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Patch: Chronosplit's Romhack Garage


I play for keeps!
  • 494
    • Seen Jul 19, 2024
    Hey everyone, it's been a while. Right now activities are at a lull with my projects due to IRL, so now it's a good time to just hunker down and throw everything into a thread. Note that these are not all Pokemon, I've been busy in other games lately.

    Here's a link to everything I'm talking about: https://mega.nz/#F!OI91hCTb!07Tsx9_auVpG1ksRFUDgsA

    I'm gonna start with the stuff for Pokemon and then do the rest. And before anyone asks, these are completed!

    Hoenn Dex Edition/Pokemon Emerald National Dex:

    Stone Clones:




    CTBugfix (Chrono Trigger, SNES):

    TSFix (Final Fantasy IX, PS1):

    FFTA stuff worth saving (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, GBA):

    FFT Name Fix (Final Fantasy Tactics, PS1):

    Soooo there you have it! If you have any questions, shoot them to me. Since this got submitted to Tools, if you'd like to use any of these feel free to do so.
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    I saw your projects on romhacking.net and I honestly like them, specially the patch that swaps Emerald Brendan and May with more RS-like versions of their costumes.
    Pretty good stuff dude, nice work :)
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    Current status: Able to work very slowly, in a couple days will be back to somewhat normal; CT patch is getting a small update before 600 AD work begins.

    Oh, one thing I forgot to note (but has been noted to me a lot); all Emerald patches and FR251 use space that the damage split standalone patches you see around here take up. That doesn't mean it's not compatible, you're just going to have to apply the hacks differently. Honestly, when talking freespace it's a bit jumbled up in there.

    FR251 will not work with MrDollSteak's base for the same reason, but I have absolutely no clue whatsoever about the newer Emerald battle engine as these Emerald projects started before that (and quite honestly, I'm absolutely floored by it's existence. Dang, Emerald has done a lot while I've been away). Let me know if it jives!

    I saw your projects on romhacking.net and I honestly like them, specially the patch that swaps Emerald Brendan and May with more RS-like versions of their costumes.
    Pretty good stuff dude, nice work :)
    Thank you!
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    CTBugfix updated; mostly typos and other minor things, but a lot of minor things. This is basically to set up the base for 600 AD so I don't need to add in these fixes again later.

    (Oh and BTW, I use code tags and get into detail with in-game text edits for multiple purposes).
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    Hi, I wanted to let you know that I will be repointing all offsets starting from 0x750000 to 0x740000 for the Official Throwback only sometime this month. Your stone evolution movesets patch should work 100% by then, but make sure not to use anywhere from 0x740000-0x74FFFF if you want to maintain full compatibility in the future.
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    Okay, I've repointed everything from 0x750000 down to 0x740000. By the way, you mentioned in your FRoback that Cool Trainer Owen's Nidorino's and Nidorina's movesets were switched. But Owen doesn't have those Pokemon as far as I know...
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    Hi Chrono, i like what are you working on (especially 251) but can you decap the menu and yes/no for 251? (i know that it's because of your preference but i hope that you consider it)
    Sorry for the late replies, all!

    tkim said:
    Hi, I wanted to let you know that I will be repointing all offsets starting from 0x750000 to 0x740000 for the Official Throwback only sometime this month. Your stone evolution movesets patch should work 100% by then, but make sure not to use anywhere from 0x740000-0x74FFFF if you want to maintain full compatibility in the future.
    Hey, thanks a lot! I'll definitely be making a note of that in the readme soon.

    Okay, I've repointed everything from 0x750000 down to 0x740000. By the way, you mentioned in your FRoback that Cool Trainer Owen's Nidorino's and Nidorina's movesets were switched. But Owen doesn't have those Pokemon as far as I know...
    I'll make a mental note to look through a trainer editor and check up on the name. There is a cooltrainer with a bugged moveset in FR of exactly that description in the trainer lineup, but I basically copypasted it from FR251's readme.

    Hi Chrono, i like what are you working on (especially 251) but can you decap the menu and yes/no for 251? (i know that it's because of your preference but i hope that you consider it)
    If I ever come back around, I'll definitely consider both the menu and multichoices. That's on the docket, along with attempting to fold in the black screen fix somehow (might result in the main patch being a BPS if that ever happens).
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    If I ever come back around, I'll definitely consider both the menu and multichoices. That's on the docket, along with attempting to fold in the black screen fix somehow (might result in the main patch being a BPS if that ever happens).

