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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Name: Sheepy! Also known as Janelle, IRL.
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon: Mareep, Flaaffy and Ampharos. <3 I like them because in the first Gold game, I had them on my team every time when I was reeeeally young and chugging along at getting my gym badges and whatnot.
Favourite Electric Type Move: I believe my favorite move of Electrical types must be Volt Switch because it is safe for you to get in and out while dealing damage to the opponent!
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They're quite decent in stats, but they are able to KO Flying, Water, and other types.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep!
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Your Tag Partner's Nickname: No Nickanme. Just a simple Mareep.
Name: Sheepy! Also known as Janelle, IRL.
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon: Mareep, Flaaffy and Ampharos. <3 I like them because in the first Gold game, I had them on my team every time when I was reeeeally young and chugging along at getting my gym badges and whatnot.
Favourite Electric Type Move: I believe my favorite move of Electrical types must be Volt Switch because it is safe for you to get in and out while dealing damage to the opponent!
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They're quite decent in stats, but they are able to KO Flying, Water, and other types.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Mareep!
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Your Tag Partner's Nickname: No Nickanme. Just a simple Mareep.

Hey Janelle (aka XxSheepyxX), a very warm welcome to the Club. And you become yet another Member to choose Mareep as a Tag Partner. Is Mareep famous or what :P.
And that's a very interesting choice for a fav Electric Type move. Volt Switch is a handy move to have on Electric Pokemon with weak defenses.

Current Discussion(s):-
#1 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
#2 What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

Pika Pika :chu:
I think that an Electric Dragon type would be suuuuper epic. The Dragon types are very few compared to the other more common types. I feel like a flying dragon with lighting rods on it's back and a suuuper cool design based on Shadow of the Colossus water-type electric thingamajig would be epic. >u<

Or a ghost electric! *~*

And the Pikaclone... Hmm.. I am totally unsure. I don't understand the term, ahah. xD
I think that an Electric Dragon type would be suuuuper epic. The Dragon types are very few compared to the other more common types. I feel like a flying dragon with lighting rods on it's back and a suuuper cool design based on Shadow of the Colossus water-type electric thingamajig would be epic. >u<
Or a ghost electric! *~*
That description really makes me want an Electric/Dragon Type even more, its gonna be super awesome to have something like that {:3}.

And the Pikaclone... Hmm.. I am totally unsure. I don't understand the term, ahah. xD
Pikaclone refers to the cute Pikachu lookalikes introduced in every season - Marill (yes Marill is considered the Pikaclone of Gen II), Plusle, Minun, Pachirisu, Emolga, Dedenne.

Current Discussion(s):-
#1 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
#2 What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

Pika Pika :chu:
This I have to agree with. But then a speedy Electric Type, with Levitate, would almost be unbeatable (especially if none of your Pokemon have Mold Breaker), so I doubt if we're gonna have that
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Huh, well it can have a bad moveset XD Or like weak stats, weak defense and special defense, or something like that.

What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

I never thought of a porcupine before, but I love this idea!

And I would like to see a Degus :k Or you know, something that can look between a mix of Degu and Kangaroo, or maybe a Degu that evolve in a Kangaroo! (I say this because of the way the bag legs are)
I think I can combine both the current discussion topics for this. What say if the Pikaclone is an Electric/Poison Type Porcupine, something that can roll up & shoot quills that can either Paralyze or Poison & it can have either the Static or Poison Point Ability, that'd be really cool huh {:3}.
Pika Pika :chu:
I never thought of a porcupine before, but I love this idea!
I didn't know that Porcupine was a rodent :P. But I have to agree with Mawa, this is actually a very good idea (although the Type combination would open up a x4 weakness to Ground).
I never thought of a porcupine before, but I love this idea!
I didn't know that Porcupine was a rodent
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)
. But I have to agree with Mawa, this is actually a very good idea (although the Type combination would open up a x4 weakness to Ground).
A Gen 7 Pikaclone is a must! I'm liking the Porcupine idea!
Wow this Porcupine thingy seems to have gotten really popular huh {:3}.

Game Freak, yoohoo, are you listening guys, can we have a Pikaclone based on a Porcupine please ^^.

Current Discussion(s):-
#1 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
#2 What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

Pika Pika :chu:
Porcupines... I ran into one while at my aunt's house out in the country and me and my friend ran away. We were young then and we didn't know what the **** it was because it was close to the ground and had spikes all over it. Thank god we didn't touch it. xD That would have been bad.
I say either a hamster or a guinea pig (or even a hamster that evolves into a guinea pig, possibly with a capybara as third stage 8) ).

Alternatively an opossum would be awesome to see too!

Haha, I like the idea of a guinea pig evolving into a capybara! And YESSS, I really want to see an opossum Pokemon as well! Having looked it up, these two really caught my eye. ^^ They may not be Electric-types, but its their design in general that I like.

What say if the Pikaclone is an Electric/Poison Type Porcupine, something that can roll up & shoot quills that can either Paralyze or Poison & it can have either the Static or Poison Point Ability, that'd be really cool huh {:3}.

Oooh, that sounds wicked! It could have a signature move—something like Pin Missile, only Electric-type. :D Maybe it gains the Ground-type upon evolving, if it evolves at all? I mean, porcupines generally live in burrows, right? It might be fitting. :>

Porcupines... I ran into one while at my aunt's house out in the country and me and my friend ran away. We were young then and we didn't know what the **** it was because it was close to the ground and had spikes all over it. Thank god we didn't touch it. xD That would have been bad.

Wow. xD Knowing me, I would have had my hands all over that thing. I'd probably even take it to the house and ask if I could keep it, hahaha.

