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Anyone else enjoy the air naturally being hot during summer, or is it just me?

  • 8
    • Seen Nov 30, 2023
    All my friends LOVE winter and I simply can't figure out why, the cold just feels awful and makes me feel so slow. Personally, the hotter it is, the better, I can't be alone on this right?
    I'm right there with you. The warmer temperatures are more of a challenge that I enjoy and don't mind feeling. The cold otoh forces me to put on layers and try to keep myself from catching viruses.
    I love the cold much better, but I also get sick when the temperature reaches 90 F (32.2 C). I loved winter completely until I had to drive in tons of snow but still like snow.
    I can't stand the cold, I'd much rather deal with the heat. I once got nasty frostbite so I'm sure that has something to do with my hatred of the cold and snow, but also I have really nasty seasonal depression every winter. So when it starts getting cold, I know my mood is about to go downhill something fierce.

    Whether or not I enjoy the heat is another thing entirely. It's preferable to the cold, but I still prefer a decent autumnal temperature to anything else. One where I can have the windows open all day and night because the weather is so perfect. Too bad that only lasts maybe 2-3 total months out of the year.
    I am one who likes the colder months. (though I'm not fond of how dark it gets so dang early) I have a hard time breathing when the air is really warm, it's much easier for me to breath when the air is cooler.
    I can't stand the heat personally. Anything above 25 degrees Celsius is too much and highly unpleasant to me. The summer heat is something that I always want to go away as fast as possible. What am I supposed to do at 35+ degrees during summer? Even if I were to walk around butt naked that temperature would still burn me to a crisp. Can't really take off any more clothes to cool myself at that point, though I've never done that to begin with.

    The winter on the other hand is much easier to deal with. Just dress warmer, that's it. And you can keep adding layers or warmer clothing underneath your coat for quite a while, and even wear thermal clothing if needed.

    Winter is highly preferable to hot weather to me.
    That said temperature wise I actually kinda prefer late Autumn, where the temperature isn't stupidly high as in summer, nor as cold as during winter. autumn tends to be very rainy here though, which I'm not a fan off, so for that Winter would actually be better as although it does still rain, it isn't nearly as much.
    I'm afraid I can't relate. Interesting you are surrounded by cold weather-lovers. It's the opposite for me, I am a cold weather-lover surrounded by hot weather-lovers. lol. In fact, the fact that I dislike Spring and Summer has always made me feel like the odd one out. Loving the heat, sun, Spring and Summer is the "default", so much so that all weather forecasters talk like 90 degrees and sunny is beautiful weather and 60 degrees with clouds is "dreary and chilly".

    For me, heat is hard to deal with. I find it much harder to breathe in hot weather. I find the feeling of being too warm/hot to be downright miserable. The weather literally effects my mood, and hot weather makes me miserable and irritable. I despise when it's warm in the house, whereas a slight chill in the home that allows me to put on my robe and actual PJ bottoms (I wear shorts at home generally) and sleep under all of the covers conversely puts me in a great mood.

    I also have a weird temperature tolerance level. I fully acknowledge this. It's very easy for me to get too warm. For example today was sunny and in the 60s F, it was too warm for me (60s with clouds and a breeze can be nice, though)! And when I got in the car I had to turn on the air-conditioner. I absolutely can not stand stale, warm air in the car.

    It's not like I have a particularly high tolerance level for the cold, either. I just find it easier to work with. And oddly enough it does not put me in a bad mood.
    I hate the cold, it always feels really awful, sometimes even painful, and has the worse annoyances and dangers to me, but I don't like either temperature extreme really. Like yeah, if I had to pick one over the other I'd rather it be really hot than really cold, but it's better still not to deal with either.
    I do not like the cold or the hot. I like it in between not too cold, but not too hot.
    I'm very sensitive to temperature in general. Under 70F is too cold for me while over 95F is way too hot. I only prefer cold weather because it's much easier to deal with via layers and the like.
    considering the weather in my country is 90% summer, i've been sick of it for ages lmao. not fun when i sweat like hell doing any mildly strenuous activity. i also would love to wear jackets and layer clothing, but i just can't do that here else i suffer a heat stroke.
    I prefer cold weather only because it keeps away insects. It's nice walking outside and not having to worry about something stinging or draining my blood. We live in a forested area so it's more prevalent than normal.
    I hate the heat and summer's my least favorite season, but I don't like it when it's really cold like in the winter, either. Spring and autumn are the best for me, and my favorite temperature is when it's around 12°C/55°F or so.
    I always look forward to opening my windows during the summer and letting the light in. It often boosts my mood and it might be because I associate months like October and November with seasonal depression and the start of the school year. It's bright and sunny and I can go out in lighter clothes. I'd definitely rather be sweating than shivering.