    Thanks! This patch is really good for base (i'll try to do romhack someday after i know what i'm doing)
    No fixes to Emerald, but I got a report about Deoxys Speed having a backsprite issue. I'm unsure if I can fix this or not within the confines of the hack's focus; it appears that Deoxys forms share the same positioning data due to Speed being registered as an animation frame of normal. This results in speed's backsprite being really high.

    The only way around this I can think of without effecting the Normal form's sprite is to implement form changes for Deoxys to Speed/Defense/Attack/Normal. While this sounds really cool I'm completely unsure about things like trading, and more importantly I don't think it's "kosher" so to speak when talking about the scope range of Hoenn and National Dex. If anyone else wants to take a crack at this, be my guest though!
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    CTBugfix updated again. There will be more to follow tomorrow hopefully, but this is the meatiest part. It all has to do with item description fixes.

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    Aaaand a couple days more isn't too bad for the next CTBugfix promise.

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    Are you sure Unofficial FRoback works? I patched it over Unofficial Throwback and the game freezes after obtaining a Pokemon.
    Are you sure Unofficial FRoback works? I patched it over Unofficial Throwback and the game freezes after obtaining a Pokemon.
    Sorry about the late reply! You need to use it with tkim's updated version of the original, not unofficial throwback. At least for now. I updated the RHDN page but I completely forgot about the OP here.

    This is a thing I've brought up in the Throwback thread a while ago, because FRoback doesn't mess with events at all let alone the very start (I'm thinking only the base might be doing it which is weirder). If anyone has any insight on this issue give me a holler. My only theory is that one of Unofficial's changes is causing the combo to break, but I have no clue how that could be either.
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    Hi there, does the Battle Tower cloning glitch work in Pokemon Emerald National Dex Edition?
    FR251 updated:
    -New Black Jynx patch, it's much less bad. Big thanks to SCD for the sprite edits and to ShadowOne333 for putting it in patch form. A later update may also include a patch that brings back the original FR sprites thanks to him (I know that some weren't appreciative of the replacements, so it's something to look out for).

    Hoenn Dex Edition and Pokemon Emerald National Dex updated:
    -Added Black Jynx patch. Now, I know that Ruby/Sapphire onward had Jynx the same internationally but it's basically the Emerald version of FR251's. Yep, it's got animation frames. Big thanks to SCD for sprite edits and to ShadowOne333 for putting it in patch form.

    EDIT: The Black Jynx patch has been found out to be behind a gamebreaking bug. Fix is coming ASAP.
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    Emerald patches updated:
    -Fixed Black Jynx patch for good. Last version had sprite corruption and a gamebreaker in Granite Cave.
    RHDN decided to time out right when I was going to post there, so in the meantime I'll update progress with CTBugfix 7 here. This update will not come out soon, I do not think so anyway. There are plenty of lines to update (and keep in mind, I'll be doing this six times each).

    Magus title: In addressing a strange issue due to the limitations of both the game and the english translation, I'll be using The Fiendlord for Magus's name in the Middle ages and the Present where it fits. I'll also be renaming the Mystics to Fiends (the reason why Fiendlord even worked, and as it turns out Mystic is a censored form of this due to Fiend being a synonym of demon). I have tried other alternatives (Mystic Lord, Demons/Demonlord) but none of them stuck like Slattery's usage. There will also be an offhand reference to this in the cove. Magus's name will be used all other times, and also in places like Medina, Magus's generals, and the Cathedral's chanting room.

    There will not be a version that omits these changes. It's simply too large.

    Quotation marks: someone brought this up to me. Quotation marks around items is something that really isn't needed in the script at all. I'm looking into this, but I'm not going to do it unless it can be consistent (the tutorial about status effects is the big one here).

    Liberties Extended: These patches will be receiving a minor overhaul, in that more item names will be updated in kind (only in these patches). While I'm not sure about just how many, if something can improved by it I will make an attempt. I'll be using LethargicOwl's item names as inspiration here, though I won't be defaulting to DS at all.

    Other stuff:
    -P.E. no longer has that strange page break in the castle.
    -Spelling fixes in the tale about Cyrus, Magus's edited lines in the Lavos Core battle, the ending, and in the Genocidome.
    -The readme document will be an ODF. No reason to keep an RTF around after a computer switch to Windows.
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