What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

As for me, I think I'd like to see a kangaroo rat Pikaclone! It'd have high speed, as well as the suitable ability Cheek Pouch. :D Oh, plus it could evolve into a kangaroo-esque Pokemon that's an Electric/Fighting dual type! ^^
Oooh, that sounds wicked! It could have a signature move—something like Pin Missile, only Electric-type. :D Maybe it gains the Ground-type upon evolving, if it evolves at all? I mean, porcupines generally live in burrows, right? It might be fitting. :>
Okay, now that's the fifth member (including me), in support of a Porcupine based Pikaclone. Now I'm seriously thinking of actually making a call to Game Freak & passing on this idea {XD}.

Current Discussion(s):-
#1 Would you like to see a pure Electric Type in Gen VII or would you like to see a new/old Electric Type Combination (if so, what)?
#2 What species of rodent would you like the next Pikaclone to be?

Pika Pika :chu:
I think I can combine both the current discussion topics for this. What say if the Pikaclone is an Electric/Poison Type Porcupine, something that can roll up & shoot quills that can either Paralyze or Poison & it can have either the Static or Poison Point Ability, that'd be really cool huh {:3}.

Ah yes, a porcupine, how did I forget about those guys? Totally yes for that one!

Random fact: there's actually a Toxicroak on the TCG that has an attack called Paralyze Poison. That'd be really cool to see in the games, if they can find a way to implement that.

As for me, I think I'd like to see a kangaroo rat Pikaclone! It'd have high speed, as well as the suitable ability Cheek Pouch. :D Oh, plus it could evolve into a kangaroo-esque Pokemon that's an Electric/Fighting dual type! ^^

Also +1 from me. So many great ideas! Kangaroos are not rodents though.
Got your PM, I'll join!

Name: Isaac
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Electivire, Stunfisk, Rotom
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Electric Terrain, Wild Charge, Volt Switch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They often have cool or cute designs, which I am a sucker for.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner:Elekid

An electric/dark type would be cool, imagining something like Luxray.

I'd also love the next pikaclone to be a porcupine, if that design isn't considered too close to Shaymin's!
I would love a pure electric type, but as for type combination, I think an electric/dark type would be pretty cool awesome! And it has never been done before. Maybe it could be related to Moon somehow, and have a "sister" pokemon that is electric/fire for the Sun version.

Electric rodent? I dont know to be honest, but I definitely want one! I am currently making a Dedenne team!
I think I can combine both the current discussion topics for this. What say if the Pikaclone is an Electric/Poison Type Porcupine, something that can roll up & shoot quills that can either Paralyze or Poison & it can have either the Static or Poison Point Ability, that'd be really cool huh {:3}
This would make a really great Pokemon, if this idea is implemented, so it gets my vote as well :) (there hasn't been a Pokemon based on a Porcupine before is there, I mean there is Shaymin, but its not exactly a Porcupine I think).
Name: BC
Favourite Electric Type Pokémon: Pikachu. Dedenne's also cool.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunder
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They are an exception to the rule that starters have to be Grass, Fire, and Water. They're also cute and powerful at the same time.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pikachu.
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional): Arkios
Aha, two more new members, this is really good {:3}.

Got your PM, I'll join!

Name: Isaac
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Electivire, Stunfisk, Rotom
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Electric Terrain, Wild Charge, Volt Switch
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They often have cool or cute designs, which I am a sucker for.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner:Elekid

An electric/dark type would be cool, imagining something like Luxray.
Hey Isaac (aka Shiny Electivire), welcome to the club bro. Exactly the same reason I have for liking Electric Types. And also, you're the first one to choose Elekid as a Partner :).

Name: BC
Favourite Electric Type Pokémon: Pikachu. Dedenne's also cool.
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunder
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They are an exception to the rule that starters have to be Grass, Fire, and Water. They're also cute and powerful at the same time.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pikachu.
Your Tag Partner's Nickname (optional): Arkios
Hey BC (aka Korbinia), a very warm welcome to the Club. And we have one thing in common, the only two so far, to have Pikachu as Tag Partners ;).

I am going to attempt to draw an, uh... Electric Dragon-type Pokemon. O:

Aha, we have an artist in the house. If I were you, I'd get that design copyrighted ;)

Also +1 from me. So many great ideas! Kangaroos are not rodents though.
Agreed, kangaroos aren't rodents, but a kangaroo rat is. But since Pikaclones are all rodents, I doubt though if a kangaroo rat would actually evolve into a kangaroo, which is a marsupial. It would be welcome change though nevertheless.

Ah yes, a porcupine, how did I forget about those guys? Totally yes for that one!
Random fact: there's actually a Toxicroak on the TCG that has an attack called Paralyze Poison. That'd be really cool to see in the games, if they can find a way to implement that.
I totally forgot about that one :P. And agreed, it'd be really cool to actually have a move like that, which can either Paralyze or Poison. And that's also vote number six for a Porcupine-based Pikaclone :)

I'd also love the next pikaclone to be a porcupine, if that design isn't considered too close to Shaymin's!
This would make a really great Pokemon, if this idea is implemented, so it gets my vote as well (there hasn't been a Pokemon based on a Porcupine before is there, I mean there is Shaymin, but its not exactly a Porcupine I think).
Shaymin is actually based on a Hedgehog, which belongs to the order Eulipotyphla, which is completely different from Porcupines, which belong to the order Rodentia (or rodents as we call them), so of course its not the same. And we have two more votes for a Porcupine-based Pikaclone, which brings the total to eight :).

I would love a pure electric type, but as for type combination, I think an electric/dark type would be pretty cool awesome! And it has never been done before. Maybe it could be related to Moon somehow, and have a "sister" pokemon that is electric/fire for the Sun version.
This sounds like a good idea. Maybe they can be two version exclusives :).

Pika Pika :chu: