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Answer the question above & quiz the next user! v2

What's your fav subject at school?


I do like mathematicsas well, but the fact was that our course in school were having lots of prove this-that on geometrical theorems, which I hated a lot....

With that said;

Geometrical reasoning is harder than analytical reasoning ?
I think these kinds of things vary from person to person and it wouldn't be fair to label one as harder. For me I would find geometrical more challenging, but academically we all encounter our own challenges and struggles and it's often unique to ourselves.

Would you rather schedule an appointment in the morning or evening?
Physical mail is better than email

I assume that physical mail is same as the letters which we put in postbox. Physical mail is of course interesting as it improves our writing ability and gives us good practice as well, but the fact is that real use case of mail is to convey our messages. And w.r.t. this, the emails are better because they are fast and efficient.

Although I think there are many people in world who compose the message via help of AI or so !!

Why faint electric current gives tingling sensation to body ?
My brain does not understand this question :huh: Google come save me.

"A shock can affect the nervous system. Nerves are tissue that offers very little resistance to the passage of an electric current. When nerves are affected by an electric shock, the consequences include pain, tingling, numbness, weakness or difficulty moving a limb. These effects may clear up with time or be permanent."

Do you like pasta?
Daily. I enjoy going through news, be it via newspaper or via news channel. Though I not enjoy it at times, but at least there's something different to look into.

Why do big tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Apple are indulged in privacy-invading things, even though they make lots of money ?
Not as well as I used to - one of the consequences of getting older. Back in high school and college though, I was a regular at school-sanctioned dances and even helped plan a few.

Do you have a choice of internet providers in your area, or is it a monopoly with one company servicing everybody?
Not really, I find them a useful safety feature as they can spot obstructions that may be missed just looking through the back window.

How do you access Pokecommunity (through a laptop, in a library, etc)?

Actually yes! it was for my cousin's birthday, we lost though we were so close!

Physical mail is better than email.
I did one too for my birthday last year, and we actually won with just 2 minutes left! I took a picture as well; which I'll attach to this post.


  • [PokeCommunity.com] Answer the question above & quiz the next user! v2
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I don't care much about Raids. But those I did always ended up in a successful catch. Or I just didn't bother catching them. Raids are one of those mechanics that I care the least in modern Pokemon games.

What's your dream in life?