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News: Ash Hat Pikachu Available Worldwide From September 19th

Charlie Brown

  • 4,240
    You'll be able to get one of six Ash Hat Pikachu in your Sun & Moon games, as well as a bonus exclusive Pikachu if you attend a screening of the 20th movie!
    Does anyone know if you have to become Champion before scanning the code(as was the case with Magearna), or can you get them at any time?
    Sinnoh hat for sure. Would even transfer it over to possible Sinnoh remakes and use it there.
    Are there any stat differences for each Hat Pikachu?
    Visual difference, slight moves difference, and if they follow the JAP Events, they will also be at different levels and will all be Hardy-Natured.
    Does anyone know if you have to become Champion before scanning the code(as was the case with Magearna), or can you get them at any time?
    No information seems to be released on that yet :(

    Also, here is the I Choose You! Pikachu Hat Sprite, for USUM:
    [PokeCommunity.com] Ash Hat Pikachu Available Worldwide From September 19th
    Original (Kanto) hat Pikachu will be the one I get as it is the time I watched the anime properly.

    I am pleased this fun event is finally being made available.
    I figured the Ash Hat Pikachu group's international release would coincide with the dubbed release of M20, considering that was the case in Japan as well when the movie came out there.

    Updated article to reflect that they get different moves.

    And to note, those were based off the moveset Pikachu had during that region in the anime.
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    I think the important thing to note here is: regardless of which Pikachu you choose, it likely won't be going to Gen VIII games, like the Notched-ear Pichu.
    I noticed all the six regular Ash Hat Pikachu can be obtained by scanning a QR Code on the official Pokemon website, though you can only pick one of the hats to obtain.

    I'm still thinking about which one to get, though I should also point out the Trainer ID No. on each of these Pikachu corresponds to the airdate of the first episode of that generation's saga, as below:

    Original Cap - 970401 (1st April, 1997)
    Hoenn Cap - 021121 (21st November, 2002)
    Sinnoh Cap - 060928 (28th September, 2006)
    Unova Cap - 100923 (23rd September, 2010)
    Kalos Cap - 131017 (17th October, 2013)
    Alola Cap - 161117 (17th November, 2016)
    .... You can only get... 1? Why? I mean I guess its Ash's Pikachu, and there technically only is one, though that didn't stop Pokemon Shuffle. Kinda dissapointing. Might to Hoenn or Kalos. My brother is getting Kanto/Johto. Not sure what my other brother will be getting. Wonder if the codes work in USUM also? So you could technically have 3 in SuMo and 3 in UsUm.
    I noticed we haven't had the Pikashunium Z announced as obtainable with this event, but considering it was obtained when you got Pikachu with the Japanese event I'm assuming it'll be the same here.

    Oh sweet! I think I'll get Sinnoh because it comes it out on the day of my birthday. \o/

    Mine comes near the end of Hoenn's distribution. I'm debating between getting Hoenn, Sinnoh or Unova since 3rd Gen was when I started playing the games, DP was the first anime saga that I had a liking for, while Unova is my fave region.

    I feel Sinnoh or Hoenn for my fave, but we'll see. Sinnoh starts two days after my birthday anyway, but I may get Hoenn if I want the Pikachu as my own in-game birthday present.
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    And to note, those were based off the moveset Pikachu had during that region in the anime.
    Do we know what exactly the movesets will be though?

    I haven't really watched the anime in many years now, so I wouldn't know....
    Do we know what exactly the movesets will be though?

    I haven't really watched the anime in many years now, so I wouldn't know....

    This event will likely be similar to the Japanese one earlier this year. So that'll mean they'll have the varying movesets that were based off what moves Pikachu had at the time of that series.

    Movesets are as follows:

    OS: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Agility
    AG: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Iron Tail
    DP: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle
    BW/XY/SM: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Electro Ball
    This event will likely be similar to the Japanese one earlier this year. So that'll mean they'll have the varying movesets that were based off what moves Pikachu had at the time of that series.

    Movesets are as follows:

    OS: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Agility
    AG: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Thunder, Iron Tail
    DP: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Volt Tackle
    BW/XY/SM: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Electro Ball

    Looks like DP Pikachu has the best moveset because Volt Tackle combined with Light Ball hits like a truck. Now to replace Quick Attack or Thunderbolt for Brick Break.