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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

I spent the night drawing a series of pictures, and thought I'd post it here since they're electric pokemon.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Okay, at first please accept my apologies for posting lately. Did I miss anything important?

Secondly, about those mega raikou and mega emolga posted by Mugdho01 there pretty cool. Great find.

Thirdly, about those fakemons posted by Clover are preatty cool.
I spent the night drawing a series of pictures, and thought I'd post it here since they're electric pokemon.

Aww, Shinx is one of my top faves, so I love these. :D

Imrul Quayes Adnan said:
Okay, at first please accept my apologies for posting lately. Did I miss anything important?

Don't worry Adnan, you're free to jump into the convo whenever you like! :)

And you're right, NinjaQueen - Grubbin does evolve into those two new Pokemon!

Also, I believe I meet the requirements of a major now? :D
I am major, huh? May I ask for Togedemaru as my next Pokemon? :o And I'll gladly evolve my Pikachu for a Raichu! :D <3
Will be done Major Mawa, but just to confirm, you want to change your Lanturn with Togedemaru, right?

Ok so I am very excited, and a bit late hehe, but we got so many new Electric types! Not only that, but a lot of type combo we never had! I mean, a Normal/Dragon, bug/fairy, electric/bug (which I love the bug type too), and... ELECTRIC/STEEL. YAY. f*YAY!. I love both types, and the Pokemon is so cute! I do hope it evolve in a badass/cute thing! I'll still like it if it doesn't evolve, but if it does I'll totally consider it one of my favorite Pokemon!

Grubbin will probably be in my team. It's awesome. I love the bug type too so it's a good thing! I like that we'll probably got it early in the game, no?

Tapu Koko looks awesome, but I feel it a bit like a legendary? Is it only me?

Now we wait for the evolutions!! :D
Okay firstly, congratulations on any promotions/new members I might have missed.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Second of all, OMG GUYS have you all seen the new Electric Pokemon for Sun/Moon?? :D

Tapu Koko is Electric/Fairy!

Charjabug and Vikavolt are Bug/Electric!

Our ADORABLE new Pikaclone Togedemaru is Electric/Steel!

I am soooo hyped! Never been this ecstatic about a new Pokemon game. :D What does everyone think??

Also, I know he isn't Electric-type but I find Drampa reeeeally cool! He reminds me of Falkor from The Neverending Story. xD

I almost forgot to mention, I'm getting the internet upgraded any day now. That sounds like good news, I know, but unfortunately I likely won't have access to it until we purchase a router.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
This means that I may be inactive for a while. Just to warn everyone in advance!
I think this is the first time I can remember so many new Electric Pokemon released so early in any Generation. They all look really good.

It seems like Charjabug & Vikavolt are likely to be evolutions of Grubbin, so our theory that Grubbin will evolve into an Electric/Bug seems to be true.

Tapu Koko I think is the first Pokemon whose name is in two parts (are there any other, not as far as I can remember)

And of course, the Pikaclone Togedamaru, its a cutie pie, I really really adore it, definitely going to be in my team when the games release.

And Clover, good luck with the internet upgrade sis, I hope it goes well & you're back sooner than later
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
I love the new Pokemon, I am very excited about this game!

I am afraid we have so many electric type early in the game because we'll have to surf a lot and see many water type Pokemon...
Hi everyone. You guys checked out the new Pokemon:the Tapu Koko? Its ability is Elekimaker which activates Electric Terrain when its set into the feild. That is a really awesome ability. Isn't it?
Yes guys its totally awesome to see a whole bunch of Electric Type Pokemon released so early in the game. And as usual, Clover quick to post them here :) (good luck with your net upgrade btw :)).

Togedemaru, the Roly Poly Pokemon, is really cute & it can roll itself up to turn into a ball of prickles, interesting huh.

Tapu Koko, as NinjaQueen pointed out, the first Pokemon with a two part name, looks awesome. And as Mawa said, there is a chance that it might be a Legendary, because its referred to as the "guardian deity of Melemele Island, one of the islands of the Alola region".

And yes NinjaQueen, I pretty sure Charjabug & Vikavolt are Evolutions of Grubbin. The second Bug/Electric line after Joltik/Galvantula.

Mawa, that's a good observation, there might be a lot of Water Type Pokemon, let's wait & watch.

I spent the night drawing a series of pictures, and thought I'd post it here since they're electric pokemon.
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
Wow, those are some fantastic drawings Teejay. Really love them {:3}.

Okay, at first please accept my apologies for posting lately. Did I miss anything important?

Secondly, about those mega raikou and mega emolga posted by Mugdho01 there pretty cool. Great find.

Thirdly, about those fakemons posted by Clover are preatty cool.
Don't worry, you didn't miss anything.

Aww, Shinx is one of my top faves, so I love these. :D

Don't worry Adnan, you're free to jump into the convo whenever you like!
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

And you're right, NinjaQueen - Grubbin does evolve into those two new Pokemon!

Also, I believe I meet the requirements of a major now? :D
Yep, NinjaQueen is right, as I said above. And speaking of NinjaQueen, I just got ninja'd by Clover, had to edit this post, lol {XD}. Yes Clover you are absolutely right.

So Captain Clover I'm very happy to announce that you have now been promoted & will hereby be known as Major Clover, congratulations.

You now have the option of Evolving/Changing both your Starter & your Bonus Partner, so just let me know :).

And our Club now has three Majors in the Ranks - Major NinjaQueen, Major Mawa & Major Clover. Looks like girl power rules huh :)

Okay, since we've had a bunch of Electric Type Pokemon releasing, let's have a new discussion topic, along with the Event.

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion - Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

Pika Pika :chu:
Last edited:
So Captain Clover I'm very happy to announce that you have now been promoted & will hereby be known as Major Clover, congratulations.

You now have the option of Evolving/Changing both your Starter & your Bonus Partner, so just let me know :).

And our Club now has three Majors in the Ranks - Major NinjaQueen, Major Mawa & Major Clover. Looks like girl power rules huh :)

Okay, since we've had a bunch of Electric Type Pokemon releasing, let's have a new discussion topic, along with the Event.

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion - Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

Pika Pika :chu:

Thanks! Actually, I'd like to keep both my Pokemon unevolved. :)

I can't believe that event skipped my notice! I'll have to do that when I can get back online a while after Monday, if it's still viable by then.

Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

It's gotta be Togedemaru for me! This round, plump little guy makes for a super adorable Pika-clone. :D His name is really fun to say, too!
Thanks! Actually, I'd like to keep both my Pokemon unevolved. :)

I can't believe that event skipped my notice! I'll have to do that when I can get back online a while after Monday, if it's still viable by then.

Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

It's gotta be Togedemaru for me! This round, plump little guy makes for a super adorable Pika-clone. :D His name is really fun to say, too!
Alright Major Clover, will be done {:3}

Don't worry I just put up the Event a while back, so take ur time :)

Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

I'll also have to go with Togedemaru, the Roly Poly Pikaclone. And the fact that it can roll itself up to turn into a ball of prickles, so similar to the Electric/Poison Type we discussed a while back :).

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion - Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

Pika Pika :chu:
Captain Imrul Quayes Adnan reporting Major Clover: Ma'am, congratulation for your Major rank.

And I'm agree with Brigadier LegendChu that girls are really powerful. They have all the Major rank.

Which is
your favourite Electric Type
Pokemon, released so far, in Sun
& Moon?

I guess my favourites are Togedemaru, Tapu Koko and Vikavolt. But Togedemaru is the most.
Name Caite-chan
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Jolteon, Zapdos, Raikou, Zekrom and Magneton
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunder and Bolt Strike
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon They can be so powerful without even having to physically touch another Pokemon.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Magnemite
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional)

I know you had asked me to join quite awhile ago and I had totally forgot...but here I am. :D
Name Caite-chan
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Jolteon, Zapdos, Raikou, Zekrom and Magneton
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Thunder and Bolt Strike
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon They can be so powerful without even having to physically touch another Pokemon.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Magnemite
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional)

I know you had asked me to join quite awhile ago and I had totally forgot...but here I am. :D
Hey Caite-chan, a very warm welcome to the Club :). And don't worry, u joined in just at the right time. Feel free to share ur views on the current topic of Discussion & wud also luv to have u participate in the current Event on at the Club. If u have anything to say on previous discussions, feel free to do that as well. Any Rules not clear, always feel free to drop me a VM. I'm hoping u have a gr8 time here. See u around {:3}.

Pika Pika :chu:
First of all, welcome to the newest member, Caite-Chan! You came in a great time, we have so many new electric type Pokemon to talk about!

Will be done Major Mawa, but just to confirm, you want to change your Lanturn with Togedemaru, right?

Oh hum I have t choose between Raichi or lanturn? oh no, hard choice :( My Lanturn is old, I must release it to the sea I guess <3


Huh, you did this? You are very talented! Very good <3

As for my favorite electric type so far in sun and moon
As much as I like Togedemaru, and Tapu Koko might be one of my favorite legendary if he is one, I might go with Vikavolt.It look awesome, a bit badass, I love the bug type too (as much as the steel type, so I like Togedemaru as much). Plus, an electric type with Levitate as a ability, that's pretty nice.
Thank you guys for the awesome welcomes. :D I can't wait to snatch up all the new electric types in the game. I do really like Togedemaru as it's an Electric/Steel my two favorites. :D
Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Personally I find Togedemaru and Vikavolt likeable that they're become my fave Electric-type Alola Pokémon so far.
Current Discussion - Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
I like Tapu Koko the best. Togedemaru is very likeable as well.
Name: Sander
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Flaaffy, Magnezone and Eelektrik
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Bolt Strike, Charge, Discharge, Magnet Rise and Wild Charge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: A lot of cute Pokèmon! The moves are strong and useful. The design is great, they look like they are powerful!
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: I don't usually nickname Pokémon.

Current discussion: Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon? By far Togedemaru is my favorite, It's a cute Pokémon!
Name: Sander
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Flaaffy, Magnezone and Eelektrik
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Bolt Strike, Charge, Discharge, Magnet Rise and Wild Charge
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: A lot of cute Pok?mon! The moves are strong and useful. The design is great, they look like they are powerful!
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep
Your Tag Partner's Nickname: I don't usually nickname Pok?mon.

Current discussion: Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon? By far Togedemaru is my favorite, It's a cute Pok?mon!
Hey Sander (aka JustSander), welcome to the Club bro. Good to see that u participated in the current discussion. Also feel free to put in ur thoughs about previous discussions. And there's also an Event going on here, hoping u'll participate in that as well. Hope u have a good time around here :).

Oh hum I have t choose between Raichi or lanturn? oh no, hard choice
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
My Lanturn is old, I must release it to the sea I guess <3
Okay Major Mawa, will be done {:3}.

As for my favorite electric type so far in sun and moon
As much as I like Togedemaru, and Tapu Koko might be one of my favorite legendary if he is one, I might go with Vikavolt.It look awesome, a bit badass, I love the bug type too (as much as the steel type, so I like Togedemaru as much). Plus, an electric type with Levitate as a ability, that's pretty nice.
Thank you guys for the awesome welcomes. :D I can't wait to snatch up all the new electric types in the game. I do really like Togedemaru as it's an Electric/Steel my two favorites. :D
Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
Personally I find Togedemaru and Vikavolt likeable that they're become my fave Electric-type Alola Pok?mon so far.
Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?
I really adore Pikaclones, they're all so cute & kewl, so its Togedemaru for me
Togedemaru seems to be winning the poll as of now, but Tapu Koko & Vikavolt also seem to be right up there :).

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion - Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

Pika Pika :chu:
Hey, thanks for adding me to this club! ^.^

Discussion #5 - What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon Pokedex? I would like to see Mareep! Because Flaaffy is one of my favorite Pok?mon!
Hey, thanks for adding me to this club! ^.^

Discussion #5 - What currently existing Electric-type Pokemon would you like to see in the Sun/Moon Pokedex? I would like to see Mareep! Because Flaaffy is one of my favorite Pok?mon!
No probs bro :)

I also think the Mareep line should find a place in the Sun & Moon Pokedex.

Current Event - My Electric Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. Here are the RULES

Current Discussion - Which is your favourite Electric Type Pokemon, released so far, in Sun & Moon?

Pika Pika :chu:
Jolteon because it was my first electric poke.
ALso I am back, I think I entered this club a few months ago.