :)
Activeness, eh? Well, in the summer, I think I'll be going to Taiwan for 2 weeks or so, and there's no internet there. (And my mom doesn't like internet cafes...) Other than that... the problem may be my mom. She's like "Turn off the computer!" and it gets frustrating, knowing that the power of my life is in my mother's words. Oh no... she just said that now... ;_;
Miyu-chan said:
Activeness, eh? Well, in the summer, I think I'll be going to Taiwan for 2 weeks or so, and there's no internet there. (And my mom doesn't like internet cafes...) Other than that... the problem may be my mom. She's like "Turn off the computer!" and it gets frustrating, knowing that the power of my life is in my mother's words. Oh no... she just said that now... ;_;

Sorry for going of topic but you know that Taiwan started a revolution right?
Well just say that you're doing homework. That's sure to work. :P
Pokemaster10000 said:
Sorry for going of topic but you know that Taiwan started a revolution right?
Well just say that you're doing homework. That's sure to work. :P
They... did!@? I sure haven't been keeping up with the news. O_o
Miyu-chan said:
Activeness, eh? Well, in the summer, I think I'll be going to Taiwan for 2 weeks or so, and there's no internet there. (And my mom doesn't like internet cafes...) Other than that... the problem may be my mom. She's like "Turn off the computer!" and it gets frustrating, knowing that the power of my life is in my mother's words. Oh no... she just said that now... ;_;
Wow... Well bye, lol. O.o I think I might have to go visit mainland this summer
frostweaver said:
ahem... i can speak for myself but thanks for caring. At the meantime, if you do agree with me, let's shape up with me and not just say "i agree with ______. yup". I addressed that very clearly how that's just as much of a spam than "lololololol". Every post should add to the current topic at hand. Let me be mean and blunt again then... the 2 posts above this one are examples of what everyone should try to avoid doing- agreeing without adding. That is a major problem with PC at the moment. Add some meaning into the post. If a post has no meaning, then it's really hard for other members to participate in the talk because... there's simply nothing to talk about because the post above has no point. And Dizzy... let's be nice here as no matter how much I look at it, the tone can be a little bit more pleasing. (do i have double standard then...? Lol... i'll argue about that another time.)
I guess so, but it's not impossible to reply to post with little to talk about, just may be a little harder. Sometimes a single word post would be enough.
frostweaver said:
i think trivia is "suppose" to be this "arcade" of yours DT... ^_^; Perhaps... we throw funtime into the trivia section, and combine it all into one big mixed trivia/games section? With or without post count, we can work that out later...
I?think FT means an arcade hack, where you play games like Tetris whilst posting?or something. o_o; Adding it to the trivia sections, I guess. I s?pose FT is the most qualified to answer the question though. I *have* seen that hack at vb.org though. I think it'd be too much work to load it on every page though. o.x;
Kairi said:
I?think FT means an arcade hack, where you play games like Tetris whilst posting?or something. o_o; Adding it to the trivia sections, I guess. I s?pose FT is the most qualified to answer the question though. I *have* seen that hack at vb.org though. I think it'd be too much work to load it on every page though. o.x;

I didn't mean load it on every page, I meant load it on the main page of the forum. Actuall, now that I think about it it would be better to just make a link to it somewhere on the page if the admins decided to get it, because having it on the main page would just be a pain. If you still don't understasnd, then PM me and I can link you to a site that uses the arcade hack.
Pokemaster10000 said:
Sorry for going of topic but you know that Taiwan started a revolution right?
Well just say that you're doing homework. That's sure to work. :P
Yeah I know. T-T It's sad really... I wonder how my cousins and friends are doing... >.>;
Miyu-chan said:
Yeah I know. T-T It's sad really... I wonder how my cousins and friends are doing... >.>;

Yup horrible. I come home one day and see my parents watching the chinese news and see polices getting beaten up by people.
They created a revolution just because of the president issue. It's just messed up. They start fire, break things ect. All they're doing is wrecking their own city.
Your cousins and friends are there?
*gasps* I hope they're doing all right.
*goes off topic in his own thread*

Well it's about political matters deciding who's the president/ruler/(whatever political term you want) of Taiwan. The votes are so close that it's quite possible one side cheated to win or something. Not to mention the voting system isn't really that well planned out for possible flaws. On top of that, 2 of the candidates got shot before the final day during the election... many many things happened to make it so confusing. That's part of the reason why there's so many riots out there because the voting system is such a mess unclear to everyone. (and there's historical stuff too that fuels the conflict but i won't go into that)

However the riots are only breaking out in mostly Taipei i believe... so depending on where your relatives live Miyu, they'll be fine... as long as they don't participate too o.o; If they do... then perhaps give them a phone call (which i'm sure you did already). But I hope that they'll be ok Miyu Chan...

*back on topic*

that arcade idea doesn't appeal me... i have a poor computer... i don't need even more lag with those games on the page XD
frostweaver said:
*goes off topic in his own thread*

Well it's about political matters deciding who's the president/ruler/(whatever political term you want) of Taiwan. The votes are so close that it's quite possible one side cheated to win or something. Not to mention the voting system isn't really that well planned out for possible flaws. On top of that, 2 of the candidates got shot before the final day during the election... many many things happened to make it so confusing. That's part of the reason why there's so many riots out there because the voting system is such a mess unclear to everyone. (and there's historical stuff too that fuels the conflict but i won't go into that)

However the riots are only breaking out in mostly Taipei i believe... so depending on where your relatives live Miyu, they'll be fine... as long as they don't participate too o.o; If they do... then perhaps give them a phone call (which i'm sure you did already). But I hope that they'll be ok Miyu Chan...

*back on topic*

that arcade idea doesn't appeal me... i have a poor computer... i don't need even more lag with those games on the page XD

Hehe, well like I said in my above post, you could always put it in the toolbar where the User CP is. If they slow down your computer, then don't play them, but if your computer is not affected by them then play them. =P Anyways, it was just an idea, an idea that obviously has some faults, but doesn't all ideas have faults?
*goes into EGO mode*

I feel partially responsible for the disappearance of the sexual topics. I think it started with the pic I drew of Lance and Steven kissing, and then *someone* said something like "I think I'll start a debate topic on if people are for or against gays!" and then all these controversial topics sprang up, and some folks and I were fighting a losing battle.

*aborts EGO mode*

But that was then. This is now. I still feel that the sexual topics should be out because of the way some members are (like myself, cough) but political and religion... well, those don't seem as harmful to me. It's hard to explain... ok, so I'll try and find the right words later. Anyway, the point I'm getting at, is that I wouldn't mind seeing the religious and political topics return.
I?ve kind of pushed for the political topics to return, of course calmly and with small topics first. I Really think as long as the mods don?t close for just one flame or anything, it could do well. Everybody has to learn to take a little competition and criticism about their opinion, as long as it doesn?t become a ?You suck? war or anything.

I hope your cousins are fine, Miyu-chan?let us know if you can hear from em? ^_^;

frostweaver said:
*back on topic*
frostweaver said:
that arcade idea doesn't appeal me... i have a poor computer... i don't need even more lag with those games on the page XD

?and you wouldn?t want MSN to crash either. You know it?s far more fun. ;p