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Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

And this evolution of EMolga!

That Mega Emolga does have character. xD What do you think of this one?

Hum this one is pretty nice too!! The cute little electric rodent becoming a bad ass superhero style haha! I can almost see them as a second and third stage evolution! Or a regular evolution and the mega evolution. Need a Emolgite :3
I think either of them will make a good Evolution for Emolga. I also like the Emolgite idea, maybe on of them can be a Mega Evolution for Emolga. Its really high-time the Pikaclones got at least an Evolution, if not a Mega-evo :).

Thank you so much LegendChu, glad to be here. I'll surely take part in the Event. Just wanted to know, can I also post fanarts (they have to be of Electric Pokemon only, right)?
Good to have you here :). Yes you can post fanarts & ya of Electric Pokemon only, coz its an Electric fan Club :P (you can post fanarts of Electric Type combos though, with any other type :))

Pika Pika :chu:
Hello There Everyone! :)

Name: Jatin
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Pichu, Mareep, Pachirisu and more.....
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They are mostly powerful as they have high Speed and Special Attack stats.What's more? some of them are super cute for ex pachirisu , pichu.....etc.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pachirisu
Hello There Everyone! :)

Name: Jatin
Favourite Electric Type Pokemon(s): Pichu, Mareep, Pachirisu and more.....
Favourite Electric Type Move(s): Thunderbolt
Why do you like Electric Type Pokemon: They are mostly powerful as they have high Speed and Special Attack stats.What's more? some of them are super cute for ex pachirisu , pichu.....etc.
Your Electric Type Tag Partner: Pachirisu
Hey Jatin aka Return, welcome to the Club bro. I'm sure you're gonna enjoy hanging out here {:3}. There's an Event going on right now, do participate & I'd also love to have your views on previous discussions (see the first post for details). And If any Rules aren't clear, feel free to send me a VM :).

Pika Pika :chu:
Firstly hello to the new Club Members - Rabinov & Return

I think either of them will make a good Evolution for Emolga. I also like the Emolgite idea, maybe on of them can be a Mega Evolution for Emolga. Its really high-time the Pikaclones got at least an Evolution, if not a Mega-evo :).
I agree, Pikaclones need to evolve. And although I do like the idea of Mega Evolving Pikaclones, I hope they don't turn into something scary, I mean their cuteness is what makes them popular, right?
Hello and welcome welcome welcome to all our new members!

Hey congrats Clover, another Captain & another girl to get to the post. Three Captain, all three girls. All hail woman power.

Okay, two more fanarts from me

I forgot to mention the names of those Pokemon. The first one (the Basic Stage) is called Voltam & its evolved form (the second one, the one with the hat like thingy), is called Tamaran.

Thanks and yeah, girls rule! \o/

I like those monkeys! The name 'Tamaran' rolls off my tongue so well that I can't stop saying it. xD We're due for some Electric-type primates, I reckon. :D

I agree, Pikaclones need to evolve. And although I do like the idea of Mega Evolving Pikaclones, I hope they don't turn into something scary, I mean their cuteness is what makes them popular, right?

Yeah, Pikaclones have always been cuties and I think they'll mostly stay that way. I wouldn't like our beloved Electric rodents to be all brawny or anything, haha.

Also, sorry if it seems my activity has dropped a little, everyone. It's because the internet has been super slow for the past couple of days. :c

Anyways, I found an Electric/Bug dual type!

This Pokemon (called Inchapp) is pretty crazy, but cute as well! Opinions? c:
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Aw Inchapp is cute!

"Its body generates electricity everytime it moves, when connected with other Inchapps they can create huge intrincated electrically communicated societies."

That's pretty cool! People do come up with some great stuff!

I like the Pikaclones being single-stage, in fact I'd way prefer it if Pikachu was single-stage too! Will I need protective gear for saying that?!
Why did they didn't use this as an elementary monkey Xd It's way better!
I like those monkeys! The name 'Tamaran' rolls off my tongue so well that I can't stop saying it. xD We're due for some Electric-type primates, I reckon. :D
Yep, I agree, I hope we do have Electric type apes soon, maybe in Sun & Moon ;)

I agree, Pikaclones need to evolve. And although I do like the idea of Mega Evolving Pikaclones, I hope they don't turn into something scary, I mean their cuteness is what makes them popular, right?
I like the Pikaclones being single-stage, in fact I'd way prefer it if Pikachu was single-stage too! Will I need protective gear for saying that?!
I'd also agree with that, I don't think Pikaclones need to evolve, they are good as they are.
Yeah, Pikaclones have always been cuties and I think they'll mostly stay that way. I wouldn't like our beloved Electric rodents to be all brawny or anything, haha.
Opinions seem quite divided huh, whether Pikaclones should evolve or not :P.

Anyways, I found an Electric/Bug dual type!

This Pokemon (called Inchapp) is pretty crazy, but cute as well! Opinions? c:
Aw Inchapp is cute!
"Its body generates electricity everytime it moves, when connected with other Inchapps they can create huge intrincated electrically communicated societies."
That's pretty cool! People do come up with some great stuff!
As usual, trust Clover to find something good ;). This is a really good Electric/Bug Type I must say {:3}.

Also, sorry if it seems my activity has dropped a little, everyone. It's because the internet has been super slow for the past couple of days. :c
Hey c'mon its okay, I haven't logged in for the past couple of days either & might be missing from action for another couple of days, so I thought while the Event is still going on, how about a new discussion topic. Since we are talking about Mega Evolutions, I think it'll make a good topic to talk about.

Current Discussion - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

Pika Pika :chu:
Mega Electrode- it would be interesting to see what the creators could do with the design. Maybe go from a poke ball to an ultra ball? xD

It has a very high base speed, and would have increased sp. att, def, and sp. def. Or att to take advantage of explosion? Idk for ability, but something to help it overcome its frail self. Maybe Levitate or a new ability that lets its electric type attacks hit ground for neutral damage?
I'd also agree with that, I don't think Pikaclones need to evolve, they are good as they are.

The thing is, they are PIKA-Clones. and Pikachu is a 3 stages evolution. Doesn't that mean the clones must have at least one evolution?
Current Discussion - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?
The thing is, they are PIKA-Clones. and Pikachu is a 3 stages evolution. Doesn't that mean the clones must have at least one evolution?
Ah a new discussion, I think this is going to be a very interesting topic.
As we have been talking, although I'd love to see Pikaclones evolve, I don't necessarily want them to Mega Evolve. As for who deserves a Mega Evolution, well how about maybe Stunfisk, I mean its one of the least popular Electric Types, so a Mega Evolution for it, would be a good thing.
As usual, trust Clover to find something good ;). This is a really good Electric/Bug Type I must say {:3}.

You said it! ;)

Hey c'mon its okay, I haven't logged in for the past couple of days either & might be missing from action for another couple of days, so I thought while the Event is still going on, how about a new discussion topic. Since we are talking about Mega Evolutions, I think it'll make a good topic to talk about.

Oh! Speaking of the event, I have my entry ready, more or less. :D I know it took a while but I lost my thinking cap, aha. Also, I have a question: Does entering the event give you a boost to your amount of post points? I think it'll encourage submissions! How about you get, say, 5 or 10 points for your first entry but your following entries only earn you 1 point, as usual? :D

Name - Thundominus (looks odd; stress the O as you would when saying "ominous")
Name Origin - Thunder + Ominous + Nimbus
Species - Storm Cloud Pokémon
Type - Electric + Dark
Ability - Levitate

Pokedex Entry (Sun) - These Pokémon are most often seen accumulating en masse above towns and cities, where they appear as an enormous storm cloud. They bump together to form electrical charges, using flashes of lightning as a way to communicate.

Pokedex Entry (Moon) - When Thundominus gather they cast a sinister shadow that blankets the area in darkness. They feed off the fear drawn out of their victims by frightening them with thunderous claps and lightning bolts.

Ah a new discussion, I think this is going to be a very interesting topic.
As we have been talking, although I'd love to see Pikaclones evolve, I don't necessarily want them to Mega Evolve. As for who deserves a Mega Evolution, well how about maybe Stunfisk, I mean its one of the least popular Electric Types, so a Mega Evolution for it, would be a good thing.

Did somebody say Mega Stunfisk???

Current Discussion - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

There are many Electric-types viable for Mega Evolution but HELIOLISK FOR ME PLEASE! It would have to be Electric/Fire. c:

Slightly less cool but still fitting:
Current Discussion - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

Definitely Pachirisu, this unique and cute Pokemon really needs a mega evolution which makes it powerful and give its much more importance..... look what i found is so cool:
Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

How has nobody mentioned Luxray yet? Electric/Dark Luxray needs to happen, guys!

Luxray aside, I agree that Pokémon as Pachirisu and Dedenne could use a Mega. Maybe we're actually going to be able to see some Nuzzles in OU tiers that way.

I would want to see a Mega Evolution for Electrode.

I found an interesting pic.


Doesn't it resemble a master ball?

Okay, that's just genius!
Oh! Speaking of the event, I have my entry ready, more or less. :D I know it took a while but I lost my thinking cap, aha. Also, I have a question: Does entering the event give you a boost to your amount of post points? I think it'll encourage submissions! How about you get, say, 5 or 10 points for your first entry but your following entries only earn you 1 point, as usual? :D
Name - Thundominus (looks odd; stress the O as you would when saying "ominous")
Name Origin - Thunder + Ominous + Nimbus
Species - Storm Cloud Pokémon
Type - Electric + Dark
Ability - Levitate

Pokedex Entry (Sun) - These Pokémon are most often seen accumulating en masse above towns and cities, where they appear as an enormous storm cloud. They bump together to form electrical charges, using flashes of lightning as a way to communicate.

Pokedex Entry (Moon) - When Thundominus gather they cast a sinister shadow that blankets the area in darkness. They feed off the fear drawn out of their victims by frightening them with thunderous claps and lightning bolts.
Hey I like that idea, maybe we should have a +5 or +10 for our first entries in the Event, right LegendChu? ;)

Speaking of the Event, I'm ready with my entry as well.

Name - Volsauroc (pronounced vol-sao-rock)
Name Origin - Volt + Dinosaur + Rock
Species - Shock Rock Pokémon
Type - Electric / Rock
Ability - Rock Head or Volt Absorb

How to obtain it - Revive Volt Tail fossil (something extra I added).

Pokedex Entry (Sun) - This prehistoric Pokemon stored Electrical energy in its tail. When it thumped its tail hard on the ground, it sent shock waves which can be felt throughout the entire globe.

Pokedex Entry (Moon) - It body is ten times harder than the hardest metals present on earth. Even missiles cannot pierce through its body.
Mega Electrode- it would be interesting to see what the creators could do with the design. Maybe go from a poke ball to an ultra ball? xD
It has a very high base speed, and would have increased sp. att, def, and sp. def. Or att to take advantage of explosion? Idk for ability, but something to help it overcome its frail self. Maybe Levitate or a new ability that lets its electric type attacks hit ground for neutral damage?
Ah a new discussion, I think this is going to be a very interesting topic.
As we have been talking, although I'd love to see Pikaclones evolve, I don't necessarily want them to Mega Evolve. As for who deserves a Mega Evolution, well how about maybe Stunfisk, I mean its one of the least popular Electric Types, so a Mega Evolution for it, would be a good thing.
Did somebody say Mega Stunfisk???

Current Discussion - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

There are many Electric-types viable for Mega Evolution but HELIOLISK FOR ME PLEASE! It would have to be Electric/Fire. c:

Slightly less cool but still fitting:

Current Discussion - Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

Definitely Pachirisu, this unique and cute Pokemon really needs a mega evolution which makes it powerful and give its much more importance..... look what i found is so cool:

I would want to see a Mega Evolution for Electrode.

I found an interesting pic.


Doesn't it resemble a master ball?
Which Electric Pokemon do you think deserves a Mega Evolution?

How has nobody mentioned Luxray yet? Electric/Dark Luxray needs to happen, guys!

Luxray aside, I agree that Pokémon as Pachirisu and Dedenne could use a Mega. Maybe we're actually going to be able to see some Nuzzles in OU tiers that way.

Okay, that's just genius!
Wow guys, I think all of them are great choices for Mega Evolutions. Great fanarts there Clover, Return, DKoolGal (I agree with Lycan, its a brilliant idea for a Mega Electrode. Do you know the source for that?

Oh! Speaking of the event, I have my entry ready, more or less. :D I know it took a while but I lost my thinking cap, aha. Also, I have a question: Does entering the event give you a boost to your amount of post points? I think it'll encourage submissions! How about you get, say, 5 or 10 points for your first entry but your following entries only earn you 1 point, as usual? :D
Name - Thundominus (looks odd; stress the O as you would when saying "ominous")
Name Origin - Thunder + Ominous + Nimbus
Species - Storm Cloud Pokémon
Type - Electric + Dark
Ability - Levitate

Pokedex Entry (Sun) - These Pokémon are most often seen accumulating en masse above towns and cities, where they appear as an enormous storm cloud. They bump together to form electrical charges, using flashes of lightning as a way to communicate.

Pokedex Entry (Moon) - When Thundominus gather they cast a sinister shadow that blankets the area in darkness. They feed off the fear drawn out of their victims by frightening them with thunderous claps and lightning bolts.
Hey I like that idea, maybe we should have a +5 or +10 for our first entries in the Event, right LegendChu?
[PokeCommunity.com] Add A ~Spark~ To Your Life - The ~Electric~ Fan Club!!!! (Celebrating First Anniversary)

Speaking of the Event, I'm ready with my entry as well.

Name - Volsauroc (pronounced vol-sao-rock)
Name Origin - Volt + Dinosaur + Rock
Species - Shock Rock Pokémon
Type - Electric / Rock
Ability - Rock Head or Volt Absorb

How to obtain it - Revive Volt Tail fossil (something extra I added).

Pokedex Entry (Sun) - This prehistoric Pokemon stored Electrical energy in its tail. When it thumped its tail hard on the ground, it sent shock waves which can be felt throughout the entire globe.

Pokedex Entry (Moon) - It body is ten times harder than the hardest metals present on earth. Even missiles cannot pierce through its body.
Hey Clover, NinjaQueen, two of the most active members here on this Club, great creations. And I understand what you're getting at, that extra points things is a good idea. Don't worry I'll take it into consideration & maybe you two are very close to be eligible for a surprise ;). Just keep posting :).

The thing is, they are PIKA-Clones. and Pikachu is a 3 stages evolution. Doesn't that mean the clones must have at least one evolution?
You got a point there. And you got something else too. So, Lieutenant Mawa, I'm very pleased to inform you that since you have 10 Posts on this Thread, you have been promoted & will now be known as Captain Mawa. And you can now evolve/change your Starter & choose another Pokemon to add to your Team, from the "Available Starters" list. So let me know on this Thread, what they will be :).

Pika Pika :chu:
I am captain, yes!! :D

I think I'll evolve my chinchou into a lanturn! :D

Ok so I wn't quote everyone, but I liked all the fakemn I've seen here! I love the way we d show each other a lot of mega and fakemon (electric types)! I love it!

I can totally see the Master Ball Voltorb as a mega evolution!
Okay, that's just genius!
I can totally see the Master Ball Voltorb as a mega evolution!
Wow guys, I think all of them are great choices for Mega Evolutions. Great fanarts there Clover, Return, DKoolGal (I agree with Lycan, its a brilliant idea for a Mega Electrode. Do you know the source for that?
Thanks guys, it was just something random I chanced upon. And no I don't know the source for that, just something I found on the net, looked interesting, so posted it here.