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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

hey thanks for the invite

Name: Vodka
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Stunfisk, Thundurus, Zekrom
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Bolt Strike
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: idk, Electric is one of my least favorite types, they're just... not my style lol. That said, I do like some electric-types, particularly when they have sheer power or a lot of coverage options.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Stunfisk

When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

I no longer play in-game, but when I used to I did use one from time to time.

Competitively I don't like using electric-types that much because most of them tend to either not hit hard enough (Jolteon, non-specs Raikou, Mega Manectric) or is not fast or bulky enough to clean up (Thundurus-T). Specs Raikou and especially Thundurus are great, though.
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hey thanks for the invite

Name: Vodka
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Stunfisk, Thundurus, Zekrom
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Bolt Strike
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: idk, Electric is one of my least favorite types, they're just... not my style lol. That said, I do like some electric-types, particularly when they have sheer power or a lot of coverage options.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Stunfisk

When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

I no longer play in-game, but when I used to I did use one from time to time.

Competitively I don't like using electric-types that much because most of them tend to either not hit hard enough (Jolteon, non-specs Raikou, Mega Manectric) or is not fast or bulky enough to clean up (Thundurus-T). Specs Raikou and especially Thundurus are great, though.

Hey Vodka (aka KorpiklaaniVodka, interesting name btw :P), welcome to the Club man :). Ah don't worry, being on this Club will make you like Electric Types more {:3}, we'll make you like them, lol {XD}.

Current Discussion - When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

Pika Pika :chu:
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Name Rika
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Raikou, Raichu, Pikachu and Elekid!
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Spark and Thunder Wave!
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon Because their attacks are so useful and the designs of most of them are really nice! I'm not a huge fan of the Pikachu clones... But otherwise, there aren't many electric pokémon I don't like c:
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Pichu please~
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional) Nah, we're good without a nickname.

Current Discussion - When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?
I do! Actually always. In Kanto, I mostly use Jolteon or Pikachu (Raichu), in Johto I've tried Electabuzz and Magneton (in the old games, so couldn't evolve them further!) and in Hoenn I've used Raichu or Manectric most of the time. My teams do feel a bit incomplete if I don't use an electric type. I like to paralyze my opponents and I don't often use grass types with powders c: Plus, electric is good against water and flying, which is often very useful, considering how many water types there are and how many poke´mon have flying as a secondary type.
Thank you for inviting me LegendChu. Electrics are one of my fav types, so I'd like to join in.

Name: Guru
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Pikachu, Raichu, Ampharos, Electivire, Zebstrika
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt, Parabolic Charge, Spark
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They mostly have good, powerful attacks & good speed. Also yellow is my fav colour.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx

Current Discussion - When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

Yes I always have one Electric Type Pokemon in my team, mostly it used to be Pikachu/Raichu or Ampharos. From Gen IV onwards, I've made sure I always have Luxray in my team.
Name Rika
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s) Raikou, Raichu, Pikachu and Elekid!
Favourite Electric Type Move(s) Spark and Thunder Wave!
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon Because their attacks are so useful and the designs of most of them are really nice! I'm not a huge fan of the Pikachu clones... But otherwise, there aren't many electric pokémon I don't like c:
Your Electric Type Tag Partner Pichu please~
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional) Nah, we're good without a nickname.

Current Discussion - When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?
I do! Actually always. In Kanto, I mostly use Jolteon or Pikachu (Raichu), in Johto I've tried Electabuzz and Magneton (in the old games, so couldn't evolve them further!) and in Hoenn I've used Raichu or Manectric most of the time. My teams do feel a bit incomplete if I don't use an electric type. I like to paralyze my opponents and I don't often use grass types with powders c: Plus, electric is good against water and flying, which is often very useful, considering how many water types there are and how many poke´mon have flying as a secondary type.

Hey Rika (aka rikadventure), welcome to the Club :). I totally agree, with the abundance of Water & Flying Types in every game, having an Electric Type in your team, is almost necessary {:3}.

Thank you for inviting me LegendChu. Electrics are one of my fav types, so I'd like to join in.

Name: Guru
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Pikachu, Raichu, Ampharos, Electivire, Zebstrika
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt, Parabolic Charge, Spark
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They mostly have good, powerful attacks & good speed. Also yellow is my fav colour.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx

Current Discussion - When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

Yes I always have one Electric Type Pokemon in my team, mostly it used to be Pikachu/Raichu or Ampharos. From Gen IV onwards, I've made sure I always have Luxray in my team.

Hey Guru (aka DragonGuru), welcome to the Club. Let me take a wild guess, your first favs are Dragon Types are they {XD}. Good to see yet another member who uses Pikachu in his team :).

Current Discussion - When building teams in the games, do you tend to put at least one Electric Type on them?

Pika Pika :chu:
Hey friends, welcome to the club! Very happy seeing more fans. o/

I think Pikachu and the Mareep line were what truly got me to love electric types.. Mareep was so useful against Falkner, especially since I usually chose Chikorita as my starter lol. It evolved pretty early on too plus Ampharos could learn Fire Punch from what I remember, so that was massively helpful. It's part of why I love replaying gen II so much. <3
I think Pikachu and the Mareep line were what truly got me to love electric types.. Mareep was so useful against Falkner, especially since I usually chose Chikorita as my starter lol. It evolved pretty early on too plus Ampharos could learn Fire Punch from what I remember, so that was massively helpful. It's part of why I love replaying gen II so much. <3
Well, I can put my liking for Electric Types in a single word - Pikachu. I also have other favs, but Pikachu has & will always remain my most fav Pokemon. I can't describe why, but for some reason I really like the little yellow mouse. I think though that I'm a bit too obsessed with him :P. An Emblem from PC for my obsession, is enough proof (And I just humblebragged {XD}).

Hey friends, welcome to the club! Very happy seeing more fans. o/
Its really heartening to see so many people joining in, I mean we have like 14 members so far {:3}.

I think its time to change the topic of discussion. So let's have a new discussion, shall we :).

Okay, there were only 3 new Electric Types introduced in Gen VI (Helioptile, Heliolisk & Dedenne) & none of them pure Electric Types. What are you expecting from Gen VII, will there be any pure Electric Types or will there be new Electric Type combinations?

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

Pika Pika :chu:
Name: Feel free to call me either Clover or Annie, or any variants of these!

Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s):
A tough choice! Of course, there's Shinx and his family, Helioptile, Mareep family (namely Ampharos), Pachirisu, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Emolga, Joltik, Galvantula, Pikachu, Raichu, Lanturn, Heliolisk, Jolteon, Zapdos... am I going too far? xD

Favourite Electric Type Move(s): I like Discharge for being a room-sweeping move in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I really love the punching/fang moves, so Thunder Punch and Thunder Fang are definite faves. Nuzzle is neat - a cool upgrade to Thunder Wave (too bad only a few Pokemon learn it!); Parabolic Charge, Spark, Shock Wave and Thunderbolt are fun to use, and moves like Volt Tackle or Wild Charge just look cool. :D

Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon?: Most of their designs are super appealing to me, ranging from totally cute to plain awesome! Not only that, but I think I enjoy using the elemental types the most and, as previously stated, Electric-type moves are really fun to use! Plus, they only have one weakness. :)

Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx! :3

Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Felix, my Shinx's name in Explorers of Sky!

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

I'm fine with it either way, to be honest. While electric dual-types typically have more weaknesses to cover, they are granted a larger movepool, which is a plus for me! As for an Electric-type combination, I'd have to say another Electric/Flying Pokemon would be cool. Or maybe an Electric/Fighting combo? :)
Name: Feel free to call me either Clover or Annie, or any variants of these!

Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s):
A tough choice! Of course, there's Shinx and his family, Helioptile, Mareep family (namely Ampharos), Pachirisu, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Emolga, Joltik, Galvantula, Pikachu, Raichu, Lanturn, Heliolisk, Jolteon, Zapdos... am I going too far? xD

Favourite Electric Type Move(s): I like Discharge for being a room-sweeping move in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I really love the punching/fang moves, so Thunder Punch and Thunder Fang are definite faves. Nuzzle is neat - a cool upgrade to Thunder Wave (too bad only a few Pokemon learn it!); Parabolic Charge, Spark, Shock Wave and Thunderbolt are fun to use, and moves like Volt Tackle or Wild Charge just look cool. :D

Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon?: Most of their designs are super appealing to me, ranging from totally cute to plain awesome! Not only that, but I think I enjoy using the elemental types the most and, as previously stated, Electric-type moves are really fun to use! Plus, they only have one weakness. :)

Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Shinx! :3

Your Tag Partner's Nickname: Felix, my Shinx's name in Explorers of Sky!

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

I'm fine with it either way, to be honest. While electric dual-types typically have more weaknesses to cover, they are granted a larger movepool, which is a plus for me! As for an Electric-type combination, I'd have to say another Electric/Flying Pokemon would be cool. Or maybe an Electric/Fighting combo? :)

Hey Annie (aka Clover) a very warm welcome to the Club.

Electric/Fighting would make a good combo imo :). It could be maybe based on a Kangaroo. A Kangaroo who can Jump Kick & Thunderpunch, sounds quite cool huh {XD}.

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

Pika Pika :chu:
I'd like another pure Electric as long as it brings something new to the table in terms of battling. Hopefully no more pikaclones.

Ya a Pure Electric Type with Levitate, would be awesome.

A Pikaclone is almost inevitable, I mean we've had one every Generation & I like them :P. This time though I hope if we do have one, it gets an Evolution :).

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

Pika Pika :chu:
Hey friends, welcome to the club! Very happy seeing more fans. o/

I think Pikachu and the Mareep line were what truly got me to love electric types.. Mareep was so useful against Falkner, especially since I usually chose Chikorita as my starter lol. It evolved pretty early on too plus Ampharos could learn Fire Punch from what I remember, so that was massively helpful. It's part of why I love replaying gen II so much. <3

I think Ampharos' design help a lot too! We have to say, this thing is looking so good hehe. One of the best looking for me!
I find it strange for the dual type of Mega Ampharos. I wonder if that's a reason why we don't heard of it much (or is it only me?)

I haven't bred since a long time but my next project is an Ampharos <3
First of all hello to all new Club Members - Aslan, Lycanthropy, Spoonette, KorpiklaaniVodka, rikaadventure, DragonGuru & Clover.

Ya a Pure Electric Type with Levitate, would be awesome.

A Pikaclone is almost inevitable, I mean we've had one every Generation & I like them
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
. This time though I hope if we do have one, it gets an Evolution
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Pika Pika :chu:

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

I for one am a big fan of all the Pikaclones, so I'd surely want to see another one & if it gets an Evolution, make that a two-stage Evolution, it'd be great.

As for a Type Combination, I'd love to see a new one which hasn't been tried before, something like Electric/Psychic or Electric/Dark maybe.
I think Ampharos' design help a lot too! We have to say, this thing is looking so good hehe. One of the best looking for me!
I find it strange for the dual type of Mega Ampharos. I wonder if that's a reason why we don't heard of it much (or is it only me?)

I haven't bred since a long time but my next project is an Ampharos <3

Not only good looking, Ampharos is quite good in battle as well. And hey good luck with that breeding project ;).

First of all hello to all new Club Members - Aslan, Lycanthropy, Spoonette, KorpiklaaniVodka, rikaadventure, DragonGuru & Clover.

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

I for one am a big fan of all the Pikaclones, so I'd surely want to see another one & if it gets an Evolution, make that a two-stage Evolution, it'd be great.

As for a Type Combination, I'd love to see a new one which hasn't been tried before, something like Electric/Psychic or Electric/Dark maybe.

I'd also like to see a three-stage Pikaclone, if we do have one. And ya, I think Electric/Psychic or Electric/Dark would make an interesting combo {:3}.

Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

Pika Pika :chu:
Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

I for one am a big fan of all the Pikaclones, so I'd surely want to see another one & if it gets an Evolution, make that a two-stage Evolution, it'd be great.

As for a Type Combination, I'd love to see a new one which hasn't been tried before, something like Electric/Psychic or Electric/Dark maybe.

Hum Hum, I agree with this!
I vote for combo, because... well, I always preferred the combos. Even if Electric is a pretty good type alone! (only ground is supereffective).
I gladly accept any new combos when haven't seen before!

I really like the types grass, ice and fighting, and my favorite is Ground. So of course I would love to see each of these type combine with electric!

Ya a Pure Electric Type with Levitate, would be awesome.

There's already Eelektross ;)
Current Discussion - Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?

My three favourite types are Dragon, Electric & Psychic, so I'd surely like to see a Type combination of Electric with either Dragon or Psychic Type.
I have high hopes for the next generation of Pokemon and I doubt Game Freak will disappoint us, especially when it comes to Electric-types! ;)

A Pikaclone is inevitable I reckon, which is fine by me! They've all been cutie-pies so far, but it'd be really cool if the next one had a three-stage evolutionary line, with the last in the family being bad-ass! Maybe some sort of sleek, awesome-looking Electric/Fighting dual type! :D

I think we can safely say that it'll be based off of a rodent. As a new topic: What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?
A Pikaclone is inevitable I reckon, which is fine by me! They've all been cutie-pies so far, but it'd be really cool if the next one had a three-stage evolutionary line, with the last in the family being bad-ass! Maybe some sort of sleek, awesome-looking Electric/Fighting dual type! :D

I think we can safely say that it'll be based off of a rodent. As a new topic: What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

I say either a hamster or a guinea pig (or even a hamster that evolves into a guinea pig, possibly with a capybara as third stage 8) ).

Alternatively an opossum would be awesome to see too!
There's already Eelektross
I actually wanted to say an Electric Type with Levitate, like Eelektross {XD}, my bad :P

Eelektross is way too slow though...
This I have to agree with. But then a speedy Electric Type, with Levitate, would almost be unbeatable (especially if none of your Pokemon have Mold Breaker), so I doubt if we're gonna have that
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

My three favourite types are Dragon, Electric & Psychic, so I'd surely like to see a Type combination of Electric with either Dragon or Psychic Type.
I think an Electric/Dragon Type would be great, but I'd love it if its a non-Legendary (unlike Zekrom), with at least one Evolution.

I have high hopes for the next generation of Pokemon and I doubt Game Freak will disappoint us, especially when it comes to Electric-types!
A Pikaclone is inevitable I reckon, which is fine by me! They've all been cutie-pies so far, but it'd be really cool if the next one had a three-stage evolutionary line, with the last in the family being bad-ass! Maybe some sort of sleek, awesome-looking Electric/Fighting dual type! :D
I think we can safely say that it'll be based off of a rodent. As a new topic: What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?
I say either a hamster or a guinea pig (or even a hamster that evolves into a guinea pig, possibly with a capybara as third stage 8) ).
Alternatively an opossum would be awesome to see too!

I think I can combine both the current discussion topics for this. What say if the Pikaclone is an Electric/Poison Type Porcupine, something that can roll up & shoot quills that can either Paralyze or Poison & it can have either the Static or Poison Point Ability, that'd be really cool huh {:3}.

Current Discussion(s):-
#1 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)? (I still kept this one on, coz I think more people would like to comment on it ;))
#2 What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

Pika Pika :chu: